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Ember, Low Level Bully


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1 minute ago, Melitics said:

The problem is really not the enemies, Is that Ember Overperforms at low level and Underperforms at higher levels ( Don't even start with MUH CC. ).

She needs a better, More practical Ult that actually fits within her kit and not cause the rest of it to be worthless in comparison. 

36 minutes ago, Melitics said:


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1 minute ago, Fast_98 said:

Don't mind me just using spore sayrn in low levels and killing more then half of them with a single cast. Yep EVERYONE know that level 25 is endgame, it not like bullet jumping kill them...oh wait.

That actually requires you to perform several actions and not just the press of a single key. Spore Saryn is neato.

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5 minutes ago, Melitics said:

So let's resume... You played Draco with Meta Excal back in the day... You rank up outside the "cancer nodes" ( Wut?) 

And you like to play but not to leech, ...But you defend the fact that Ember can insta-clear entire maps in low level missions...

I mean, Do I really have to say anything? You've just played yourself, son.

So, i said i would not argue with you anymore but i simply cant resist your nonsense xD and keep the SON for somebody else. Protecting ember? No, we can do a rework for her- lets say same "great idea" as ashs bladestorm with targeting, would it change something? Nearly nothing just the enemies in next room would be save for few seconds. I played excal but not for meta reasons, open your eyes for #[đ]& sake, do you ever heard about being a free2play player who was after plat for slots?  There is a saying : THink before you drive. You should think before you write, because picking a small fragment and turning it into your idelogy.

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4 minutes ago, Melitics said:

The problem is really not the enemies, Is that Ember Overperforms at low level and Underperforms at higher levels ( Don't even start with MUH CC. ).

She needs a better, More practical Ult that actually fits within her kit and not cause the rest of it to be worthless in comparison. 

Why didn't you just say this in the first place instead of insulting everybody who thought differently like a immature high school kid who has to put down everybody else to make himself feel better -_-.

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Are you really complaining that a propely modded Ember makes low level content trivial?

Well, excuse me while I pick my 3 Forma Maim Build Equinox and Max Range Amprex and take a stroll around Earth. Maybe I'll take my Max Range Frost and my Max Range Ignis to check how Mercury is doing.

If you think Ember underperforms on end game and she is just a 'press 4 and forget' frame, man you have a lot to learn.

Not that you will though, all your counter arguments until now were 'muh low level content' and insulting other people that dont agree with you.

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5 minutes ago, Melitics said:

That actually requires you to perform several actions and not just the press of a single key. Spore Saryn is neato.

1.Make high Range/strength build. Drop power efficiently 

2.Tap spore on 1 enemy 2 or 3 times. 

3.Hit him with aoe weapon

4.Run to end as entire tileset is cleansed usually faster then ember.

Intense gameplay 

Edited by Fast_98
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2 minutes ago, MobyTheDuck said:

Are you really complaining that a propely modded Ember makes low level content trivial?

Well, excuse me while I pick my 3 Forma Maim Build Equinox and Max Range Amprex and take a stroll around Earth. Maybe I'll take my Max Range Frost and my Max Range Ignis to check how Mercury is doing.

If you think Ember underperforms on end game and she is just a 'press 4 and forget' frame, man you have a lot to learn.

Not that you will though, all your counter arguments until now were 'muh low level content' and insulting other people that dont agree with you.

You spoke the gold. I will stay tuned to see how many ppl he will insult when they dont share his opinion.

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3 minutes ago, Melitics said:

Seems like the circlejerk is going strong with this thread.

Ember Babies just blowing one another off while screaming "MUH META!", It's hilarious to see how worthless, stubborn and dumb this playerbase has become. Hilariously pathetic. 

Don't quite know what I expected anyway, It's impossible to have a civilized conversation without you bringing up the game's Meta and "MUH CC."

I'll come back to this sometime, Don't worry :)

Why Create A Post If You Can't Handle Criticism? & This Isn't The U.N. I Dont Care Of Your Opinion On Civilization.

Edited by (XB1)AmberxAlerts
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2 minutes ago, Melitics said:

Seems like the circlejerk is going strong with this thread.

Ember Babies just blowing one another off, It's hilarious to see how worthless, stubborn and dumb this playerbase has become. Hilariously pathetic. 

