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The Vacuum Within: Universal Vacuum Feedback


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Indeed, gained so much! Let's remove something essential from something, and give a weaker version of that thing to everyone else. If we consequently do that with all the abilities in the game we will gain SO MUCH MORE!


Carrier didn't just lose 6m. 89% of the player base now has a 13 times smaller vacuum radius. Remember, because it's a sphere we are talking about volume and 6 meters in radius translate to an exponential amount of volume. So the stuff we lost is actually tremendous compared to what we gained.

Edited by Nolc
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13 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

Ammo hungry weapons that previously needed a mutate or increased ammo capacity now can use those slots for damage mods.  Weapons like Amprex, Kohm etc.

Have you used the kohm before? Because carrier is miles away from being able to keep the mighty kohm supplied with ammo. Same goes for amprex, imo. Ammo Case is basically a rank 3 regular mutation mod. So anything that can't get by with that still needs mutation.


16 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

but every single one, including carrier was more useful after that change.

This is a matter of opinion. If they had kept it at 12m, it would be objective fact, but they didn't so it's not.


16 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

Also have to wonder about the reading comprehension of some


17 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

to those panicking that the sky is falling, fear not chicken little's,

Please lose the disrespectful attitude. If you want us to respect your views, you need to be respectful.

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2 minutes ago, Nolc said:

Indeed, gained so much! Let's remove something essential from something, and give a weaker version of that thing to everyone else. If we consequently do that with all the abilities in the game we will gain SO MUCH MORE!

I have an idea. Let's remove Serration, but give each weapon an innate 30% damage increase.


1 mod of 165% damage


+30% damage for each of the 94 primaries.

94 > 1 so this would be a great change.


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Imagine that you have a wife and two children. You are the only one in the family that makes any money, but you make 500,000 dollars a year.

Your boss thinks it's sad that no one else in your family makes any money, so he decides to be generous. He gives everyone in your family a yearly wage of 75,000 dollars!

Including you.

How would that make you feel?

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1 minute ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Imagine that you have a wife and two children. You are the only one in the family that makes any money, but you make 500,000 dollars a year.

Your boss thinks it's sad that no one else in your family makes any money, so he decides to be generous. He gives everyone in your family a yearly wage of 75,000 dollars!

Including you.

How would that make you feel?

This is a surprisingly apt description of what's going on right now.

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" Then why couldnt it have been 12m for all sentinels?  "

ehhh dunno? Nobody from DE said why the minor range. Maybe they though it was too convenient? So far i've felt the lack of range, but didn't started thinking "OHHHH WE'RE DOOM. THEY NERFED THE VACUUM! THEY HATE US" and some other over reactions. Really, the first thing i though "oh cool, i can run missions with Helios or Wyrm Prime without having to pick up stuff". And for the new Carrier preset? well... i was having fun with my Supra, holding left click non stop like an idiot.

However, (and i'm not sure if i said this on this post already) Megan stated in the update thread that this was some sort of test and based on the feedback we give they might adjust things. (I don't think they'll give back the full 12m range tho, but maybe improve it to 8m or something.) And still we don't know anything about how they're gonna implement it for pets

So i'll just wait and see what happens

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I expressly stopped using carrier after it aggressively held a gold mod and prevented me from picking it up, several times (not always a gold mod but items like rare resources I actually needed) at that point I quickly realized that it actually doesn't contribute much if anything to the game. And if anything I was going to end up picking that stuff any ways and surprise, surprise, you move around to pick stuff up anyways. So I grabbed Helios because that actually had stuff that helped supplement my play style I found scans important but scanning itself to be clunky.

Skip to now It finally does something worthwhile in my eyes now, but I find it might be to little to late since I got attached to Kavats.

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4 hours ago, hazerddex said:

most funny thing about all this vacuum complaining if it was not in the game to begin with no one would notice or care

Funny thing is no one would be complaning about anything about warframe if there was no warframe

not that i mind the vaccum nerf just saying. 

