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Some feedback about the state of the game


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First of all hows  Mogamu ??
second well warframe is kinda dead for old players yea cuz we want content and the DElayes are not helping with that but we are old players we invest alot in the game so we return yea.
Third dont think warframe as a game is deing cuz i see a lot of new players joining in very large numbers of MR 7s.8s and below in the past 2 weeks more and more are joining in does that players will stay dono  does that players will spend money for the good of DE dono 

the only thing i know is when we have pauses of Updates ppl leave some return some dont that happens since update 7 and allways will be like that 
i remeber wen archiwng come out 60% of my clan was pufff gone  that update was bugged ASF for 2 weeks almost unplayble  well some ppl return some dont we got clan full in 2 months (only national recruting) 
now we are like 20%  and in the last week we got like 10 dudes all around MR1 too MR 5 like out of no where 
dont belive the game is dieing belive that ppl are making a brake some return some dont like allways
when i drop WOW for warframe i sayed too my self im gone stay here for ever and i will stay until it shutsdown so 

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13 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:

Well, try JV if you don't like standing on buttons :P 

To be on topic, just because he's burnt out doesn't mean its the end of anything. Realistically DE hasn't been putting out a lot of content so content creators have very little to cover. Lets just wait for TWW to release and further updates with it. 

JV is bugged to hell and back right now.

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It's really just Stagnation.  That 'could' lead to Warframe Dying but it isn't quite there yet, if the developers don't put out something that can occupy Veterans, ACTUALLY occupy them and challange them without the usual "You don't get to use your abilities" situations... 

Not that I'm asking for a player nerf, but personally I feel like DE needs to figure out if it's going to either be...  CoD or Dynasty Warriors in space, and balance enemies and weapons and powers accordingly.

Then, or at least give Vet's something to USE that strength on, something more then 'short missions' like the Fissures and Sorties.  I enjoyed Void-endurance runs (going 40, 60, and even 90 minutes) because of the risk and reward, but they took the reward away and told me to go play at (what I see as) low level fissure missions (even the hardest...) but didn't give any meaningful replacement for Veterans min/maxers to pit themselves up against.

It feels like once the enemies reach their stride... the 'ride' is over and I HAVE to start again.

I see no point  :/

Edited by achromos
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3 minutes ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

Now this randomize your loadout Mot trip sounds like fun!

It totally is. Especially if you randomize your appearence too. Everyone shows up looking crazy, and we all get a bunch if laughs. Then we have to figure out how we're going to survive with totally random equipment and builds. You should try it!

This is actually a good topic, believe it or not. I feel like a lot of the complaints about nothing to do stem from players not being willing to just play for fun. We're so used to getting rewarded for everything we do, we rebel at the idea of doing a mission without getting our sucker. I do it too, it's only natural. But when you free yourself from needing to have a point to everything you do, and also from needing to only use the best gear, you might find that there are all kinds of fun things for vets to do in the game.

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2 minutes ago, achromos said:

It's really just Stagnation.  That 'could' lead to Warframe Dying but it isn't quite there yet, if the developers don't put out something that can occupy Veterans, ACTUALLY occupy them and challange them without the usual "You don't get to use your abilities" situations... 

Not that I'm asking for a player nerf, but personally I feel like DE needs to figure out if it's going to either be...  CoD or Dynasty Warriors in space, and balance enemies and weapons and powers accordingly.

Then, or at least give Vet's something to USE that strength on, something more then 'short missions' like the Fissures and Sorties.  I enjoyed Void-endurance runs (going 40, 60, and even 90 minutes) because of the risk and reward, but they took the reward away and told me to go play at (what I see as) low level fissure missions (even the hardest...) but didn't give any meaningful replacement for Veterans min/maxers to pit themselves up against.

It feels like once the enemies reach their stride... the 'ride' is over and I HAVE to start again.

I see no point  :/

well i agree with u some what the survivels was very fun runny 60 min get tons of crap too make ducats or sell them for plat but most of all they where fun
now we have 160 mobs lvl 40 too kill  W T  F
i hope mobs in the system of TAU where lvls 60-120 at the start so we can finaly have a end game or a place too use warframes like bless trinity 

other thing that will be great it will be a labirith game mod like vindictos have u stay u get more and more stuff and the mission allways gives u new stuff too do

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7 minutes ago, achromos said:

but didn't give any meaningful replacement for Veterans min/maxers to pit themselves up against.

Mot is harder than T4 survival used to be. You don't have to play for prime parts, you know. A good fight is there, waiting for you. Go have some fun!

Or don't. But don't pretend the option isn't there.

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oh no one of the few popular warframe youtubes stopped playing because burnout! this means the game is DEAD AND NOBODY SHOULD PLAY ANYMORE AND THOSE WHO DO ONLY LIVE IN THE DEEP DARK CORNERS OF WARFRAME.

In all seriousness, no it's not dying, I sure did watch the pax west panel, so i don't know what you mean.
I don't watch prime time myself most the time, but I'm pretty sure people don't go there ONLY for a chance at plat.

Calm down.