Don't quite know what I expected anyway, It's impossible to have a civilized conversation without you bringing up the game's Meta and "MUH CC."

I'll come back to this sometime, Don't worry :)

The salt is strong within this one.

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23 minutes ago, Melitics said:

So she sucks because of the enemies and not because of a faulty unpractical kit? Ooookay then!

You know, just because you write long paragraphs doesn't mean it makes it any more right.

The difference between me and you: I wrote an argument. You posted your opinion. 

Not much more to say here. 

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Wow, now he complains that we are stubborn, dumb etc and he expected a civilized conversation? How the hell when you already insterted the rules,: dont come to me with ember sucks at endgame, muh CC. I would ignore that but adding animal sounds (cow - MUH) to "civilized conversation" doesnt fit at all. Treat others as you expect them to treat you.

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This is such a played out argument.  And OP, you are a child.  I am surprised this thread hasn't been locked yet, but for the sake of providing some kind of positive input.

WoF (rev. 7)

New name - Inferno

Function creates an area of intense heat around ember.  30m range.  Damage and fire status chance increases depending on how close they are to ember.  At 0m 1000 fire damage/ second.  Scales rapidly less damage and status the further away the enemy is.  The augment remains the same giving cc at any range.  Enemies that are already on fire will continue to stay fire proc'd and take double damage from inferno. This also takes place if they receive a fire proc from a different source while in the inferno.

Why this would satisfy many if not all:. This creates a situation where you affect a large area, but significant fire damage is really done at close range this keeps people from slaughtering whole maps, but allows for high level fire damage.  1000 fire at melee range, x2 for additional fire proc, x3 for modding, x8 for accelerant...per second.  That's some mean damage potential and could get even higher with other Warframe abilities. 

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3 hours ago, Melitics said:

Seems like the circlejerk is going strong with this thread.

Ember Babies just blowing one another off while screaming "MUH META!", It's hilarious to see how worthless, stubborn and dumb this playerbase has become. Hilariously pathetic. 

Don't quite know what I expected anyway, It's impossible to have a civilized conversation without you bringing up the game's Meta and "MUH CC."

I'll come back to this sometime, Don't worry :)

Seems I have triggered the OP.


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5 hours ago, Melitics said:

So, How many Ember/Ember Prime players have you seen recently that just press 4 at the beginning of a mission and just run around instantly deleting every enemy on the map?

For me? Legions of them, I can't get a single kill because World on Fire just obliterates everything in It's way. "Oh but Ember is fine, She sucks in Endgame" That's something I hear way too often when Ember Babies are confronted with their power trip of a Warframe.


Ember needs a rework more than any other Warframes in the game at the moment, It's killing all the fun of Relic farming.

The rest of Ember's kit is actually fun to use, Accelerant is very useful, and so is Fire Blast and Fireball, but World on Fire is just so incredibely broken and easy to use that you just need to press 4 to render 1,2 and 3 completely useless.

DE, could we please make Ember fun again? I want all of her abilities to be equally as good/fun. 


- Mephiste

Just because "Ember, World On Fire" is a destructive ability, doesn't mean it is the Warframe with the most AOE (area of effect). There are other Warframes that can be very useful in-game causing enemies to die without other players' aide.

Examples: "Banshee, Sound Quake" or "Saryn, Spores" abilities

I can understand that you may not find it entertaining for other players to be able to kill faster than you, but they are contributing to the success of the mission for the squad.

[ If you rather take your time to kill enemies one-by-one, you can either play the game "solo", "invite only" or "friends only." ]

This game is not a competition, but a game of team work or solo playing. If any player can't tolerate other player's choice of Warframe or weapon choice, they can leave the mission or restart with a new squad.


Enjoy & play the game your way, Tenno !

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8 hours ago, (PS4)A_SimpleName said:

Last Year News: Nerf Mesa

Last Month News: Nerf Saryn

(Somewhere in between) : Nerf Mag

Played these 3 frames, rework doesnt mean nerf....


Also I do hate ember woffers... I dun mind if you want a quick run with ember ext mission, but why not do it solo mode?


Pretty sure a lot of players have these issue with ember. I was lvling my melee ember and did an ext alert, my plan was stab everything with muh sword. But when my team saw me as an ember some of them left right away. Even the host...

