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Bladestorm rework feedback


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5 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Bind it to a more comfortable key and make sure you have Bladestorm selected. Problem solved.

Then remember to rebind it for when you use any other frame. Problem created.

Edited by R34LM
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From what I understood the targeting is a hold 4 to mark? Therefore if playing with mouse and keyboard all you have to do is hold 4 and literally just wiggle your mouse over and area with enemies to place marks.... which doesn't sound too bad considering there is no limit to amount of marks you can place (energy aside?) therefore you could possibly kill a lot more enemies with this new bladestorm if the range of marks is better than current bladestorm. Also it is getting damage buff.... sounds good to me but it all rides on how easy it will be to mark targets, but if it is as easy as just quickly going over them to me this rework actually sounds like a buff.

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Why cant bladestorm work exactly the same way.

But instead of ninja auto cutscene mode where you have to watch teammates bleed to death because your stuck in a long animation for 20 seconds.


You just spawn your clones like normally

And YOUR ash continues on like usual...

You still can stand there shoot kill ect

Cap the base whatever.

The clones are doing their teleporting blitzkrieg you continue doing your thing.

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2 minutes ago, Tzirael said:

From what I understood the targeting is a hold 4 to mark? Therefore if playing with mouse and keyboard all you have to do is hold 4 and literally just wiggle your mouse over and area with enemies to place marks.... which doesn't sound too bad considering there is no limit to amount of marks you can place (energy aside?) therefore you could possibly kill a lot more enemies with this new bladestorm if the range of marks is better than current bladestorm. Also it is getting damage buff.... sounds good to me but it all rides on how easy it will be to mark targets, but if it is as easy as just quickly going over them to me this rework actually sounds like a buff.

Yeah but then at most you will ever get is 5 people before the other three people in your team kill the people that you initially marked

Bladestorm should be more efficient than using a stupid flamethrower

Edited by KuramaKitsune
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1 hour ago, Racter said:

How about we try it? How many times have we been through this in the last year? Saryn rework, Mag "rework", Valkyr "rework", both initial  

Saryns rework was good mags rework was good dont play valkyr so i dont have a opinion on that but from what i heard from meny vet valkyrs shes still fine

Edited by hazerddex
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26 minutes ago, Racter said:

Then the Saryn rework happened, and while she is definitely still playable, Miasma is no longer worth casting (from a damage perspective) ever.

Mag got "reworked", and basically got removed from the game.

Your entire wall of text is basically invalidated when you blanket statements such as these.  I play both of these frames currently and I dispute both of these claims.  I skipped the rest as I knew exactly with absolute certainty how pointless it would be to read the rest.

You are providing feedback for an ability that is literally still being coded, its a work in progress and was shown in its preliminary state to show us a bit of progress on it.  That is all.  I may even have agree with some of this feedback had you bothered to not go totally negative and insult various other reworks with your opinions as if they were fact.

Try again.

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56 minutes ago, chofranc said:

There is a big difference between vacuum and bladestorm or a rework of frame lol.

Not in this case, no. How do you know things are hot without touching them? Examine the evidence (air around item is warmer than ambient, maybe it's glowing/distorting the air) and apply that to previous experience (last time this happened, object was hot, ergo this object is also hot). In this case it's even simpler as we just saw a demonstration of it being terrible lol

49 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Your entire wall of text is basically invalidated when you blanket statements such as these.  I play both of these frames currently and I dispute both of these claims.  I skipped the rest as I knew exactly with absolute certainty how pointless it would be to read the rest.

You are providing feedback for an ability that is literally still being coded, its a work in progress and was shown in its preliminary state to show us a bit of progress on it.  That is all.  I may even have agree with some of this feedback had you bothered to not go totally negative and insult various other reworks with your opinions as if they were fact.

Try again.

You are free to dispute them if you wish. I certainly haven't seen a Mag (outside of being leveled for mastery) since I came back after her rework. If you had read on, you would have realized you took that Saryn statement out of context. By all means, head in the sand, full steam ahead. When we get the rework a month from now, it's awful and it's too late to get anything done about it, enjoy the results.

Edited by Racter
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52 minutes ago, RinaNightshade said:

I'd love to hear your thoughts on how we could possibly use this kit and maybe even make it better :D

I like it all except his one needs MORE shurikens.  A charge effect maybe?  We're space ninjas, we can't throw more than two at once?  That's barely above realism, I want some seriously awesome tricks here.

The feign death would be pretty awesome and hilarious to use.