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define "dying". 

warframe is dying in the sense that it's nearing its end, like all things. will it die soon? no. there is no reason to believe it will. from what I've experienced, warframe will continue to live on for about 5 years after his development production ceases. so, not any time soon.

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The only problem with the game is that endless missions are unrewarding. u can stay there for 15-20 minutes but the relic is no longer garantied u may get 2 in that time intervalue or 0 and thats a part of the problem. Relic missions are fine but short, honesty it's usualy a speedrun with a Volt and Ember. We nead some beter rewards for non fisure missions (endles).But thats just my opinion

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Don't worry guys, soon Mogamu will make a video saying "no, warframe's not dying, I SAID I was just taking a break! Jeez, what's wrong with you guys?" and then everyone will be happy again. Then about a week after TWW drops everyone will start complaining because DE never releases any content, and the cycle will begin anew.

"It's the ciirrrrrrrrrcle of whiiiiinnnnnneeeee, and it moves us aalllllllllll...."

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2 hours ago, Lord_Azrael said:

We disagree on some things, op. But I'll give you this: you've got class. It's too bad we're on different platforms, I'd invite to our next mk-1 braton only trip to mot. Sometimes we do random survivals: randomize your loadout, click autoinstall on all gear, randomize all colors and attachments, then go to mot! With 4 of us it's a real blast. Also I only ever take my mk-1 braton (6 forma) and my lato (7 forma) to LoR (normal and nightmare). But that hasn't turned out to be the challenge I thought it would.  :)

I'd like to join you on one of those someday. Try bringing an Inaros with a max out shield, Saryn prime with max speed build, speed nova, and puddle hydroid, Now do nightmare LoR lol. Maybe i'll make a PC account. I just don't want to loose all my good friends on PSN.

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no warframe is not dying...... and not trying to be mean but tabloid style panic from both warframe's players and youtubers should show DE why breaking up the big updates ultimately ended up being a very bad Idea.

my thoughts on why



This (imo) is because Warframe is the type of game that is at it's most marketable when players both old an new are having a very active experience with the game witch comes from getting what feels like a lot of new stuff from the developers like new gear, systems and changes to WF overall that give it that fresh feeling.

And Huge, multifaceted updates carry ^this type of impact to the max because there's so much to it, I can imagine many players having the satisfaction of "cool, I'm going to have a lot to do for a while"

With this, ur dedicated players are playing as they always do, and the sometimes players are present as well to experience whats new and again having alot of "whats new" at once carries this way better.

Now lets look at some of the things that have changed about warframe since the last big update (the second dream) -the new star chart, fusion system, frame reworks, new frames, kavats and a WF sport mode just to name whats happened this past summer. 

Now, these type of things seem like they would give warframe's playerbase that same type of impact and would atleast keep us semi- occupied until the War Within. But since they were released so spread out, players were able to get used to (and in some cases bored of) each of these things one at a time, leading to the small bursts of content contributing to the wait for a new big update when all that stuff itself could have been one.

and with extended wait, ur sometimes players are nowhere to be found and even a portion of the dedicated playerbase is also on break some of those players being the ones who helped WF gain the popularity it now has. all this leads to "OHMAhGawD warframe is dying"





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Headshot, Mogamu, iFlynn, Boussefeenux, who's next?





I am hoping I will not see Tactical Potato soon. These are all videos by our most popular youtubers, and they all are saying the same thing. All of my veteran friends are saying the same thing.Deny it all you want, it's a very popular opinion.There really is a content drought. I have faith in DE and new content will be out soon. DE will have to fix what they broke and what is done can't be changed.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)kamil_demon said:

this is just my personal thought's that i really wish arent true.....

okay so is this game dying because literaly no one even watched the pack west panel people only went their to ask out DE Rebbeca (yh im not joking, space father thought he had a chance!)

and now even the most popular warframe youtuber , Mogamu gave up and got so bored of warframe that he quit. and these days people only complain every update every nerf and people threatan to quit warframe and some of my friends actually did. people dont even watch or play warframe any more they just come back the odd update or so just to leave for another month again. if this keeps up than there will only be 4k people playing as umbra when origanlly there was over 600k (give or take a few hundred) people who wanted to play as umbra.

prime time is only used for plat now.

this scares me because in the history of all games warframe is my best and fav game. if warframe end then sorry but im gonna be bored until warframe 2 comes out.(so literaly about 50 years - never) and i dont want that to happen


ER MAH GERD... some youtuber quit warframe and EVERYTHING IS GOING DOOOWN.... PANIC, EVERYONE!!!

- jk.... you sure he's not just taking a break?

- The "warframe is dying" debate existed ever since I started playing- in july 2013.

- The player numbers always spark right after major updates- The numbers are on their lowest lvl right before the major updates- Which would be the case now

(also.... concerning the "people only went their to ask out DE Rebbeca"-part.... I kinda pity her for having to deal with all this. But then again it's none of my buisness.)


Also... games just don't live forever. Just recently I've heard that a mmorpg I've used to play has been completely shut down for the US and Europe.

So... last but not least:

I do not know wether warframe is "dying " or not- I think it's doing pretty decent. I just hope that I am right.

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