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Suggested Valkyr Rework: Taking a look at her issues and earning her name


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The topic at hand is an attempt to look at  Valkyr's overall issues and what she does well and making a rework that could possibly close her gaps at a decent enough cost. Also it kinda relates to her name a bit.

(also as usual no real hope of this being put in)


Energy cost: 50

A suggested ability in place of her one. In order to aid valkyr's melee. While a gun can kill at range a weapon needs to be up close. Hopefully this would address it.

Description: Valky is filled with energy. Boosting her and her allies speed along with their evasion, marking her out as a high priority target.

Evasion: 18.75%/ 26.25%/ 33.75%/37.5% ( Power Strength)

Speed Buff: 15%/20%/25%/50% (Power Strength)

Duration: 7/10/12/15 seconds

(Evasion) Range: 15/20/22/25 meters

Aggro range: Always double the range of effective buff area

The dodge range is effectively cut in half out side of the initial ring and continues to be slashed in half at each intial interval. For eample if her range was 10 meters with 200 percent power strength then her ability would have a 75 percent evasion and would be an initial 10 meters around her. Outside of the 10 meters however it would be cut in half making the the range 5 meters and 1/2 of the evasion range and would taper off s distance increased( Subject to adjustment to be effective. The ability would of course move with you and would come with something to encourage you to kill( besides keeping your life).

The ability slowly decays from its cast and increases back to normal as you kill, if you were to max out the ability ( 60 seconds) then the power would "overflow" to your melee's damage, adding an overall benefit to killing way more then you need to ( though you didn't need that did you) and keep you alive. Also just like eternal wars effecting your allies ithe damage buff effects them as well.

Issues attempting to solve. Melees range and enemy guns plus melee mobility and team aid. The aggro range is meant to allow yourself to be the focus of the battle field and allow team mates assistance. The increased evasion would render close enemies and med rangers as less dangerous but would put focus on high damage+longer ranged opponents. Encouraging you to  close the gap and end them. The aggro will also make sure you cant laze about ( though i doubt you would) as they will want you.

2, Warcry

Energy cost: 50

Hopefully the change will halp teammates and valkyr while getting shot at.

The change is that the slow aura doesn't dissipate but instead would follow you around and is effected as usual. The other change is that instead of gaining an percentages based buff based on your allies frames armor it would be based on a percentage of Valkyr's  armor.

3. Ire or Pique ( Name is WIP)

Energy cost: 75

Address the other issue(scaling)

Valkyr releases her shields, forcing those who challenge her to follow suit.

Armor/ shield Reduction and is effected by Power strength: 20%/25%/30%/35% ( Can be reduced if needed)

Duration: 7/10/12/15 seconds

 Range: 15/20/22/25 meters

(Srry no way you can keep this like the first two),

Would work just like the other suggested rework, follow along in a radius around her.

Aggro range is always double the range

If both Ire and Manic are active at the sane time then the default range is x4. Meaning if you have a range of 10 meters or so then you'll have a 40 meter aggro radius. Soooo... your life is pretty much kill or be killed. This should make valkyr a great team frame and give her an amazing ability to boot ( like her 2 kinda is currently with aug.)

4. Hysteria rework 

Knowing how this is gonna go down, its a kinda sorta "rework". Also hopefully address another issue, her drain and ring and being locked in melee at high level.

Changed from her (awesome) invulnerability and into a 95%-99% damage reduction ability.

Drain is set to a 2.5 drain ( pretty much like some other exalted weapons)

The damage counter is changed alot as well as her ring and how she drains power. Seeing as how melee is dangerous at high level the changed would be that the counter calculates the total damage she has taken as it does now. The ring would expand to a max of 30 meters and there would be no way to stop it and would also increase aggro range by about 10 percent of the current aggro range ( Keep reading). As Valkyr losses health she can gain it back with a bit extra as her health getting lower will increase her damage but also increase her drain at a make of 7.5 a second ( caps at 350%) The drain can be undone of course by restoring your health. If however valkyr were to fall she would not go down alone. IF you somehow die ( I can guess how) then she explodes. Yup on death you explode, entering into a paralysis pose that releases slightly slowed dealing all your accumulated damage back at your opponents in range of the ring, with a chance to crit based on her melees critical chance. Also to help stop abuse of said power  your bleedout time is made 1/3 of the normal ( Enjoy bleeding to death).


So this is to address active play and high level missions, giving you a way to compensate against them and take them with you.

Each individual power is strong but when used at once you get something beautiful. A angry cat who will kill and kill till she dies and then kill you anyhow.

