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New Quest: The Glast Gambit Feedback


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The Index missions were not interesting while playing solo. On the 10- point margin index i lost twice rabidly in a row because the npc controlled tenno just could not stay alive and were not returning any points. One round the enemy got 11 points suddenly at the last second while i was waiting for the timer to run out with 9 point lead, visually could not see any green points on the enemy. The 320 000 credits i lost because of this is more than i get in a week with casual play, i guess i just won't be doing this quest line ever.

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On 12/22/2016 at 10:35 PM, Exodess said:

There needs to be clearer information on how...

That is true for this and for every single aspect of this game tbh. I wonder if it's by design or because they just don't know/care enough to actually explain things and give sufficient info.

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It's been said, but it has to be reiterated to make sure this never happens again.

W. T. F?

This entire Index portion of the quest is useless and superfluous.  Then to make the formation of the Nidus entirely an aspect of RNG?  Didn't you learn anything from the Limbo Theorem?  The RNG aspect of that made it exceptionally unfun.  Now we have to suffer through these Index missions and get...nothing?

Is there ever a point?

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Overall, I liked the quest, though a bit repeated on the Index part. I just wish we could meet the Myconians mushroom people again.

The missions:

  • The introductory mission was really good. The colony was an interesting place (although it was just upper floor from total Infestation), and it was nice to see humans doing their stuff and their reactions to Tenno. The part where we had to shut the gates (best part) could have used a bigger room, or had the nodes scattered in different places, for challenge reasons. But it's a nice mechanics, I would love to see this kind of task to be put in Invasions. 
  • Then, Index. I think that one less Index mission would've been better. I liked that Anyo's brokers team changes every round, but every Index having three rounds made it feel lengthy, maybe different levels of Index could've had a different quantity/length of rounds. Also, that round with margin limit didn't need Anyo's team to earn 10 points by cheating... that was the only round where it wasn't needed (it could have happened in more difficult Index, where there wasn't a limit. That margin Index was harder to do than the last Index).
  • That spy mission was really easy. Too easy. No cameras, neither patrols in the spy vaults? In Pluto?


Other stuff:

  • To me, the alignment choice at the end seemed swapped. I suppose that, more than a choice for us players to do, based on our understanding of the situation, the choices ( with their respective alignments) have more to do with what Lotus thinks it's a good or bad outcome. Because, to me, the dark path was definitely not the bad choice, but for Lotus it was. I do understand that defining what is right or wrong may become a difficult decision, regardless of who thinks what is right/wrong, but the way the decisions were put to me, they seemed swapped. Talking about it, I did like it that we had different outcomes for different choices.
  • Not that it is really important, but could we have two VOs playing at the same time, as if it were a dialogue? Having both Ergo's and Anyo's VO in the same place kinda breaks the flow of a chat, since a VO has to disappear for the other to appear (I know it's not a new thing). They could be placed one above the other. But the worst is having the whole dialogue to repeat since the beginning if I enter a menu or do something I wasn't supposed to do.
  • I didn't lose too many credits, but since this is a quest, wouldn't it be better to gain back everything you lost? Anyo seemed willing to give everything he had in the last Index, why not our lost credits?
  • I know that hotfixes were needed, but pre-loading seemed to be helpful.
  • There is no in-game indication on where to get Nidus' parts. In the last letter from Ergo, if he just said "Hey you can look here for stuff" would be better than no words at all. 


I don't know what is spoiler or not so I just put everything in spoiler.

