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Shield Charger: Why Even Bother With 60+ Shield?


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Why did they think giving us 120 shields on a frame with 300 shield at max rank (with it now being 60 shield as it was supposed to be, which is even worse) was a good idea? Especially when combined with the fact that it has a massive 30 second cooldown, as well as the sentinel not being able to do anything while the ability is active. 

Look, i can forgive you guys for the pointless medi-ray that is just a buff to inaros (because there is no minimal heal amount, so the frame with the highest health gains the biggest buff but frames with almost no health gain nothing) but only because all frames (for the most part) have shields to protect from damage, making the tiny, tiny, TINY chunks of health it gives you is enough to not rely on taking out your melee for 5 seconds and channeling an enemy to gain that health back. 

But with Shields, this is completely different. This isn't a health type that rarely gets hit or only gets damaged every so often. No, it gets damaged all the time meaning a small amount of shield does nothing in the long run, especially if it disables your sentinel in the process and then takes 30 seconds to start again. The concept is good, i will admit, but the execution was poor, to the point where it appears whoever made the stats never played against enemies before without having iron skin on or playing through stealth. 

Okay so if you hate the mod so much then what is your solution???

Assuming DE keeps the 10 second duration that renders your sentinel useless, and they keep the massive 30 second cooldown, i suggest making it so it instantly recharges shields up to the maximum, and removes the shield recharge delay completely during this 10 second period. So every 30 seconds, you have the ability to instantly recharge shields and gain a small amount of additional shield. This would actually make it useful, and does not add anything more to the ability. 

Option 2: Reduce the cooldown of the ability to 15 seconds, and make it so the sentinel zaps your character a single time (1 second animation) that adds a flat 500 overshield to the player, if they are at or near max shields. If not at max shields, it simply instantly recharges them. This way you don't gain extra bonus shield or shield recharge rate, but the timer is shorter meaning every so often you will be in a life or death battle with an enemy and your sentinel instantly recharges your shields, or fortifies you with 500 overshield so you can take that next hit. 

Adding more than 60 shield isn't overpowered. 

Edited by [DE]Danielle
Removed naming/shaming + other antagonizing comments.
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3 minutes ago, TheGoodDarius said:

At a single day from the release you can't really express a just opinion on everything. If you think you can by simply reading the stats, know that they can be misleading

What does that even mean? it gives you 60 shield with a frame that has 300 at max rank, and it was (mistakenly) still only 120. Are you implying there is some hidden stat fairy that you know about?

Edited by Darthmufin
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1 minute ago, Darthmufin said:

What does that even mean? it gives you 60 shield with a frame that has 300 at max rank, and it was (mistakenly) still only 120. Are you implying there is some hidden stat fairy that you know about?

No, but there is the fairy that makes you read the wiki, take a calculator and decide that something sucks. Look as Gas for instance. Every body ditched it because "it deals less damage" on everything but the Infested Charger, it's useless, DE, what were you thinking? But then they found out that it's very powerful, even at high levels, because its damage scales with the stealth multiplier and so it literally eat chunks of Hp on everything in mere seconds .

Perhaps this mod is not useful for everyone, just like Med-ray heals more on Inaros than to everyone else. Again, give it time and see if it is really useless as you say

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I think they try to limit complains on forum (this stuff is op nerf it !!) ,

I see it from nothing is op in this syndicate melee weapon, they respect the standard weapon stats with a little bonus but... meh I will keep my loadout

I think it cause they remove hot thread section, avoiding to attract too much trolls & flammer,


but anyway you see how many angry people we got right now for a small thing just for the spin melee feature from telos boltface in order to see how much the heat turn up fast.

anyway i won't say now 120 or 300 shield, even I still do not look for this mod, but shield is so worthless since the update (12 If I remember)

Edited by Soketsu
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5 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Yes, they play the game. Yes, they balance it to their vision.

Uhhh... Not really. They don't always bother consulting each other on future changes either.
Some changes are apparently made on a whim.

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There is a mod called [Guardian] or something that instantly replenishes shields if shields fail. This mod doesn't seem to be of use unless it's role could be to provide Iron-skin-like defenses while shields are out.

Concept mod rework in spoilers.