Criticism and feedback are welcome and necessary, after all is an opinion based rework idea/ overhaul.Hopefully this address her issues.








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Oops cant tell if I mentioned this or not, the ring would not be a suicide button anymore but if you deactivate it no boom to you or them and they will most likely kill you. The 4th bleed out effect only is active if you die with hysteria active.

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if you want her abilities to earn her name she needs something that makes he observe battles from afar and then guide fallen warriors to Valhalla. singing, or reciting the edda might be involved as to keep the player entertained. also the ability to serve beer seems appropiate. totally forgot about that. lol. I guess the ultimate would be to fall in love with a mortal warrior. not sure what that would do, though

Edited by Rawbeard
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11 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

if you want her abilities to earn her name she needs something that makes he observe battles from afar and then guide fallen warriors to Valhalla. singing, or reciting the edda might be involved as to keep the player entertained. also the ability to serve beer seems appropiate. totally forgot about that. lol. I guess the ultimate would be to fall in love with a mortal warrior. not sure what that would do, though

What i kinda meant was a warrior angelic being that helps warriors but yeah that was an obvious mistake on my part; Also have you seen a grineer face up close, valkyr is scarred but not blind, Oh and such an ability would be a channeling ability in which you are deemed a friendly by a certain percent of enemy forces while the other percent is aggroed and attempts to kill you. 

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Just now, PrimeDCookieMonstah said:

Valkyr is valkyr and not:

  • Volt (Speed buff)
  • Titania (Evasion - Dodge)
  • Equinox (Slow aura that increases with percentage)

You simply took abilities from other frames changed their name and slapped them into valkyr

TBH I can see how you got think that. I as stated was attempting to address issues with a melee frame and with any possible hysteria rework. Evasion was cause of close range as well as speed and the slow aura thing is something I suggest due to it not carrying on while the rest of the ability remains active. I did nto attemtp to make these frames abilities simply be stripped from them but to actively improve valkyr and cover the weaknesses of a melee frame while adding downsides and drawbacks that would be sufficient.

Oh and volt and nezha both have speed increases along with Nova and Equinox effecting enemy speed. I am not wishing to do a simple tack on.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

Lol, is this a response to my post? I put almost the same idea for hysteria up a few hours ago, and you said no to it, yet here is basically the idea I put up.

Actually I have been working on this before your post and I didn't exactly say no. I said I would be okay with/ have less of an issue with  the change if there were other buffs and changes overall to her. I am against nerfs unless they fix and adjust most issues a frame and its current setup have IMO. On the response post  question, no. I actually just wished to post this and get it out of my mind and be done with it.

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I honestly think that Valkyr would lose her potential as an amazing solo frame with these changes. She's amazing as a tank in a team as is, and her kit is pretty balanced. Unfortunately I feel these changes would also further stomp her into the ground with nerfs. 

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8 hours ago, danthedapper said:

I honestly think that Valkyr would lose her potential as an amazing solo frame with these changes. She's amazing as a tank in a team as is, and her kit is pretty balanced. Unfortunately I feel these changes would also further stomp her into the ground with nerfs. 

Can you elobarate, i can see how the 4 change coukd be considered a nerf but are tge other abilites that harmful to her kit? Its the aggro i assume?

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1 hour ago, Newnight said:

Can you elobarate, i can see how the 4 change coukd be considered a nerf but are tge other abilites that harmful to her kit? Its the aggro i assume?

I guess it's just how I play her. I usually spam Warcry so that I can continue to recast it, but her three is so low cost in terms of energy that it's a fantastic low cost stun for a small amount of enemies for a quick mele. I don't think her kit needs those changes, specifically for ammo economy.

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)INZZANE 79 said:

Sorry to ask but what is wrong with Valkyr? Why does she need a rework/change of some things?


The only thing wrong with Valkyr was the unneeded nerf to Hysteria sometime after Rathuum, when it was already a niche ability with limited usefulness that people only whined all the time about because "INVINCIBLE!!!!!1!1111". Said nerf plunged Hysteria into absolute obscurity and everyone just switched to War Cry builds, and people who already did War Cry builds suddenly found their frames with less utility because Hysteria was nerfed from "press 4 to self-heal" to "don't press 4 ever".

The proposed changes do nothing to change the situation. I *still* do not see how it would make anyone press 4 again.

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2 hours ago, Mattoropael said:

The only thing wrong with Valkyr was the unneeded nerf to Hysteria sometime after Rathuum, when it was already a niche ability with limited usefulness that people only whined all the time about because "INVINCIBLE!!!!!1!1111". Said nerf plunged Hysteria into absolute obscurity and everyone just switched to War Cry builds, and people who already did War Cry builds suddenly found their frames with less utility because Hysteria was nerfed from "press 4 to self-heal" to "don't press 4 ever".

