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Old end game should be reimplemented


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23 minutes ago, kswong98 said:

The introduction of this new system almost destroyed the thing we know as "end game". Void Survival or Defence or Interception was one of the main reason we play the game for hours (admit it you peasants).

DE, please return that feature to us.

Uh. Wait. Have you been to Sedna lately? Because they already added what you're asking for.


They revamped Sedna into insanely high level endless Grineer Arena like. A good time ago. Kinda. Kinda surprised nobody mentioned that in this thread yet. There was an even a whole event over it. With mods. And conclave maps reused for PvE.

Do you just not like it? Considering your quest for a challenge/peasantry references, it'd be literally even more than what the Void offered.

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Just because you wont get a prime part from the void anymore, doesnt mean you still can do it up to whatever wave you can handle?

Yeah but whats the point doing survival/defense/interception then?
What was the point for a true veteran anyway, once you obtained ever (current) obtainable item? I got all guns, all frames, all pets, all but those timed/retired items and cba to spend 12k+ plat for that primed rare mod.

Plus the new arena stuff is quite funny, meta heavy, but the final lady is quite the challenge on a random group.


Edited by SinergyX
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27 minutes ago, kswong98 said:

Truth to be told, ever since the Second Dream, everything in this game changed, in a bad way. Cinematic quest was awesome, but the story wasn't.

Operator system was ok, since the frames can be revived. 

Frame? Aren't they supposed to be some armor covering the operator?

Well let's get into the topic, regarding the recent update, Specters of the Rail.

It brought about a huge change to the game (again, in my opinion, a bad way).

It changed the Void, something we used to know as the "Prime Parts Farming sector". The idea of letting us to choose the reward we want is totally superb.

But did DE forgot something? The introduction of this new system almost destroyed the thing we know as "end game". Void Survival or Defence or Interception was one of the main reason we play the game for hours (admit it you peasants). It was fun, challenging and we did it mainly for the rewards (not always promising though), the main reason we grind Survival and Defence or Interception for hours and waves was mainly moved by the Prime rewards.

Now, no more? No more rewards that worth our time grinding Survival, Defence or Interception missions?


DE, please return that feature to us. Some Tennos may not agree with me, but I believe, Aang can save the world.

Lol no, I believe that a lot of veterans out there would be in consensus with me.

your opinion on TSD story is subjective.

I am a vet and I avoided the old void system like the plague. It was boring and repetative, and I burnt out on the game so fast just from void grinding. The new system makes prime part grinding so much more enjoyable for me that I actually like to grind prime parts now.

Sories are the new endgame, if you want one. Also you get relics from doing endless missions so that it what makes them relevant now. 

Also please dont think you speak for the majority, hek even the majority of Vets.

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Recently DE said they are thinking of bringing back some kind of rewarding time sink for veterans, so I'm curious to see exactly what they come up with. I'm mostly ok with the final adjustments they made with relics, though traces are still a little bit of an issue.

It's something I'm a little worried about, but any current solutions I have that are easy to implement are possibly not gonna be that popular.

I mean, I have a challenging but fun idea, However it's partially rng based. Normally you can't join missions after point X. Well what if aside from public, friends only, etc we had another choice called "allow reinforcements". Veterans could queue up as "reinforcements" and the first time that a person dies Vets are warped in with a random loadout from the arsenal to assist the fallen Tenno

To me that would be crazy fun and offer a lot of variety. To some people, maybe not.

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1 minute ago, KoshLovesYou said:

Uh. Wait. Have you been to Sedna lately? Because they already added what you're asking for.


They revamped Sedna into insanely high level endless Grineer Arena like. A good time ago. Kinda. Kinda surprised nobody mentioned that in this thread yet. There was an even a whole event over it. With mods. And conclave maps reused for PvE.

Do you just not like it? Considering your quest for a challenge/peasantry references, it'd be literally even more than what the Void offered.

But the reward isn't worth the time at the moment. Yes the challenge is there, but the reward for actually doing it isn't. I disagree with OP using the term "peasants", and it's definitely not the only reason for vets to play the game, but I do agree the rewards you come out with don't feel worth the challenge once you are done. 

To clarify, I do like what they did to the rng for prime parts. DE just needs to make some kind of endgame that feels rewarding and worth doing (which they've said they will).

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Hello, veteran player here. I can understand where you are coming from and how you feel. Being a console tenno I just got all of these changes yesterday and to be frank with you the update is just what warframe needed. The game needs to bridge the gap between new players and old, DE is doing just that. It was beyond fun to run around with MR 4 or lower players  for once helping them with learning the game, getting the rail junctions working and showing them how fun the game is. The fact these players will never suffer 3 hours in a Tower 3 survival trying to get prime parts brings a tear to my eye.  

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Agreed. I've had this conversation many times, ever since the second dream the game has turned into a nightmare.

