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Remove Forma's in relics


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Just now, WASPGOD said:

Not some people who are farming prime parts...

Preferenace aside, forma is suposed to be orokin technology so for it to be a void drop is just so much more conceptionaly fit. I also would think that the general population would perfer or benefit more with forma being a low tier drop. I wouldn't know however since I rarely do void. 

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4 hours ago, Cicadeus said:

Preferenace aside, forma is suposed to be orokin technology so for it to be a void drop is just so much more conceptionaly fit. I also would think that the general population would perfer or benefit more with forma being a low tier drop. I wouldn't know however since I rarely do void. 

exactly. But having forma in higher tier missions is just no..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumping this. 

Having spent most of my dreadful time in Void to stockpile rewards and for the horrendous RNG tables, the whole node now literally has no incentive for me to play in.

If DE brought Formas as AT LEAST a possible reward, I wouldn't mind staying and playing the missions at all either. I'm always in need of formas, but not to the point where they become so common they erase the possibility of getting a prime part from a relic. This happens far too often especially when refining relics...just more formas (despite having a lower probability) magically pop out as a reward.

They don't belong in Relics. Never have, never will. It's hard enough trying to play through two grind walls now of farming the relics...then putting the time and effort into said farmed relics only to get a petty Forma  blueprint out of it.

Edited by Prime-Ares
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On 24 August 2016 at 0:40 AM, Cicadeus said:

Preferenace aside, forma is suposed to be orokin technology so for it to be a void drop is just so much more conceptionaly fit. I also would think that the general population would perfer or benefit more with forma being a low tier drop. I wouldn't know however since I rarely do void. 

I absolutely concur with you on that one.

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On 8/23/2016 at 7:40 PM, Cicadeus said:

Preferenace aside, forma is suposed to be orokin technology so for it to be a void drop is just so much more conceptionaly fit. I also would think that the general population would perfer or benefit more with forma being a low tier drop. I wouldn't know however since I rarely do void. 

Thing is, they are Orokin technology, and the Relics are also Orokin in origin, so having Forma in Relics still fits.

I use Relics to farm Formas when I need them (Meso D1 are the best for that). It is a little annoying having Forma blueprints as Uncommon rewards, but it's definitely something I can deal with. Maybe they could make blueprints Common and built Formas Uncommon

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On 8/23/2016 at 11:42 AM, WASPGOD said:

As the title says Its annoying to see a reward screen filled with all forma. After you farmed so hard for your relics. Have forma be a reward in the void. like seriously >.>

yes i'm salty about it

I'm salty about people always wanting to get rid of my Forma.

It's great that you've got your one build done, but some of us prefer to use more than a small handful of the hundreds of weapons available. To top it all off, Forma is not tradable unlike whatever Prime thing you are after.

I'm all for adding Forma to the Void though (goodness knows it needs something now), in addition to keeping Forma in Relics.

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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On 8/23/2016 at 5:42 PM, WASPGOD said:

As the title says Its annoying to see a reward screen filled with all forma. After you farmed so hard for your relics. Have forma be a reward in the void. like seriously >.>

yes i'm salty about it

Where do you propose i get my forma then? You know, the only thing endgamers want from relics. Future you is gonna come back in time and shoot present you in the chest with a shotgun and collect his pay in the form of forma bars. #FormaLooper

Not to mention if they take forma out they'll just inject filler in there, they wont increase the odds of you getting your items. Dont be naive.

Edited by Skaleek
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