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Do you believe the wait was worth it? (Spoilers?)


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I expected more, especially lore-wise.

Don't get me wrong; the update is excellent if judged by the merits of other regular updates.

Complaining about bugs is not all that fair considering how we all pushed for the update to be released ASAP.

There are basically just three missions that often very poorly explained. When we had to leave the ship it was abrupt and cumbersome; I had no idea WHY we were landing on Earth, not even a single line indicating our destination and purpose.

The mountain path was ok but very frustrating mainly due to conflicting instructions. 

However, the most disappointing thing is related to the Queens. Their story and introduction do not have enough weight to impress and astonish. We deserved a better explanation of their Orokin origin. 

A proper story explaining in full the rite or practice of Continuity during Orokin era was a must. The revelations about Orokin Empire are long overdue.

Basically, DE continue to build upon incomplete, and contradictory lore while the lack of comprehensive and coherent vision of it shows more than ever. And if there are a lore and story set in stone it should be simply given to us by now. 

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To be honest. I feel disappointed and frustrated more than anything.

The lore was cool, although, it didn't reveal much at all really. I feel as though I saw a massive amount of the storyline coming a long time ago, and the questline was kinda predictable.

The new mechanics made me really frustrated at first though. In the questline specifically. I got frustrated trying to figure out what to do at first with the Golden Maw, and there were other little things here or there that I feel could've done with more clarification, that the quest could've done with a few pointers.

These new riven mods seem to be ridiculous as well, what with their absolutely insane unlock conditions. Luckily mine wasn't as bad as some of the others "4 headshots in one aim glide", although, even that for me personally is pretty tough as I'm on a low resolution, windowed, and my mouse is choppy. So it's taking my forever and frustrating me even more.

A massive part of the hype for me was expecting something unexpected, something big. But we didn't get that. I mean sure, we got a few things that DE hadn't mentioned before, but nothing of shock value. No major reveals, or major "hints" as to what is upcoming.

It's ironic. After all these months of waiting, I feel like TWW was rushed.

I don't feel like DE did a bad job as such. I just feel like the implementation has been a bit messy, and that this update has been overhyped massively.

Edited by Master-Nachash
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1 hour ago, Culaio said:

It would be worth it if we got it at original date months ago, DE promised us AT LEAST 2 possibly 3 cinematic quests on level of second dream and since DE promised in next cinematic quest umbra's(which means we were supposed to get it this year but we wont since FIRST cinematic quest this year was delayed so much) this quest to be worth it would have to have TWICE the content we got:twice the missions, twice the story, twice the amount of weapons and twice the new systems...

year 2016 was pretty bad for warframe, it was very dry content-wise, yeah we got new weapons and frames, but we got very little events this year, barelly any PvE content(we got some PvP but not everyone likes it), and new way to farm primes scared off most of my friends from playing warframe and made me decrease amount of time I spend playing warframe from 3+ hours to around 30 min a day(we lost endgame of playing long void missions which most of my friends liked)

you got a point

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4 hours ago, Alison2g said:

Anyone haveing the tame a maw part being total black.I cant even see where i am going there is no lights other then when i fire my hands.

Had the same issue super frustrating ultimately ruined an amazing quest for me otherwise solid quest great story telling probably gonna make a post on it but overall solid quest that was ruined by bugs

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i really enjoyed the new quests, but much like with most other updates the content doesn't last very long. I want to see some more end game content thats different to everything else e.g sorties (which arnt really end game imo). atm i come back with each update play abit and then wait again and there are probly many other players that have been here since the begining that feel the same way.

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I do believe the wait is worth it. I like playing, Warframe, so I am willing to wait for the new content. Anything that gets me playing the game longer than an hour is exciting for me. At MR19, I do not have much left to accomplish besides grinding mastery.

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I expected a cinematic quest at least twice as long as the Second Dream. At least that quest had more play value, more actual gameplay. The Second Dream had 3 big cut scenes. They were pretty long in comparison to the `12` (quoting Steve) cut scenes we got this time around.

The story telling was horrendous. Really cheesy and bad dialogue. No explanation was given about the events that occurred.


No further explanation on the images during the vision of the mountain?  The one queen was Orokin, okay, but who was she? Who is the Worm?

So many questions unanswered.

