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DE asked for feedback on the Helios and Euphona Prime


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Must be an occasional bug, might need longer runs to test.

As for my short tests, if modded fury/whirlwind/quick return, it will throws all four (4) glaives at target, reload average for 2-3 seconds.

if not modded with fury/whirlwind/quick return.....OMG!?!?!?! It will throw ONE (1) glaive every 4-5 seconds....so it is hard to determine any reload times considering it is taking it longer to use all 4 glaives.

If anyone wants to do longer testing, please, by all means. If Helios/Deconstructor is bugged modded for speed as others mentioned, it would be nice to have DE address and fix it.

All hail Helios!!!

Edited by Souldend78
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Didn't someone data mine the euphonia stats and show that the alt fire is actually all status (30%) and no crit (2%)?  It's pretty lame to make the gun require building for either primary OR secondary fire modes.  If you build for crit, the secondary will suck.  If you build for status, the primary will suck.  You can't even build it so that the secondary is nothing more than an armor-stripping status pumper while the primary does the real damage.  It's that crappy stratavar all over again.  

It'd be better if the stat variances between fire modes were less extreme, and relied more on the mechanics differences between slugs and shotguns.  Secondary fire having pellet spread, damage falloff, reduced accuracy and maybe slightly different fire rate should suffice for differentiating the two fire modes.  Rather than swinging the stats by 28%, they could change maybe 10-20% between fire modes.  So primary could be 30 crit / 15 status while secondary could be 10-15 crit / 30 status.  This would create a gun that is powerful in both modes, with one build, with fire modes favoring different combat situations based on mechanics alone.

If the aim is to make a sniper slug pistol with a rapid status application function, then the secondary status chance should be increased such that damage could be focused on the primary fire mode with crits, while still achieving 100% status on the secondary without needing 4x dual-stat mods.  As it stands, you can't get all the required mods onto the gun (thanks to dmg 3.0 being cancelled) alongside the necessary crit mods for primary damage AND the necessary status mods for 100% status on secondary fire.  Dropping lethal torrent for any of the crit or status mods is a huge DPS loss, equal to dropping a primed crit mod.

Bottom line is the fire mode stat variations make the gun stupid to mod, with strict limitations on what you can do with it.  Both fire modes should have better scaling of their lesser stats.


The sentinel should get a survivability buff, since it'll still be way squishier than the carrier prime.  Being a melee sentinel, it'll favor melee play styles a bit more, and will be taking more fire than the carrier - an ammo junky that benefits long range play styles.  It should be more survivable than the carrier prime.

Edited by Guest
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These are the current stats of both items as we inch closer to launch! As we always are looking to improve the power and balance of everything in Warframe, these stats are still subject to change.

Get ready for Banshee Prime Access next week!

Why would anyone buy prime access considering DE could change what they are advertising?! I don't understand this

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18 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

These are the current stats of both items as we inch closer to launch! As we always are looking to improve the power and balance of everything in Warframe, these stats are still subject to change.

Get ready for Banshee Prime Access next week!

Why would anyone buy prime access considering DE could change what they are advertising?! I don't understand this

The same reason people buy any Prime Access, to get the stuff on day one and/or to support DE.

Anything in game could change at any time, you agreed to that when you signed up to play...


Digital Extremes has the right at any time with or without reason to change and/or eliminate any aspect(s) of the use of the Service as it sees fit in its sole discretion.

(From the Terms of Use.)

Edited by ChuckMaverick
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6 hours ago, Teshin_Dax said:

Euphona Prime should be able to hit 100% Status Chance (shotgun mode) to be viable in endgame

At 10 pellets per shot (if that's accurate) I'd probably go with Vaykor Marelok if I wanted a status secondary... That, and forget about critical status procs in shotgun mode. 

I'll give this toy a try ofc, but with current stats it looks like more of a fashion item rather than endgame secondary. Also, considering the tiny clip size that 2 seconds reload timer does not look attractive at all. 

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59 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

What I said was rhetorical. Didn't need an answer :thumbup:thanks anyway 

Yeeeah... claiming your statement was sarcastically rhetorical might have worked, if anyone else had mentioned buying or not buying the Prime Access and your post wasn't such a non sequitur.

Nice try though! :thumbup:

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8 hours ago, (PS4)SentientSickness said:

As for Euphona i think its alt fire should switch modes, not just do a shotgun blast.

Seriously? That's how it works? I was hoping it worked like Stradavar and Zarr. That seems like it would be super cumbersome for us console players as Alt Fire is right thumb stick down... which is also our camera stick. So anytime I have to press it down I end up moving my camera ever so slightly. Having to aim and do this to fire the frikken weapon, I might have to change the control scheme...

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9 hours ago, ComCray said:

Use the simaris augment. Bring Banhees's sonar with you on a mission.

Helios' Augment is far from being really usefull, as it takes time to scan and the ability has a significant cooldown, wich makes it easier to simply kill the enemy without the weak spot. 


As for Sentinels in general, the most resistant of all are Carrier P, Wyrm P and Diriga. The others are extremely weak, and even the Helios Prime seems like he's part of the second category. I'm not saying that all Primes should be more resistant, but that some are way too strong compared to others, wich is the main reason why the Carrier Prime is still the most used. I don't undertsand why DE didn't buff the other Sentinels when they introduced the "beginner" Sentinel, Taxon. Dethcube, Carrier, Wyrm, Helios and Djinn have the same stats as the newcomer, but the Taxon seems to be as good if not better than those, even with one less precept. 

But, to be more on-topic, I'd say that if the Helios is not more resistant than that, it should have an aditionnal aspect. Maybe a passive ability, like having an shield/health regen or armor/damage buff on scans, or a faster shield recovery, an innate Coolant Leak/Fired Up/Regen/Spare Parts or whatever. Just... something that would make the Helios P more than just cheaper in term of Fieldron.

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Banshee and ALL primes need more armor. Currently 65 armor is not enough for survival players.

Helios- Make it have the same survivability as carrier prime. ALSO allow the primed versions scans count towards Cephlon daily standing. Also allow helois to scan flowers even if its "know" in codex.

Euphona- Have secondary fire switch fire modes similar to how the Zarr is

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2 hours ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

Helios' Augment is far from being really usefull, as it takes time to scan and the ability has a significant cooldown, wich makes it easier to simply kill the enemy without the weak spot.

Not my experience and find it pretty useful on stealth missions.

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First of all, I feel like it's very nice of them to ask feedback, show stats and so on, props!

Second, I think I'll have to test Euphona Prime in order to have an opinion, but I can already tell that Helios Prime survivability should be buffed; I know, raw buffs requests always seem unreasonable, but honestly Sentinels die way too often, even with Primed Regen.

They were fine back in the day when lvl40 was end game, but now with lvl100(or more) Ospreys or Bombards there's no way they're gonna survive more than 5 minutes; today Sortie on the Moon, was a good example: despite all the maxed survivability mods and Primed Regen, my Helios perma died way before 5 minutes, there's simply too much AoE damage to deal with and there's not enought time to counter it most of the times.

I was Inaros so I never died today, but between all those nullifiers a melee approach was requested and that has been a death sentence for my Helios.

250 base Health is ok but not remotely enough to deal with the current endgame; can be used fine everywhere else, sure, but still; either provide us with some sentinels link mods(which will never happen I guess) or give the poor thing more health!

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