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Oberon is Fine


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While I love Oberon and he is my favorite frame at 29% usuge over all the other frames he needs tweaking to bring him up in terms of usage imho. While he seems to work early to mid game his kit doesnt exactly allow him to stand very well late game. If you've found a way to him late game good for you but there's alot of players that feel he needs updating.

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I agree that player need to chill the F out about other people's frame choices, personally I don't care what you're using, all I care about is whether you can hold your own, or if I have to carry you. I might not necessary agree with some frame choices, but I'll just think "well, you better be prepared to fight with that".

what I do take issue with is that Oberon is certainly NOT fine. the recent introduction of Nidus really highlights how underpowered frames like Oberon, Hydroid and Limbo truly are. here we have an infested monster who beats on level 150s for their lunch money while neglected frames barely scale to sortie levels. yes, Oberon has his uses, but he has so much more potential. DE could literally make him whatever they want: powerful healer, damage dealer, area denial specialist or all three. Oberon can do it all, but only just. he needs a full, proper rework like what Excalibur had. (and definitely a new passive, his current one sucks).

if we can get reworks that help these frames scale into endgame levels, then we'll be all good.


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Oberon used to be my main in the old days. USED to be.

To be honest I only played with him because he has a fantastic deluxe skin. 

I do not care if I see a Oberon in my squad, it is actually quite fun watching all the fuzzy carpets and enemies being smashed to the ground. The problem start when I want to use him. I like his 3rd and 4th ability because they have both healing and CC. On the other hand there is his alright 1 and his horrible 2. The fuzzy carpet is just a useless ability for high level content. 

I do not hate Oberon but I think that he is useless. Lets compare him to some frames that are better at doing thing that he is supposed to do.

CC- focusing on knockdowns: Ember's world on fire with augment. The enemy is not able to move location at all 

Damage- AoE: Equinox's maim. Nothing more to say

Support- *: Trinity: She is basically the king of healing 

All around- *: Equinox: Can heal teammates, can slow down enemies and make them deal less damage, can open enemies up to finishers, can deal massive damage

I really want Oberon to be good, but he just isn't 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I agree that player need to chill the F out about other people's frame choices, personally I don't care what you're using, all I care about is whether you can hold your own, or if I have to carry you. I might not necessary agree with some frame choices, but I'll just think "well, you better be prepared to fight with that".

what I do take issue with is that Oberon is certainly NOT fine. the recent introduction of Nidus really highlights how underpowered frames like Oberon, Hydroid and Limbo truly are. here we have an infested monster who beats on level 150s for their lunch money while neglected frames barely scale to sortie levels. yes, Oberon has his uses, but he has so much more potential. DE could literally make him whatever they want: powerful healer, damage dealer, area denial specialist or all three. Oberon can do it all, but only just. he needs a full, proper rework like what Excalibur had. (and definitely a new passive, his current one sucks).

if we can get reworks that help these frames scale into endgame levels, then we'll be all good.


His passive can be an active ability for a beastmaster frame who can handle pet like enemies an can summon it's own pet. ike dota2 beastmaster. I am agree with tweaks but for rework only if they not make a specialist with it but boost his abilities.

Edited by Sziklamester
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He's fine, yeah.

Like you said, his abilities are outclassed by all other frames, he has a near useless passive and nothing he does stands out in any way. But he's good enough to complete content with and people apparently enjoy playing him, as these threads crop up fairly often along with half a dozen to a full dozen people to defend him.

Do I mind grouping with broberon's? Nah, people can play whatever they want (though ash players, frost bubbles and hydroid tentacles annoy me quite a bit) and as long as they don't actively hinder or grief the group there's no issue at all - go nuts.

He's a frame that while he doesn't exactly need a personal buff, should be reworked along with all other frames to scale in some way. At least, that's my opinion.

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Oberon runs into a few issues, and I say this as someone who has three heavily Forma'd copies of him. One for Rejuvenation, one for Corrosive Projection/Energy Siphon, and one for Steel Charge/Growing Power.

His passive is of questionable utility at best. Not all passives were created equal but his feels particularly lacklustre. In a lot of ways I feel Vauban's passive would have been more appropriate to Oberon; perhaps Oberon could give everyone within a certain radius a limited version of Health Conversion to synergise with Reckoning?

Hallowed Ground is a great skill but much of the game is played on the move, meaning there are limited opportunities to make use of it. Most of the time it's something I throw out to revive a downed squadmate who's been surrounded.

