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Why is this not nerfed ? Yes synoid simolor


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Is it bad that I mostly use the Synoid variant for its syndicate proc, while only using melee? As in, just doing the awesome, free flowing Quick Melee acrobatics of the Orthos Prime, with the occasional BOOM---proc? I mean, the same thing could occur with the sidearm, or the mod variant.

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Needs No aim and no skill all you need is plat or time to farm it and some rank.


Just like everything else.

Don't fool yourself into thinking that aiming with sniper rifles or other weapons takes "skill" you want to talk "skill" go play CS GO, Overwatch and other similar games, even Borderlans will do I guess. All the difference in a horde mode pve game your weapon/fire mode does is makes you kill quicker or slower. That's literally all. You won't improve your aim playing WF and you're no better than someone's using simulor or tonkor in terms of aiming or being rewarded by doing so. Deal with it.

I will never forget days when as a noob I was using mostly melee and then hitscan weapons like soma coupled with the fact that barely anyone used warframe powers, it all made missions like defense last for freaking eternity. Once in a while it can be fun to use a bow or something like that, but that's as far as it goes because it's so fn slow and painful it's unbearable.


Him (mirage for obvious reasons )spaming his gun at the door and me some times running in and out to activate life support.

Change simulor here for any other weapon that is able to carry you through high level enjoy the same result but at the much slower rate so you will most likely run out of life support and will get a hand cramp from mashing lmb.

All the difference.

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keep complaining, in the end, another "OP" weapon will take his place and others will cry about this new loadout, the only thing you may successfully do is to put another weapon/frame to the thrash...

I understand what you thinking, but I assure you, it's useless to waste your time on that.

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15 hours ago, Chipputer said:

I think this is what a lot of people are actually missing about the Simulor.

Its strength isn't in its flat numbers. Its strength is in its ability to stagger every enemy it hits, deal a large one-time AoE per vortex stack, and deal residual AoE damage. It's the combination of these three elements that even make it somewhat viable in high level play (particularly the token CC that it has with the stagger).

Once they removed the ability for weapons like the Simulor to score automatic headshots they inadvertently put it right at the level that it needs to be...

... then Mirage came in here and was like, "yeah, screw that," and turned it back up to 11, just like she always has with the thing.

The simulor cant score headshots, if i remember right.

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7 hours ago, Soketsu said:

keep complaining, in the end, another "OP" weapon will take his place and others will cry about this new loadout, the only thing you may successfully do is to put another weapon/frame to the thrash...

I understand what you thinking, but I assure you, it's useless to waste your time on that.

Quote for truth. In the end, you just have to ask yourself, "Who is the better player? You, or the Synoid Simulor?" 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Quote for truth. In the end, you just have to ask yourself, "Who is the better player? You, or the Synoid Simulor?" 

Well the answer will change depending on what makes a better player. Is getting the most kills and damage done what makes a better player? Then the answer is the Mirage+SS user. If the better player the one who can get the more rewards in the least amount of time? Then the answer is the Mirage+SS user. If the better player the one who scores headshots on all enemies but slows down the course of the mission and the gains from it? Then the answer is not the Mirage+SS user 

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16 minutes ago, KingMe42 said:

Well the answer will change depending on what makes a better player. Is getting the most kills and damage done what makes a better player? Then the answer is the Mirage+SS user. If the better player the one who can get the more rewards in the least amount of time? Then the answer is the Mirage+SS user. If the better player the one who scores headshots on all enemies but slows down the course of the mission and the gains from it? Then the answer is not the Mirage+SS user 

And if I can outdps this Synoid Simulor Mirage?

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On 2/5/2017 at 0:19 PM, Magneu said:

Pretty sure all of your "examples" come with downsides, not to mention actually aiming (the fact that we count aiming as shooting a Vortex now is a little sad). 

One of the most annoying things about the SySim is how its 11m radius (largest in game IIRC) means you can simply spam in the general direction of enemies and win.

Drawing equivalencies between energy pads/Zenurik and the SySim is such a stretch that I'm honestly not sure which one you're defending. 

But you can vortex in the general direction and win too. or stomp or quake, or spore.... or or or or or. There are TONS of things not "aimed" in the game. If your beef is you don't have to aim it then sorry, that's a terrible argument.

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5 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

The simulor cant score headshots, if i remember right.

It used to be able to. Quite frequently at that, if not 100% automatically.

The same patch that made the Tonkor no longer get automatic headshots also affected the Simulor because people were complaining about their loss of DPS shortly thereafter, when, in reality, the weapon was simply tuned to exactly where it should be.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Quote for truth. In the end, you just have to ask yourself, "Who is the better player? You, or the Synoid Simulor?" 

There is "a better player" on a pve / co op game ? on warframe ?? didn't know....

Oh I miss this old time where some dps, and other, support, not dealing much damge, but making sure the others tenno can do their job....


