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Mastery Rank Ought to Matter


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The topic is not about skills, I think we all agree that MR does not indicate player's skills or competence.

In my opinion MR should matter and provide passive bonuses for warframes or weapons. As it is now MR is just a daily resetting counter of how many times you can trade and how much you are allowed to grind (I omit extractors intentionally).

But what about combat?

Now, what if MR included access to some passive goodies, for example each 6 ranks you receive +1% flat crit chance on equipped weapons (+5% extra crit chance for MR 30 player doesn't look gamebreaking), or 1% casting speed (again, that's only 5% casting speed for MR30), or increased resource drop chance, or faster interception tower capture, or slower oxygen usage in survival, or faster shield recharge, or even reduced kuva rolls for rivens. Or the ability to get rewards from sortie/raid one more extra time for each 15 mastery ranks you gain. Just something itsy-bitsy good to have :>

The idea is raw and I haven't thought it through, yet I would like to know what does the community think about it. Would you endorse changes to make MR more meaningful and make it more rewarding as Tenno progress?

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MR NOW grants a base level equivalent for newly acquired and newly forma'd weapons.

So at MR 22, any weapon I forma, build, or purchase is never less than level 22 (44 with catalyst) for purposes of modding.

Login rewards are also affected.  The first time a 75% off gift from the Lotus hit, it was impactful.

Just those 2 things make it worth it.

Make sure you know the full benefits; subtle but impressive.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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I think we should get that overhaul scott talked about after U18 with having all weapons have a better scale lock such as Boltor being MR 16 or something. I do agree we need more bonuses to entice players into seeing it more as a goal (like COD prestiging giving unique cosmetics or more custom classes).

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5 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

-snip- or even reduced kuva rolls for rivens. -snip-

I knew this would show up at some moment.

While this sounds interesting you might be making the game 5% easier for vets, keeping in mind "the game is too easy" seems to be a common complaint specially among "vets".

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Rivens my friend, rivens. TWW can be completed at MR5 but the lowest MR riven I've seen is 9 I think and the highest 16. There's still reason to go for ranks.

I think passive stats boosts like the ones you suggested are kinda obsolete since high MR players are still at least experienced and somewhat skilled, even if MR cannot be held as a proper measurement for skill.

Edited by Wyrmius_Prime
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@SeaUrchins, you hit the nail on the head.

I've been advocating something like this for a long time as MR should be more meaningful.

Adding a set of incomparables and gating them behind MR wouldn't be a bad addition to the game.

Example: Give MR 15 sword and single Pistol dual wield (doesn't have to be stronger than other modes) and folks will hurry to get MR 15 because it looks cool (DE makes a bit of money in the process probably and Excal adverts marketing the look become relevant).

It doesn't have to give more power (different but equal power in more ways should be the goal) but just give more options or increase QoL.

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MR has quite a few perks

1. Better log in rewards. I get boosters often

2. Rep cap increase. Allowed me to grind syndicates faster. Level focus faster

3. Increased default mod capacity. My favorite

4. Increase in trades

5. Access to special weapons and Rivens

6. Free loadout slots

7. E-peen growth

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I'm fine with giving MR more relevance, but with some caveats:

  • MR should never give end-game power bonuses (QoL power bonuses like mod points when ranking up are fine)
  • Bonuses exclusively for high MR should focus on things that are relevant to high MR players, not general bonuses
  • If a bonus would be equally beneficial to a lower MR player, it shouldn't be locked behind MR (scaling with MR is fine)
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35 minutes ago, ArchPhaeton said:

I knew this would show up at some moment.

While this sounds interesting you might be making the game 5% easier for vets, keeping in mind "the game is too easy" seems to be a common complaint specially among "vets".

Easy and Grindy are two different things.  Siphons are easy, as are floods.  This would be a grind-reducing perk.

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I definitely think that the old forma days when your slot capacity wasn't affected by MR was a time when this idea was a really good one. However now we have loadout slots, trades, extractors, certain weapons and rivens, and obviously capacity as per your MR. So I don't think flat increases on stats would be an amazing idea. However more bonuses would be nice, we would just have to iron out what they would be.

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36 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

Rivens my friend, rivens. TWW can be completed at MR5 but the lowest MR riven I've seen is 9 I think and the highest 16. There's still reason to go for ranks.

I think passive stats boosts like the ones you suggested are kinda obsolete since high MR players are still at least experienced and somewhat skilled, even if MR cannot be held as a proper measurement for skill.

Except being higher MR doesn't increase your chance at getting a high MR riven.  And high MR rivens are still able to roll stats that are identical to low MR rivens.  It's simply an arbitrary lock out that punishes a few newer players for no damn reason 

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30 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

Easy and Grindy are two different things.  -snip-

I have not said otherwise. Besides the grindy complaint, "vets" often complaint of everything being "easy". This is how we got Sortie missions.