Overall: The Second Dream was so much better. This feels like a cheap, rushed, b-movie.

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8 minutes ago, ToaSirian said:

I expected a cinematic quest at least twice as long as the Second Dream. At least that quest had more play value, more actual gameplay. The Second Dream had 3 big cut scenes. They were pretty long in comparison to the `12` (quoting Steve) cut scenes we got this time around.

The story telling was horrendous. Really cheesy and bad dialogue. No explanation was given about the events that occurred.

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No further explanation on the images during the vision of the mountain?  The one queen was Orokin, okay, but who was she? Who is the Worm?

So many questions unanswered.

Overall: The Second Dream was so much better. This feels like a cheap, rushed, b-movie.


The worm is the other queen. The queens are Twins, and they've survived this long by transferring their minds into new bodies. The smaller one must have recently undergone Continuity, while the elder was to get the Tenno for herself.

Just to make it clear, I absolutely loved the quest.

I'll agree though that there's a lot of room for improving. The events themselves, to me, are fine. But the Queens remain nameless, no backstory beyond Kuria, one of them is underused in the quest itself (the dialogue post quest is all worth it though!). We keep not knowing what an Orokin actually looks like, and...


Did we really change the paradigm of Grineer society? Is the Elder Queen completely dead?

I don't think the issue is really bad story telling. Is just that they keep teasing us in each quest, it's all a build up.

At this rate if the U20 quest doesn't start answering loud and clearly some questions (just some, by God's sake!), I'll be worried -- there has to be a point where they explicitly tell us what's going on.

Edited by NightmareT12
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10 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:
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The worm is the other queen. The queens are Twins, and they've survived this long by transferring their minds into new bodies. The smaller one must have recently undergone Continuity, while the elder was to get the Tenno for herself.

Just to make it clear, I absolutely loved the quest.

I'll agree though that there's a lot of room for improving. The events themselves, to me, are fine. But the Queens remain nameless, no backstory beyond Kuria, one of them is underused in the quest itself (the dialogue post quest is all worth it though!). We keep not knowing what an Orokin actually looks like, and...

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Did we really change the paradigm of Grineer society? Is the Elder Queen completely dead?

I don't think the issue is really bad story telling. Is just that they keep teasing us in each quest, it's all a build up.

At this rate if the U20 quest doesn't start answering loud and clearly some questions (just some, by God's sake!), I'll be worried -- there has to be a point where they explicitly tell us what's going on.

Good point about killing the Queen with no apparent consequences. 

I feel like this was a quest that deserved more buildup and gameplay. We kill so many grineer for simpler reasons, you would think there would be a bit more of a build up to going after their actual Queens.

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I guess it was ok... That said, it is easy enough to see why the update had taken so much development time: Multiple new mechanics/systems, new environments and a lot of cinematics - credit where it is due, a lot of this stuff was really good. However, from my point of view, this update had bit of a same issue than the recent expansion pack for Guild Wars 2 - it focused so much on introducing new mechanics and laying the foundation on future development that the meat around the bones just wasn't there.

However, my biggest problems were with the sloppy writing and the lack of interesting lore:

- All around predictable storyline that had no significant revelations, especially when it is inevitably compared to the Second Dream.

- Personal pet peeve of mine, the use of cinematic plot armor where the protagonist suddenly forgets they carry multiple weapons capable of obliterating an army with them and just wait to get baited like a moron to the most obvious trap ever by the antagonist.

- I found the Light/Neutral/Dark  (or however you want to call the kotor/mass effect etc. style alignment change) dialogue that is based on killing a foe to be rather amusing. I mean seriously? At this point most of the Tenno have probably killed tens or hundreds of thousands or even millions of grineer/corpus.

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I really liked the new quest, I think it was quite well done and I always enjoy having new stuff to do in Warframe.

But I really don't understand what took so long. 6 months of work for one hour of gameplay seems a bit out of proportion. I know it wasn't just the quest, but a bunch of new weapons, changes and fixes is what they usually do on a weekly basis.

I guess I'll go through the new Fortress tileset and then I'll be bored again. But hey, I've played this game for so many hours that it's almost impossible to keep me interested for a long time, so in the end all I can do is thank DE for their work on such an awesome game!

