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Bad culture?


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However you play, there is always someone out there who will be unhappy with it, find fault, and project their lame assumptions onto you.


My suggestion, to those people, is to stop spending so much time worrying about how other people play.

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31 minutes ago, schilds said:

However you play, there is always someone out there who will be unhappy with it, find fault, and project their lame assumptions onto you.


My suggestion, to those people, is to stop spending so much time worrying about how other people play.

While i do agree with this sentiment, this really only works in single player games. Warframe is not played by one person, it evolves based on the feedback given by different people with different ideas. This gives the developers a much broader spectrum of  arguments and ideas so that they better understand what their player-base wants and make changes accordingly.

Imagine a scenario like this, two groups, one is pro rushing and the other is pro slow-methodical play. If one of these group takes a stance of "don't worry how other people play and do what you prefer" then the devs only get feedback from the other more vocal group. Whatever changes they make will be based on only seeing threads from one of the groups and equating that to be what the player-base wants because there are to counter-threads. The group that chose not to bother themselves now has to play a game that is increasingly moving away form the type of play-style they prefer.

Worst case scenario both group adopt this mentality and no progress is made.

Whilst personally i rush or take-it-slow depending on my mood(prefer slow play) these types of threads do need to exist for the game to improve.

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The reason why people rush is quite simple - there is simply no reason not to rush once you're past a certain point.

  • I have enough credits/endo/resources. Even if I need either of those, there are specific places to farm each.
  • There are no mods that can realistically drop from enemies that I care about.
  • I don't care about Ayatan statues because I can get them from Raids with a much higher chance.
  • I'm playing with maxed loadout, so I don't need affinity. If I do, there are better missions to farm it it.
  • I know all the maps, and they are non-interactive, so no reason to stop.

Sure, I can stick around to kill those enemies with horrible AI that die in one hit and can't deal damage to me, or pick up yet another copy of Redirection that I don't need, but I'd rather just get it over with and play another mission, or another game entirely.

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There is a difference between generally worrying about (and debating) game mechanics and their various (de)merits, and worrying about (and debating) the motives of specific players you were in a group with.


The former may be fruitful, the latter certainly is not. I can't see how the latter will produce anything but a he-said she-said argument that goes nowhere. In fact, the quickest way to derail the former is to mix it with the latter. A thread that *started* with the latter? Going nowhere fast, full of people talking past each other.


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3 hours ago, Babellon said:

I don't know why people promote the idea that rushing is good. "it doesn't do any good to take your time and loot"? really now, in the 5 minutes someone rushes a map and makes the bare minimum, I will go to the same map, take my time and loot everything, make 10x more kills, get 10x more resources, credits and experience. I spend an hour on sabotage and come out with dozens of mods, thousands of resources, credits, affinity.

this whole "the game has evolved into a rush game" isn't exactly accurate, its been forced into a rush game, pushed into a rush game, many players insist its all there is, they don't have time, they don't have patience, they don't have---insert what ever here---The problem is, they insist on trying to make everyone else play that way, demand changes to the game that promote and allow them to do that, and in doing so take elements of enjoyable game play from the rest of us. Its why fissures got begged into the passive thing it is now, its why mobs got reduced on maps, its why maps got streamlined and shortened, because DE wants to please people, and unfortunately the people they are pleasing, aren't helping them promote a good game, simply a fast one, that you finish quickly and move on to a new one. These are the people who after they've convinced the developers to make those changes will then come under new names and ids and complain about how terrible the game is, who will find every reason to dissect and tear down any element of enjoyable game play DE writes.

Personally I hope that with the war within update we see Digital Extremes take more control of their game, tell these splinter groups to play the game they write and they themselves don't succumb to the demands of the crowds who want it all to be a rush game we can all hurry up to the end of. Which is all those people want, to hurry it up to the end.

I am agree with u 100%. I am also the minority who take the time and collect everything what is possible

The fun game is much better than rushed game.


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4 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

I am agree with u 100%. I am also the minority who take the time and collect everything what is possible

The fun game is much better than rushed game.

