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Coming Soon: Spoiler-Heavy Devstream #83!


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1) with the current prime release/vaulting system, we have 7 prime sets availiable at a time, and the nova prime set will be the 7th to be vaulted, will you continue this system when the number of vaulted sets outweighs the number of non-vaulted sets?

2) considering the description for Nitain Extract: "Each vial is produced by the painstaking expression of billions of rare, ocean-vent dwelling microorganisms." why cant it be farmed on uranus since the planet is a huge ocean world?

3) why do the arbiters of hexis wear a variant of dax armor?

4) will we ever get more synthesis lore or Cephalon fragments?

5) both Second Dream and War Within focus on who and what we are as Tenno. what will the next cinematic quest focus on?

6) with every cinematic quest, our greatest enemies set their eyes on us. first the Sentient Hunhow, then the Grineer Queens. will the Corpus Board be next on the list?

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Reading posts, watching play on youtube, and doin a bit of reading...it seems that tenno are incredibly weak and easy to be killed outside of their warframe, and they lose all their energy when they die??? Is there goin to be a separate modding system for tenno? Or perhaps take away their ability to die... considering their supposed to be a race of super humans basically, or at least give them a crap ton of health?


And, with alot of frame's receiving superb stats and high armor... perhaps rhino could get some more armor since he is supposed to be the heaviest frame isnt he?


Can we plz do something that gives us more to do rather than just lvl all day? For instance more weapons drops, perhaps the same weapon schematics with stat and ability tweaks that change depending upon the drop... Perhaps a free roam aspect of play instead of a mission by mission aspect...and maybe more ways to make all missions scale to player lvl, and remove the enemy lvl system altogether....any of these plz?

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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after the TWW update the game was running fine then the next hotfix happened and since then performance is taking a massive fps drop even in liset. :| even the color pallets are brighter, colors in mission are fine, its just when i want to make changes to my warframes appearance, each color is way brighter, the black on saturated pallet when selected is like the lightest gray.

anyways i loved TWW quest, and the fact that its replayable in few days, makes it even better :) but since the fps is an issue, i barely feel like doing any missions

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When will there be a augement mod for Nova' moleculer Prime if there ever will be one?

Right now we have room for 8 different mods on primary and secondary weapons. Could this number maybe be increased to 9 or 10 like on sentinels and kubrows?

Your fellow Tenno

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Any plans for something like a Public Test Simulacrum?  I recall in a somewhat recent Devstream there was much anxiety about trying to design Damage 3.0, and before that I remember mention of regrets about the mod system; you could theoretically get mountains of play-testing done without any risk, which could let you guys experiment a little harder with game mechanics.

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O meng watch out, long-ish post!


In no way am I upset or anything by the Riven mods as some others may be atm, they're kind of a non-factor for me right now, but hearing their intent and where they currently stand got me thinking. I have a feeling you'll wring an agreeable arrangement out of them in the end, here's some thoughts that came to mind on the matter.

1. You guys said you wanted the Riven mods to revive old/underused, non-meta weapons, and have already stated that you'll be looking into rebalancing the stats they'll award to already-powerful weapons, but does this mean you'll also take a -close- look at just what stats they'd need to give to bump certain weapons up to the realm of viability? 

For example, I got a Glaxion riven mod. The Glaxion. The weapon that literally doesn't exist. Stupidly high fire rate, stupidly low damage per ammo consumed, no crit stats, this pure-beam weapon is actually the first of the two nerfed beam weapons that you guys mutilated and swept under the rug, the second being the Synoid Gammacor. Nowdays the Synoid Gammacor doesn't exist on anyone's radar because it eats through ammo way faster than its kill rates can replenish, but the Glaxion's case is even more severe. It has even higher fire rate, and even lower damage-per-ammo. Furthermore, as I understand it, this weapon got that brutal reconfiguration of stats almost immediately after it came out, before it got to make its way onto anyone's radar in the first place, making it truly an irredeemable, stillborn weapon. 

Now my question is with crazy cases like that one for example, will you keep a comprehensive understanding of each individual weapon in mind and factor that into the specific stat changes you'll carry out to their riven mods' stat pools? Because seriously, for cases like the Glaxion, it'd need stats in the ballpark of 500% damage and -75% fire rate before it can even remotely be considered an option. Also, could you remove some of the stat types from the pool, at least for some of the weapons? Some stats are beyond pointless/irrelevant to certain weapons, like recoil reduction on beam weapons that have none to begin with. 


