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Whats your daily warframe routine?


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Before SoTR:

Log in, check foundry, getting new frames and weapons, upgrading mods, do sorties, running void missions for hours while having fun and using different load-outs.



Log in, maybe do sorties if the missions aren't too annoying, maybe do an alert or two depending on what mission + reward combination it is, try to sell and buy some stuff though my stuff to sell is running out because I'm not even running fissures, log out and cry in a corner.

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23 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

yes clearly we have no imagination, its not at all because of the lack of things to do in game....sure I could do all that but why bother? Additionally its a known fact that most founders will have only positive things to say about the game, but that's of course your right to say, but don't try and convince people there are tons of things to do, there are only tons of farming/grinding to do, but really theres no point in that.

There plenty of things to do it you pace yourself. If you burn through the content in no time flat sure you got nothing to do.

But there is many things to do and try

  • forma things
  • test different builds (some builds that no one has tried/mentioned are actually better then what most people are running)
  • find all the hidden kuria
  • find all the fragment
  • finish the codex scanner
  • finished you mod collection
  • play archwing
  • raids/ collect all the arcanes
  • fix your dojo
  • collect all the pigments to add color to the dojo
  • help lower level people through content
  • find all the 3 ship parts for each one
  • Get reputation from each syndicate to get their bobble heads to place on your ship.
Edited by TrueHawkEye
added ships and bobble heads for syndicates
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Power up the game and see which Loading Screen I get for starting. Check to make sure I already recorded said load up screen. 

Log into the game and see where my ship is parked. If not in same place as when I logged out....try to figure out what missions/things Ordis and Lotus did while I was away. Check my plat to make sure it is what I left it at (my oldest son used to sign in and gift stuff to himself). 

Check my Friends and Clan sections to see who is online and how long ago. Check the extractors on planet health and gather what they got. Check the Alerts and Invasions. Chat in the Clan Chat, TradeFrame chat, and sometimes the "Yours Eyes Only" section. 

Decide on what to run next or if I should remove another item out of Foundry to learn about. Having 28 item in there gives much to still play with (MR18). Run a few missions either solo or pub or help out clan mates. Check into TradeFrame again. 

Depending on what I decided to run and take along, change it up again or thank everyone and hope they had a good time in life and in game. Sign out and check Forums.


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A - decent time - log in to play and get login reward - get 2 mutagen sample as reward - Low amount of credits - farm for the relic I want - get a nice amount of credits - immediately waste the credits I got on something I want and then regret it - poor again - doesn't get relic wanted - plays syndicate mission in which there's simaris target - plow through mission - doesn't find target - spends 5 minutes backtracking for target - find target - capture target - rush to end - mission end screen - remembers that I forgot to look for the syndicate medallions - pretty much a waste of time - logout

B - 3 am - login to get reward - get 2h booster login reward - regret opening log in reward - farm to not waste reward - lose track of time - 6 am - log out

C- decent time - log in to play and get reward - get 2 fielderon sample - play void fissures - get forma bp and some 5p items no one wants - log out

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  • Login, claim reward
  • Collect extractors and deploy a new set
  • Check alerts and do them if there's something I want
  • Do sorties
  • Check alerts again
  • Do Void Fishers if I'm feeling up to it
  • Maybe a raid?
  • Admire my frame
  • Stare off into space and contemplate life
  • Build forma
  • Realize I ran out of Neural Sensors
  • Kill Alad V a couple times
  • Build forma
Edited by kontradictions
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Collect Forma from Foundry

See if I can start another. If I can't, I run T3Sab's until I get 2-4 BP's.

Start a new BP

Run Heiracon - I make it a goal to try and do as many Heiracon runs as possible until I collect 100 R5's/day

Log out

Log in to collect Daily Reward

Run Heiracon

Log out


I, currently, have 30 built forma (3 Forma BP's). I have a little over 1,000,000 cryotic. I have over 6200 R5 Gold Cores. I have over 150,000,000 credits. I'm stocking up now because I know things are going to, drastically, slow down once SotR hits consoles and I'm NOT looking forward to it.

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Log in (duh), then a cycle of various things which are mainly, farming focus, farming something for a build, build testing, helping noobs who are noobish enough to ask for help on region chat (often ones I've helped before, because they add me to help them later), and fighting level 60-100s in endless missions (often with noobs I'm carrying). I then receive my forma at about 1am, then continue various things, or attempt to do a raid, which I always fail, and it's never my fault. (I need a raid group.)

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I login, get login reward, check that doge is still alive, get a bunch of questions about playing with some of my friends. A usual "f** u" message from a buddy half way through sortie #2 because I never wait to do sorties with him (I always forget Lol!). End up getting cores from sortie, then I look at what is there left for me to complete (this list is pretty empty now a days.) I do some random missions, build a Forma and logoff.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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Before Sotr : login for daily, buid forma / volt helmet / nyx sys / ash helmet / some specters when needed then some solo/keyshare void T1/T2/T3/T4 (ext/capt/sab) for credits / ducats, 1 40/60 waves T3/T4 def (most of the time solo to be faster), sometimes sorties (team) / some spy (solo) / an excavation (team) for cores/keys/mods / ODD (solo or team) and in between missions some trades.

