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What's your favorite Warframe, and why?


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Frost because I always loved being a ice character in any game and he has the best Tenno gen helmets out there and his deluxe is just giving me a bon- joy :)

Nova prime 2nd coz she is just destruction 

3rd Is ash coz he looks awesome

Honourable mentions:

Trinity chroma valkyr 


Edited by (PS4)kamil_demon
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Chroma - for it look (and coming premium skin), for it skills, for it survivability, because I love melee frames!

Ember/Prime - WoF (yes, i use her WoF for CC on sorties and higher lvls), and she's sexy :)

Inaros - truly godlike, unstoppable, (almost) immortal, troll frame :D

Nekros/Prime - build to farm mats, and I really like his skills... ulti is so fun ^_^

Nova/Prime - speed/slow Nova is almost most needed in some circumstances, and she is the sexiest frame I ever seen :P

Vaklyr/Prime - as I said before... I love melee frames... and guess who's the best melee frame? Pissed kitty cat is the best :)

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For overall aesthetic and feel, ultimately I keep falling back to Oberon. Yes, he needs some tweaking (though I'm not confident enough to really argue what due to personal biases) but all the same, if I don't know what I'm in for when I'm soloing either a new quest or turf, Oberon invariably either sees me through it, or lets me get to a point where I can recognise what I'm lacking so I can give a heads up to my friends when they're running stuff.

I really hope the Immortal skin will get PBR'd at some point, as it and his Oryx helm just feels wonderful for a slightly celtic-styled knight.

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Saryn (Prime) is my most-used frame by a huge margin. Her contagion mechanic is tremendously satisfying to play around, her kit is very flexible, and her visual design is full of attitude. All that's missing is an animation set that lets you fire automatic rifles and shotguns from the hip.

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If you'd asked me before Second Dream, I would've hands down said EV Trinity.  Now, Zenurik has pretty much made her irrelevant (at least in the content I play regularly).  It definitely varies by mission now, but I'd say I most enjoy Saryn Prime with Ignis and Lesion.

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I play about 80% of the frames in the game regularly and enjoy them all. There are very few frames I dislike. But my favorite is Ash, theme-wise. 

I've loved him since Warframe launched on PS4. I just love his powerset and style, making him feel very "ninja-y". I've stuck with him since the days when he sucked, i stuck with him with a Teleport build during the days his nuke was stupidly broken (OP). And I'm looking forward to finally having his current rework on the console in the coming weeks.

Aside from him, my favorite frames are Atlas, Limbo, Nyx, Nova, and Equinox. 

Edited by (PS4)Riko_113
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Mirage for the massive amount of xp/focus and salty forum tears she generates.  Also, her disco ball is the most stylish way to exit a level.

If you go by numbers, it's Loki/Prime, Frost/Prime and Ember/Prime.  I bet that Frost is almost everyone's second most played frame.

Edited by (XB1)ThermalStone
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It has and might always be Volt. I originally started the game with Excalibur and didnt like him (I still dont really like him I just think hes ok now) and volt was the very first frame I farmed for. This was back when the J-3 golem was a planetary boss of jupiter and I ran it over and over and over again till I got all the parts. I love volt because of his extreme versatility and I play him as a gunmage, a caster type frame that enhances the natural 3rd person shooter that is warframe. For me, he is and has always been the best frame in the game. One of the few I can do hour to two hour survivls solo, which says a lot

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6 hours ago, ZombieLorde91 said:

I'd say Banshee all the way. She is definitely a high risk, high reward playstyle and she is played the least by DE's poll during Australia PAX. I can do tremendous damage or offer very good support with her.

Either way, I'm still here waiting for her to be primed.

Zephyr is actually played the least lol

My favorite warframe is Excalibur :)I picked him first because he looked really cool and great name, plus all of his abilities are useful but i think his javelin needs a buff

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Overall, Trinity Prime is my top favorite since I'm a huge support / Tank fan in most game.That being said, I enjoy bringing a variety of frames out of the box just to mess around. Ivara, Nezha, Nekros, Chroma, and BROBERON! are the tops for me. Each has a good mesh of " muckin' " about that I enjoy to bring to any mission. 

On the other side of the coin; my least favorite frames have to be Ember, Rhino, and Excal. 

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My personal favorite frame is Nova. She's my little daeva of absolute face-melting power. She can slow enemies, make them explode, create orbs of antimatter that explode, has excellent mobility for her and her team, what's not to love? I just feel sad that most people reduce her capabilities to 'Molecular Prime and then afk while everyone else gets the job done'.

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Nyx always reminded me of a jedi. And when Nyx Prime came out i bought prime acces, been a Nyx frame main since the beginning. And made my operator look like my daughter, seems fitting. Nyx Prime is for when i wanna get serious. Also love assimalate brings her together, makes her complete. 

The rest of them i like them all equally depending on the mission and what my squad is running .

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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Mmm, I have five favorite frames.  Titania, Chroma, Wukong, Nekros, Saryn

Why Titania?:  Razorwing mode, It's addicting to fly around in and effective 25k-40k damage shots.

Why Chroma?: Best non-invincibility mechanic tank there is, I don't think I've ever managed to go down without being totally at fault (Forgetting Vex Armor)

Why Wukong?: Because his Defy totally works well with Self damage weapons making it so you can safely use them, I love the premise and whimsy behind the character and it is fun to 'sometimes' just slap enemies with a stick.

Why Nekros?:  Because summoning 7 Nullifiers feels like a the greatest karmic justice, after his rework I definitely love having a SoS+Despoil build.

Why Saryn?: Because dots, DOTS, MORE DOTS.  Seriously enjoy watching the numbers tick away as the enemies get shredded by the DoT that I can dish out.

Honorable mentions:  Ash, and Rhino.

Why Ash?:  Because after his rework he is much funner now and I have a reason to have a moderate amount of duration on him so I can utilize smokescreen and most of all his deluxe skin.

Why Rhino?: Because his Deluxe skin, firstly.  Second he can fit into MOST group compositions without issue and all of his abilities (except his 1, I hate his 1.) are useful.

Edited by achromos
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I don't care what anyone says about maining frames, Equinox is my main frame. I have a handful more I use but i'm mainly on Equinox. 


I use Ivara for spy missions and dabbling around because i'm terrible at spy missions and they are simple with Ivara. I use Inaros for stuff that needs survivability and nightmare missions with no shields and/or energy drain.


Those are my most used frames now but Equinox is my main. 

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