27 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

snip- It's simply an arbitrary lock out that punishes a few newer players for no damn reason 

This falls on the "I want everything and I want it NOW" category. If you play the game normally, building (or buying) gear instead of sticking to tonkors and simulors, you rank up at a consistent rate. If the impatience is that big you can always just get rid of it by selling to other players.

Edit: Also rivens aren't aimed for newer players afaik. The unveiling, MR lock, high drain and cost to rank up (tied with rares) speak of an item aimed towards people with some time already spent in the game.

Edited by ArchPhaeton
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MR does matter, but not in that "more MR = more power" way that you may want.  Higher MR players have more mod points available on fresh or freshly forma'd gear, more loadouts, more trades, etc. I think that's enough.

Warframe is also about playing with and meeting friends.   Some people have time to grind MR, others just want to get up to a comfortable level and simply enjoy the game.  Why should casual players be punished?

Edited by sushidubya
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1 hour ago, ArchPhaeton said:

This falls on the "I want everything and I want it NOW" category. If you play the game normally, building (or buying) gear instead of sticking to tonkors and simulors, you rank up at a consistent rate. If the impatience is that big you can always just get rid of it by selling to other players.

Edit: Also rivens aren't aimed for newer players afaik. The unveiling, MR lock, high drain and cost to rank up (tied with rares) speak of an item aimed towards people with some time already spent in the game.

It's not at all an instant gratification concept.  It'd actually reward and incentivize players to gain as much MR as possible, thereby trying out all of the weapons.  

If the MR of a riven mod significantly weighted the potential stats that it could roll, and the potential MR that a riven could unveil to was weighted by the MR of the player who unlocked it, then it would incentivize players to unlock their own rivens, replace their old low-MR rivens, and gain as much MR as possible so they could get better rivens.

If you're MR 10, and the highest MR mod you can create is MR 10, then you have an incentive to rank up so you can create better rivens, especially if higher rivens are objectively better.  If your MR 15, and you have a bunch of MR 8-12 rivens, then you'd do well to replace them, since you can now create and use rivens that are MR 15.  This would actually be quite difficult to do given the RNG associated with repeatedly getting the right riven for the right gun.

As rivens currently exist in game, they do exactly what you claim my idea would do.  There is very little variance between high and low MR rivens, meaning there's little incentive to get higher lvl mods.  This means that a low level player who has unlocked the tonkor or simulor can just buy a riven for their gun that's of a suitably usable MR and then never touch another weapon.  A MR 8 riven will barely differ from a MR 16, and their potential stat ranges actually overlap a great deal.  There's currently absolutely no incentive regarding your arsenal to surpass MR 16.  

There's also currently no difference between a high MR player unlocking rivens and a low MR player doing so.  They both have equal chances of getting the full range of potential mod MRs.  That just leads to more mod trades, and less player gratification upon unlocking a riven.  If you want players engaged in the system, then those big reveal moments need to absolutely not be deflating.  They don't need to all be huge victories, but they should certainly never be demoralizing failures.  Completing a really tough riven challenge only to be rewarded a really low MR mod for a gun that sucks is disheartening and will lead to burnout on the system faster than anything else.  Having player MR weight the potential riven MR at unlock would keep it more rewarding and lower the chance of massive disappointments.

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No man.  Stuff like that is how discrimination and separation start between mastery ranks.

Mastery ranking has been way too cheezed up too this point to apply multi crit/damage to players already broken damage/crit mods/weapons. 

Being able to equip more advanced weapons per rank for now is fine. U_U

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5 hours ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

Rivens my friend, rivens. TWW can be completed at MR5 but the lowest MR riven I've seen is 9 I think and the highest 16. There's still reason to go for ranks.

I think passive stats boosts like the ones you suggested are kinda obsolete since high MR players are still at least experienced and somewhat skilled, even if MR cannot be held as a proper measurement for skill.

The mastery rank for Riven mods is subject to RNG like the rest of the stats. Several people have posted Riven mods with a mastery rank that out ranks the current Mastery cap. The highest one posted was MR 26 if I remember correctly. 

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6 hours ago, AcceI said:

Stuff like that is how discrimination and separation start between mastery ranks.

What do you mean "start"? There are differences between MR ranks and higher MR ranks have access to items/locations lower MR don't. It has nothing to do with my thread though. I did not start the "discrimination" that does not let MR0 to do sorties.

I see current differences between MR ranks rather cosmetic in terms of combat. Extra mod capacity on unranked weapons is gone as soon as you finish ranking the weapon, so the bonus is rather questionable, loadouts have no impact on combat, they merely add convenience and make access to certain items faster,

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11 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

MR has quite a few perks

1. Better log in rewards. I get boosters often

2. Rep cap increase. Allowed me to grind syndicates faster. Level focus faster

3. Increased default mod capacity. My favorite

4. Increase in trades

5. Access to special weapons and Rivens

6. Free loadout slots

7. E-peen growth

Wait, log in rewards are affected by Mastery Rank?

That's new to me.

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