The 'Regeneration' mod needs an upgrade state (R0 = 1 spare life, R2 = 2 spare lives, reviving allies heals Sentinel, R3 = +1 life for Sentinel each time a teammate is revived, +3 spare lives).

There could be special 'Companion Exilus' mods that act like Aura mod slots, but require Exilus to unlock. This mod slot can mount ANY companion mod, and some Aura mods, within reason.

This would introduce Vacuum to pets, and shield-link/health-link/death timer to Sentinels (which, when dead, drop to the surface and twitch a little, with flickering lighting and so on identifying it's 'dying' ).

One of the biased choices people would go for is to add the death timer, but with other options, they may find themselves experimenting.

'Regeneration' 2.0 and any Companion Death timer extender mod are incompatible.

Sentinel death state is brief and would be about ('Regeneration' 2.0 rank = 7 seconds to death timer).

The Sentinel can still be revived during it's 'dying' state. If 'Regen' 2.0 is installed at max rank, the corpse of it will follow you like a tumbleweed until you approach it and hold X (which would fill over a short time, and then the Sentinel's up; this 'hold [Button/key] to do thing' would apply to moving entities like Rescue Targets and deployed entities like Spectres). This mod will be separate from the normal one and will come from Sentient fighters or some other source, like Zanuka...

...Some entities, like Fusion Moa, show that they have a 'mini-gunship' Osprey attached. I'd like to see our Companions, such as Sentinels, have an option to come in on the back of some 'winged Moa' thing the Tenno built out of Raptor and Moa parts.



Edited by Koldraxon-732
Hold on, I must've misread the function of 'Shield Charger'. Someone provide a URL to it when possible?
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6 minutes ago, LABAL said:

Uhhh... Not really. They don't always bother consulting each other on future changes either.
Some changes are apparently made on a whim.

Impressive that you have some hidden insight into the workings of DE.

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People rely on shields and health boosts to play Warframe? interesting, I think I stopped using shield and health mods about 2 months after I started.

Parkour, dodging, using cover all of those things reduce your damage. I know, that's not really what you're talking about. YOu are saying the mod doesn't give enough bonus shields to our frames who are already almost invincible to everything on the field as it is.

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significantly shortening the Shield Recharge Delay would make a larger impact on Gameplay than adding another hundred or two to Shield Total.

gotta have Mods that affect Shield Recharge Delay eventually, if it's wanted for Shields to be flexible like Health can be.

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28 minutes ago, JazaJ said:

Impressive that you have some hidden insight into the workings of DE.

See: Primed Pressure Point

DEScott didn't want it added at all, but it was added to the game without his knowledge. He is also apparently one of the main voices behind the addition of such mods, so they went around his misgivings (Aptly so, considering the changes required with the Damage 3.0 rework) and added it anyways. This is fairly common knowledge, and it is hardly the only place it has happened. There are complaints of this sort on several of the devstreams.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

Yes, they play the game. Yes, they balance it to their vision.

Actually DE has outright admitted in the past that they don't play the game, at least no where near as much as your standard player.

The answer for this would be to use a portion of the player base as a test group, but as far as I know they only did that for conclave rework.

Edited by Horonelius
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12 minutes ago, Horonelius said:

Actually DE has outright admitted in the past that they don't play the game, at least no where near as much as your standard player.

The answer for this would be to use a portion of the player base as a test group, but as far as I know they only did that for conclave rework.

We are the test group...

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1 hour ago, Darthmufin said:

massive 30 second cooldown

That's not massive in the slightest. It's not a CC precept. It's a small boost to your survivability. Unlike Medi-Ray, it has an effect whether at 0% or 100% shielding. The 30 second cooldown is justified.

By the way, work on how biased your wording on the Wiki is. A description of what the mod does doesn't need, "making it fairly ineffective in most situations." Yes, I'm blaming you for that since every comment you've made falls in line with that wording.

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2 hours ago, Azrael said:

This. OP is freaking out but he doesn't seem to understand what it even does.

what are you even talking about? Oh right, you didn't even read my first post like most people on the forums now. 60 as in THE MOD GIVES FRAMES WITH 100 BASE ENERGY 60 SHIELD WHICH IS ALSO 60% of 100. 

Now i realize that that silly comment NinthAria meant. 

Edited by Darthmufin
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