It seems to me as though they want to penalize vets instead of creating new and better end-game content, by re-doing the old content and making us start from the beginning. It's insulting. To me, end-game content doesn't mean gimp a warframe so it feels like you might as well not be controlling one.

This game is starting to turn into Firefall, nerfs to frames, buffs to enemies and dramatically changing major systems. DE, take a look at where Firefall is now.

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37 minutes ago, kswong98 said:

Truth to be told, ever since the Second Dream, everything in this game changed, in a bad way. Cinematic quest was awesome, but the story wasn't.

Operator system was ok, since the frames can be revived. 

Frame? Aren't they supposed to be some armor covering the operator?

In no moment it was mentioned that Warframes were some kind of armor. Also, dont you think it would be somewhat uncomfortable or even dangerous fitting that many variations of shapes and forms around a single human body?

You as a Veteran should have known Frames werent an armor around a living person ever since the Profit trailer that introduced Alad V, since no flesh was visible and no blood spilled when that Excal got his head and limbs severed from his body.

And please explain in what bad way did that change the game?

43 minutes ago, kswong98 said:

It changed the Void, something we used to know as the "Prime Parts Farming sector". The idea of letting us to choose the reward we want is totally superb.

But did DE forgot something? The introduction of this new system almost destroyed the thing we know as "end game". Void Survival or Defence or Interception was one of the main reason we play the game for hours (admit it you peasants). It was fun, challenging and we did it mainly for the rewards (not always promising though), the main reason we grind Survival and Defence or Interception for hours and waves was mainly moved by the Prime rewards.

Now, no more? No more rewards that worth our time grinding Survival, Defence or Interception missions?


DE, please return that feature to us. Some Tennos may not agree with me, but I believe, Aang can save the world.

Lol no, I believe that a lot of veterans out there would be in consensus with me.

The changes were made based on player feedback. It was tedious for most players spending so much time in the same environment and it just added to the complains players made that the game was to repetitive. Now at least your Prime farming can occur in any planet and mission node. Sure you cant farm endlessly for prime parts in the same mission as you used to but thats just a way DE found to keep players moving.

Sorry but i at least have been enjoying this new system, specially because i dont need to wait 40 min in a T4 Survival mission with the hops of maybe obtaining an Odonata Prime Wing.

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46 minutes ago, kswong98 said:

Truth to be told, ever since the Second Dream, everything in this game changed, in a bad way. Cinematic quest was awesome, but the story wasn't.

Operator system was ok, since the frames can be revived. 

Frame? Aren't they supposed to be some armor covering the operator?

Well let's get into the topic, regarding the recent update, Specters of the Rail.

It brought about a huge change to the game (again, in my opinion, a bad way).

It changed the Void, something we used to know as the "Prime Parts Farming sector". The idea of letting us to choose the reward we want is totally superb.

But did DE forgot something? The introduction of this new system almost destroyed the thing we know as "end game". Void Survival or Defence or Interception was one of the main reason we play the game for hours (admit it you peasants). It was fun, challenging and we did it mainly for the rewards (not always promising though), the main reason we grind Survival and Defence or Interception for hours and waves was mainly moved by the Prime rewards.

Now, no more? No more rewards that worth our time grinding Survival, Defence or Interception missions?


DE, please return that feature to us. Some Tennos may not agree with me, but I believe, Aang can save the world.

Lol no, I believe that a lot of veterans out there would be in consensus with me.

ya ask for all this stuff it was inevitable draco abuse all that rnjesus this what ya ask for

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41 minutes ago, kswong98 said:

But did DE forgot something? The introduction of this new system almost destroyed the thing we know as "end game". Void Survival or Defence or Interception was one of the main reason we play the game for hours (admit it you peasants). It was fun, challenging and we did it mainly for the rewards (not always promising though), the main reason we grind Survival and Defence or Interception for hours and waves was mainly moved by the Prime rewards.

Now, no more? No more rewards that worth our time grinding Survival, Defence or Interception missions?


"endgame" is what you make of it. Endless grinding in missions might be what you find as your endgame but its not what everyone finds. If you were only doing those endless missions because you were being rewarded with a chance of a shiny item every 5 waves/mins thats you problem that you were only there for that. If you were the for the "fun" the removal of the prime items wouldn't bother you (it doesn't bother me i still do survivals in the void as i like the tileset)

Prior to the change i spent a lot of time in the void for fun and leveling of gear, anything i picked up that i could sell for Ducats or give to friends who needed was a nice bonus.

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I find this discussion funny, not veteran friendly? Sure running long missions for big rewards sounds like a fun challenge. There are plenty of things for veterans to do in the game. As you know enemy scaling is a problem in warframe which DE plans on dealing with at some point so its a step forward to remove the necessity of running endless missions. Just run any other endless mission that does not involve prime stuff and enjoy you'r challenge. Right now Warframe is moving in right direction, implementing quality of life features. So you'r only choice is to w8 for future updates and hope that DE finds a good way to fix enemy scaling and implement endless missions that get more rewarding with time.

