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Postponed: Devstream #83!


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3 minutes ago, EchoesOfRain said:

I think you misread that tweet. Rebecca said it's not guaranteed for Wednesday. It's possible for TWW to release Wednesday, just not guaranteed.

Yeah, that's right.

But, I think it's likely either tomorrow or Thursday, since it would be easiest to address any possible bugs that might arise when it gets deployed. If memory serves, they've deployed an update the day before a weekend (I think when Valkyr was released, but I don't entirely remember) and the game was barely even playable.

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1 minute ago, Zachles said:

Yeah, that's right.

But, I think it's likely either tomorrow or Thursday, since it would be easiest to address any possible bugs that might arise when it gets deployed. If memory serves, they've deployed an update the day before a weekend (I think when Valkyr was released, but I don't entirely remember) and the game was barely even playable.

Something like that

DE tries to avoid Friday updates for this reason (a more recent event would be Specters of the Rail), and given the magnitude of this update, I'd imagine it'd release Wednesday/Thursday

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2 minutes ago, williamwatsonMH4 said:

It was stated live on PAX and on PCGamer that the WW would release on November 9th. After all these delays i will hold on to that as my expectation because my body can not endure any more waiting.

I believe DE has been aiming for the 9th, cause ya know, updates are usually on wednesday. However, they were smart and corrected it to the week of the 9th, rather than the 9th since they usually struggle to get major updates out on wednesdays. I feel like they have properly prepared for this though, so it could be the 9th. Might not though. we'll see

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4 minutes ago, williamwatsonMH4 said:

It was stated live on PAX and on PCGamer that the WW would release on November 9th. After all these delays i will hold on to that as my expectation because my body can not endure any more waiting.

Actually on Rebecca's Twitter, someone asked if November 9th was a hard date. She said no. Now that doesn't mean it won't happen, and I'll be ecstatic if it does, but take it with a grain of salt.

Let me see if I can find the exact Tweet.


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All Hype and anger of the past months aside, i hope you guys are doing well physically and mentally. This must've been one huge crunch period to get The War Within completed and released, and as evidence has shown time and time again, crunch can hurt developers badly, even down to eventually affecting their creation, if there's too much pressure.

So, i hope you are doing all right and i already wish you a great time of relief once the deployment and hotfixes are done and you get to take your annual time off around christmas.

Stay healthy and thank you for all the extra work you're doing for us!

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8 hours ago, fred101j said:

we need to stay so tuned we need a tuner

I Summon the Tuner Monster Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind! 

(I both apologise and admit I can totally go further)

PS: I like the Blackwings for their art design more than anything, having a personal fondness for Tengu and Avian monsters.

1 hour ago, Xsoskeleton said:

will the stream shows how many pedestals rebecca has bought ? :crylaugh:

Some thought the Noggles were a sea. Some thought that they were the great rolling plains of wobbling obsession. Little did we know that they would grow into a great mountain of ornamentation, impossible for mere mortal minds to truly comprehend in its grandeur.

Hume once told us we could only imagine the golden mountain...but now that time has finally come to fruition.

(And again, apologies. I'm going to show myself out now)

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