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Thoughts on Titania?


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like every new warframe  people will use it DE may buff it then nerf it then buff it then nerf it,.. etc  then people forget about it, 1 year later will hear DE in dev stream #150 talking about her rework


want example ?  mag, ember, exal, rhino,... etc 

it's ReWorkFrame 

Edited by Abufhad
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Just now, LSG501 said:

Maybe I'm a bit random with my thinking but I'd love to see a passive where titania and oberon can boost each other in some way....

I do want titania though :)

That'd be awesome! Random in a good way though. It'd be cool to have 2 frames who can easily act as a pair, that doesnt include Equinox :P

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53 minutes ago, -MortisThorne- said:

Just wondering how everyone feels about her. Are you just as hyped as me? What do you think about her concept design, or concept in general? Or maybe her name, and the relations to Oberon? How about the obvious perfect shipping pair those two are, how popular it will become, and the amount of Warframe couples that are going to use it? lmao. Just anything about Titania, I'm curious to see what everyone thinks.




art by "DarikaArt"

Not matter how bad she is...she will be worth it for the animations and the escaping maps. :o

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43 minutes ago, Tymerc said:

Floating pink Rhinos. 

That is all. 

This ....... this is what I'm afraid of. The Harbringers of the End. The army of gravity-defying pink Rhinos that signals the Return of the Sentinent. The cataclysmic event that marks the Downfall of Balance.

/ Mad Prophet Mode off


I like her design, especially the Razor-Butterflys of Death. Hope will be able to iduce several states of dismemberment on our enemies.

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11 minutes ago, lolmaster222 said:

Rule 34 ? 

no just me ? 

forget i said anything 

There are probably communities out there putting that rule to the test, but these forums have kids on them so it is best not to mention it here. Even if it may or may not be covered in the rules then just out of respect to them.

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I am insanely hyped. This is probably the first frame or update to the game that has me seriously hyped. In most updates, i'm not excited for the main stream things, i'm more excited for the little things. An example of this is U18, I was more excited for the inside of the ship changes, even if they where small, more than the quest just cause I wanted something new to log into. With the war within, way more than the quest, I am so excited for Titania, and the only way I'm going to probably end up building her for is her fourth power. Just cause being tiny is f**king awesome.

This is officially, for me, the greatest update ever coming to warframe. I was hyped before for when Equinox was coming cause she was unique, but this is even cooler and makes me even more excited.

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1 hour ago, ashrah said:

i am not   fun of mirage she is very boring to me... she is still very strong and i am not even notice symulor nerf...depends all what skills she will have......rage...duration idk

yeah, mirrage is actually quite boring to me. She's still super, uber powerful, and the sumulour nerf doesn't do too much to her damge (Side note, the tonkor and simulour nerfs where not actually nerfs. The damage they do now is what they always where meant to do. They used to auto hit head shots all the time, but that bug was fixed so now they do the damage they always where meant to do). So yeah, Mirrage is still op and really strong, but for me, way too squishy and pretty boring. It lacks uniqueness for me

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My Impressions On paper? (Because that's all we have right now)

1.) I hope her 4 can last a while, as the idea seems fun!

2.) Her "Lamplighter" and "Fairy Dust" ability seem quite practical very directly on paper.

3.) Her "Soul Swipe" is the only ability that I don't know if it will just be good, or bad, or a roll of the dice.

4.) I don't know what a "Gravity Well" is, but I want one.

5.) Best Idle goes to... Titania.

6.) I like the sleek look of the frame.

7.) ???


Either way, things are looking positive for the frame.  She is guaranteed at least 3 useful abilities and hopefully her gimmick of shrinking and being able to fly isn't weak or overpowered or Just a gimmick.  I really hope they stick with the tradition of scaling (at least to some degree) the primary/secondary/melee weapon mods with her 4.  Please DE D:

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5 hours ago, achromos said:

My Impressions On paper? (Because that's all we have right now)

1.) I hope her 4 can last a while, as the idea seems fun!

2.) Her "Lamplighter" and "Fairy Dust" ability seem quite practical very directly on paper.

3.) Her "Soul Swipe" is the only ability that I don't know if it will just be good, or bad, or a roll of the dice.

4.) I don't know what a "Gravity Well" is, but I want one.

5.) Best Idle goes to... Titania.

6.) I like the sleek look of the frame.

7.) ???


Either way, things are looking positive for the frame.  She is guaranteed at least 3 useful abilities and hopefully her gimmick of shrinking and being able to fly isn't weak or overpowered or Just a gimmick.  I really hope they stick with the tradition of scaling (at least to some degree) the primary/secondary/melee weapon mods with her 4.  Please DE D:

Gravity Well... Think Black Hole :clem:

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3 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

Gravity Well... Think Black Hole :clem:


Being honest, my mind was stuck on the whole "Give Allies and self a better bullet jump."  so when I saw gravity well, I was kinda confused.  Though I guess that makes sense, too bad about the team-bullet jump buff.

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I'm honestly very excited for her, After hearing about all her abilities that we know of them so far she changes up a lot of the norm which is good in my books. I need something new and possibly fun to play and this indeed could be very fun. I can see myself using her 4 a lot. Mini archwing pixie go.

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12 hours ago, LSG501 said:

Maybe I'm a bit random with my thinking but I'd love to see a passive where titania and oberon can boost each other in some way....

Two main problems with that.

1) That isn't an interesting passive, let alone it relies upon forcing somebody else to play Oberon or Titania which isn't disposed to make people like such an arrangement. Oberon is pretty unpopular as it stands, and forcing people to use him for the benefit of the Titania player wouldn't help that sentiment at all.

2) Finally, being better 'just because' isn't an expression of strategy, skill or emergent synergies that make Frame's interesting selections. Getting an advantage without actually doing anything to earn it is hardly appealing. By contrast consider the old Bullet Attractor + Radial Javelin combination, or using Banish on a Mesa; engagement with the skillsets and how they interact to achieve a greater result, and due to effort, more rewarding.

Warframes should be able to stand on their own skills and merits, rather than requiring another to fully function especially if it has to be a specific other than what has the most complimentary skill set. Titania should be distinct and interesting in her own rights, not reduced to fit people's fixation on Shakespeare.

As for the wider topic:

Until we see her in Gameplay, all I can say for Titania is that she has a distinct aesthetic. We've the cover of a book and a contents page so far, which just isn't sufficient to form an actual opinion. Hopefully the Devstream will, much like Ivara before her, quantify her properly beyond mere appearance. Here's hoping she's good in practical terms really.

Any event, apologies for going on, as ever.

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Immediate thoughts: "Thoroughly meh - probably another squishy Warframe that I likely won't play"

Long-term thoughts: "If she doesn't come alongside a proper Oberon overhaul to make him both durable and useful, I'mma be pissed - I want to like Oberon, but in his current state I just can't."

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