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[The Glast Gambit] General Feedback


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Prolly the worst update since i started WF !!

Man, 50 K mutagen Sample ?! And just for the research ?! WTF

The Most BORING quest ever made .. And Finally let"s go all put some JV Parts and hope to get a nidus part on Rota C ..

Well Done DE, Well Done .. :facepalm:

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This update sums up 2016 in Warframe pretty well - boredom and grind.


The Glast Gambit was boring.

The opening mission was great (we finally get to see a settlement of non-hostile NPCs, this is something I've wanted to see in Warframe since... forever), we get to know more about Nef Anyo and Glast from Perrin. Nice character development for those two, it makes me want to join Perrin (Steel Meridian 4 lyfe though).

After that, I expected more great missions like this. Instead...

-go play index

-play it again

-once more

-hehey, do it again

-yup, once more

-Suprise, a spy mission

-what's up, you missed index? Here's another one.


It was so boring, having to do the same thing 6 times while also being able to lose hundreds of thousands of credits... No, just no.

Boredom with occasional possibility to be annoyed is not how you get good quests.

Quest complete, you get Nidus BP. Where are the parts? Oh, it gets even worse...


Infested salvage. It's boring.

Waves take too long even on high performance, sometimes not enough enemies spawn to keep the vaporizers going (and one of them ends up dying, and it gets even slower).

On top of that there's also usual bad rewards (nothing like being rewarded with Warp Magazine for your precious time) and it seems that Nidus parts blueprints have also way too small drop chance (around 14% based on some info).

So basically, you have to grind a boring gamemode to get a small chance of getting the thing you want. Wonderful.


I'm sorry if it looks like a rant, but it's just how I feel about this update.

I was hoping for a nice update to finish up the (not-so-great at least) year. Instead I was greeted by a boring quest and more grind.


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Feedback? Ok...
Nidus farm: crap, sharing drop table with 80 endo and stretch mod on rotation C? C'mon DE...
New Quest: Boring, do they same Index over and over again, with a Sky in the middle so we can call that a Quest and not a grindfest (lore was cool, gameplay was not)
New Weapon: WTF is that 5k Mutagen Samples DE? Over 2k hours ingame and wasted all my 2.5k in that research. I'm waiting for a FIX and my REFUND

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Man.... I was looking forward to finishing the new quest and grinding for Nidus but the index's credit wall is just waaaay too tall for me....

I guess whenever i get the plat Ill either just buy Nidus or a credit booster and try to find 3 days worth of playtime for the credits while I put all those unranked primed mods i got back onto the backburner again.... :/

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The first part of the quest, with the gates - that was nice, just a bit too easy I guess.


The rest - thats total S#&$, no other feedback from me needed. I didn't even get the chance to kill this corpus dude that pissed me off so much during the quest. 

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5 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

The Glast Gambit update has arrived and we want to hear what you have to say about it!

Please use this thread to home your feedback on the Update or post in the following mega-threads on specific topics:

If you have any bugs to report, please use our Bug Report Megathread.

When discussing The Glast Gambit Quest, please make use of our spoilers tags so as to not ruin the experience for anyone else.

Thanks, Tenno! :community:

Is there some plan at DE to give us literally ANY other source for Riven Mods besides the sortie drop table? I haven't pulled one in 2 weeks of daily sorties now and I have literally ALL the weapons in the game. I'd like to try out Riven's more but I can't because of how low of a chance I have to get ANY of them.

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New Infested Salvage mission is in a really bad place right now.

Solo: If you try to do the mission on solo, it works. However you'll be forced to spend 100% of your time bullet-jumping in straight lines from point to point until each round ends. Trying to do anything different extends the duration of the mission. DE, you guys know your players like to do things fast. So why are you making us choose between having fun and getting things done quickly?

Squad: If you try to do the mission with a squad, the amount of antiserum cubes dropped is much lower then when playing solo. Sometimes it takes a minute for a single cube to drop. So it's actually faster to do this mission on your own then with a team of three highly competent players.