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1. It's a rather Click bait-ish title... 

  • I don't see the game having become less friendly to veterans and the contents in the OP don't suggest this either.

2. The portion of the game your are defending has been complained about for years now:

  • Players asserting that the setup amounted to grind gates 
  • Endless missions wreck balance
  • Players getting angry about what the extreme amount of farming yielded
  • Players announcing they are quitting due to burn-out from farming  

...Simply put, something was going to happen eventually.

Pound for pound Void endeavors are more profitable and more predictable now than they were before and the farming portion you are looking for happens where keys are concerned now. Of course, that brand of farming isn't the only way to get keys which makes that brand of farming optional (not a bad thing).


Personally, I would rather see DE cap off Endless mission modes at 2 hours (dramatically increasing difficulty in the process as well) and end them with loot-splosions of goodies for a job completion of anything done after a specific time gate (every 15 minutes after 30 can be another gate).

Why? DE needs more channels for their rare items than they have.

People like yourself, @kswong98, really enjoy endless mission modes but some also complain about the time it takes to reach real difficulty. Give them what they want but make it enticing enough to get regular players to play some portion of it as well for the goodies and prizes.


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10 minutes ago, Mutt2679 said:

Yes the challenge is there, but the reward for actually doing it isn't.

Ah. Okay, so we're not just talking just wanting a challenge here. We want the carrot.

Hmm. What about something like Judgement Prime?


Like a form of corrupted Grineer arena. The ability to turn in points earned via Arena combat to do a Void Fissure run form of Arena mode, complete with challenge mods? Maybe have it have endless drop chances, but at the lowest unrefined tier drop chance only? We've already got Judgement Points as a thing, and Void Key assets that technically don't make sense anymore (Shouldn't Vor be using a relic now?)

That'd allow people who really want it to indulge in the challenge they claim to want, while still having a carrot. If you really want a challenge like this, I'd suggest hitting up the Fan Concepts section of the forum with ideas for the sort of challenges you really want. Couldn't hurt.

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23 minutes ago, VCaptiion said:

3k hrs in game and I hate survival, the most painful and tiresome gamemode was 'relieved' and now I feel the game is much 'healthier'.

People finally willing to try out different frames, weapons and playstyle instead of bringing meta-gears and bruteforcing high level mobs in the golden fatigue maps.

I would rather let DE focus on taking care of new players, although the new fissure system killed my source of ducats.

3K hours in game (not like it means THAT much to be honest) and survival was my favourite gamemode. The only gamemode that I could play for hours without getting bored.

And it's funny that you say that "people finally willing to try out different stuff" because the thing that I've experienced so far is that ALL the people that I knew in Warframe has quit after SotR, because of the Void/Relic garbage. Every Single One of them. (I'm talking about 20+ people, which doesn't sound too much, but for me, it IS a lot.)

I'd also like to add that in endless missions, you don't HAVE TO bring what's 'necessary'. You can hold your ground with almost any weapon and any frame combination (you just needed formas, and obviously not MK-1 weapons).

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Just now, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Ok, this thread (and others like it) have got me wondering: what defines a "veteran"? How do we differentiate between a n00b, a "player" (for lack of a better description) and a veteran? Is it some arbitrary number of in-game hours? If so, what are the cutoffs?

I'm genuinely curious.

I think it has to do with time? isn't it a title for old timers?


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My clan consists mostly of veteran players, even some MR 22 among them.

Since SotR, my clan is dead. There is nobody - maybe one other member late at night because he works in shifts.

I fear everytime I log in, that my clan has just been disbanded.

Recruitment channel - nearly dead most of the time.

Without endless void to grind sweet prime loot, I myself only just log in, play maybe 1-2 missions and that's it - there is nothing more.


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I personally hated the Void, after grinding everything up to Trinity Prime like a mad-man after they were released (normally had the PA within a week), by the time Trinity came I hit a wall.. hard. I could not get myself to grind out Trinity until a month after and I did not get Kamas until recently.

I hated the Void, and recruiting chat, and everything else related to Prime farming.

This is not to say I stopped playing Warframe, I continued to have fun mostly trying to convince pubs to go for as long as possible on Cassini, Saturn and Egeria, Ceres. But.... I stopped with the Void. The burnout now is nothing compared to what it was, there are so many other ways to entertain yourself in Warframe that now have a more consistent and tangible reward.

Also, [DE]Rebecca has said that they are planning some buffs to endless mission rewards so that you want to stay longer (hopefully this comes before the next Prime Access).

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after 1 year warframe time, I can say I hate grinding so much. I agree with DE, we should remove endless missions. no more meta, no more OP weapons complain, no more broken scaling, all gone. now a good gun is the same as best gun, best frame is the same as bad frame, we can use anything to play all contents.

this is the good time for us to enjoy the game.

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