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Conclave mods in PvE


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45 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

That's the gimmick of the original 6 syndicates: You work for A or B, working with A makes B hate you.

Conclave gimmick is PvP

Simaris Gimmick is Synthesis.

Exactly. The PvP syndicate should therefore not be compared with the original 6 - the only similarity is that items are obtained through spending points.

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5 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

Exactly. The PvP syndicate should therefore not be compared with the original 6 - the only similarity is that items are obtained through spending points.

Correct, that's why, if you read the OP again, I don't mind the 'end of match' mods being placed in PvE either in Sentients, in missions that currently lack worthy rewards or in places that make sense (like having the Supra mod [Directed Convergence] drop from Techs, as they use the Supra). But Syndicate rewards should stay on the Syndicate they belong to. Consistency in how rewards are handed.

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1 hour ago, DoomFruit said:

Only when they drop from PvE missions.

And the other Syndicates' mods drop too I suppose, though that would defeat the purpose syndicate standing.

The end of match can drop of sab caches or.rathuum tho, as they are RNG based anyway.

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1 hour ago, Nazrethim said:

It wouldn't be the first time they don't mention something.

No, but neither is it likely. PvP is the least liked part of the entire game, even falling below raids in terms of player appeal. It's seriously doubtful that they're going to add a whole bunch more things which depend on it - that'll only serve to piss off the playerbase.

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8 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

It's seriously doubtful that they're going to add a whole bunch more things which depend on it - that'll only serve to piss off the playerbase.

They wouldn't need to add anything, just make it usable outside of pvp, and that will only piss off those who think Conclave and Trade are abominations that shouldn't even exist aparently, which I bet is a group even smaller than the Conclave community, as everyone trades at some point in the game.

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2 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

It wouldn't be the first time they don't mention something.

I know you are very passionate about conclave, i see it in a lot of your posts, but the truth is, the game mode is just terrible. The dedicated server thing for conclave is not going to give anyone a reason to play it. It's a system that is super abuseable and the rewards are a waste of time. The balance is horrendous, and it's just something that this community doesn't want.

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1 minute ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I know you are very passionate about conclave, i see it in a lot of your posts, but the truth is, the game mode is just terrible. The dedicated server thing for conclave is not going to give anyone a reason to play it. It's a system that is super abuseable and the rewards are a waste of time. The balance is horrendous, and it's just something that this community doesn't want.

The gamemode isn't terrible, good? that's debatable, but definetly not terrible. The dedicated server will bring people into the fold because it will improve the situation of hosts and migrations. The cosmetics are nice and the stances and mods are Fun in general while not being really "good" for PvE meta. The balance is mostly fine, sure there's some things that need fine tuning but it's mostly balanced.

I'm not the only one who thinks at the very least the stances should be usable in PvE too and I'm very reasonable with what I suggest. Trading IS a viable means to get something you don't want to work for, be a primed part, a mod or a syndicate weapon or augment.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)joshw1400 said:

If you're talking about the PVE mods, they took that out for a reason. We already have conclave mods and augments from Teshin.

Its the other way around. Let us use conclave mods that you get from Teshin in PvE. Aspecialy the conclave stances.

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20 minutes ago, RistN said:

Those mods that convert one physical dmg type into other would be very interesting.

Eh, they would end up being fodder. Some of the augments though would be fun to see in PVE like turning Atlas into a rumbler and Nyx Absorb sucking enemies towards it.

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4 minutes ago, xRufus7x said:

Eh, they would end up being fodder. Some of the augments though would be fun to see in PVE like turning Atlas into a rumbler and Nyx Absorb sucking enemies towards it.


Maybe the Conclave mods won't be top meta, but they will certainly be Fun, specially to spice up farming of low level missions for Lith relics. 500 absortion of Rumbled may not be the great thing on high level missions, but for sh*t and giggles on Earth, Mars, Venus or Ceres it would be a welcome addition.


Also, thanks for whoever changed the tittle for clarity.

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4 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:


Maybe the Conclave mods won't be top meta, but they will certainly be Fun, specially to spice up farming of low level missions for Lith relics. 500 absortion of Rumbled may not be the great thing on high level missions, but for sh*t and giggles on Earth, Mars, Venus or Ceres it would be a welcome addition.


Also, thanks for whoever changed the tittle for clarity.

Combine it with her other absorb augment and she basically becomes a katamari ball


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  • 2 weeks later...

DE, please consider on the next update to allow the use of the following Conclave mods into PvE loadouts (or at least some of them):

-Conclave Stances (all of them)

-Warframe Conclave Augments

-Weapon mods (Lie in Wait, Relentless Assault, Impenetrable Offense, Emergent Aftermath, Kill Switch, Secondary Wind, etc)

-Gun specific mods (Draining Gloom, Directed Convergence, Grinloked, Thundermiter, etc)

They would add diversity and Fun.


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