As for the overall design of the mission, it is honestly no different from a standard defense mission. It doesn't really encourage anyone to do something different from what we do in a defense mission. To clarify, the overall idea isn't bad. It just feels samey.

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I have been laughing since playing the "invest credits" playing the PVPVE game only to find I read the mission objectives wrong. Keep within 10 points and not win by a clear 10. Glad I always test game modes solo. FYI Spector AI doesn't have TeamSpeak so they cant hear you cursing "STOP DROPPING POINTS YOU ***** MUPPETS" :cool:. Fun times, if your definition of fun is pulling all your own teeth out before using pure methanol as mouthwash.

Figured I would invest in the new infested weapon, 5000 samples? By Christmas 2040 the clan have the BP awesome!

I had hoped with the introduction of a huge number of riven mods a new way of obtaining them would be introduced. Once a day sorties with a small chance obtaining one with a 1 in 3 chance of obtaining it for the weapon class then a 1 in 50 chance of obtaining it for the weapon you want THEN a 1 in ??? (weapon dependent) chance of obtaining useful stats. The only thing that bothers me is the chance of obtaining a riven mod in the first place.  

Even if parts of riven mods drop from normal missions, enemies lv60> or a Riven mod BP with a 24hr build time. My rough calculation makes its something like 800-1 odds of obtaining a specific riven mod from a single sortie, without rerolling. So after 800 sorties odds are you are playing another game.



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I finish the quest and was good. It was beautiful done and well implemented, my only problem is that the enemies doesnt seem to drop their regular mods on the index missions. Also the points are harder to notices specially if u have a lot with you. Maybe could u increase its size and change color when you have them spining in u?. Thanks for the quest :3

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This quest was the most boring and dragging thing I've ever had the unpleasure to play.

Oh this first mission is nice, its cool to see some expansion on the colonists and stuff. Oh, now its the Index already? 100k credits wager? Isnt the actual Index waveg far lower? Wait, another Index? And another? And ANOTHER? AND ANOTHER ONE?

One or two Index rounds would be fine, but SIX of them? Each one divided into 3 rounds? One that you CANT GO ALL OUT? One that you CANT WIN? Oh, its a common spy mission. HEY ANOTHER INDEX MISSION DID YOU MISS ME?

You cant lose ONE of the 3 rounds or all your credits are gone. You cant even tie or its also a loss.

Ah, I managed to get through it, at least the new frame will be ok right? Right...? Wait, what is this? Where is the frame parts?

Oh, I have to grind a new mission for parts like we had to grind Void to Primes? Well, it cant be that bad.

Oh, turns out 'Salvage' is a meaningful name! Its just a salvaged part of Jordas Raid, disguised as an Interception mission!

A RNG based Interception mission! You depend on random enemy drops to capture points, and they only stay captured for 10 seconds! Some points require TWO drops to be capped! Wait, what is this? No mobs are dropping Serum! Oh, all points got destroyed because we werent lucky enough!

Woo, I'm loving this! This time we managed to hold ONE point! It only took 15 minutes for each wave! Finaly one wave done, we surelly will get one part at least, right? Oh wait, what is this? Well, its some mod I have hundreds of!

Apparently Nidus parts only drops on rotation C, so that means spending half hour standing inside a small globe so the killer Dorito Dust doesnt melts my face!

Yay! Rotation C done! At least we will get one part! Oh, what is this again? Well, its just another mod! Nidus parts only have 15% drop chance!

Hahaha, oh wow, I just loved all this!




You guys better fix all this after enough users pay you for Nidus. I'm not giving you my money. See ya.

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The Index eats credits if you get disconnected (happened twice in a row to me, the only two times I even tried to public after the last update), lost 240K that way,  can you fix that please? 240k isn't something I can easily farm, especially after you nerfed every single good credit farm. Thank you very much.

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So apparently, I have completed every mission of The Glast Gambit. Only I haven't, because the Nidus blueprint is not available. It seems there's still one mission left, but it is completely 100% absent from the starchart. When I go into the quest mission tab and click on it, it just minimizes.

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