After Sotr : tried fissures, got bored, now login, build forma, logout.

Edited by Gilmaesh
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3 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

yes clearly we have no imagination, its not at all because of the lack of things to do in game....sure I could do all that but why bother? Additionally its a known fact that most founders will have only positive things to say about the game, but that's of course your right to say, but don't try and convince people there are tons of things to do, there are only tons of farming/grinding to do, but really theres no point in that.

Really undermined your argument when you mentioned this. Wasn't necessary and moot.

Further to this, that isn't a fact. That's your opinion.

Anyways, I log in, walk around my liset wondering what I can do and then log off. Bored right now and have been for a while, so. Hoping the next update sparks my interest. Kinda feel that I really need something like damage 3.0 or interesting enemy scaling/rebalance to ignite my interest once more and resuscitate it. In regards to his point about lacking imagination, I also call nonsense there too, some people just find what he's suggesting boring now. Nothing to do with imagination. It's about interest and entertainment. Sounded like tedium to me.

Edited by Naith
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MR 16, 672 hours played according to profile (over 1k according to Steam).

  1. Log In
  2. Claim anything completed in my foundry.
  3. Check to see if Baro's around.  Browse his inventory if he is.
  4. Visit Cephalon Simaris for his daily synthesis target.
  5. Check Alerts and Invasions for anything interesting. (potatoes, helmet customizations I don't have, clan dojo crafting resources I need).  Do them in ascending order of remaining time.
  6. Check Syndicate Missions for any Steel Meridian or Cephalon Suda missions I can reasonably do. (Exterminate, Capture, Spy, Defense, Mobile Defense.  I don't do Interceptions.)
  7. Run Lith Fissures for void traces so that I can refine my relics and get ducat fodder for Baro's next visit.
  8. Finish out Simaris's target if I haven't already, then visit him to turn it in.
  9. Start any foundry projects I have planned.  Collect resources for them if necessary.
  10. Log out.
Edited by Arkvold
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4 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

Additionally its a known fact that most founders will have only positive things to say about the game...


That's simply not true...  I mean I'm not a negative person overall (I think...  lmao.), but there are founders that thrash the devs with each update and there are some that praise just as much.  It's not a founder/non-founder thing.  Founders are players just like you.  You shouldn't use the fact that someone supported the game early on as a negative label to discredit or belittle their posts.  Everyone's opinions matter here.  Not some more than others.  


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12 minutes ago, Arkvold said:

Except that, on a strictly factual basis, you're incorrect.

Sure, anyone can use the Feedback forums.  Sure, anyone with the proper skills and software can potentially make content for the game via Tennogen and the Steam Workshop.  Despite this, only twenty-five players, selected monthly, as well as all Founders of Master-tier and higher have access to the Design Council forums and chat.  From the Wiki page:

"Available from the Master Tier and onwards, players would gain access to the Design Council subforum, which is normally hidden to other players. Players who have access to the Design Council Subform can vote on designs, features, and names in the game. The Development Team is significantly more involved in the design council subforum than they are with the rest of the forum at large."

So yes, Founders' opinions, in the eyes of DE's staff, are far more significant than the opinions of any other player.  This doesn't necessarily justify Knight_Ex's point, because as you said, there are a few founders that will happily take DE to task for their mistakes.  Regardless, there is a very clear inequality in the amount of attention paid to Founders, and the amount of attention paid to rank-and-file players.  Otherwise, the Design Council wouldn't exist, or wouldn't be comprise primarily of Founders.

Just presentin' the facts.

Err...  we're all having a discussion in the regular forums here...  Founders have pretty icons on their names, but in the end are just players like everyone else here.  I did write "Everyone's opinion matters HERE."  and that's what I meant.

The design council?  Well...  I hate to be bursting bubbles here, but all that's asked of us is to occasionally leave an opinion about what we think of something that they're working on (very very rarely) or suggest/vote on a name for something.  It all sounded really nice when they were selling it to us, but no we're not actively part of the development process, etc.  (Thank God.)

I dunno man..  DE listens to non-founders call to nerf threads just as much as founders call to nerf threads.  I don't have any statistics to prove what I'm saying (would be some kind of a weird loser if I kept stats about how many times the devs acted on founder feedback vs. non founder feedback), but I have been here for 3 years and it's what I've seen.  The devs don't give founders special treatment.  I don't go through these forums strutting like a VIP and I don't see non founders as second class citizens.  That's a terrible way to be.

Edited by sushidubya
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