The proposed changes do nothing to change the situation. I *still* do not see how it would make anyone press 4 again.

Tbh i agree with you that the nerf was uneeded and this was my attempt to try and rectify that problem and her others. 1 and 3 are lackluster compare to 2 and 4 and 2 beats them only due to augment as well as attempt to give her team aid powers. I would honestly prefer if they reverted the ring changes and cut curret drain to a of 5-7.5 second drain (unmodded) with damage increase with drain idk, really anything but the current version we have.

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Too many big changes imo, and not really oomphing up her Berserkeryness:

* Cost reduced to 10
* Within a brief time-window, when an enemy is pulled in, pressing the action button (default X), will instead cause Valkyr to pull the enemy straight in front of her, then she will slam down the enemy to the ground really hard and quickly (grabbed by the head, and slammed down head first, if humanoid), suffering additional heavy impact damage, (damage boosted by melee mods?) and is knocked down with increased knockdown duration, along with the slam causing a small shockwave that deals a tiny bit of damage and knocks down other nearby enemies. You know, make it feel really brutal? However, doing this slamdown costs an additional 10 energy.
* If you ripline in the environment, Valkyr colliding with any enemy, will now knock the enemy down.
* If you ripline an ally, YOU go to THEM, instead of vice versa (reduces trolling)
* Swingline augment revamped into something like "Splinter Hook" = If you hit a target, from that target there will very quickly be sent out 1/2/3/4 smaller Riplines, which pulls in additional nearby targets into the main target (they are quickly reeled in towards the main target while the main target is pulled over to Valkyr, so they will be pulled in towards Valkyr landing more or less right behind the main target). (Note: Only the main target can be slammed down though)

* I agreed with the reduction down to 50 energy and making it flat armor bonus.
* I dunno about making the slowdown into an aura (considering how powerful the slow is), but at least make it recastable.

* I'd rename it "Rage Slash" and visually make it less of a simple scream and more like a VERY an energysphere of slashing wind. Any enemy caught suffers heavy slash damage (instead of Impact) and is still stunned, being opened to finishers like now.
* I'd rename the augment to "Unbearable Rage", and change it so it still pulls in enemies, but not only until they are done being pulled in, only THEN will they fall down on the ground. If you perform a finisher on an enemy which is being pulled in, then the pull-in effect immediately stops (to remove potential bugs, like where you can get stuck in walls etc).

* Still technically invulnerable and damage is still stored as now, however, after about 2 or 3 seconds (affected by Power Duration?), she suffers 10% of her total currently stored damage. Any overhealing done to Valkyr during Hysteria will reduce her stored damage! However, exitting Hysteria by any means makes her suffer all stored damage at once, with no exception.
* She still has her aura, but it is no longer related to the stored damage, in fact, it is now something entirely positive (and has a static radius of say, 10meters?): If an enemy dies within this radius, Valkyr is healed for X% of her max health (ofc, any overhealing from this can also heal away any stored damage). This reduces the chances of her allies griefing her from healing up.
* Her combos no longer make her unable to turn.
* No longer has an increasing energydrain, costs 5 energy per second instead. Or alternatively, the energycost cap is reduced to like 7,5 instead of 15?
* Her claws' reach (both hitbox and visually?) could be increased a fair amount

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3 hours ago, Azamagon said:

Too many big changes imo, and not really oomphing up her Berserkeryness:

* Cost reduced to 10
* Within a brief time-window, when an enemy is pulled in, pressing the action button (default X), will instead cause Valkyr to pull the enemy straight in front of her, then she will slam down the enemy to the ground really hard and quickly (grabbed by the head, and slammed down head first, if humanoid), suffering additional heavy impact damage, (damage boosted by melee mods?) and is knocked down with increased knockdown duration, along with the slam causing a small shockwave that deals a tiny bit of damage and knocks down other nearby enemies. You know, make it feel really brutal? However, doing this slamdown costs an additional 10 energy.
* If you ripline in the environment, Valkyr colliding with any enemy, will now knock the enemy down.
* If you ripline an ally, YOU go to THEM, instead of vice versa (reduces trolling)
* Swingline augment revamped into something like "Splinter Hook" = If you hit a target, from that target there will very quickly be sent out 1/2/3/4 smaller Riplines, which pulls in additional nearby targets into the main target (they are quickly reeled in towards the main target while the main target is pulled over to Valkyr, so they will be pulled in towards Valkyr landing more or less right behind the main target). (Note: Only the main target can be slammed down though)

* I agreed with the reduction down to 50 energy and making it flat armor bonus.
* I dunno about making the slowdown into an aura (considering how powerful the slow is), but at least make it recastable.

