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Discussion on Primed Regen


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If DE hadn't missed putting the buff to Regen in the patch notes 95+% of the salt would never have even been a thing. 


Most people would have considered it an adequate buff to the way Regen works and actually been pretty happy about the mod. Kind of sad how an uncommunicated change can lead to so much salt. In this case it was a positive change... if only everyone had known earlier. 

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Nevermind the sentinels. There are things that are just messed up with kubrows. 3 hours between swap? Eeeeh? And how ya think anybody is gonna breed new kubrows without using plat when the incubation proccess bars you from using kubrows at all? Obviously we're breeding them because we want to use them over sentinels, and the more types you unlock the slimmer your chances of getting a new one gets until they become a real crapshot without imprints. THAT YOU'D NEED TO SPEND PLAT ON. The more you wanna expand your kubrows the less you get to use them. It blows my mind, like, what were they THINKING? And aren't kubrows and sentinels supposed to be equally good?

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Why do you fellows make your absolute goal to collect everything, it sucks? Just move on.

You aren't losing anything and your day hasn't changed the slightest.
This mod is nothing more than extra survival for your sentinels, it doesn't damage anyone. What you should be discussing, is why is it so needed for baro to come with good stuff every 2 weeks. 

How shallow, your gaming experiences require new toys to expand your time in warframe.

Edited by Noabettiet
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3 minutes ago, Noabettiet said:

Why do you fellows make your absolute goal to collect everything, it sucks? Just move on.

You are losing anything and your day isn't changed a slightest.
This mod is nothing more than extra survival for your sentinels, it doesn't damage anyone. What you should be discussing, is why is it so needed for baro to come with good stuff every 2 weeks. 

How shallow, your gaming experiences require new toys to expand your time in warframe.


If Baro came with something new every two weeks I'm willing to bet a lot of the frustration wouldn't exist, the issue is that people feel that they wait a long time for Baro to arrive and then he brings a mod/item that's felt to be sub-par.

Also, perhaps avoid telling people that their way of playing a game is "shallow" in the future if you want to actually have a conversation and not a S#&$-slinging match.

Edited by Littlerift
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3 minutes ago, Noabettiet said:

Why do you fellows make your absolute goal to collect everything, it sucks? Just move on.

You are losing anything and your day isn't changed a slightest.
This mod is nothing more than extra survival for your sentinels, it doesn't damage anyone. What you should be discussing, is why is it so needed for baro to come with good stuff every 2 weeks. 

How shallow, your gaming experiences require new toys to expand your time in warframe.

That's called progression. It's always been a vital tool in every video game, ranging from beatng your hi-score on Atari to collecting new mods to try out in Warframe or just looking as good as possible while suplexing infested. People play games as an escapsim so they can be something they can't be irl. Doesn't sound to me like that's 100% clear to you, but that's how it is.

Edited by Oxstarz
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27 minutes ago, Littlerift said:


If Baro came with something new every two weeks I'm willing to bet a lot of the frustration wouldn't exist, the issue is that people feel that they wait a long time for Baro to arrive and then he brings a mod/item that's felt to be sub-par.

Also, perhaps avoid telling people that their way of playing a game is "shallow" in the future if you want to actually have a conversation and not a S#&$-slinging match.

But the thing is, i am not offending anyone, i am for the lack of a better term, screaming as hard as i can for you guys to get that there is something inherently wrong with how warframe is right now. Seriously.

Yeah, no sh*t. People are happy if they are given what they want the most. Who knew. However everything about this discussion, boils down to throwing a tantrum at not getting what you folks wanted. Don't you guys think that, having a fulfilling experience is better than getting a shiny thing every two weeks or so?

I mean, less focus on items, more on gameplay ?

27 minutes ago, Oxstarz said:

That's called progression. It's always been a vital tool in every video game, ranging from beatng your hi-score on Atari to collecting new mods to try out in Warframe or just looking as good as possible while suplexing infested. People play games as an escapsim so they can be something they can't be irl. Doesn't sound to me like that's 100% clear to you, but that's how it is.

You are missing the point entirely. I agree in what you are saying, people can play games as means to escape, however collecting isn't really a challenge nor something that can only be exclusively done on warframe. 
There is also no sort of race, unless you make it so on yourself, which is what i am criticizing. There is no race, don't lose your sh*t on not getting what you were never promised of.

Edited by Noabettiet
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4 minutes ago, Noabettiet said:

But the thing is, i am not offending anyone, i am for the lack of a better term, screaming as hard as i can for you guys to get that there is something inherently wrong with how warframe is right now. Seriously.

Yeah, no sh*t. People are happy if they are given what they want the most. Who knew. However everything about this discussion, boils down to throwing a tantrum at not getting what you folks wanted. Don't you guys think that, having a fulfilling experience is better than getting a shiny thing every two weeks or so?

I mean, less focus on items, more on gameplay ?

You are missing the point entirely. I agree in what you are saying, people can play games as means to escape, however collecting isn't really a challenge nor something that can only be exclusively done on warframe. 
There is also no sort of race, unless you make it so on yourself, which is what i am criticizing. There is no race, don't lose your sh*t on not getting what you were never promised of.

Hey if that's what they like to work towards then let them do so unmolested yeah? It's very important to have goals and something to look forward to. If there is negative consequence to it then ir's theirs to suffer and ours to learn from.

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Short version - (primed) regen buff was a long time needed (2+ years), finally here but it only band-aids the problem.  Sentinels themselves need a proper buff, stats overhaul and/or ways to heal themselves and/or reconstruct them after they are destroyed.  Regen invul buff may help but I'm hoping it isn't the final solution to a long standing problem.