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So many people still complaining about ember especially World On Fire... Ok lets take a look at this:

Ember only have 2 usefull skill, her number 2 and 4, which is not that great. As the level getting higher, these 2 skills become more and more useless when weapons still kill enemies faster why? Ember's 4th skill only do initial 400 fire damage to 5 enemies per second, with additional of only 15m inital range. Now imagine if you are complaining about ember wiping out the map, i will always say, in which map you are playing at? If you say those like mercury, earth, saturn, ok fine, i can show an even more badass than ember, ??????.... those enemies will still die instantly, while in high level mission, especially sortie, WoF is not more than a CC and even an unreliable CC, imagine if you compare to sleep, molecular prime, chaos, what kind of CC is this? not even damaging, only wasting time, especially if enemies are grineer, your WoF is not more than an itchy kubrow scratching their butt. In high level mission, ????? can clear out the whole map in instant, just only if you know how to build it and know what frame is this. 

Now only 2 usefull skill and not usefull in high level mission, why need to use them? my weapon is stronger than it, why would i bring useless frame to high level mission that only 1 shot-die by enemies, i would rather bring strong weapon and tank frame rather than bring her.


Then why use ember?

As we are high levels, we have many more interesting fissure and high level missions to play rather than low level mission, but the thing is many useful alerts come in low level mission. Now i ask, if suddenly got a 10 kavat gene genetic, or corrosive projection, or nintain alert but the mission is mercury exterminate and suddenly when get inside got like 200+ enemies, you want to catch them one by one? Uh forgot to mention there is an infestation excavation fissure in pluto, going to expired in 3 minute, and you and your friend is already prepared to go there when suddenly this alert come and only available for 20 minutes. We use ember for doing such unimportant-yet-rewarding mission and clear the unimportant mission clearly then go to our main excitement.


Stronger than ember?

There are many frames much much more stronger than ember but not appears easily spotted, because usually only veteran players will use them, so it's useless, actually better stop to complain and let most people know that "only" ember can do this when actually there is another bigger nightmare waiting if WoF is changed and ember is the weakest among as these underrated frames. 


If you have to complain about frames, better just play and get high level mission until get high level enough and you wont see ember in those high level mission.

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I like people crying about Ember os'ing everything on Earth and Mercury.


Yeah, like 99% of the frames. WoF doesn't even kill everyone instantly, unlike Equinox, but it seems you don't rant on her, dunno why.

I can outplay an Ember on low-tier planets with Mag, Mirage, Oberon, Saryn, [insert warframe with any weapon that has more than 10m range], ...

She might need a rework indeed, but I really hope DE won't rework her for the only sake of "she one-shots everything below level 4".

Edited by Chewarette
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Just now, Hans.Yulian said:


These is also why she needs a rework badly. a frame with only 2 good skill which almost nobody uses her 1st skill at all.....

Design wise I like ember but her skill needs a serious rework to be a better fun frame (Hoping the rework her like they did to Saryn and Mag)

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1 minute ago, Neptlude said:

These is also why she needs a rework badly. a frame with only 2 good skill which almost nobody uses her 1st skill at all.....

Design wise I like ember but her skill needs a serious rework to be a better fun frame (Hoping the rework her like they did to Saryn and Mag)

still we need the fast clearing skill to cope with unimportant low level missions

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All affinity from kills is shared, so who gives a flying fig? Because you didn't have the most kills at end of mission screen? Your argument can literally be given for every single frame/weapon in the game in the hands of someone that knows how to use it in low tier missions. The problem isn't the frame, its enemy scaling. In order to handle most of the missions that long term players run, you have to make your builds as powerful as possible. When said players run low tier missions for whatever reason, they kill enemies at an absurd rate, causing buthurts like you. Then one day if you ever stop playing casually and git gud, you will be faced by players ranting at you over your OP builds, and at that point you will then realize what we are talking about, and feel very, very foolish.

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9 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

These is also why she needs a rework badly. a frame with only 2 good skill which almost nobody uses her 1st skill at all.....

Design wise I like ember but her skill needs a serious rework to be a better fun frame (Hoping the rework her like they did to Saryn and Mag)

*uses all 4 skills, fails to see your complaint* 

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