Renewal runs into multiple attribute dependancy right off the bat and is also a timed, toggled ability that also requires the power to reach squadmates instead of effecting them instantly like other healing powers.

Reckoning needs a bit of a buff, not just to its damage numbers but a slight increase to blind time and radius. I wouldn't object to it scaling off melee mods either. Other than that it's OK.

Personally I'd make his 2 and 3 auras that he sustains as toggled powers, maybe even roll them into the same skill and find something else for his kit.

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Yes! Oberon is great! People just don't understand the power he has when he's setup right, and don't know how to set him up right, because he's supposed to be well-rounded. Sadly, some people will never understand. LOL. I'll just continue killing level 300+ enemies with him...

(I feel like I gotta say it... I have 5 Oberons, 19 total forma on them, over 200k kills, and 45% usage. My EXP count has been glitched for a long time.)

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

Yes! Oberon is great! People just don't understand the power he has when he's setup right, and don't know how to set him up right, because he's supposed to be well-rounded. Sadly, some people will never understand. LOL. I'll just continue killing level 300+ enemies with him...

(I feel like I gotta say it... I have 5 Oberons, 19 total forma on them, over 200k kills, and 45% usage. My EXP count has been glitched for a long time.)

Lvl 300 with his powers? I highly doubt so. If 90% of the players have a problem with him, than it's highly likely that the frame indeed has problems and needs some tweaks. 

I like Oberon quite a lot, he is a good frame, but let's not kid ourselves, he's nowhere near the top in his current form. 

Edited by aligatorno
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7 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

Lvl 300 with his powers? I highly doubt so. If 90% of the players have a problem with him, than it's highly likely that the frame indeed has problems and needs some tweaks. 

I like Oberon quite a lot, he is a good frame, but let's not kid ourselves, he's nowhere near the top in his current form. 

This was last night. It was 5am, and a loadout that I was actually waiting until I got my second Trickery set to use. I'll have another attempt when I'm not so sleepy.


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I'm a firm believer of there are no bad frames only bad players.


There are, however, some frames that could do with a slight buff or tweak to some abilities to make them better than they are.


Oberon can be used quite effectively and i've seen some damn good Oberon players around. That being said there are other frames that are better at doing what he does. 


While Oberon can be played well he is not top tier and he deserves to be. 

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

This was last night. It was 5am, and a loadout that I was actually waiting until I got my second Trickery set to use. I'll have another attempt when I'm not so sleepy.


Your build is spamming his only worthwhile ability over and over, so like every other Oberon build, gotcha.

Edited by UrielColtan
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3 hours ago, SpeedOfLightPuncher said:


All around- *: Equinox: Can heal teammates, can slow down enemies and make them deal less damage, can open enemies up to finishers, can deal massive damage

I really want Oberon to be good, but he just isn't 

As someone who loves both Equinox and Oberon, Oberon is a better all-arounder because you don't have to buff-manage so much. With Equinox, you are hampered because you essentially have to decide if you are going to play offense or defense since Metamorphosis gets rid of your buffs. Oberon can play both. Also, his heal is more panic-button-useful than Equinox's, since you don't have to build anything for it.

Oberon is a frame where you have to use his abilities to help you get into the fight, but not end the fight, essentially. And while he has some problems that could really use help (looking at you, passive), he's not at all useless.

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These Oberon fanboys just kill me. We want Oberon to be better and they are all like "NOOOOOOOOOOOO HE'S SO GOOOD RIGHT NOOOOWWWWWW NEVER CHANGE HIM EVER!!!!!!!!!!!"

Even if you give him a pass on Smite and Reckoning as being "OK" (even though Avalanche S#&$s all over Reckoning), Hallowed Ground and Renewal are terrible abilities through and through. Stationary defensives needs to either be EXTREMELY defensive (Frost's bubble), or have another facet (Volt's shield crit multiplier), but HG's defensive abilities are seriously questionable. To make use of the status immunity, you have to stand in it....with no additional protection from the things trying to apply their status to you, because HG's armor buff is so pitiful as to be unnoticeable, and Renewal's glacial cast time, slow healing and auto turn off trifecta mark it as a perfectly terrible ability, immaculate in it's awfulness.


Hallowed Ground and Renewal should be rolled into a single ability, and give him a completely new '2'.

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2 minutes ago, Kierlak said:

These Oberon fanboys just kill me. We want Oberon to be better and they are all like "NOOOOOOOOOOOO HE'S SO GOOOD RIGHT NOOOOWWWWWW NEVER CHANGE HIM EVER!!!!!!!!!!!"

