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Increase time on stage 3 Hallowed Nightmares Related ATTACK


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1 hour ago, Azrael said:

It seems to require a lot of luck. For us he never seems to take very much damage, we always get to extraction with 650-something on the clock.

This... the majority of the time for me jugg keeps dashing around the explosive barrels and hangs around at the very edge of it's range where it can't get hit

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13 hours ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

Punch its weak spot, takes massive damage.

completed with pugs after a few tries, it's difficult but not extremely so.

Punch its stomach before it's about to stomp? What about whenever it shoots its lobs of goop?

edit: Obviously I meant while it's on fire.

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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its really not too hard tbh. even solo all you need is a fast frame that can take a hit.

and for those that dont know the only way to damage the juggernaut is to set it on fire with the pumpkins. so you have to bait it towards them before hitting the pumpkins, also not very hard.

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Failed the first attempt by a few seconds due to me getting stuck in scenery.


Second attempt we did it with 730 left.


I am awful at speed runs. I get stuck in things, my jump seem to go in different directions and I always take wrong turns.


If a numpty like me can do it, anyone can. 

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

I've been reading this thread thinking "How are peeps soloing this when you have to hack the consoles while the Infested are on your tail?" Then I realized that ciphers exist.

I forgot that they were a thing from doing so many Sorties and Raids that restricted their use.

i didnt use ciphers i would lure the enemies away from each terminal then quickly run back and hack them didnt even think of using a cipher since i find hacking easy.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)LiamRising said:

i didnt use ciphers i would lure the enemies away from each terminal then quickly run back and hack them didnt even think of using a cipher since i find hacking easy.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong. Hacking with Infested is easily doable. It's just that every second counts for the Time Attack that that section shouldn't be wasted with kiting.

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6 hours ago, Agentawesome said:

I'm surprised nobody has said:


I have, I got a warning for it.

No points or anything mind you (at least they were somewhat... compassionate), but yeah, done with this community in general.

Edited by SetAbominae
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18 hours ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

I think part of the problem for some people is they don't realize that the Juggernaut can be damaged while he's on fire. If you just try to kill him with fire DoTs like I did way back when the event first came out, it's going to be pretty tough. Once you know that you can hit him and kill him a lot quicker, it's a breeze.

He can? I was told he could only be damaged by fire and I always saw 0 when I tried. Either way I got 675 on my second attempt (solo) using fire alone and am done with it. =3

Edited by Wolfdoggie
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Alone or duo is easier. If you do duo, don't care if the other person gets downed, it's not worth the risk to waste time on reviving them, and it'll be easier to have him chase you while the other person is down and trying to revive himself. Try to make him charge into or near a pumpkin, smash it and run in the fire for a while and let him chase you in it while he's on that sort of short cooldown(?) from his abilities, then bullet jump to the next pumpkin. 


Oh, and if you're not good at the movement system and can't get to him in a short period... well, I can't help you there 


Edited by Nebam
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2 hours ago, radastir said:

The problem with this kind of mission is that just one player can grief the whole team. And that is simply plain due to a bad level design decision.


Just another event/activity in this Coop game that is better done alone. This seems to be the trend.

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What i found out the hard way is that if you get teammates that actually know what they're doing, you'll do fine. If you get teammates who have no idea what they're doing, what the goals are and where to go.. good luck, especially with the time attack. Also you will need some luck, cause more often than not we failed simply cause the juggernaught just kept going everywhere else except to places where we could set him on fire and do some effective damage.

I managed to complete it with a score of 709 after numerous failed attempts.

Edited by Serbian2G
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