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Anndddd it's already October.


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What about the fixing "Ghost" precept? Wiki says Ghost has 10m radius and 10s cooldown while Stalk has 30m radius and no cooldown, that's a bit unfair didn't it? Tripled radius can be sufficient motivation to use Huras instead the Shade, but why cooldown? Right now when so many Tenno can decide to use Shade as the main sentinel...


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5 minutes ago, Senpai-Pie said:

Do you even play your own game?

Did you expect people wouldn't notice the Vacuum nerf?

Did you really expect to have your cake and eat it, too? Just throwing the full strength vacuum on all frames at no drawback or cost is completely out of the question. The mod solution would have limited build variety long term, so they did the next best sensible thing, which was give the ability a well deserved nerf before allowing it to be put on any other sentinel.

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9 hours ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Did you really expect to have your cake and eat it, too? Just throwing the full strength vacuum on all frames at no drawback or cost is completely out of the question. The mod solution would have limited build variety long term, so they did the next best sensible thing, which was give the ability a well deserved nerf before allowing it to be put on any other sentinel.

How is it well deserved? There is absolutely no drawback for anyone involved with the previous range. That's nonsensical and I don't see any valid reason to lower the range at all that is not completely arbitrary. 

Edited by Shadow8600
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WHEN TWW is done and Tenno are happily going through their stockings and building the quest in their foundries, and you have a Devstream to fill, please just tell us what went so horribly wrong, guide us through your process, and without pointing fingers at what part was the most late because of technical difficulties or whatever, just tell us what you didn't get done like you wanted... I know you were "supposed" to start working on TWW in spring and it only actually started around LUNARO, heck even if it started sooner I believe we would get TWW around Christmas anyway...

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6 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Did you really expect to have your cake and eat it, too? Just throwing the full strength vacuum on all frames at no drawback or cost is completely out of the question. The mod solution would have limited build variety long term, so they did the next best sensible thing, which was give the ability a well deserved nerf before allowing it to be put on any other sentinel.

Can you explain to me why all the loot we EARN in a mission has to be a chore to gather? Why the most immediatly rewarding bit of any video game THE REWARD you get for playing it, has to be so freaking out of the way? Some games even drop all loot you get into your Bag/Account or whatever. We don't have Inventory space for our resources to manage, it can fill up to MILLIONs without having to sweat increasing "Size" or "Slots".


WHY after earning your reward do you have to behave like you are cleaning up the mess you made?

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10 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Did you really expect to have your cake and eat it, too? Just throwing the full strength vacuum on all frames at no drawback or cost is completely out of the question. The mod solution would have limited build variety long term, so they did the next best sensible thing, which was give the ability a well deserved nerf before allowing it to be put on any other sentinel.

how is that out of the Question? what is wrong with the vacuum we had? and farther more why is it on sentinels and not on warframes like was repeatedly asked. how is this nerf well deserved? due to its over use? or simply because not picking up loot was somehow making us too powerful??

please do put reasons for these thoughts and not just say it was well deserved with no reason behind it to back it up. from my point of view it seems like you simply dislike the ability

Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
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2 minutes ago, Top_Kekkonen said:

"Current vacuum covers an area of (60/360)*(pi*10^2)+(300/360)*(pi*12^2) = ~430 square meters.

Proposed vacuum covers pi*5^2 = 78.5 square meters

That is 18.3% of the area covered."

Yup, I already knew that but still it could of been alot worse. Still looking forward to use something other than carrier...but ty for information tho. And it's only changing by a 5th so it's not that bad :)

Edited by (PS4)PrincessDark_
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21 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:


no need to thank me

As I recall, Vacuum pulls from 12m but I believe the Wiki lists Vacuum as having a range of 10m in the front and 12m from all other directions. Considering how many threads we have on the forum asking for Vacuum to be shared onto other companions or made built in for warframes I would think that its clear that its a hot topic issue for more than just the former 'Draco', 'Viver', and 'E-Gate' affinity farmers.

Edit: Seems its even greater than I remembered. But that makes sense considering its pull.

Edited by Urlan
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Please for the love of lotus, don't destroy vaccum like that.

5 meters is not enough, we had 12, make it 10 at least.

In this game we are ninjas, FROM SPACE, that is way more badass than being face down, butts up, collecting the huge amount of drops we get.