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at first i must say i was postivly surprised by the quest. from the last quest of that size, which was titania, i had some bad memories. espacially the farming the ingriedients part i personaly found super anying and more a case of "how can me make the quest longer, hm let's add some farm" (i still haven't farmed the new aura mods from that update for that reason). so the start of just going into the colony and kicking butt there was super cool. especially the elevator and the change from infested to "living quaters" was quite nice. so i thought okay good let's move on. the hint with the war relict came very early on and since the warframe was revealed (when you watched the devstream/read update notes) you kinda knew in what direction this was going. get the parts and get the warframe in some follow up missions (that what i would have thought if i hadn't read the update notes at least^^). so since i read the post and knew index and parts in mission. i knew the parts would not come from the quest. the index i had already forgotten to be honest. i didn't liked it and don't like it now. so i kinda expected it to come along side and not be locked by the quest. i was quite surprised when i had to fight in the arena/index for the people. but thought okay lets do this. run some matches. free them, done. "new game mode" introduced. but it kept getting longer and longer and i got stuck in a mode i definitly will never play again and did not plan on playing after it was released as a preview. since the index was basicly the main high point/end part of the quest it felt a bit cheap. let me explain, since you had the quite good introduction with the "settlement", i was expecting some main part mission or missions to tie into that. getting you on the way or getting you the "war relic". these would have been different from the start mission. so you have some change up as the player. so after this main part,even if you would have gotten the war relic there already. i would have loved some wrap up/end mission to kinda tie it back to the start/the people living with the infested. these don't need to be some long dialogs or cinematic. just some picture on the side like lotus in a mission, some short dialoge text, is totaly fine. but it would drive the story. bring they player back to the start and you would actually have the impression to have done something at the end. in the current state i felt stuck in the index the whole time pretty much. for someone really enjoying this mode, that might be okay, but i still had the impression the story was on hold. into that tied the resuce/play for 1 people, oph now lets raise the stackes, play for more, oh now, now we can play for all. i dont know. since i imagine most players are in the game for good pve and not some semi pvp mode, i don't think this part was a lot of fun for the majority of the player base (and from the comments here and in the other feedback this seems right).

the other part i kinda have a problem is the alignment choices at the end. i assume in later updates this will tie into some greater set up (at least that's what you make us believe in the dev streams^^). so at the moment this seems pointless, but later on might become "usefull". my problem is with the actual choices given to the player. if i remeber correctly it was heal in relais, let her decide and send back to her people. the question/impression i got, yes we helped these people and saved here. but why would we even have the power/right to impose our will on her/them? this universe police thing seems a bit stupid in my eyes. if the lotus kinda guides the tenno in this scifi world, wouldn't she know about these people living with the infested? wouldn't she have lived with the notion that the way of living of these people is somewhat right/okay in her worldview? if the answer is yes would the sudden finding really lead here to set the tenno in front of such choice? i mean they live in a world were slaughtering living beings (infested/corpus/grineer) en masse. since for example the corpus seem a bit "human-/tenno-like", why are we not rescuing/policing/showing compassion for them? we just shoot them down, no questions asked. but one kid has to die some time to "save"/resuce an entire race and we suddelny say wait this might not be okay with our morals? i don't know i personaly don't see why lotus/the tenno would have an issue with that or would even question this way of living. so the whole choice added at this point seems very strange to me. it feels more like a case of "applying our moral code" on the scifi world. we seem to forget that the warframe world is quite cruel in itself. so if we suddenly raise this "white knight" flag, i don't feel it would be "justified"/fitting. i mean if you wanted to get some choice in here, wouldn't the way of the tenno be more of a "exterminate/crush your enemies" or "protect your friends choice" kinda thing? at least that's how i feel we get to know their and there for lotus mindset more.

so yeah, i feel this destroys the end screen of the quest a bit too. you boxed yourself through the codex and the put the rescued people under your thump, well they are definitly in luck today^^

some additional/more diverse mission at/near the end would have been good i think. to kinda round the quest up and make a bridge to the start, felt this was missing and the choice from our time transfered into game definitly didn't helped there.

overall good quest =)


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I really like the first mission, and then the rest of the quest rolled in. 
I hate everything related to Nef Anyo now, not a single bit after the first mission was fun.
I lied, the spy was ok. Random, but not bad, especially after having to do 4 3-round Indexes. 4 because it's still bugged.
All of it was nice compared to trying to farm Nidus' parts afterward though. Nobody thought we'd rather do the first mission of Glast more than a re-purposed Jordas Verdict mission? No? Ok, just me and nearly every other one of the 24 million registered losers then.

