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Limbo Rework Discussion and Feedback


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Limbo Rework

Whispers about Limbo’s rework have been echoing around in the past few Devstreams, but this episode was the first time we get to show you it in-engine! A picture says a thousand words, so I can’t even imagine how many words a video would say; while reading about his new mechanics is great, I highly suggest you watch them in action at this timestamp .

Everything we’ll be discussing here is a work-in-progress and subject to change as we move forward with playtesting and balancing. Don’t worry – an Augment audit will be had once everything is solidified.

Alright, let’s take a look at his new kit:


· Rolling originally teleports players out of the Rift, but now his Rift Walk ability has been replaced with the ability to roll in and out of the Rift at will. This currently does not cost any energy, might change as playtesting continues.

· This new mechanic is added to give room to more interesting features, and to add more interactivity with items on the material plane – you can quickly roll in and out to collect loot while avoiding taking damage!

1 - Banish

· Sends enemies and Allies into or out of the Rift for a period of time, depending on Limbo’s current plane.

· This is now an AOE cast, letting you Banish multiple foes (or friends) at once.

2 - Stasis

· All AI and projectiles will be paused when this is toggled on, with a base timer. Players can shoot or throw items at their enemies, but they will not move until this ability has ended.

· Powers will still work normally, however, due to the lore of the Rift.

· A cap of number of enemies and projectiles that can be paused. Breaking that cap will cause the Rift to collapse and remove Stasis, with a short cooldown before the Rift can be opened again.

3 - Rift Surge

· Void energy surges through Limbo and into the Rift, radially charging enemies within the rift. Charged enemies killed within the Rift will release a burst of Void Lighting, targeting a nearby enemy in the material plane.

· Charged enemies that cross over into the material plane before they are killed will create a mini Cataclysm (¼ the size and power of a real Cataclysm). The size and shape of this Cataclysm is still being tweaked.

· Mini Catalclysms created will also be affected by Stasis if it’s toggled on.

4 – Cataclysm

· This is pretty much untouched, with added add AOE damage (including a stumble proc) during creation and final collapse.

· Final collapse damage will happen both in and out of the rift scaled based on health and shields of all enemies within the rift.

From: https://www.warframe.com/news/devstream-88-overview


I've heard Limbo will be receiving a rework soon enough. With that in mind, I've been tossing these ideas around for the past year or so between my friends and myself.



Limbo is quite handy.

Let's start with his passive. As of now his passive allows him to move faster and reload faster while he's in his riftspace. That's all well and dandy, but it seems his 3rd ability could be incorporated into this. This would give him a little wiggle room with regards to scaling upwards with enemies, particularly in horde type game modes, not to mention it would open up a slot for a new power!

Now, about his first and second abilities. They are quite literally the same power! The two powers as they currently stand are great, sure, but they could be combined into a single power. It could work like this: Limbo targets normally to trigger power 1's effect, and he holds the button to trigger power 2's effect. This would free up yet another space for a new power! As a side, he needs to be able to put more than one foe into the rift at a time without needing to rely on his big blue ball.

Filling the gaps, Limbo is in dire need of some way to rapidly expunge all enemies from his rift. Power number 2 could work like power 1 but in reverse! All enemies CURRENTLY in the rift are immediately spat back out and receive a nice chunk of damage along with it. This seems rather plain, but other things could be attached to it such as all enemies knocked out of the rift are also knocked down, stunned, have their armor/defense reduced, etc. It could be very helpful to the team. Enemies standing in the Cataclysm rift could receive some other punishment, due to their inability to exit the rift. Maybe some extra-severe damage or status effects?

His new third power could be something all new. He is the master of planes, why not have him stop time or erect rift barriers or some other crazy stuff I can't imagine? In my mind, he should be able to control the rift as if it were a part of him. Why not give him the capability to completely halt all enemies in the rift? Or perhaps some kind of damage link that is shared with all foes in the rift? 

I reckon his fourth power is already A+. As it stands, it dishes out great punishment to your enemies, it can be used as a pseudo Frost globe, and you can put it around your enemies while you do something else. This power could be used to great effect with the two powers mentioned before. I would like to add one little thing though. In a similar vein to rolling to break free of limbo's first ability, rolling/dodging could also grant a temporary effect that nullifies Limbo's Cataclysm dome for that player. This would allow serious players and crybabies alike to grab the datamass, activate terminals, etc. 'til their hearts' content.

To sum this all up, Rift Surge can be combined with Limbo's passive (up to a reasonable limit of course), and his first and second powers could be rolled up into one, allowing more room for variety with his current kit. His new second power should eject all enemies out of the rift, and his third should have some form of crowd control versus all foes in the rift. 

Let's hear everyone else's ideas for Limbo now.


In light of today's Devstream, I'd like to throw in that the time control is funtastic and I hope that part stays. The AoE first ability I mentioned above is already in the rework, so that's a plus too. I still believe the third power should be incorporated into the passive to make room for some power to rapidly expel everyone from the rift.

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While I like some of your ideas here, such as expelling everyone from the Rift, I can't stand the idea of Limbos 1 and 2 being combined in any way. I'm already running Natural Talent to ensure that when I hit 2, I'm in the Rift as fast as possible. Combining those abilities takes away from the immediacy, which I need in many tense situations. DE has said they're going to be moving it into his movement set(i.e. rolling puts Limbo in the Rift) which I adore.

Additionally, CC for people in the Rift seems nice on paper, but I'm afraid that unless you're using a map-wide Cataclysm, its a waste of an ability. How about instead, Limbo gets a Blink-esque ability? It fits the Rift, and adds some desperate utility to my favorite frame.

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"Entering the rift upon rolling" sounds too good to be true. As for your statement regarding 1 and 2 being combined, I don't think you'd have to worry too much about that. One of the recent quests has shown they have a great system in place for putting two powers on one button.

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  • 1 month later...
17 minutes ago, (PS4)rowansprite said:

Destreza sure, but AkVasto? No, AkVasto gotta be reserved for Mesa Prime.

I could see Limbo having a Bolto Prime though... it looks somewhat like a flintlock pistol, after all.

6 shot revolvers like the vasto were the gentleman's weapon of choice so it would make sense

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I've been excited the entire day. Hoping the devstream will show us some good stuff.

Personally I love Limbo's design and idea. Hopefully the rework fixes his jankyness.

Edit: Details:

1)Banish is now AOE

2)Rolling now has a custom animation that lets you dash in and out of the rift-this is his passive

3)Rift walk has been replaced by time freeze

4)Time freeze has a max cap, if this is exceeded you are ejected from rift and become unable to use it for a short time. Be careful!

5)Rift Surge now acts similar to molecular prime, amping damage with more enemies in the rift and creating pockets of small cataclysms when killed

6)Cataclysm remains unchanged except for damage on cast and stun on enemies

Please note that these are all under playtest and may be changed to balance the gameplay.

Looking hype, bois!


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