Is that it ? now people only care about DPS/kill coun, not the mission being completed ? In the most efficient way in order to decrease the RNG parameter ? If it is what you think, it's completly normal we can't agree.

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8 minutes ago, Soketsu said:

There is "a better player" on a pve / co op game ? on warframe ?? didn't know....

Don't act like you don't know what it means to be a better player in a cooperative game.

You and I have the same equipment. I outperform you. I am the better player, but we achieved our goal together regardless. When the bulk of your "skill" and contribution is because of one particular weapon's mechanics making it so much easier to achieve the overall goal, that's when you have to ask yourself the question you're quoting. What's better, here? Myself or the fact that I am making a million vortexes with my SySim-Mirage?

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12 hours ago, Soketsu said:

keep complaining, in the end, another "OP" weapon will take his place and others will cry about this new loadout, the only thing you may successfully do is to put another weapon/frame to the thrash...

I understand what you thinking, but I assure you, it's useless to waste your time on that.

It could be OP by a large percentage but have reasonable downsides (Tigris Prime two shots, longer reload, etc), or be OP by a smaller percentage and have less downsides (Soma Prime).

As is, the power gap/ease of use between the SySim and whatever is next is way too large. "The next OP weapon", whatever it is, will be much more in line with the general power curve.

You do know you sound like a complete SySim apologetic, yes?

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14 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:


Just like everything else.

Don't fool yourself into thinking that aiming with sniper rifles or other weapons takes "skill" you want to talk "skill" go play CS GO, Overwatch and other similar games, even Borderlans will do I guess. All the difference in a horde mode pve game your weapon/fire mode does is makes you kill quicker or slower. That's literally all. You won't improve your aim playing WF and you're no better than someone's using simulor or tonkor in terms of aiming or being rewarded by doing so. Deal with it.

I will never forget days when as a noob I was using mostly melee and then hitscan weapons like soma coupled with the fact that barely anyone used warframe powers, it all made missions like defense last for freaking eternity. Once in a while it can be fun to use a bow or something like that, but that's as far as it goes because it's so fn slow and painful it's unbearable.

Change simulor here for any other weapon that is able to carry you through high level enjoy the same result but at the much slower rate so you will most likely run out of life support and will get a hand cramp from mashing lmb.

All the difference.

Pretty sure aiming with a single shot, no AOE, precision weapon is a little bit different than an AOE spam, 11 or so meters, radial explosion.

Skill is subjective. Easy of use/application of damage is not.

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2 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

But you can vortex in the general direction and win too. or stomp or quake, or spore.... or or or or or. There are TONS of things not "aimed" in the game. If your beef is you don't have to aim it then sorry, that's a terrible argument.

How is it a terrible argument? Game design dictates a skill/reward ratio; play better, get better rewards (take good shots, get high damage). At least, this ratio applies to games that actually want to keep their player base.

The problem with the SySim is that it is hyper-easy to use, but has one of the highest DPS's in the game, applying higher than average damage in a large radius, while Ccing enemies, while giving you energy, while annoying allies, etc, etc.

If the radius of the explosion was four-five meters, I wouldn't care even close to as much, as players would have to aim relatively close to enemies. However, the current 11 meter or so range makes it way too easy to spam in the general direction and win.

Call me old fashioned, but I'm a firm believer that input in should equal input out at a close to 1:1 ratio, not grossly over-inflated like SySim, especially with Mirage.

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On 2/4/2017 at 9:12 PM, xXxBeasTxXx said:

I played that game just to see how it would play out after an hour,  normally i just leave the second i see a synoid simolor Unless it a Sortie because thats where i think the weapon has a right to be.

My fav weapon atm is the Tonkor, and yes it can be very powerful, but i feel with this gun you need to at least aim or place shots, specially in the late game.

Every one can play how he or she wants when he or she wants, but when i see some thing in a game that i love thats in my opinion not healthy for the game in general then im gonna write about it and ask questions.

Wait, wait, wait. You're complaining about the Simular, yet you use the Tonkor? It's equally as annoying as the Simular, if not more, because it can wipe an entire room and has like 10x more damage than any weapon in the game due to it's insane crit chance and the complete lack of self damage. Plus, unlike the Simular, it is insanely OP on EVERY frame it's used by, unlike the Simular, which requires Mirage.

Now I agree with you on the Simular, but if you use the other main tryhard weapon in the game, you really don't have room to complain.

Edited by KaizergidorahXi
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1 hour ago, Magneu said:

How is it a terrible argument? Game design dictates a skill/reward ratio; play better, get better rewards (take good shots, get high damage). At least, this ratio applies to games that actually want to keep their player base.

So you are ignoring the post entirely. Please address the issue that was brought up. THere are TONS of abilities that are not aimed... you don't get headshots or aim better with anything I named and I didn't name half of them. WF isn't designed this way actually. The LONGER you play the more rewards, but not the better.

