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What have you named your Kubrows and Kavats?


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What did I name my companions huh?

Sahasa: Hershey (literally was born looking like milk chocolate with a Lotus decal on his forehead)

Sunika: Lyssa (very first kubrow, was lucky that she was a Lotus as well)

Huras: Melissa (off the top of my head)

Raksa: Allisson (off the top of my head)

Chesa: Lannaa (off the top of my head)

Adarza: Rosary (came out looking like a strawberry sherbet or a bouquet of pink roses, hence the name)

Smeeta: Prominence (off the top of my head)

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Jeffrey - my first Kubrow, a light brown skinny male Huras

Tango - bright Orange Bulky male Huras, named after the soft drink, but with the added bonus of "Tango is Down!" appearing on the screen when he's downed.

Bukow - light brown Bulky Female Sunika, name comes from a joke where me and my friend dissected and altered the word Kubrow.

Greeneer - fully Hek Green  skinny male Chesa, play on words of "Green" and "Grineer"

Fetch - light grey skinny Male Chesa, don't really use him.

Failure - my Abomination attempt that didn't turn out looking like much of an abomination. now lives with the Lotus, with all the other abominations.

Crit Cat - my First Kavat, an Adarza with decent silver and red colours but an ugly face that made me cringe (Persian type), named after a play on words of the Kit Kat chocolate bar. it's face got to me after a day, and i consigned him to make a new Kavat that hopefully wouldn't be ugly as hell.

Felix Storm - my current Kavat, a Blue Adarza with the long ears and Yellow peacock tails. I originally just wanted to call him Felix, but then realised lots of others would do the same for theirs, so to set mine apart, I gave him the most badass surname I could think of at the time. am I the only one who thinks names are the hardest part?


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Giant Kubrow Chesa - Donald Trump

Abomination Kavat - Oh god... (Oh God is down, Oh God is revived, and Oh God is excited to see you xD) 

Huras Kubrow - Dat Booty (Interact with Dat Booty, Dat booty is down, Consign Dat Booty) 

Basically Classic comedy... though I named my first Kavat Ivoreon because it was shiny grey with blue lines,  just what I wanted. (Ivory + Umbreon)

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