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I'm a founder I come back to this game every time you guys make a new quest. This and War Within were so much fun. A great balance to the rest of gameplay. I definitely had a few WOW moments. As a founder I am so glad to see you taking this game in this direction. Things like these quests give the game a much needed balance to the greedy corpus strip club practices which are sometimes hard to swallow. The quests lubricate quite nicely hard to "swallow" moments.


P.S. No I'm not naive I know you need to make money ;D

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I ran out of credits on the win-within-a-margin section because the AI is entirely unpredictable. Sometimes they'll get nothing and I'll be helplessly over just standing around hoping one of them scores, sometimes they'll have a goddamn osprey on their team that charges past me into the score zone before I can kill it, putting them 14 points ahead with 30 seconds to go. Why do story missions cost 100k a pop, that you lose if you fail the mission? I've been enjoying the grind lately and was looking forward to the story continuation but this has just put me off Warframe entirely, sorry.

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Fu<k this tedious mission.


I've blown all my credits because I'm too good at The Index. That last one with a 10 point margin of Victory is bullshlt The game doesn't tell me anything about "Don't win by too much" and it just screwed me over. Seriously. Fu<king over this.

Edited by Tuiat
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The missions were too repetitive. It's boring. And not just the index mission, farming the Nidus is just plain stupid. I've sat there with my Ember prime, waiting for 4 rounds to finally end,for about 50 attempts, and when a part drops, it's never the one that you get. I still need the neuroptics, even if it said it dropped about 3 or 4 times, but I've gotten the chassis or systems instead.

I understand this game is a farming game... but still... I have more fun farming regular Ash parts in non-LoR levels than sitting still for 15min or so with an Ember.

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Quest started off great by showing us some actual inhabitants of the world, then went downhill from there (oh god, so much Index...).

The alignment choice at the end quite clearly projects the team's (or assumed target audience's) biases as saving the child is pushed as the "obvious" good choice. Of course you risk annihilating an entire civilisation for 1 child, but hey it's the child you "know", all the other Myconians and their children are just faceless nobodies.

This "good" solution doesn't even make sense at any level. The Orokin couldn't defend themselves from the infestation but a bunch of specters can keep the Myconians safe. Suuuuuure, that makes sense. Moreover where did the Lotus suddenly grow an army to protect entire colonies with? It's just to "force" saving the child to be the good choice (because, duh: "Won't anyone think of the children?!") while to any reasonable adult based on the information we have at that point sending her back is the only reasonable choice (unless you want to trade 1 life for *all* the lives in the colony). This could have been handled/presented better imho.

Oh and like most people I'd have expected something about the origin of the actual frame you get as a reward in the quest. Having Nidus (well bits of him, gotta go grind more for the rest) as a reward doesn't make much sense based on the rest of the quest (well, it deals with infested...I guess).

Edited by marelooke
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The whole "OOOO YOU CANT WIN TOO MUCH ASHOEL HEHEHEHEHEH" is reallllllly dumb 

especially when if you draw you lose and you only have to lose once to fail the mission, its so dumb and makes you lose sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many credits like WHY DE FIX PLEASE

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Got to agree with the general trend of this thread. Farming credits to try the index to get beaten again, and again, and again, just stops making the game fun. It started really well, but when you are punished for 100+k for each failure, and looking at some of the better credit farming (Dark sector on Ceres) it ends up being half an hour to get beaten in the last 20 seconds of the index match for either having not enough, or too many points.

The 500k mark does seem to be the sweet spot for convincing people "You are wasting your time, time to stop playing this game".

Oh, and skimming the spoilers and finding out that there is another round after the "keep in 10 point range" basically means that any satisfaction i may have felt at getting past that point moot.