Even if you give him a pass on Smite and Reckoning as being "OK" (even though Avalanche S#&$s all over Reckoning), Hallowed Ground and Renewal are terrible abilities through and through. Stationary defensives needs to either be EXTREMELY defensive (Frost's bubble), or have another facet (Volt's shield crit multiplier), but HG's defensive abilities are seriously questionable. To make use of the status immunity, you have to stand in it....with no additional protection from the things trying to apply their status to you, because HG's armor buff is so pitiful as to be unnoticeable, and Renewal's glacial cast time, slow healing and auto turn off trifecta mark it as a perfectly terrible ability, immaculate in it's awfulness.


Hallowed Ground and Renewal should be rolled into a single ability, and give him a completely new '2'.

Renewal, especially with the augment, is a great form of healing. Hallowed ground needs a buff, but Renewal has no issues, barring the bug it has. Smite and Reckoning are also great. I don't see why anybody would have an issue with them.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

Renewal, especially with the augment, is a great form of healing.

There really isn't an optimal setup for Phoenix Renewal. In fact, you pretty much equip it just in case that when you do cast it at the right time an ally or yourself is about to get killed, you get a free 1-up away from the thralls of the River Styx. With a 90 second cooldown in effect after it takes effect.

If Renewal didn't end when yourself and your allies hit full health with the ability, or if it wasn't so inefficient to build Renewal for low Power Strength and high Duration to make full use of the augment, I wouldn't be voicing this opinion.

Renewal needs a mechanics overhaul, most likely a simpler algorithm or remove the cap on disabling the ability when health is full.

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Would like people to stop with this damn posts.

The fact that you have been blamed/insulted for playing a goddamn videogame in a way you have fun with does not correlate in any way, shape or form with the quality/effectiveness of a warframe. Yes, it is annoying and frustrating to find faken manchilds yelling on a PvE game, but that's life for you.

Oberon is garbage. Any damn warframe in the game can do the job if you don't go 1+ hours on an endless run. That does not correlate with the warframe being good, it's just the way the game works. You have weapons to back you up. He is garbage in comparison with other warframes. All Oberon does can be done better, faster and more cohesively by other warframes. Trynity and inaros have better healing, almost every other CC frame has better CC and his damage... yeah. His "damage". And even if you think he is good now, why on Earth wouldn't you want him to get a rework to make him even better?

Posts like this only serve to scream to the devs: "Hey, Oberon is OK. Don't change him". Which will make it so he remains terrible and not worth using in comparison to other more powerful, and better designed warframes.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

If Renewal didn't end when yourself and your allies hit full health with the ability, or if it wasn't so inefficient to build Renewal for low Power Strength and high Duration to make full use of the augment, I wouldn't be voicing this opinion.

Well then, you shouldn't be, because that's not true. High duration makes Phoenix Renewal redundant, because Renewal is inversely affected. It's best to use lower duration, which means there's an extra benefit to using Fleeting Expertise, and since Oberon usually needs to cast often, that's actually efficient in more ways than one. Also, unless you're at levels where you will get one-shot without Phoenix Renewal, more strength is better than less.

This is part of why people think Oberon is bad. People are spreading incorrect info, like you are.

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

Well then, you shouldn't be, because that's not true. High duration makes Phoenix Renewal redundant, because Renewal is inversely affected. It's best to use lower duration, which means there's an extra benefit to using Fleeting Expertise, and since Oberon usually needs to cast often, that's actually efficient in more ways than one. Also, unless you're at levels where you will get one-shot without Phoenix Renewal, more strength is better than less.

This is part of why people think Oberon is bad. People are spreading incorrect info, like you are.

For Phoenix Renewal, you want to have Renewal in effect as long as possible so that it gives yourself and players that extra amount of flexibility to time the revive comfortably. Going for low duration, medium-to-high Power Strength makes it so that when it's used you would heal allies' health to full in a matter of seconds (thereby ending the ability prematurely, requiring that recast). Low duration and low power strength works, but you would have to pool in 2 mod slots for max efficiency with Fleeting Expertise and Streamline, in which Phoenix Renewal is already taking up essentially. Otherwise, high duration is suggested in my post so that it can curb the energy drain on Renewal if you don't want to take a hit on duration for other skills, like Hallowed Ground and Reckoning.

This is what I mean that building for Phoenix Renewal is inefficient, not Renewal, making the augment a useless mod to slot in when you can just build for what you are suggesting right now.

Instead of getting defensive, read between the lines and note the intent behind my post with the augment.

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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