Edited by AngryBAsian
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53 minutes ago, (XB1)Bortis Badtouch said:


fact of the matter is, i have quit playing until they can do something to make ME AS IN I COME BACK, MY OWN PERSONAL REASON TO COME BACK, and yes vacuum was nice, should have been universal for all sentinels, but no they take something not complicated at all and smash the hell out of it and give it back to us in shambles, people do not want to run around every so often to gather the HORDES of loot that drops, oh man sue me, i am wrong, no you guys are right, i am wrong, clearly people will always have a counter argument to everything, meanwhile the war within is still not out and they are wasting time on something not broken and "fixing it" more like making something so complicated and annoying some people just give up and stop opposing their  "ideas" , it is okay, it is only DE, they get a slap on the wrist and people move on, some people need to realize this was pointless, they could have just made it simple and gave the full not nerfed vacuum effect to every sentinel, NOPE TIME TO COMPLICATE THINGS AGAIN, however my personal opinion is there are alot of people who will take DE'S  side no matter what, it's all good, they support every, and i mean EVERY decision they make without questioning it, seeing all of these needless changes, don't think i will ever come back, but part of me wants to believe they can do something good with the game, i loved this game, not anymore.

Good bye

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a sidenote , a proposal , a thought , a whatsoever :


.... let the carrier s vacuum remain what it was by using a new mod card extending Basic range to : 12m ..

... give all the other sentinels the new vacuum feature without further mod card for what we have now : 6m

... Play da game and let the true hypocrites arise ...

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8 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

 That would probably be going a little bit too far. As someone who maxed all AW in the game I'd say with maxed system reroute and the newly-added energy regeneration AWs basically have infinite energy (that's even without amesha). But for a new player who doesn't have that mod at all, a mission like Uranus interception in a junction could become a nightmare. I was recently helping a friend to pass through that mission, and he said he was trying to complete it for like a week or something (one could easily solo it with smth like itzal or amesha even without good mods - way harder with odonata). Anyway, 30-40m should be fine for AW (50 at most). Instant looting would also be nice, but I don't think that's ever gonna happen. 

Personally, I think having map-wide vacuum for archwing would be great. It'd make more people interested in playing it, and since the mods are so tiny and the maps are so huge, that way no one needs to worry about missing a mod. It'd not going to break archwing, just make it more fun by removing one annoying aspect of it. 

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It's just interesting how people simply just resort to running 1 or 2 more mission than before to conpensate for what vaccum was before. 

Dev: " Be active and loot guys! Explore!"

Player1: "Lol nope". Runs the same mission to compensate


Player3: "You scrubs just lazy"

Player4: " Whats vaccum"

Player5: "When is Wait Within coming"

Dev: SoonTm

Edited by AngryBAsian
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3 hours ago, (XB1)freakytiki3 said:

Are there any other players who don't care about vacuum?

Vacuum nerf is a nerf but some people couldn't care less as we just collect the salt as it rains down.

Tell me... how do you call a person that is happy when someone else has less fun even if that doesn t impact anyway his own fun?

Edited by VonDodo
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8 hours ago, AussiePommy said:

It use to be that carrier didn't exist and you had to manually pick up your loot

Must have been a garbage time to play. Vacuum is literally what makes the game playable to me, if I had to manually touch every single drop in the game I wouldn't be playing it.

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2 hours ago, Evanescent said:

3 smaller vacuums?

What do you mean by that?

they said they would likely divide the current Vacuum into 3 different Vacuums: one for health/energy, one for resources, and one for everything else (mods etc.) that's what they said in the last Devstream anyway, and what started the whole debacle with Carrier finally getting nerfed.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

they said they would likely divide the current Vacuum into 3 different Vacuums: one for health/energy, one for resources, and one for everything else (mods etc.) that's what they said in the last Devstream anyway, and what started the whole debacle with Carrier finally getting nerfed.

It's irrelevant now though, as that idea was scrapped.

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10 minutes ago, Azrael said:
12 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Imagine that you have a wife and two children. You are the only one in the family that makes any money, but you make 500,000 dollars a year.

Your boss thinks it's sad that no one else in your family makes any money, so he decides to be generous. He gives everyone in your family a yearly wage of 75,000 dollars!

Including you.

How would that make you feel?

This is a surprisingly apt description of what's going on right now.



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2 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I'm not on PC and I've been doing other stuff, so I've been a tad behind on the news. they did say that they were still open to feedback in the news article relating to the update though.

Yeah, they're waiting to see how usage of other sentinels changes before considering adding it to kavats and kubrows. If the feedback is in enough volume(which it seems it soon will be at this pace) they just might tweak the range up.

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