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The War Within: Update 19.4.2 +


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1 minute ago, Alpha_Zephyr said:

Why? Why do you nerf critics chance and damage in ALL rivens?! I spent a billion kuva trying to get my vulkar wraith into a god like state, and you do this?? What the hell DE?

really? all rivens? ... but old weapons needs exceed 300% damage/utility buff

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hey DE i dont know what happen, but i was completing the recent forma alert and when i was on the 3 mobile defense computer. i got kicked out back to my ship. i did not get a mission fail or any thing just bam loading screen then my ship. let me know what i need to do. This was right after the update aswell. 

Edited by velendier
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4 minutes ago, velendier said:

hey DE i dont know what happen, but i was completing the recent forma alert and when i was on the 3 mobile defense computer. i got kicked out back to my ship. i did not get a mission fail or any thing just bam loading screen then my ship. let me know what i need to do. This was right after the update aswell. 

Yeah, I've hit that pre update too 

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Well...about Sari, i'm glad they sorted out the bugs, but i will be honest, the always open wings kinda grown on me, fitted perfectly with titania noble/agile stances. would be nice a option to keep the always open behavior, kinda turn this bug into a feature

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46 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

We also have our eyes peeled for any major bugs - please report them in this thread. 


Kuva Fortress doesn't move in the navigation menu it was hovering between Eris and Pluto but the kuva siphon missions are on Ceres and Sedna.


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2 minutes ago, LaserApocalypse said:

Now you will most likely just get the normal lenses tho.

Oh, don't worry, that riven mod you see in the screenshot... One of the three I got since TWW dropped. The rest were just normal or greater lenses, VERY rarely some endo, one forma, and one potato. I've been drowned in lenses, I don't expect that to change... Sadly...

Edited by Gabbynaru
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