* I'd rename it "Rage Slash" and visually make it less of a simple scream and more like a VERY an energysphere of slashing wind. Any enemy caught suffers heavy slash damage (instead of Impact) and is still stunned, being opened to finishers like now.
* I'd rename the augment to "Unbearable Rage", and change it so it still pulls in enemies, but not only until they are done being pulled in, only THEN will they fall down on the ground. If you perform a finisher on an enemy which is being pulled in, then the pull-in effect immediately stops (to remove potential bugs, like where you can get stuck in walls etc).

* Still technically invulnerable and damage is still stored as now, however, after about 2 or 3 seconds (affected by Power Duration?), she suffers 10% of her total currently stored damage. Any overhealing done to Valkyr during Hysteria will reduce her stored damage! However, exitting Hysteria by any means makes her suffer all stored damage at once, with no exception.
* She still has her aura, but it is no longer related to the stored damage, in fact, it is now something entirely positive (and has a static radius of say, 10meters?): If an enemy dies within this radius, Valkyr is healed for X% of her max health (ofc, any overhealing from this can also heal away any stored damage). This reduces the chances of her allies griefing her from healing up.
* Her combos no longer make her unable to turn.
* No longer has an increasing energydrain, costs 5 energy per second instead. Or alternatively, the energycost cap is reduced to like 7,5 instead of 15?
* Her claws' reach (both hitbox and visually?) could be increased a fair amount

Very nice and simple.

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13 hours ago, Mattoropael said:

The only thing wrong with Valkyr was the unneeded nerf to Hysteria sometime after Rathuum, when it was already a niche ability with limited usefulness that people only whined all the time about because "INVINCIBLE!!!!!1!1111". Said nerf plunged Hysteria into absolute obscurity and everyone just switched to War Cry builds, and people who already did War Cry builds suddenly found their frames with less utility because Hysteria was nerfed from "press 4 to self-heal" to "don't press 4 ever".

The proposed changes do nothing to change the situation. I *still* do not see how it would make anyone press 4 again.

Ok thank you for the response.

What exactly was the nerf? I was running my Valkyr with a Warcry build anyways but I use my Hysteria every now and then when I need some health back, is the nerf not on consoles? (I play on xbox) Cause I don´t see why you wouldn´t use your 4 as it is on consoles at the moment. Still invulnerable when active, still gives tons of life back when hitting someone.

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On 1/18/2017 at 3:26 PM, Newnight said:

2, Warcry

Energy cost: 50

Hopefully the change will halp teammates and valkyr while getting shot at.

The change is that the slow aura doesn't dissipate but instead would follow you around and is effected as usual. The other change is that instead of gaining an percentages based buff based on your allies frames armor it would be based on a percentage of Valkyr's  armor.

would this mean that instead of its current of affecting enemies that are already in range it would be an aura? THAT is what it should be...yes you would need eternal war to make it reasonable and using melee...but isnt that the whole point :P effectively it would be like a PP equinox with high str...but needing to actively melee to keep it going (if using eternal war)

my current valk build gives a 66% slow at a 90 power cost, but due to eternal war I can keep the duration going for a long time (especially against infested)...and the only thing i hate is that it only affects the enemies in the initial cast range...which kind of is a downer TBH.

and the idea of basing the armor increase off of valk would help squishy frames A LOT.

Edited by xcynderx
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1 hour ago, xcynderx said:

would this mean that instead of its current of affecting enemies that are already in range it would be an aura? THAT is what it should be...yes you would need eternal war to make it reasonable and using melee...but isnt that the whole point :P effectively it would be like a PP equinox with high str...but needing to actively melee to keep it going (if using eternal war)

my current valk build gives a 66% slow at a 90 power cost, but due to eternal war I can keep the duration going for a long time (especially against infested)...and the only thing i hate is that it only affects the enemies in the initial cast range...which kind of is a downer TBH.

and the idea of basing the armor increase off of valk would help squishy frames A LOT.

Yup that is correct, aura and ally buff.

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On 1/18/2017 at 6:41 PM, Rawbeard said:

if you want her abilities to earn her name she needs something that makes he observe battles from afar and then guide fallen warriors to Valhalla. singing, or reciting the edda might be involved as to keep the player entertained. also the ability to serve beer seems appropiate. totally forgot about that. lol. I guess the ultimate would be to fall in love with a mortal warrior. not sure what that would do, though

Ok,I want that rework.

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