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Attacking should be a sentinel passive ; not a mod /waste


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Sentinels are weak enough.. And we always need mods like vacuum..
We only have space for 4-abilities .. and attacking something with an installed weapon shouldnt be an ability - makes no sense for me


What do you think?

Edited by Teshin_Dax
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1 minute ago, FrackingBiscuit said:

When Warframe power mods went away, companion precepts should have gone away as well.

Very true as well. +1

In this case the best way to do it would be to make the precepts toggle switches (like the view holstered weapon toggle) and move them somewhere else in the arsenal (maybe an ability pane for Sentinels, just the same as warframes). Within the toggles for each ability would be the option to allocate Primary and Secondary functioning (there would need to be a 3rd toggle for the few that have an extra precept).

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Just now, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 said:

Very true as well. +1

In this case the best way to do it would be to make the precepts toggle switches (like the view holstered weapon toggle) and move them somewhere else in the arsenal (maybe an ability pane for Sentinels, just the same as warframes). Within the toggles for each ability would be the option to allocate Primary and Secondary functioning (there would need to be a 3rd toggle for the few that have an extra precept).

I guess this would be better:

8 minutes ago, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 said:

I concur. +1

The need for a precept to instruct the Sentinels to attack is a waste of a mod Slot.

Equipping the weapon (or not) should be all the indication needed for the Sentinel to attack or not.


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9 minutes ago, Dragazer said:

A lot of mods shouldn't have been mods in the 1st place such as weapon base damage mods.

I mean abilities used to be mods and they got rid of that. 

I still like the idea of adding actual hardware additions to the weapons we are modding/using as a way of still being able to add the stats from the "Required Mods" but not use up mod slots. Things like scopes for range, diffusers for recoil, silencers/suppressors (obvious), fluted/ported barrels for accuracy and different stocks for power. Instead of Endo tiers to denote strength of the mod, the materials themselves would be the indicators of quality. This would also make farming and having the proper mats more engaging and necessary and not just something to do because it is all there is.

Not to mention the side effect of adding personality to your weapons.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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If you took away the attack mod, then either your sentinals shooting(increases aggro towards Sentinal) or it has no weapon. Normally that wouldnt be a problem but if you are leveling a sentinal weapon.(for mastery not for actual use) its nice to just be able to level without worrying about your sentinal catching a bullet because its aggroing

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14 minutes ago, Seinerweisen said:

If you took away the attack mod, then either your sentinals shooting(increases aggro towards Sentinal) or it has no weapon. Normally that wouldnt be a problem but if you are leveling a sentinal weapon.(for mastery not for actual use) its nice to just be able to level without worrying about your sentinal catching a bullet because its aggroing

With the toggle option I devised, the equipped sentinel weapon would be the primary function unless otherwise marked. When you would select, say, the Arc Coil from Diriga as the primary ability, then the equipped gun would drop down to Secondary functionality. If all precepts were toggled on, then the gun would be the last thing in the order unless otherwise set. So you could go:

Sentinel with one Ability Dominant & Gun

Precept: Primary

Precept: Secondary

(Third Precept: Secondary or Alternate)   

Gun: Secondary or Alternate


Sentinel with two Equal Dominant Abilities & Gun

Precept: Primary

Precept: Primary

(Third Precept: Secondary or Alternate)  

Gun: Secondary or Alternate


Sentinel with Gun Dominant & Abilities Secondary

Precept: Secondary

Precept: Secondary

(Third Precept: Secondary or Alternate)  

Gun: Primary


Or just something like this. Obviously it would need fine tuning by the DEvs, but you get the general idea.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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You can use as many abilities as you can on sentinels, they just are half cost on the right polarity. Often I don't want attacking to be prioritised over other things or even used at all. How would a toggle, something which doesn't even exist in game, help with this?

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3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

they'd just remove 2 slots then. be careful what you ask for, you cant "trick" the devs into giving you more mod space

If they removed two precept slots and left us with eight we'd still have more mod capacity.  In most cases it would still be a net gain, the only exception being people who apparently don't equip attack precepts.  

It'd be a similar situation to when they removed Warframe power mods and took away two slots.  The only people who were negatively impacted by the change were people who didn't equip all their powers, like Desecrate-only Nekros builds.  The general consensus is that the benefits outweighed the negatives, and that the negatives themselves were actually symptoms of deeper problems that needed to be fixed anyway.

The bottom line is that it would make companions better.

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Then the funny part is that my sentinel will die even faster.  The only thing keeping mine alive longer then most people's sentinels is the fact that I take off the Attacking precept and use him for full utility.  I prefer to keep it this way as I find the damage my sentinel offers even with several forma on the weapon would not be worth him dying 10 minutes sooner.

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Here is the problem, how you arrange mods from top right to left then bottom row right to left so it lets us dictate how the sentinel or pets in general act.

And sometimes I like not having them not attack at all which I just remove the attack mod, if we remove that all together they'll just increase the overall cost of the mods to account for the different attack mods.

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8 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Here is the problem, how you arrange mods from top right to left then bottom row right to left so it lets us dictate how the sentinel or pets in general act.

And sometimes I like not having them not attack at all which I just remove the attack mod, if we remove that all together they'll just increase the overall cost of the mods to account for the different attack mods.


I still like having the ability to control what my sentinel prioritizes.

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I don't like having my sentinels attack at all, though I do agree somewhat that it shouldn't have a mod equipped just to attack; I believe we should be able to toggle it on or off, either at will or in the settings.

I don't like having them attack, because I usually either solo or pug, and when I'm pugging alerts, I don't like it when it kill steals my kills, lol. In sorties, I don't really see the point in having it attack, but hey, that's just me.

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I don't mind attack is a precept but I wish they'd do more with it. Like make the precepts into simple AI commands. One precept might be "attack everything in range" while the ranks would dictate the range and another is "retaliate only if master is attacked" and the ranks would dictate how many seconds the sentinel should keep attacking after the precept is triggered. So you pick and choose which attack precept to use according to your playstyle. If you don't want the sentinel to attack anything, just remove the attack precept like now.


And then expand the weapon slot into utility slot. Like, we have Medi-Ray and Shield Charger as mods but I think these should be expanded into actual "weapons". Support tools to heal or add shield or even revive the downed player that you can slot into the weapon slot and then add a precept in the mod slots.


Basically, expanding the sentinels into a companion you can program to do certain tasks at certain times.

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