2. Will you look to examples like Tera Online for successful - or at least accepted - system layouts for this principle of rerolling random-ish stats? While the resources they consume in their version of the system are obnoxiously expensive, some positive points they exercise are consistent reroll costs, the ability to 'lock in' stats at a slight increase in reroll cost, and working with reasonable pools of standardized stats (as opposed to the pool of pure chaos that rivens are right now, with varying degrees of potency in each of what, almost 20 possible stats?)


3. You guys claimed that you wanted Riven mods to give the less-used weapons something 'unique'. Currently Riven mods are pure stat upgrades at best - while the possibility of making something powerful enough to consider using exists, there's nothing -unique- about that, it's merely a bandaid for its lacking stats. For some of the less powerful, less 'meta' weapons, one thing to consider in their riven mods is adding weapon-unique augment properties to their individual pools, like death-explosion, chaining, ricochet properties, bomb clustering, self-damage negation, condition-buffing, Syndicate procs, area splash waves, etc. They could be a way to add some real uniqueness where it's needed. 


Non-riven question.

4. Conceptually and aesthetically, I love the Kuva fortress tileset. It was super fun to play through the first couple times, but it's an inescapable reality of gaming that at the end-of-mission reward screen, that charm fades into the background for thoughts about how lucrative (or not) it all was, compared to the time spent. It's a natural thought in any setting where grind becomes an increasingly standard expectation (relics, kuva, endo). What - if any - plans do you guys have to ensure the longevity of this tileset? After all the work you've put into it, I'd hate to see it become just another Lua. Even if the tileset is cool and at least somewhat fun, our minds always gravitate toward profit. 

5. TWW featured ground-to-archwing and back transition in a way that made pretty good game-contextual sense, a good step up from a dividing format like Sharkwing. Can we see more of this across the board? Please. There's tons of instances in our older, regular missions where it could honestly be welcome. Many of the chasms and drops where we normally just get out-of-mapped, how about have the archwings deploy in those instances for us to use to get back up, and maybe make some brief use of their firepower? It could even add some possibilities to current gameplay strategies - eg: drop off to briefly get the archwing, rise back up with it to drop a couple of its abilities to help your return to the fray, like an Elytron Thumper, Amesha Decoy, Odonata Energy Shell or Repel, etc, allowing your archwing side to definitively augment the capacities of your kit. While currently many people hardly explore beyond the standard Odonata and Imperator, such integration could incentivize greater investment into the archwing realm. 

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Hey there folks, congrats on delivering the war within. Among the fixes necessary its great to be able to move on from this chapter. 

I have two questions.

-Can we have extra config tabs for warframe/ weapon/ companion appearances and upgrades? For example we have Chroma who can use four elements but we only have access to three options so one element will have to miss out. 

- Can 2k endo rewards be removed from the sortie reward pool to balance the drop table and perhaps encourage varied rewards to drop?   


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Is there any plan to change sentinels along the lines that the warframes were changed, like having unique precept mods being built into the sentinels and leveling up as the sentinel does.

Also why do sentinels have to have a mod equipped to use their weapon, seems dumb to me and should be a part of the sentinel like their unique precepts.

Any chance that sentinels can have their stats increase as they level up, seeing as the only benefit to leveling a sentinel is to increase mod space and forma them.

If these things were done it would help clean up companion mod space and would allow room for better sentinel mods, as it stands sentinel mods are lacking and most of them are almost mandatory, sentinel precepts for abilities and attacking, vitality, redirection, regen.

These same things could also be applied to kubrows and kavats. Also what about a possible buff to Wyrm Prime as his survivability is lacking due to having 100 base health while Carrier Prime has 400 base health.

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After almost 10000 feedback, and millions of answers on how to improve Warframe as: Zephir, Hydroid, Limbo, Chroma etc ... and Warframe post -rework (Volt Mag and especially Nekros), do you think is the right moment now, to dedicate a little of your time to technical improvementand  corrections of the powers  by following some of the advice of your supporters Tenno?
This is a question that probably a million people or so, expect, please read it and respond if you can.
Greetings from your Tenno that angers often moderators for its insistence XD.
PS Congratulations to all the staff for how you are handling everything, you are talented and very patient. :)

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