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9 minutes ago, Racter said:

you would have realized you took that Saryn statement out on context.

Oh I read how she is still "effective" and all that, didn't change my opinion on how you worded it.  You dislike not being able to hit 4 and watch things melt.  boo hoo.

9 minutes ago, Racter said:

it's too late to get anything done about it,

LOL, its never too late, for anything.  Seriously, everyone should know this by now.

I certainly haven't seen a Mag (outside of being leveled for mastery) since I came back after her rework.

Well, I have, and quite often.  Play pugs more.  Or don't.  It doesn't matter really.  One person's observations does not make something fact.  In your opinion, because you failed at learning how to play the reworks, saryn and mag and valkyr et al suck.  We get it.  That's just you though.


Edited by Xekrin
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Ash's bladestorm is becoming a serious assassination tool. Why you would mark cannon fodder that other teammates can wipe off the map is beyond me. Mark the really hard to kill targets that our wepaons are going to struggle with, those HP heavy ones with massive shields and armor. In addition its damage is getting boosted so it can dish out some serious finisher damage to those priority targets.

Ash is going from a map-wide nuke to a focused target assassination. IMO that fits his ninja style a lot more.  Now the way BS is getting implmeneted can be done better imo and I've made a separate thread out it. Essentially instead of hold which is uncomfortable, make it a double cast ability. On first cast it's toggled on allowing one to select targets, and on second cast it executes.

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6 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Oh I read how she is still "effective" and all that, didn't change my opinion on how you worded it.  You dislike not being able to hit 4 and watch things melt.  boo hoo.

LOL, its never too late, for anything.  Seriously, everyone should know this by now.

Well, I have, and quite often.  Play pugs more.  Or don't.  It doesn't matter really.  One person's observations does not make something fact.  In your opinion, because you failed at learning how to play the reworks, saryn and mag and valkyr et al suck.  We get it.  That's just you though.


still play mag all the time and shes STRONGER then before. sure her 3 no longer instant kills corpus but that armor shred makes her useful in more levels then corpus i.e orokin and grneer combine that with her new magnetize she completely rekts things. you just have to press more buttons then before oh boo hoo.

Edited by hazerddex
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I'd like to introduce everybody *@##$ing about Ash to Equinox. Pair with a shotgun or launcher for huge finisher damage over infinite targets within a range even in other rooms.It doesn't scale with power strength, and it's what I'll be replacing Ash with if BS gets nuked.

Edited by CrimsonDalekanium
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13 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

I like it all except his one needs MORE shurikens.  A charge effect maybe?  We're space ninjas, we can't throw more than two at once?  That's barely above realism, I want some seriously awesome tricks here.

The feign death would be pretty awesome and hilarious to use.

OoO Yes more shurikens would be great. Maybe have it based off of his efficiency or duration kind of like nova's one (you get more ball thingys to attack people with more duration)

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25 minutes ago, KuramaKitsune said:

Why cant bladestorm work exactly the same way.

But instead of ninja auto cutscene mode where you have to watch teammates bleed to death because your stuck in a long animation for 20 seconds.


You just spawn your clones like normally

And YOUR ash continues on like usual...

You still can stand there shoot kill ect

Cap the base whatever.

The clones are doing their teleporting blitzkrieg you continue doing your thing.


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I think the community is quite done with seeing so much Ash and Ash Primes so bringing up this kind of argument and wall of text is just useless. No offense but... The fact that more than half of the community is pretty much using Ash or Ash prime is kinda not fun. It is very tunnel vision warframe and it is very boring to play with in team mate perspective unless they really do feel like that they could use somebody to do everything for them.

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Anything will be a downgrade if you compare it to automatic targeting single button press kill switch. Things like blade storm is a mistake from the beginning, weapon with aimbot will always be better than any weapon without it, if you're just comparing the benefits its obvious what's better but doesn't mean it's right.

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11 minutes ago, CrimsonDalekanium said:

I'd like to introduce everybody *@##$ing about Ash to Equinox. Pair with a shotgun or launcher for huge finisher damage over infinite targets within a range even in other rooms.It doesn't scale with power strength, and it's what I'll be replacing Ash with if BS gets nuked.


Except maims needs to be charged and cannot be spammed like BS can be spammed.

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It looks like it's gonna be a pain to aim with it while using a controller, especially depending on how players set up their individual controller schemes. I'm not fond of aiming reticle powers and trying to target a spastic Ai let alone a group flipping out in the middle of chaos. 

Well atleast Ash will look fabulous with his new skin while nerfed. 

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