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[The Index Preview] Bug Report Megathread


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Right now the only issue I'm having is actually just trying to join a party in general.
I'll place my bet, it'll say "Looking for Players" than nothing. It just kicks me right out back to the Navigation screen.

Tried messing around with my net, computer settings, etc, and nothing I can find that could lead me to think it's on my end, especially since any other mission I can join just fine.
It's been going on since I logged in roughly half an hour ago.

It's okie though, I'll get this to work, I have all night ;__;


Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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The Azima is broken. When the secondary fire goes to initialize its attack, it lasts for about 1 second and immediately explodes. It doesn't last long enough to even hurt anything near it. I'm assuming this is unintentional.

Only noticed it while playing The Index, so it may pertain to the game-mode. Either way, it's only recently occurred.

Edited by Krion112
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solo - AI non responsive, engages oddly for spectres- run into wall, hang around odd locations running in circles, stand in place, no fire, spontaneous appearing near player but not participating in combat or marginally- animations as if attacking but several meters away aiming in opposite direction from perceived target.

Occasionally enemy mobs getting stuck in wall in tunnel areas of compound

money drops (the green thing we pick up) but disappears when killing osprey unit, unsure if falling off map but unretrievable<<I made up a word specially for you>> and unseen. only happens on osprey units

Loss of functional movement = when running Frame will continue off map when attempting to change directions, as though locked in a direction and unable to alter that direction unless all movement is stopped entirely then mouse move rotate camera and begin movement again.

Edited by Babellon
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im glad when i finished the 10 rounds for this event

from me to the development in that direction a simple clear clean NO ! im not interested in this kind of "playing warframe" ... (hysterical announcer-cephs and all this is too childish for me)

the mass of strange players which enters warframe will maybe like it, i dont care and i have no interest into this kind of development ...

rails are dead since a too long time and main updates arrive very late, i also would like to see - according to the value-politics with real cash a better development with new planets or system and new races

i feel fooled, DE ... it looks like you get eaten as all in the gamingindustry when success arises, counting $ instead of real development, sorry, have nothing better to say to my "formerly most loved game" ...

and i will not comment the "teamplay" in this kind of coop ... its useless, oh wait, i have smth to say to that greedy neurotic players, and, i said it allready now ... sorry kids, sucking points has nothing to do with teamplay ...

and after one match in public i will finish this event solo ...

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For the SECOND Index mission and the Endurance, I have not gotten any of my profit. For example, Gold tier investment costs 35K to do, gets me 70K at the end if I get 20pts.

However when I get my 20pts and win the match, I only get 35K back. This is shown on the winning screen and by me checking my credits after each match. Losing the match still makes you lose the 35K. Ive done this several times in both the second mission and the endurance one, and both gave me nothing. The first Index mission worked perfectly


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3 minutes ago, wnci997 said:

For the SECOND Index mission and the Endurance, I have not gotten any of my profit. For example, Gold tier investment costs 35K to do, gets me 70K at the end if I get 20pts.

However when I get my 20pts and win the match, I only get 35K back. This is shown on the winning screen and by me checking my credits after each match. Losing the match still makes you lose the 35K. Ive done this several times in both the second mission and the endurance one, and both gave me nothing. The first Index mission worked perfectly


its showing you the profit not the net total, you should see your actual total amount of credits increasing by 35k per run.


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During the endurance mission the tenno score and timer are in the same place on my screen, causing both to be unreadable. This is probably related to my resolution, which is 3840 by 2160.

Here is a screenshot of what I mean:




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I'm not gaining any credits when playing these missions :d

Okay I was, just seemed like I wasn't.

Also I noticed at the start of matches there was a +X Scan. I'm not sure if this was intended or the enemies are automatically getting scanned.

Edited by Priscella
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2 hours ago, Azrael said:

The Mag spectre lifts players and other friendly spectres up in the air when casting polarize. This CC's players and is kinda frustrating, since that CC is coming from our own team.

Ah, so that's why I get cc'ed for a second.

A smaller bug, but still a bug. Not all enemies are scanned at the start of the mission. The raptor, bursa, hyena and moa are not scanned automatically, but can be scanned with heliocor. Could it be changed so that enemies will be scanned on death, regardless of weapon used?

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I've completed every index mission, except the last one ... Like during the event of Khela de Thaym, I checked the codex to see if the brokers were scanned ... the non-human ones were compeletely ignored...

I checked on forums and discussions...and turns out that I need Simaris' hammer to scan them...but right now I can't have it...

If it is possible I would like to have their info on my codex befre the event ends...

P.S :It seems that even Executioner Zura of the Rathuum is missing ... considering that I've faced her 2-3 times. Sorry if I post this here, but the official thread has been closed before I noticed the bug.


Edited by PastAndFurious
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1. One Shot Kills: Your able to get one-shotted by High Damaging attacks or even wrose.

2. Point Pickups Stealing: Points that drop by mobs, can be stolen by other players,perverting others from reaching their goal, resulting in loss of credits, and trolling. 

3. Raptors: OP Damage, can one shot.

4. MOA-Mounted Weapons: Damage & Satus effect, need to be nerfed.

Edited by LegionCynex
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7 hours ago, Recidivism said:

Telos Boltace = does not work on spin attack

Vacuum is bugged or something its super weak.

How can you vacuum if you dont have sentinel ?


It seems like i have rly hard time joining sessions in the silver and gold rank. It goes Joinning session and load to the infinite and beyond. Works well in the bronze on thougth.

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1. Corpus Outpost map AI never enters the narrow vents and they just stand outside vents easy camping area.

2. Jad Tehran needs his health and shields buffed he dies to 1 bullet of Lato let alone a Dex Sybaris and on the same place. And in general all the corpus human units need to be buffed a bit for survivability.

3. Auditor always ends up sitting outside the battle as he just camps in a corner and doesn't move, Thus ending up not participating in the battle.

4. Raptor RX drops always go flying from his body, In close range corpus tileset you would have to bullet jump up just to find it, But in Corpus outpost map his drops end up going outside the boundaries never to be seen again.

5. Nekros can't seem to call on his companions in Shadows Of The Dead. It always say not enough for ability. Though it might just be pvp mode preventing SOTD.

6. Nekros Desecrate at many instances toggled back when you deliver the points.

Will update post for more bugs.

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11 hours ago, Krion112 said:

The Azima is broken. When the secondary fire goes to initialize its attack, it lasts for about 1 second and immediately explodes. It doesn't last long enough to even hurt anything near it. I'm assuming this is unintentional.

Only noticed it while playing The Index, so it may pertain to the game-mode. Either way, it's only recently occurred.

Azima alt-fire is broken also outside the index. It is not usable anymore.

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The new mod for sentinels called Shield Charger has two bugs what i have noticed. Firstly it removes all other overshields your warframe has accumilated when the mod activates. Lost 1000+ overshields to this mod every single time it activated, assuming i had any. You still keep the overshields from the mod itself once the effect ends. Secondly the shield increase doesn't appear to be 60%. Volt Prime with maxed Redirection goes from 1110 to 1290 which is 180 increase in shields. Even if the mod was supposed to only increase base shields, that is too little as Volt Prime has 450 base shields, so it should be atleast 270, not 180.

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