Also kubrows and kavats, will they have it too?

In my opinion we should get something like the Gungeon vaccum, we enter the tile set, and if there is no enemies in that room, then all the items in that tile are sucked into us, THAT would make us more focused on being mofokin ninjus from spayce.

But i trust you, the dev team is awesome :)

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)PrincessDark_ said:

Yup, I already knew that but still it could of been alot worse. Still looking forward to use something other than carrier...but ty for information tho. And it's only changing by a 5th so it's not that bad :)

81.7% less effective. That is the definition of "alot worse"

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Why are you so goddamn stubborn? Seriously, how does a 12m universal vacuum on all Warframes do anything but improve the game for your players. 5m? Do you like your game being less enjoyable and more tedious? Is it just developer pride that you're not going to be pushed into something by those players? Hey, why don't people spend time and resources on Kavats and Kubrows?

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)PrincessDark_ said:

I work it out to be actually 83% but yeah just wait and give it ago and see. Hopefully it will be fine :)

sentinels having it as the passive is the problem , id be ok with the mega range decrease if it weren't for the fact that it is on Easily kill-able flying sentinels. if it was on warframes then maybe this would be justified

Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
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i feel TWW is just killing the game

WF has so many useless and not rewarding systems that just make my brain hurts, and yet you want to add more of these later on,

just look at sorties, remember when you said sorties ill have AMAZING REWARDS yea where are they?do you think event weapons is something amazing to get rewarded in lv 50-100 missions a weapon that have problems after lv 30 is a amazing reward?

and also there is baro that bring same things every rotation together with mods that are obtainable ingame and why you turned void trader into event trader, thats beyond me,

there are more systems in warframe that has to be looked at thou these are just examples,

so instead of fixing old ingame systems to make them more appealing you focused too much on TWW and new ones to get added just to become most likely fogotten week later.


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13 minutes ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

sentinels having it as the passive is the problem , id be ok with the mega range decrease if it weren't for the fact that it is on Easily kill-able flying sentinels. if it was on warframes then maybe this would be justified

Yes maybe. Imo It would need to be 8m for me not to get annoyed

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With that rework of vacuum it looks way better than proposed one with 3 mods, although i am not happy with performance drop that reduced range will be providing. Loosing 82.3% in 2D space, 78.3% in 3D space is just way to extreme and not so player friendly (it feels kind of like weak slap on the hand), unless you will allow vacuum percept mod to be equiped on all sentinels to increase that range by 2/3/4/5/6/7 meters depending on mod rank. That way old carrier users will still have the same functionality if they use vacuum mod on any sentinel, players who don't care about pickups can run it with just base range and still enjoy some quality of life improvement but that leaves us with people who don't want vacuum anywhere closse to their frames dues to wasting on resources. For those players could you just add toggle option in sentinels upgrade or appearance section? The same way toggle weapon visibility works in apperance. Also cats, dogs and catdogs are left out of vacuum but i guess that will (maybe?) come later.


+ No 3 mods required to do the the job of one mod.

+ Vacuum working on every sentinel.


+/- Vacuum becoming passive.


- Drasticaly reduced pickup area.

- No cats nor dogs upgrade.


As it is proposed right now I will be able to live with it but I won't be happy. As leader of almost dead shadow clan it's sometimes hard to get all resources to finish all the clan resesarch on your own with 3x the cost. Here are some of things that would make me feel happy if they would be changed:

1). Allow vacuum mod to be equiped on top of any sentinel to increase the range of passive vacuum ability by. 2/3/4/5/6/7 meters would be perfect by managing old carrier vacuum level of usibility if players would desire it or flat out increse proposed range to 9/10 meters. 9m would be equal to loosing 43.8% in 2D space and 57.8% in 3D space while 10m would be lossing 30,6% in 2D and 42,1 in 3D space.

2). Allow players who doesn't want vacuum as passive to turn it off from level of sentinel upgrade/appearance tabs (The same way as you can hide weapons).

3). Think about cats, dogs and catdogs. F.E. release sentinel based craftable colars for animal comapanions that would allow them to get weaker ability of sentinel. That is just wild idea and not even though out currently but there must be a way to somehow add vacuum ability to animals without breaking them (Yes i know there is chesa kubrow who picks things up and he is adorable, cut be just slightly better at his job).


I think I am done.

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