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Specters of the Rail: U2.1


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48 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

The first corpse 'heats up' slowly for a couple seconds and then the rest occur in rapid succession (like popcorn).

Megan you're adorable.

Also, Movie Theater Usher deluxe skin with Desecrate that turns enemy corpses into popcorn. Just putting the idea out there.

Edited by Witzel5ucht
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While it's still fresh here, I had one comment since we got the option to choose  a reward on the end of fissure would be nice if warframe add some indication of rarity for prime parts so i would need to remember every dukats price in every tear

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The Nekros changes are a mixed bag.

Desecration is now significantly worse.   While I too loved the idea of it being a toggle when they talked about it, the toggle version is slow and unresponsive..  you need to remain in range of the bodies for several seconds to get a significantly lower chance of getting additional loot than before.    Nekros thus has to move quite slowly through missions to actually desecrate all the corpses, and ends up with less reward for doing so than before.. and at a much higher cost.

Given that Hydroid and Ivara can easily get to 100% chances of extra loot without many of the drawbacks nekros now has, it makes Nekros' main benefit quite lackluster now.   I'd much, much rather have the old version of Desecrate back...  the version that made Nekros worth playing, and which had a good feeling of responsiveness... hit desecrate and watch the lootsplosions, rather than hang out and hope you see an orb or two.

The changes to Shadows of the Dead are good and bad.   The good is that nekros can now keep a small but enduring army of minions, and those minions are a bit stronger than before...   the bad is that you have fewer minions and you need to keep re-casting to restore their health and shields - an ironic mechanic considering the stated intention of the desecrate toggle was to end the era of Nekros having to continuously cast a power rather than focusing on actually playing.

The powers that needed some work and the two that were ignored... the powers that made Nekros a frame worth having are now...  worse.

My suggestions are this:

Desecrate:  keep it as a toggle, keep the increased cost (the per corpse cost) but make the desecration instant (give the deaths a visual effect of some sort so people know they were desecrated) and INCREASE rather than decrease the chances of loot.   He shouldn't be worse than other frames at the thing he was always best at given that it's all he was ever best at.

Shadows of the Dead:  Remove the re-cast health refilling aspect but also remove the death queue removal aspect... that way nekros can summon his numerous-but-stupid minions at any time, even if he hasn't killed enough NEW enemies to fill his summoning queue.   Make the shadow minions explode on death and give a short-ranged AoE heal to nearby allies (including other shadows).     

Shadow Punch:  Make shadow punch restore targeted shadow minions to full health, and provide them with a temporary damage buff.

Edited by Daconius
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Noted changes seem good, Nekros aside I don't really play him to know, although the time space thing was amusing. But what's the deal with the Paris Prime crit nerf and nerf of the syndicate rewards regressing back to the nerfed values of the previous patch. I hope these are unintentional

Edited by Drex83
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I have tested a max power build on level 25 survival for 20 minutes. Contrary to what would be expected, they die easier as the level increases and deal barely enough damage to kill anything even if they gang up 5 on 1 (while the other two Leeroy-Jenkins outta there and die somewhere offscreen).

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2 minutes ago, Rolhn said:

Welp, Paris Prime is now worthless. Its Crit Chance has been nerfed into the ground along with its damage also taking a nerf bat to it. DE, please undo this damage that was done to it.

Hi Rolhn, 

It's a bug! We're working on a fix now, thanks. 

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Funny thing to do remove duration on Shadows of the death add healt decay per second which is basicly another definition of duration, even with pretty balanced Shield of Shadow build 217% PS just to achieve the 90% dmg reduction you have like 22 seconds before they die if you dont recast the ability. Healt Decay per second on Shadows of the death is affected by power duration

Edited by matox01
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1 minute ago, SnowDropNarox said:

Eh, it was quite fun to watch army of 20 shadows fighting stuff around.

Idunno if this ability is now stronger or weaker but surely it's not that funny anymore.

Nekros remind me mothership in eve online with 20 fighters, but now crapy nerf...

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welp, the archwing IPS mods are now useless. now archwing has even less going for it...

the main reasons to do archwing besides alerts are for lvs and aw mods, now the new aw mods are going to probably be among the less used mods, just like all the other ips mods

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