1 hour ago, Magneu said:

The problem with the SySim is that it is hyper-easy to use, but has one of the highest DPS's in the game, applying higher than average damage in a large radius, while Ccing enemies, while giving you energy, while annoying allies, etc, etc.

Again, so are all the WF powers mentioned, in addition there are a ton of weapons that out DPS the Simulor and are MUCH better at high level enemies and aren't really all that hard to use. Saryn can stand there and clear out hordes of enemies by hitting her own clone at WAY more range than the simulor can (simulor range sucks).... Naramon with melee takes skill? I can go 2-3 HOURS in a survival with Naramon and just click the melee button, no aim not even using stance moves, just forward and click click click. I can NOT go 2 hours in a survival with a synoid simulor doing nothing but using the simulor (no WF abilities).

So again, there are things that are FAR more powerful and take the same exact skill or less skill. Simulor has poor range and reload speed to compensate and it's not the weapon of choice for high level missions.

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On 2/5/2017 at 7:45 PM, AandOE said:

Is it bad that I mostly use the Synoid variant for its syndicate proc, while only using melee? As in, just doing the awesome, free flowing Quick Melee acrobatics of the Orthos Prime, with the occasional BOOM---proc? I mean, the same thing could occur with the sidearm, or the mod variant.

Heh that's exactly why I use it... to power my ember off other people's kills... If there was another non bowish weapon that did that I'd use it but Refviel is all bows. And to clear containers beyond walls and such in syndicate missions to spot tokens. 90% of the time i have it on i'm using melee (with orthos as well)


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5 hours ago, Magneu said:

Pretty sure aiming with a single shot, no AOE, precision weapon is a little bit different than an AOE spam, 11 or so meters, radial explosion.

Skill is subjective. Easy of use/application of damage is not.

It's different doesn't mean it's "oh so hard nerf everything pls they must suffer like we do on this point and click adventure".

I've been using sniper rifles almost exclusively in Borderlands for example because they're fun to use, actually will kill most enemies in one shot with some exceptions if you're aiming for the head and they're effective because you'll never have a room full of mobs you have to kill in order not to fail a mission + no bullst enemies like ancients that can drain all your energy in one hot or cc you.

Warframe has neither of that, it doesn't even have headshots, only faceshots. All weapons are easy to use, snipers and bows are not effective unless you're fighting bosses in WF. 

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11 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Don't act like you don't know what it means to be a better player in a cooperative game.

You and I have the same equipment. I outperform you. I am the better player, but we achieved our goal together regardless. When the bulk of your "skill" and contribution is because of one particular weapon's mechanics making it so much easier to achieve the overall goal, that's when you have to ask yourself the question you're quoting. What's better, here? Myself or the fact that I am making a million vortexes with my SySim-Mirage?

I honnestly don't see any merit in this, you have a job, you have tools in order to do it, against IA incapable of any adapation. Beside knowing how to play with your loadout there is nothing to do, especially on warframe. Go (for example) on a pvp game like TF2, OW, SC2; even if you know how to use your gear, there is still room for perfection and fails unlike warframe.

But if you consider there is any form of skill beside knowing how to use your gear on warframe right now  then... We will never being able to undertand each other on this point.

9 hours ago, Magneu said:

It could be OP by a large percentage but have reasonable downsides (Tigris Prime two shots, longer reload, etc), or be OP by a smaller percentage and have less downsides (Soma Prime).

As is, the power gap/ease of use between the SySim and whatever is next is way too large. "The next OP weapon", whatever it is, will be much more in line with the general power curve.

You do know you sound like a complete SySim apologetic, yes?

And for this, I don't care, I'm sure many people consider that I love simulor synoid since I defend it.... but I just don't care, we already disagree on so many points

I just had enough to see stuff being nerfed for nothing, that why EVERY single pointless nerf topic will have a no from me, unless the nerf bring diversity, and this nerf won't, beside changing the public matchmaking for low mid level mission .

You already know there is other way to play with braindead gear, with almost the same level of Mirage simulor, you're older than me on this game.

Edited by Soketsu
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12 hours ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

Wait, wait, wait. You're complaining about the Simular, yet you use the Tonkor? It's equally as annoying as the Simular, if not more, because it can wipe an entire room and has like 10x more damage than any weapon in the game due to it's insane crit chance and the complete lack of self damage. Plus, unlike the Simular, it is insanely OP on EVERY frame it's used by, unlike the Simular, which requires Mirage.

Now I agree with you on the Simular, but if you use the other main tryhard weapon in the game, you really don't have room to complain.


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How about we let the simulor and the mirage in peace and ask the DE to buff up other weapons?

I know ist harder to turn 100 pieces of useless rubbish into something valuable than turning 10 diamonds into avarage coal but still...

While we are at it we could also ask the devs to buff up the enemies too, theyre are seriously stupid and weak sometimes.



If you dont like my previous idea, how about asking DE to add a simple filter option into the pub runs what ensures you will get matched with people without certain frames or in a desired mr range.

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