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Is it fair that bugged Kavats exist and are coming to consoles?


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PC tenno have no worries about it, they got their pets, but consoles players were promised they are getting the same bug to be able cross-breed kubrow and kavats to create abomination. While PC players are unable to do so and imprints of bugged kavats can't be used to breed new ugly pets (and make an army), there is a sneaky trick and my biggest concern about it: Would it be fair to allow others have abomination pets and exploit them?

Here I go, revealing the secret: If your abomination kavat is only 1/4 kubrow, you can breed it! It is totally legit because you use x10 kavat genetic code and kavat x kavat imprints.

Check this for yourself

I used to have some extra kavats and this first one is a parental


of this:


As you can see, it is small kavat:


and I can hatch it from imprints (unlike many other hybrids that I have)



Bonus video footage of interacting with kitty: http://imgur.com/TlVKiIz

and getting imprints placed to breed the copy http://imgur.com/qRuR59Y

It took me some time to realize I have this result from the bug and I might be not the only one who tried (and will try) to breed hybrids.

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14 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Its not forced on you to make the abomination pets, so how is it not fair?

It was fixed for PC, so now only you can have your abomination pets and no one else can. Thing I am pointing out here is that fix also made ALL imprints of these bugged hybrids to not be listed, unless it is 'normal' one (define 'normal' here, my kitty is smaller in size which is abnormal).

Edited by HarissonLA
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What exactly is the point to all of this?

What's so special about these abominations besides not having a head?

Why would us console players want this opportunity to breed Kubrow/Kavat crossbreeds?

Will I ever stop typing like i'm the narrator of a 90's cartoon series that somehow always has a cliffhanger?

Tune in tomorrow and find out!

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3 hours ago, HarissonLA said:

It was fixed for PC, so now only you can have your abomination pets and no one else can. Thing I am pointing out here is that fix also made ALL imprints of these bugged hybrids to not be listed, unless it is 'normal' one (define 'normal' here, my kitty is smaller in size which is abnormal).

and yet as said in the OP, console is getting the opportunity to make these "abomination pets" just like PC was. The bugged up "normal" ones aren't harming much of anything, so for now at least they are left in. the abnormal ones cant be used for trading, so only the people with them still have them but they cant get more. DE could always go and fix the error completely if they wanted later on. They likely are leaving the bug in for console because the build candidate for the console version is ready and they do not want to muck it up more by editing it further. The fact that it lets console players enjoy the bug for a short time is just a perk IMO.

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3 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

As a geneticist in training.... No... I can live with space fairing Tenno being devoid of O2 in survival missions, but this cross-species breeding hurts me with its implausibility... Destroy the bug... 

I hope your teacher isn't Dr. Tengus or Alad V....

probably won't bother trying to make an abomination, given the amount of time it supposedly takes to farm the needed codes for breeding a Kavat, I'd rather do it properly, and hope I get a decent-coloured Kavat. but to anyone who wants to make the Kavbrows/Kubrats, go for it. I expect no shortage of hideous companions on the battlefield after the update hits.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)hardworkgenius said:

I think this will be interesting. Just to ask for those that have. What are the other "normal" abnormal creations that are possible? 

If my statement is 100% correct

7 hours ago, HarissonLA said:

If your abomination kavat is only 1/4 kubrow, you can breed it! It is totally legit because you use x10 kavat genetic code and kavat x kavat imprints.

Then all of these: http://imgur.com/a/7s2kS and even more are possible, just because if you cross-breed abomination x normal in legit way, it would be considered as "normal", even being headless if abomination would be dominant.

I can't tell more because PC doesn't have this bug anymore and I did not experiment much with cross-breeding that way, listed in first post kitty was the only one try. So PS4&XB1 players, prepare your cores, imprint templates and big pile of plat.

Edited by HarissonLA
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Lacifarus1188 said:

It'd be funny, but in the end its not important. I would honestly rather have a fully patched release with as many bugs as possible fixed, than the opportunity for some weird gimmick pet.

Personally I don't want to have any obviously bugged/broken items. Neither myself, nor I want to see em used by other people. I don't want to look at bugs. 

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I'll turn the question around.

Is it fair that most gamecrashing bugs exists and aren't coming to consoles?

A bug is a bug. I haven't done any "bugged Kavats" and, while I find some very funny, I will say that I don't want one. I prefer to have less bugs as possible. I'm pretty sure you don't want all the bugs that went with that one, some was very gamebreaking. So yeah, if you want to experiment these bugs, join up the PC version, it's basically your Public Test Server.

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something similar has already happened with a console patch before, but I can't remember what it was.
I see no problem with it though, hehe, let them have some freaks.



There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

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1 hour ago, Ahcruna said:

something similar has already happened with a console patch before, but I can't remember what it was.
I see no problem with it though, hehe, let them have some freaks.

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There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

Wanted this variant so bad!

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Is it fair? Yes.

I didn't get the chance to make one but this is really neat and No reason why other plateforms can't join in the fun of Slendercat and Postie.

Ultimately, they can't breed, they aren't creating a new type of pet and it's for the lols.

How would it be fair to deny those players the fun we had?

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