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Coming Soon: Devstream #78!


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I know warframe is in expansion right now. New warframes and also lore. But as for what you guys already have and for the age of warframe, that seems to be too little. Even the description of the warframes doesn't make any sense with the interaction that we have with the operator.

So, why not open for the public to help you build the lore of the game. We might have writers or editors that play the game and might have some interesting ideias.
When we are to meet the operators for exemple and ALAD V says that when he first opened a warframe he thought it was "strange". Which makes players wonder what is inside of them. Or even what kind of energy. Stuff like that. And as you guys might be having a hard time revitalizing the game I trully bilieve that we as a community might be able to help on that.


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This is a question I've asked a long time ago but I feel it needs to be brought up again.  We have a button that allows us to change what side our camera is on when playing Warframe.  Sadly when using the camera on the left side of your frame your animations and shots do not line up, which is especially noticable when directly infront of an enemy.  Will it be possible to get these animations mirrored when we swap what side our camera is on?

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I have one more question! Do we ever get the health / shields rework? Because as it stands now...everything above level 50 simply oneshots almost all of the frames (with health mode + rage + quick thinking + primed flow euqipped). Which is not okay i guess...

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I want to combine separate abilities to sync together by each tenno in my squad for an ultimate team ability. So with the right timing on activation ember and frost aiming fire and ice will mesh to produce a fire ice dancing wave of power.

You pick up the enemy and I stab him after another shoots him combo. The team ability will be stronger the more tenno involved in the ally ability combo.

Edited by (PS4)Techmagi
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Will there eventually be a storyline for every boss in game? characters such as the sergeant, ambulace, even lech krill (a few others i forget) just seem. there. seeing with what you did to kela de thaym, will there be more interesting reworks to bosses eventually?

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23 hours ago, SpaceBad said:

1. With Titania being the devstream's topic, it begs the question: but what of Oberon? Titania was the queen of the fae and Oberon the king, if Titania is supposed to be good and cool, what of Oberon? Will he ever see a rework or something to bring him up to par with his counterpart?

2. Hydroid. Still worthless. A couple Prime Times ago they literally forgot he even existed, voting the Sirenia for fan concept of the week under the basis of, "It's like a water-themed warframe, that's really cool I like that, I don't think we have that yet". Really? That warframe's concept is literally 'Hydroid, but good'. He saw a very brief period of borderline usefulness with Fissures 1.0, and immediately sank back to worthless-for-everything status with their rework. He hasn't gotten any skins, any personality, any anything at all. Rework him, please. Deadest frame in the game, even Limbo sees more use.


1. she isnt out yet, dont know if she is good or bad and oberon isnt even that bad, id rather see zephyr after limbo.

2. hydroid is not the least used in the game, and he really isn't that bad either, not worthless.

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Are there any plans to remove/change the cosmetic restrictions from Arcane Enhancements? (From the 8-player Trial missions). 50,000 standing is incredibly expensive for a single use Arcane Distiller. If a player seeks to use the same Arcane on multiple Frames without using an Arcane Distiller each time they change, they are forced to either use the same Syandana on each frame, or acquire multiple sets of the Arcane for each Syandana in use.

Each complete Arcane takes 10 of the same Arcane Enhancement, which can take a long time to obtain even one set, let alone multiple.

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1 minute ago, BeastKing9 said:

1. she isnt out yet, dont know if she is good or bad and oberon isnt even that bad, id rather see zephyr after limbo.

2. hydroid is not the least used in the game, and he really isn't that bad either, not worthless.

There i nothing wrong with hydroid as i can see. My build is so op. Although i would like a deluxe skin for him 

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So Update 19 is probably looming around, and what I would like to ask from all of you is: What has been your experience of the Update process so far? Have you learnt anything new about what works, and what doesn't? How have you grown from the experience? And what is your approach going from this experience to the future.

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Would it be possible to include Rathuum, Assassinations, and Archwing as possible locations for fissures?

Also, would it be possible to have corrupted units be hostile towards their original faction? I think this would make fissure missions more chaotic and interesting.

Edited by Thursley
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Suggestion #1: Quick Play Queue 

Purpose: Sometimes you just want to play. You don't really care about doing a specific node or whatnot. Or maybe you do need to do a specific node, but since it's not on alert nobody's touching it. 

Functionality: Have some generic "Quick Join" button on navigation. Have min/max level slider (any by default), desired factions (any by default), and mission type (any by default). Give the option to select multiple factions or mission types. And then just let it sit, and it'll throw you into some public mission that is currently starting or running and is short 1-3 players.


Suggestion #2: Quick Loadout Access 

Purpose: When you pick a mission on a whim, not having to run back and forth from navigation to the arsenal or through leaving and navigating 3 different menus. 

Functionality: Contextual menu in navigation, select from available preset (which have been 'pre-set' in the arsenal'. Choose from your different loadout slots for equipped warframes and weapons, and their individual mod loadouts.

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I really love role-playing games, and one of my favorite weapons in such games are usually daggers: low damage, but they make up for it with high attack speed and high critical chance. And here comes my question: could You please increase critical chance on daggers, or at least release a set of single and dual daggers with high crit chance? Right now, with all daggers having 5% crit chance, a crit-based build doesn't quite work with daggers, or at least it has very limited potential. Even with Karyst having 10% critical chance, that's still not quite enough. Even hammers in warframe have higher crit chance (Fragor Prime 35%), while poor daggers are not viable for proper crit-builds. Please consider this, a dagger with 30-40% and dual daggers with 20-25% crit chance would be nice. Thank You, otherwise amazing game, one of the best!

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6 minutes ago, Earthblood said:

Suggestion #1: Quick Play Queue 

Purpose: Sometimes you just want to play. You don't really care about doing a specific node or whatnot. Or maybe you do need to do a specific node, but since it's not on alert nobody's touching it. 

Functionality: Have some generic "Quick Join" button on navigation. Have min/max level slider (any by default), desired factions (any by default), and mission type (any by default). Give the option to select multiple factions or mission types. And then just let it sit, and it'll throw you into some public mission that is currently starting or running and is short 1-3 players.


Suggestion #2: Quick Loadout Access 

Purpose: When you pick a mission on a whim, not having to run back and forth from navigation to the arsenal or through leaving and navigating 3 different menus. 

Functionality: Contextual menu in navigation, select from available preset (which have been 'pre-set' in the arsenal'. Choose from your different loadout slots for equipped warframes and weapons, and their individual mod loadouts.

I really like suggestion #2, just a quick dropdown menu at the top that allows you to select which loadout you want to play.

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