But that's implying that there is no fun to be had in speed. Movement in Warframe is one that, for me, can accentuate and capitalize on that joy of speed and playing "the floor is lava."

A lot of people rush not because going slow isn't rewarding, but because going fast can be fun.

Fun is subjective, I get that, not everyone enjoys the rush of racing games, and not everyone enjoys the discovery of exploration. Warframe has both, commonly, when you play solo, you have the choice to do whichever you want. When you play with a group, you're usually obligated to go at the general speed of the group. When I group with 3 people who want to go slow, I'll hang out, if the others want to go fast, I'll do that too.

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5 hours ago, kyori said:

Not sure when it started but I find this 'warframe culture' quite hilarious .

It's been like that since I started playing back in 2014.


People used to helicopter through the levels as fast as they could. I've never known it to be any different. 

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Supposedly, or so I've read, they've done experiments that show that by (around) 5 years old children have learned that not everyone likes the same thing they do, and when asked to offer something to another person, they won't automatically offer the thing they like, but will consider offering other things. I get the feeling that it takes some people much longer than 5 years to develop such complexities in their behaviour :-P.

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35 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

I am agree with u 100%. I am also the minority who take the time and collect everything what is possible

The fun game is much better than rushed game.


Not for all. I can't stand going into every room and breaking every crate or open every locker. I did it for 3 weeks when I went on a syndicate medallion finding spree and now I`m sick of it. This is not fun for me at all, especially since the rewards are practically nonexistent. 


I like to be rewarded for my effort in looting games, I see no point in spending 1 hour in single mission to get a fraction of the things that I can get someplace else in a much less time and have a better time as well. 

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5 hours ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

Warframe missions are a race for most kills and quickest extraction. It's the most efficient way people go about farming stuff, so they're not gonna take their time and loot every nook and cranny when that stuff is minescule compared to the one thing they're working for.

It's just natural.

if you miss smth in real life, you cant get it in a internetgame

we are talking about COOP (shift) ... not ueberst*pid egos and their silly childish hormons they could use better elsewhere ^^)

as well as IF your expression is true i give you mine that we keep balance in warframe and that what you try to glorify as "normal" doesnt carry skills or whatever in that direction, every idiot can do it ...

ok, if this "rushers" go solo there is a point, if this wrong behaving enters coop continously for fooling the others in the team its harrasment, stupidity and not a good style for new players and a even bad example for motivating people for teamgame or going on playing warframe, we which play longer know that this "waves" of "totally wrong players in the wrong game" appears and get down every year ... which is needed that warframe stays alive

playing in a team and being able to use teamplay and simply doing teamplay is the essential core in coop

IF there is a lot of this hyperagressive behaving, guys, simply take a screeny and report them, DE support cares wonderfully about this useles theme in warframe ^^)

i dont need and i dont want "agresive" gameplay in warframe, warframe is not created for ... i think this people should enter pvp


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There are always circumstances to why there are rushers. Perhaps they want that nitain extract for that exterminate but would rather play conclave for their time. Perhaps they're getting ready to go somewhere but they want to play something real quick. Perhaps they don't care about their resources because they would give people resources if they could. These players may have a mission type or time they will take their time with, just not at that moment.

When playing public, there is always a chance that you will find gameplay displeasing. Most likely your squadmates aren't looking for bonding over loot. They won't remember your name except when you did that one thing. Everyone has their own way to enjoy the game whether its loot gratification or bouncing through rooms with ease.

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Is this a coop game? Really? I usually play rushing because there is more reward on doing several fast missions than wasting time on a single mission for too long, and to avoid the snail speed players, I do this solo. However, when I feel about doing something different, I like to take an "out of the meta" build to Sorties and take my time,and to avoid rushers,I do this solo. There is not much point on playing coop at all until the next prime access so to avoid slow players or rushers, I just play solo

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53 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

But that's implying that there is no fun to be had in speed. Movement in Warframe is one that, for me, can accentuate and capitalize on that joy of speed and playing "the floor is lava."

A lot of people rush not because going slow isn't rewarding, but because going fast can be fun.

