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[Poll] Do you still need Focus lenses (from sorties)?


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No, I don't need them. And when the rare new weapon I like enough to actually lens comes out, I'm better off selling off a mod or spare prime and buying it from the market before sludging through the piss poor drop rates from sorties to get a greater lens that also happens to be one of my school's focus.
Quite frankly, most of the current sortie rewards should be available everywhere else, but maybe at a bit lower rate. As much as I hate Sabotage, cache 3 rewards in Kuva Fortress should have a chance to give small lens+rivens.
Also if we're gonna be stuck getting greater lens from sorties all the time, for the love of god make them tradable...

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Onyxflamegod said:

No, I don't need them. And when the rare new weapon I like enough to actually lens comes out, I'm better off selling off a mod or spare prime and buying it from the market before sludging through the piss poor drop rates from sorties to get a greater lens that also happens to be one of my school's focus.
Quite frankly, most of the current sortie rewards should be available everywhere else, but maybe at a bit lower rate. As much as I hate Sabotage, cache 3 rewards in Kuva Fortress should have a chance to give small lens+rivens.
Also if we're gonna be stuck getting greater lens from sorties all the time, for the love of god make them tradable...

I'd personally rather see them on lua, since that's where the second dream takes place and is where focus is introduced.
Either making them a rotation reward in survival/defense (especially since defense is so fricking beautiful on lua) or as a spy reward, so you'd have more of a reason to play on lua.


Okay, so greater lenses really aren't tradeable?
welp even less of a reason for me to get them :/

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1 minute ago, Ryouhi said:

Wait, you can't trade greater lenses?? 0-0

If you could buy a greater lens for 35p from trade chat then no one would but it from DE for 40p. The only reason lesser lens' are tradeable is because you cant but it from them. I'm sure this is their reasoning behind it.

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I've done sorties every day since it came out, I got enough lenses for full loadouts for each tree.

Considering I have completely finished Naramon, and soon to follow 2 others.  Getting a lens in general just makes me wonder why did I even bother, getting a lens for a tree I finished?  Makes me more irritated then getting endo for week.

The sooner we are given a choice in our rewards the better.  Token system or otherwise.

Edited by ZinGrin
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Just now, arch111 said:

New players need a way to obtain them. Are you suggesting a new place and way to get lenses?

Void would be natural. Baro or Maroo as well.

considering lenses are intorduced in the second dream but are only obtainable in sorties, which are unlocked after the war within... yes.
This right here is just bad game design, you don't introduce a new mechanic only to lock it up again.

i'd say they should be rewards from lua missions, since thats the place the second dream actually takes place, so for example C rotations in Defense and survival on Lua have a chance to be lenses.

THis would give players a chance to actually farm them instead of having to pray to rngesus, because first you need to get a lens drop in the first place, then it needs to be a greater one and then it needs to be for your actual school... and you get to try only once a day.

SO i'd say lenses in sorties are just really bad for everyone, those that don't want lenses in sorties in the first place and even for those that want lenses.
Sorties aren't the place for 'em imo.

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21 minutes ago, Ryouhi said:

and here i took you serious for a second since there seem to be some people that actually want lenses :p

I'm a paying, persistent/daily but "casual" player.  I bowed out of LOR early on and have yet to retry yet I'm nearing my MR21 ->MR22 Test and bring decent firepower to any squad.  I have every frame with the exception of Valkyr Prime who I am not actively farming.

Farming for me is part of the game  I like but really it's story, and squad dynamics followed by fashion-frame. Farming gives me a reason for squad dynamics.

So I take the lenses as they come and apply them.  As much as I spend on Kubrows, maybe I should have bought those greater lenses a long time ago, lol.

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I put greater lenses on as often as possible on every frame/weapon I can. People keep saying there's no use now but it will eventually get touched on again then the usual threads will pop up saying its too much work when you could have been passively accumulating points all this time. Though I do hope they buff the amount of points you can get and just do away with that in-game booster thing. So far it's been a slog even with all my gear lens'd up.

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I don't intentionally go for lenses, because the focus system is a vestigial piece from an idea they really wanted to do, only to realize that there wasn't room for it. Giving 20% movement speed but reducing shields by 75%..? Even worse, forcing that on your squad?? (I get it's the first rank, but when would that *ever* be okay?)

I suppose at some point it'd be nice to have all the lenses in case they actually revamp the focus system and we have something new to strive for, but until then there's little to no point to it.

That being said, getting the occasional lens is fine with me, I don't mind that they're in the sortie at all and allow me to eventually care about the system if it becomes relevant. As for the smaller lenses, those are... a :platinum::platinum::platinum: mistake.

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I still need lenses, but I do agree that they should be put somewhere else. Putting the, in the sorties at first (since they released this with Second Dream) made sense, but well I think a change here wouldn't hurt :) I saw a suggestion somewhere about putting them in the Lua spy mission? I wouldn't mind putting it in Lua hahaha

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I don't mind it since there's no other way to get it. What I do mind is the fact that some schools are sooooooooo much better than others that some lenses are just worthless. It's different if you could trade them with other players from different schools. But there are no players in different schools except for completists. Until they fixed the focus system and schools, it's better if they give us an option to pick which school's lens to get.

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I do mind, and these god awfully things should be removed from sorties altogether, put them as rewards in the Lua moon missions or something, where you would get drift mods from the rooms have a chance to get a lens there instead, we do NOT need this in a sortie drop table that is already bloated enough as it is.  Also too people saying they can't get it anywhere else, you can buy them for plat in the store...just saying.

Edited by Knight_Ex
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Sortie Focus Lens are 100% useless to me unless they were deleted from the game and replaced with Greater Lenses. Using a Lesser Lens is a waste of the time I spent navigating the UI to find and equip one to me and crafting 4 normal ones into a Greater is pointless to me. I'll just buy them for 40p from the Market since that's what they want me to do anyways, otherwise these useless items wouldn't exist to make the others look better in the first place, but I'd rather they just got right to the point, stepped out of the shadows and just asked me for my money instead rather than adding them to Sorties in their useless garbage pointless worthless unfulfilling Lesser Form that sit in my inventory and rot for all eternity collecting dust and occasional spit followed by repulsed glances from me every time I have to see them when I open the menu in search of my Greater Lens. Although if they were today's Greater Lenses they wouldn't be tradeable, even though most people wouldn't wanna buy non-Naramon/Zenurik ones anyways so it'd still end up a reward I wouldn't care for.

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I could use some Unairu and Madurai greater lens. I've already maxed Naramon and Zenurik and currently working on Vazarin. I plan to max out all the schools and grab my daily 100k everyday...EVERYDAY! Changing out for a new school takes a pretty plat so I take what greater lens I don't have as a future profit. Lesser lens I do get a bit salty over as they require other resources to make it a lens I'll need in the future. Getting a lens for a maxed school is kinda rare for me now. Seems the less popular schools drop more often. I get more salty getting a Reactor BP to tell the truth. I got 12 of the things and I already have all frames/sentinels/kubrows/kavats already potato'd.

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6 hours ago, UltimateGrr said:

Lenses are sort of odd.  Either you need them, or you don't.  New players who've just finished Second Dream need them like crack.  Veteran players, aka the ones that tend to frequent the boards, usually don't.

the problem for new players is that lenses are needed after the second dream, but sorties only become available after the war within, there's a disconnect here

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15 hours ago, Ryouhi said:

the problem for new players is that lenses are needed after the second dream, but sorties only become available after the war within, there's a disconnect here

Very true.  I'd forgotten about that, since I've hit the saturation limit on my lenses, and don't need any more.

Maybe move lenses to Orokin Derelict or Void missions?

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