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i enjoyed the new update. new mechanics introduced, graphics looks even fken better. the quest was pretty fun. im confused af at where everything is going on with whether some things bugs or features, and how the new abillities will work but hopefully in a few days/weeks everything will be straightened out and warframe will be over 9000 times better than without TWW update!

Edited by Ragingwasabi
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37 minutes ago, Ayarai said:

I .

- I found the Light/Neutral/Dark  (or however you want to call the kotor/mass effect etc. style alignment change) dialogue that is based on killing a foe to be rather amusing. I mean seriously? At this point most of the Tenno have probably killed tens or hundreds of thousands or even millions of grineer/corpus.

I thought this was ridiculous too. We've slaughters 100s of enemies in a single mission for credit rewards, and now the tenno has a dilemma on killing their Queen? After she just tried to kill you? Shouldn't the narrative address the fact that we are mass murderers and not treat tenno like some teen drama movie.

I don't mind the operator plot twist, but there is definitely a disconnect from the tone of the game before the reveal. Before we were stoic warriors, now we're angsty teens? Tenno should be more Teshin like and less maze runner.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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I enjoyed it.

Originally I was worried it was just going to be a bunch of straight forward missions that lead to a climax, but it was very much it's namesake, a cinematic quest.  

I think it introduced some interesting mechanics that will make the game branch out in some interesting directions in the future.

Thanks, DE.

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The wait was not ENTIRELY worth it to me. The gameplay with the Tenno was  AMAZING but after that its kind of meh.  I was hoping for a lot more questions being answered rather than having more questions being piled on top of questions. My  most important question: Did the Tenno break the War in half or was it the Warframe itself? -That wasn't definitively answered.  It only lends more to the possibility that the Tenno did it.. 

I was really hoping to learn more about the Warframes rather than Tenno.  My expectations was that the Warframes would share an equal importance in the quest with the Tenno. Something along the lines of the Warframe beginning to act of it's own accord while the Tenno was in transference with it.

Regardless of all that though, it is clear how much work DE put into this and it is still a welcome addition to the the story of warframe and also a breath of fresh air.  

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imo Nope


I haven't played warframe in a very long time, for various reasons. I was hoping TWW would pull me back in. it took what? 8 months for this?

so I went ahead and spoiled everything for myself and caught up with what was in the game now to see if it would be worth the download time, I'm gonna pass on it, maybe next year DE.



  • I don't enjoy warframes quests or "story telling" so the whole quest is just a wash for me.
  • the new tileset looked fun, but then you go and add more hair brained mechanics (the hell are you guys gonna do with focus?) along with a new currency, nice
  • the new weapons looks like more of the same fluff we usually get, aside from the cannon, why would I want the ball sack gun or another stick? not even any new stances for the stick
  • the endless void and the new invasions look nice, but I don't see myself logging in just to play them
  • sorties have finally lost that pos Nezha, why this took so long is pretty depressing and the rest of the rewards still aren't all that enticing.
  • conclave can go rot, moving on
  • these new mods add even more power creep to warframe's already excessive levels of power creep as well as more RNG into the RNG ocean warframe likes to bathe itself in
  • the many qol fixes and changes are a very nice thing to see, why these took so long is again depressing (silva, DE finally noticed you)


to sum it all up, I don't care about quests so this update ends up offing me personally, very little to play with.

valkyr prime looks like S#&$ too


hope the rest of you guys don't burn out

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11 hours ago, Ragingwasabi said:


Im up to part where operator is back in ship after the caves journey and im stuck at the screen saying Press 5 to use transference. I press and it doesnt work. Pressing ESC does not show menu and i cant change key binding.   The way its set up,  the number keys 'select the power' and mouse scroll up actually uses it. I tried pressing 5 and scroll up but doesnt work either.

No, SO not worth it, between the delays and drama, and now the fact that I can't play past part of it ( same spot other folks are complaining about in the cave ). I use a G13 game pad and there's just no way to do it yet. I've lost half a day in this stupid &#! cave and it's trickiness, trying to key it right but can not. I kind of KNEW this was coming though as I've never really agreed with what DE considers "fun", they just keep missing the ball in my book. The cut scenes are great, and the story is very cool, but when it comes to playing, I REALLY want to uninstall the game once and for all, but of course I will not. Just maybe someday they'll get someone on staff who can help them define 'FUN"!... THIS IS NOT FUN ( for me  at least ).

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