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Share your syndicate choices and how happy you are with them.


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I went for red veil the moment I got access to syndicates cuz I am edgy. After that I decided to go with Loka to level up Perrin at a manageable lost of steel meridian rep. I can't say I'm too happy with my choices though. By going for red veil, I have gotten on the bad side of both arbiter and Sudan which means I have lost easy access to both telos boltlace AND synoid simulor which are some of the best and most in-demand syndicate weapons...I cri everytiem T_T

I originally planned to level steel meridian and cephalon suda but got scared away from that after I heard a horror story about Loka death squad.

So, what about you? Did you choose syndicates based one research on the wiki or just by impulse?

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I chose to go trough them all eventually, and im happy that will keep me busy.
(yes i know how long it may take, math is hard but i got calculator app;D)
started with Meridian and Red Veil, because brother suggested.

Edited by PiotrGracz
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Steel Meridian, only real honorable ones in the entire bunch. Arbiters and Suda because it made more sense to go with a setup of 3 than to get Red Veil and be limited to 2.


I made my choices back when the system was new, and we didn't have the benefit of Syndicate weapons, a wiki guide, or any sense of the 'left side vs. right side' meta we have now (though to be fair, left vs. right meta formed pretty quickly, if I recall).

Edited by DeltaPhantom
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I primarily go Steel Meridian with an alternate Suda (I only play Suda when the Veil isn't particularly unhappy with me). The end result is that I am excelling in Meridian, Suda, and Arbiters while keeping the Veil somewhat okay with me. The problem is that Perrin and Loka hate my guts, but I hate both of them anyway, so I don't care. Besides, I think all 3 of my best syndicates are the best (Steel Meridian has best motive and purpose, Arbiters have great items and are cool, and Suda is just the coolest looking and most lovable). Honestly, I'm perfectly fine with it, even if the Loka deathsquads can get fairly annoying.

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I went with Suda originally, which sort of naturally gives you Arbiters as well. I don't really care that much for arbiters philosophy, as I think they are a bit too dogmatic. I also have leveled up Steel Meridian, and I have to say, my heart is with the Steel Meridian. However, logically, my head is with the Cephalon Suda syndicate. I still am more loyal to Suda overall because I think her logical approach to understanding everything and avoiding violence when possible is the best answer, while the bleeding heart part of me really does sympathize with Steel Meridian. 

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Started with Loka, Veil, and Perrin, due to a coin flip.  No real regrets, though I wish Loka was more "hey let's fix earth, live there, and leave everything else alone" and less "PURE PURE HUMANITY HUMANITY PURE PURE."  I do respect how honest Perrin is, what with their mission statement of "Hey, y'know what's nice?  Cash.  Let's get more of that."  I also like how the Veil own up to and play up their image as much as they can, kinda reminds me of The Elder Scroll's Dark Brotherhood.

I'll be swapping sides once I finish cleaning out those three, though the only one I look forward to working with is Steel Meridian, the only unambiguously good Syndicate.  Suda and Hexis both rub me the wrong way, the former feeling like Simaris but blue and not interested in sharing information, and the latter feeling like a holier-than-thou council that takes everything too seriously.

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When I first came to Larunda and got to know the syndicates a little better, my first reaction when seeing Red Veil's motivation and background was a big, fat and blunt "NOPE". But in the end, it came down to the rewards. I already started Warframe with an interest in stealth. I tend to always go for the stealth playthrough when I have the choice, so that means during my initial days in Warframe I was aiming for Ivara, Loki and Ash. Ivara's augment hadn't been released at the time, but Red Veil had augments for Loki and Ash. That coupled with that amazing bow that is the Rakta Cernos meant I had all the reasons to start with the Veil. Now my favorite frame is Wukong, by a wide margin, and since the Arboltors of Hexis hate me, I just went ahead and leveled New Loka (which is something I was already doing before his augments were released anyway). Now I'm building standing with New Loka, the Perrin Sequence, Red Veil and the Steel Meridian at the same time. It's good to have more friends than enemies.


As a side note, augments and rewards aside, I do believe the Perrin Sequence is the best syndicate, ideologically speaking, followed closely by the Steel Meridian. The Sequence seems to be the only ones out there who are actually thinking about a valid way to achieve peace.

Edited by Gorila_Azul
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I join Arbitors of Hexis because there philosophy stroke me as interesting. Sadly they weren't the first syndicate I would max out because BO PRIME HANDLE just would not freakin drop. I really enjoy my time there though. I take to heart the thought that we could be more than merciless killing machines. Just wish that you could fund other research in the dojo than just weapons and the like. 

I really like Suda for her thirst of knowledge and the fact that she doesn't want to destroy things unless you get on her bad side. I respect her and wish she had like a library of information that you could read up on. Sorta like the codex on the ship except it pertains to the happening of the warframe universe.

Steel Meridian just is meh to me. She had boom stick mods, didn't interfer with my other relationships, and reminded me of a Robin Hood-esque faction. They are Mercs so I expected to be paid for my services...lol.

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1 minute ago, NativeKiller said:

Steel Meridian and Red Veil.


...I regret my ignorant decision since I am stuck with two factions instead of three.


...Losing out so much on syndicate relic packs.


You can always change. I went with first 3 from left, bought everything there and changed to 3 from right.

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Just now, NativeKiller said:

Steel Meridian and Red Veil.


...I regret my ignorant decision since I am stuck with two factions instead of three.


...Losing out so much on syndicate relic packs.

I wouldn't really call that "stuck." Meridian and Veil are allied, so you haven't picked a terrible efficiency combo. If you want access to four syndicates, you can just decide between Meridian/Veil (as a primary, since you'll get rep for the other at half rate regardless), then pick another syndicate that mixes well with those two. The wiki has a nice breakdown of which syndicates play nicely with each other (and how much work it takes to maintain that balance).

Personally went with Meridian and Suda (leading to Meridian/Veil/Suda/Hexis). Those four covered pretty much all the augments and weapons I was actually interested in (this was back when only secondaries was a thing though). And I really didn't care for New Loka, so I had no problems being enemies with them (until they sent their first deathsquad at me while I was still working with subpar weapons/mods...that was fun). 

But otherwise, no real regrets. I've been able to nab almost everything I wanted out of syndicates without needing to resort to trading shenanigans .

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11 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

You can always change. I went with first 3 from left, bought everything there and changed to 3 from right.

Ok, I think I might try that. I want the Large Team Energy Restores after all. :3


Just one question, could tell me how much the change cost me, such as syndicate points, though?


If you can't tell me about it, I guess I can wiki things up. :D


EDITED: Shoot, the amount of syndicate points that I will have to sacrifice is quite large. Dang, it. Also micro-management is not my style.

Edited by NativeKiller
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4 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

Ok, I think I might try that. I want the Large Team Energy Restores after all. :3

This is why I started out on the right side. Even though I wanted Steel Meridian, I wanted to get all 4 types of restores.

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I wish that the syndicate team restores could simply be traded between players.


...Yeah, I know that it was possible to sell team restore blueprints for 250k credits/each a long time ago, but I am not talking about that.


I just wish that team restore blueprints could be traded between players just like with mods or syndicate weapons.


I get that a syndanna can't be traded since it is a symbol of championship but the team restore blueprints aren't something like that, right?

Edited by NativeKiller
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Max rank with steel meridian, arbiters of hexis, cephalon Suda, red veil, and perrin sequence.   New Loka strikes me as too "final solution" for my tastes.   It wasn't easy to get five going but google docs and having setups for each frame readily available is a huge boon.  

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