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Boys. We can start talking about more survivable sentinels once they remove those pointless stipulations that makes switching and breeding kubrows and kavats a lengthy adventure without a kubrow or a kavat. At least you got no downtime to deal with.

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15 minutes ago, Oxstarz said:

Hey if that's what they like to work towards then let them do so unmolested yeah? It's very important to have goals and something to look forward to. If there is negative consequence to it then ir's theirs to suffer and ours to learn from.

And that is exactly my point, sort of.
I am basically suggesting for a thread that doesn't boil down to " why didn't i get this thing, instead of this thing i have always disliked ". 

Hell, it doesn't necessary mean that they can't farm anymore, but that the experience can be enchanted while doing so. Maybe valuing the experience over rewards? 

7 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Short version - (primed) regen buff was a long time needed (2+ years), finally here but it only band-aids the problem.  Sentinels themselves need a proper buff, stats overhaul and/or ways to heal themselves and/or reconstruct them after they are destroyed.  Regen invul buff may help but I'm hoping it isn't the final solution to a long standing problem.

pretty much on the same boat. 

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1 hour ago, CounterOne said:

3 Self Destructs Sounded nice to me!

Self Destruct does not trigger on Regen revives, only when the Sentinel finally kicks the bucket.


1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

people hype over baro way too much: the Strata Relay was full an entire HOUR before his arrival. there were 11 versions, and all were either busy or full, when Baro was still nowhere near arriving. then he appears, and relay chat is filled with toxic comments towards him (granted, he's an NPC with no feelings to hurt, but if he wasn't, he'd probably have a mental breakdown).

so it was Primed Regen huh? I can see why people are salty, and this also serves as another Band-Aid fix for Sentinels; rather than buffing base stats so that sentinels other than Carrier can actually take a few bullets before exploding, they decide to give you a marginally better chance to get your dead Sentinel back.

never expect anything good from Baro, why don't people get this into their heads?

To be fair, DE is partly at fault this time by hyping it up by saying "NEW PRIME MOD" instead of just silently pushing it like previous Primed mods.

But yes, I don't know why people always get so worked up over Baro's new stuff being not exactly what they dreamed of.

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1 hour ago, Littlerift said:


Why do people on this forum always escalate these arguments to a ridiculous degree?

"I don't like this Sentinel mod"

"Yeah well you wouldn't because you're an idiot who hates Sentinels because you're a space racist and don't understand literally anything"

The guy has confessed that he hates Sentinels, and that he's ranting about Primed Regen only because he doesn't use it instead of the mod actually being bad. What's wrong with stating facts again?

Edited by Mattoropael
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2 hours ago, Littlerift said:

I think the real concern with the release of Primed Regen is that it indicates that DE aren't going to bother working on improving Sentinel health any time soon,


2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

not the first mistake given to us by Baro, and it won't be the last.

the right thing to do would be to buff sentinel Base stats (except Carrier, which is the only tough one anyway)

11 seconds of invulnerability and 3 revives scales better than just having more ehp and only one revive with no invulnerability. It wouldn't be hard to get to a level where your buffed sentinal ehp is meaningless, they'll still chew through its one revive and kill it before your team can get to you and revive you. Unlike just giving it more ehp, this mod will allow you to react and try to protect it, even at very high levels.

You guys are complaining because DE didn't give you a worse version of this instead. I realize that a primed mod takes a lot to rank up, but I think it's okay for us to work towards something, yes? Especially if it's worthwhile, which I think it is.

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1 hour ago, Littlerift said:


If Baro came with something new every two weeks I'm willing to bet a lot of the frustration wouldn't exist, the issue is that people feel that they wait a long time for Baro to arrive and then he brings a mod/item that's felt to be sub-par.

why does the free stuff Baro brings must be leet things?

22 minutes ago, Tyrian3k said:

Using a Kohm.

max gun mutation and bring ammo restoration.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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10 hours ago, Kuulpb said:

 tell me one good reason other than laziness for taking vacuum to a mission that you aren't farming in.

Someone who enjoys doing something other than picking things up does not mean they are lazy.  So sick of this insult being thrown around any time sentinels or vacuum is mentioned in a discussion.

My playstyle is mine, yours is yours.  Deal with it.  No one forces you to use a sentinel or vacuum on that sentinel, why are you trying to shame people into not using sentinels if they choose to do so?  I use diriga because it has great CC, I use vacuum because jumping forward to gather loot, farming or NOT, is just easier and FASTER, than walking over every single thing that drops.

Do I have to pick up every single thing? Nope?  Because I have vacuum that's why.  If I see a mission i want to do and don't feel like loot gathering that day, I'll bring a kavat or kubrow IF I WISH TO, as my play style it is my choice.  I choose to use what I want and how I want to play.

When I see a downed kavat/kubrow in a mission I revive it, I don't scream and rant and call its owner lazy because they let it die (multiple freaking times), I revive it.  I don't tell them that their kubrow dying over and over is a sign they shouldn't be bringing a kubrow, do I? NO.

Stop calling sentinel users lazy.  Thanks.

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The mod seems more suited to gameplay that avoids taking damage, like an Invisible Loki or a CC frost. It's there to address the occasional one shot but not there to facetank like you would want in more tankier frames like Chroma and Nidus.

These are just my thoughts anyway.

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Always a pleasure to read these black and white arguments for vacuum use. That and apparently having to pick every single thing up.

Primed Regen came just in time as i claimed Djinn the other day. Its another bandaid but here's hoping for some survivability buffs in general.

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