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do you use the melee lifesteal?


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i've never used it, mainly i use rhino if i go melee because of rhino roar and its iron skin. 

do you guys use it alot? for melee all i see is "needs more damage" and taking away more mod slots for a vampire mod seems out of the question on crit builds. and i dont really use anything else than crit builds for melee as i like my red crit scindo / nikana prime and dual ichor.

dual ichor being one of the highest dps melee out there with its high attack speed / red crits everywhere.

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Always. I admit, sometimes it backfires when I'm using a squishy frame with a small health pool and try to charge into enemies with Life Strike. Usually happens after I've played Valkyr for a while and then switch frames.

Usually it works excellently though. Especially with tanky frames with Rage equipped. (And when I'm not being stupid.)

Edited by Shaonia
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2 minutes ago, Shaonia said:

Always. I admit, sometimes it backfires when I'm using a squishy frame with a small health pool and try to charge into enemies with Life Strike.

Usually it works excellently though.

µGun blades or glaive... even whips with lifesteal for glass cannon

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Depends on the warframe. If the warframe is fragile or lacks innate healing, I often use it especially if I intend to use them on missions of similar or higher level. For healing warframes, I often just try to put another damage or elemental mod on.

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10 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

use his passive when you wave that sand in the enemies face and do a finisher. Much easier and doesn't cost energy

Life Strike heals faster than throwing sand in the faces of your enemies though and more effective in healing in large chunks.

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