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Anndddd it's already October.


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1 minute ago, wightSpider said:

So many question and so much frustration 

  • Why nurf vacuum at all (12 to 6 meters)?
  • Why isn't it on pets (cat/dog)? 
  • Why isn't it a passive on all Warframes?
    DE why didn't you go this route?
    Form over function? 

I am just so frustrated with this entire process, 1 step forward 2 steps back


Vacuum is 5 meters... :(

(wish it was 8)

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I dont understand why warframes dont have a base vacuum of 8m. Literally the only reason carrier is used is because of vacuum. If we all have a base vacuum then that frees us up to use other companions like doge and cat. Kavats were released and i've yet to see more than 20 people using them compared to over 90% (something like that) of the game who uses carrier, not because it dishes out damage or is literal god tier


but because it allows people to actually play the game, to fly around, be ninjas and shoot things  and not worry about missing loot.

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31 minutes ago, kpoppop said:

this is why DE needs to put a voting system in place on these upcoming updates and changes, so that the community can voice there opinions on whats good and bad..

There is it's called the Design Council and it seems to be pretty redundant imo. They're the one's who had a say in the syn melees abilities we got. They don't exactly represent the community as far as I'm concerned.

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Reducing range and nothing for Kavats and Kubrows? Why not just place the 5m Vacuum on the Warframe instead then?

I'd rather just keep the mod as it is if this is the solution because overall it's worse. Carrier Prime is pretty durable and all the other Sentinels are pretty squish in comparison so people are gonna still use it over most anyways. Not as much but it's still the king of sentinels. 

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The real reason people use Carrier is because the game is so mind-numbingly grindy that the only way to retain your sanity after a certain point is to find some kind of method to bypass the grind. Carrier does this since you don't need to run around trying to pick up every little drop on the map.

It's not just Carrier. Every time a frame or map is efficient at farming something, they get reworked or hotfixed. They say they don't want to make the game a Grindwall, and yet twenty minute survival events are released where the half decent rewards are hidden behind walls of Mutagen Samples at 0.25% drop chance.

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6 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

Many of our content creators appreciated us breaking things up for coverage purposes, but even that isn't enough to keep them around if the content itself didn't hit the mark.

Who is "they" in this sentence?  Are you saying your content creators are leaving?  Or, are "they" me?

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5 minutes ago, CerebrateJoe said:

Who is "they" in this sentence?  Are you saying your content creators are leaving?  Or, are "they" me?

Sounds like hes saying that the content creators are leaving, hoping he means youtubers and not DE employee nerf 

Edited by Sithis32
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The ride has been fun, but I'm done. 

I feel that TWW will only take as long as TSD to complete (unless you timegate parts of the quest), and after that it'll be back to farming things I have a massive surplus of. No new frames, weapons, or cosmetics can change this fact. 

Its really sad because I want to see this game thrive, but after months of minimal horizontal progression, and with how easy (exploitable) the game has become through weapon and frame combos, I just dont see any point in continuing. These past few months, I would log in for probably a total of 40 minutes a week and ALT-F4 mid mission because I just felt bored. 

No game should make players to stop playing in order for more content to come out because of how fast they acquire things, but this game does exactly that for me. 

I've felt for a while now that the game has hit a wall, and instead of building over it and continuing to build higher and higher, you guys have continued to go sideways until you hit a corner and have no choice but to go up. Then again what do I know, I've only been playing since U7.

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So... why was vacuum nerfed exactly?

Also, why isn't it a passive applied to all Warframes and not just all sentinels? If it's because of Mag's passive, just scrap it and give her a chance to resist magnetic procs or something like that.

I want to use my kavat. My cat rocks. But I don't want to lose stuff that's glitched through a wall.

Edited by Jackviator
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The War Within did release today. It is currently ravaging the player base as we speak. I just happened to be going through my twitter feed when I saw that things were tense to say the least. I still can't wrap my head around why a nerf was needed for Carrier. My conspiracy theory side of me believes that it is to slow resource acquisition thus increasing the longevity of the players time spent playing Warframe. I also was not a fan of Lunaro. I mean this is a space ninja game and using my Warframe to score goals like hockey is not really why I downloaded the game in the first place. I think players just need time to cool down after being disappointed regarding the TWW. I love all of the developers and they seem like some of nicest people in the industry but if we didn't care we wouldn't be so pissed. As long as this doesn't turn into apathy, because that's when the real trouble begins. 

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Sorry but as much as you want to make it bug free and as good as they want it it's becoming bs delaying War Within AGAIN. Pleased to hear Vacuum becomes universal but seriously nerfing the range is not fair. I'm patient but this is just getting stupidly ridiculous the wait, please don't hype us if you're not ready to release it within a reasonable timeline ._.

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When I first started playing Warframe I really really liked it. Not long after they made a few improvements and it was even better, but somehow along the way, it seems to me, DE has lost their focus on how awesome the game was in it's originality. Some of the recent changes have been pretty bad - Can we have the old Warframe back? Universal vacuum is a nice idea but not at the expense of loosing the originality of all sentinels. Your ideas in the formation of Warframe were right on so I say stand your ground, take the helm and bring back what has been lost.  

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