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I started out really excited about this quest to be honest. The first missions were fun, and I hadn't played the index before (I missed the event), so that was exciting to me.   But then I tried to actually complete the quest.  As of the time I write this post, I've basically decided the quest isn't worth it, and have stopped trying until further notice.  The problem started for me when I accidentally lost a mission because the timer was obscured. Something was weird with the HUD, so the timer was overlapped by the point score.  The mission ended when I had more than enough points to win on me, but couldn't see the time was running out.  I am a returning player who has pretty much dumped all my credits into the newer weapons that looked cool and I wanted to try, so I had to farm credits to resume.  At this point, I have lost 440,000 credits to the index, and have been told that it takes a LOT of farming to get Nitus, and can safely say that nothing has ever killed my enthusiasm for any game faster than the frustration the Glast Gambit has caused me.


DE, I love you as a company. I really do, and I think Warframe is an amazing game that is well worth spending a fair bit of money on despite being free to play.  Heck, I've spent more on Warframe than most games I've actually purchased at this point.  But this... This is just not acceptable to me.  At this point I've spent three hours farming credits to do a quest that stopped being fun awhile ago, and in the process lost my entire supply of credits, regained it, then lost it again twice.  The last straw with me was the "10 point range" session that I've seen talked about on this thread.  Nothing has ever irritated me more in this game than being told to keep in a ten point range, and then having victory, and one hundred and sixty thousand credits which I'd spent my entire Warframe session farming for, stolen because I missed one enemy during the last fifteen seconds of a mission during the third section of the Index.


All that I have said is incredibly disheartening to me, and trying to regain the motivation to try again is made much harder by the knowledge that if I succeed in two more index missions, I will be rewarded with a blueprint that I can then go farm rotation C of an endless game mode to have a less than 20% chance to get a random one of Nitus's parts from. 

Edited by WolfOverlord
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Just did the quest and here's my feedback: Terrible!

It shot its' load too early by placing the best mission at the start only to then devolve into repeating The Index ad nauseum - with most of the Glast/Anyo dialogue front-loaded before each match as opposed to playing out during, forcing me to wait up to 20 seconds before I could even click the start button - broken up only by the easiest spy mission ever. 

I actually like The Index itself, it's something new (I missed the Preview event) and interesting, though I think Sephalon-points-in-the-points-in-the-points-in-the-open-Sark could do with toning down somewhat. The trouble is that what should be relatively quick and snappy (it is gambling after all) is dragged out so much but the absolute worst part of it all is the arbitrary score margin! Why would Anyo suddenly be scared off now when all my previous victories were by far greater than 10 points?! This nonsense ended up costing me roughly 1m credits across almost a dozen failed attempts due to:

1) Accidentally overshooting the margin and AnyoCorp failing to narrow it in time as I waited.
2) Accidentally overshooting the margin but AnyoCorp manages to overtake me at the last second.
3) Accidentally holding back too much, resulting in AnyoCorp victory.
4) Winning within the margin, defending my goal but one slips through and overtakes me at the last second.

Granted, I still have just over 10m credits after that but that's no excuse for this nonsense! Let's take a moment to consider those players who are far less credit-rich, how swiftly they will be cleaned out by this and their resentment afterwards.

And just to put the cherry on top: Absolutely no mention of the Warframe this quest is for, until I'm presented with the blueprint.

To me, The Silver Grove - tedious plant gathering notwithstanding - was better executed than this.

Also, this now makes two Syndicates who have thanked me profusely only to go straight back to sending their Eximus squads after me.

Nice drawings though. I definitely like this decoration reward trend, keep that up. In fact, I'd like to see it retro-fitted to older quests.

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The Story: Nothing but questions.

Why are the Myconians harvesting infested bio matter?  How did a hybrid infested come into being?  Why do the infested fear hybrids?  Is a Triuna a failed Tenno?

The Missions: Save the colony, save the girl.

The first mission was good, aside the fact that infested could still get in through the air ducts.

The Index: Wash.  Rinse.  Repeat.

This is where everything came to a screeching halt.  I can understand progressing through 6 matches, but having each match be 3 rounds is overkill.

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