Fun is subjective, I get that, not everyone enjoys the rush of racing games, and not everyone enjoys the discovery of exploration. Warframe has both, commonly, when you play solo, you have the choice to do whichever you want. When you play with a group, you're usually obligated to go at the general speed of the group. When I group with 3 people who want to go slow, I'll hang out, if the others want to go fast, I'll do that too.

This is also true and mostly the one solution have for this if you search for groups whom like to do what you wish to do.

I am combining the two game mode but not enjoying rushing any mission for fast rewards because I didn't find that enjoying at all the reward is again a different thing because now the rushing more rewarding than the exploring. When they add more loot and things to explore and adding more new map tile to the table then this will be balanced a bit better.

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9 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

This is also true and mostly the one solution have for this if you search for groups whom like to do what you wish to do.

I am combining the two game mode but not enjoying rushing any mission for fast rewards because I didn't find that enjoying at all the reward is again a different thing because now the rushing more rewarding than the exploring. When they add more loot and things to explore and adding more new map tile to the table then this will be balanced a bit better.

Except the inverse can be said of when you want to explore: "Find a group."

That's definitely the community understood operating procedures for things like Derelict Vaults, Orokin Moon Drift Mod farming, and Syndicate Medallion Mission farming. You organize a group to scour the map looking for medallions/Vaults/Drift Challenges, you don't expect that kind of coordination in PuGs.

Idunno, it comes down to the game mode and the difficulty of it. 

Low Level Capture Nitain Alert? Oh yeah I'm gonna rush that. Exilus Exterminate? Slow and steady advancement. Spy anything? Solo it with Ivara.

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On my playthroughs I found people who were patient enough to play at the same slow explorative pace as me. But also understood when it was crunch time rushing was an option like when an invasion is at 3% and you need to do 3x runs. Let us have the freedom to dictate the pace of the game. 1 thing this game has taught me its that opening every locker and breaking every crate doesnt reward you. The ayatan stars, sabotage lockers and ordis mem fragments are a nice step in fixing the rewards

I dont see a problem with rushing. I must say though, going slow and exploring in archwing just feels boring and its not something that i've found fun. Especially underwater. As soon as i enter water im dieing to get out of it.

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Weird... those who promote rushing... why not play solo?

Also to those who said they are so capable of killing everything in 1 hit... why play public? Not as if you need help from other players.

Except perhaps fissure which need to see if other's prime stuffs is what you want more than your own.

I am sorry this voicing out thread has attracted those rush players to... start 'insulting' others.... also insult others of their mentality... calling people names etc.   This is sad. I didn't even insult the rushers when I started this thread. lol

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4 minutes ago, kyori said:

Weird... those who promote rushing... why not play solo?

Also to those who said they are so capable of killing everything in 1 hit... why play public? Not as if you need help from other players.

Except perhaps fissure which need to see if other's prime stuffs is what you want more than your own.

I am sorry this voicing out thread has attracted those rush players to... start 'insulting' others.... also insult others of their mentality... calling people names etc.   This is sad. I didn't even insult the rushers when I started this thread. lol


7 hours ago, kyori said:

I noticed in public missions... a lot of players tend to rush to get the most kills and reach the extraction point first... as if there is a reward for that behaviour.

Not sure when it started but I find this 'warframe culture' quite hilarious .

I was in a mission just now and someone keep shooting me with his weapon at the extraction point because I reached there before him. lol

It will be taken as such , for me i think if you want to explore best to be solo or with friends. Want to carve a bloody mess of bodies with people go public.

Most of the public games it's all about speed , style and making a mess. ?

If i want to farm loot , exp or explore i go solo or with my clan mates. 

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11 minutes ago, kyori said:

Weird... those who promote rushing... why not play solo?

Rushing with a group means that players divided the task amongst each other, completing the mission faster than when going solo.


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8 minutes ago, kyori said:

I am sorry this voicing out thread has attracted those rush players to... start 'insulting' others.... also insult others of their mentality... calling people names etc.   This is sad. I didn't even insult the rushers when I started this thread. lol

Your thread title literally brands players who have fun using Warframes parkour mechanics to enjoy speedy gameplay as a "bad culture." 

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