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Me trying to upgrade my MR...


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As someone with no life. I haven't been able to think of a better player ranking/levelling system for Warframe that wouldn't lead to a very similar situation coupled with people gaining too much benefit from using the same weapon(s) all the time.

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Well the Mastery Ranking system is supposed to show that the player has "mastered" various aspects of the game. Doing it the way they've done it is both direct and simplistic--max out the levels on all the things, and do all the maps. It's a slow process because there's a LOT to do. While I agree that it would be nice if there were a better way to do it, I have no idea how that would look, and how they could change it without screwing some group of people over in some way.

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I think the biggest issue with gaining MR is that the game gives incentive to both putting a lot of time into individual weapons and spending time on a variety of weapons. In the midgame ranks (let's say from around MR8 to around MR 15), many players want to put their resources toward specific items they like in preparation for higher-level missions, but their MR is stunted until they split their resources to collect other weapons, which all have to start at the wee levels (lacking potatoes and Forma, for example).

I feel the best solution to this mid-game duldrum can lie in going for a challenge as much as possible by just taking the new weapons and dealing with being a little underpowered. Some weapons are much more powerful than others, but very few weapons are the difference between a player's victory and failure.

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3 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

I think the biggest issue with gaining MR is that the game gives incentive to both putting a lot of time into individual weapons and spending time on a variety of weapons. In the midgame ranks (let's say from around MR8 to around MR 15), many players want to put their resources toward specific items they like in preparation for higher-level missions, but their MR is stunted until they split their resources to collect other weapons, which all have to start at the wee levels (lacking potatoes and Forma, for example).

I feel the best solution to this mid-game duldrum can lie in going for a challenge as much as possible by just taking the new weapons and dealing with being a little underpowered. Some weapons are much more powerful than others, but very few weapons are the difference between a player's victory and failure.

From an expeditious view you are absolutely right. However, MR isn't supposed to be something you hit 23 (current cap) in a week or 2. I think it might be an error in perspective because a lot of players view that as their "level" so to speak, from traditional games. It isn't like getting to level 100 in (insert MMO here). You can enjoy basically (baaaaasically) everything the game has to offer at MR 5. Sure there are some weapons or mechanics gated behind higher MR, but a good 90% of the game is accessible at MR5. So in reality, MR is more akin to achievement progress in most games. I think if players didn't focus so much on it (and the small but convenient benefits it gives) and did invest heavily into a small arsenal of weapons that are accessible early but can carry all the way through lategame, the overall experience would be much better.

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44 minutes ago, (PS4)leonidasx666 said:



44 minutes ago, (PS4)leonidasx666 said:



45 minutes ago, (PS4)leonidasx666 said:


You.....you monster.....
I will never discard a weapon, everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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I understand how you feel. The only thing that bothers me is that because i have lenses on my main frames i have to first grind out 100k focus and only when that is done i can start with the mr grind. I think i am at mr 14 now so atm i dont really feel the need to grind out mr.

I must say though  some mr challenges where to easy imo they can be cheesed, but then again maybe that proves you can carry  your self

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3 minutes ago, xXxBeasTxXx said:

I understand how you feel. The only thing that bothers me is that because i have lenses on my main frames i have to first grind out 100k focus and only when that is done i can start with the mr grind. I think i am at mr 14 now so atm i dont really feel the need to grind out mr.

I must say though  some mr challenges where to easy imo they can be cheesed, but then again maybe that proves you can carry  your self

MR tests have always been fairly easy, though they were MUCH easier before they made the somewhat recent change to block powers in most missions that it makes trivial (stealth missions with Loki). On the one hand I want them to be harder, on the other, I feel bad for players like my father that often struggle to do any complex maneuvers xD

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I will say it got a lot less painfully once MR started acting as the base Mod Energy pool on equipment (weapons, warframes, companions, archwings, etc) . Which as you gain more MR, it becomes less painful to use fresh new weapons.

Lets break it down and look at what MRs are required for certain kinds of content! Also how much grinding you really need to do. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank

  1. Relays, which go up to MR 8. However the MR 8 relay is also later in the Star Chart, closer to "Late Game".
  2. Syndicate Weapons, MR 6 and MR 12
  3. Clan Tech Weapons, MRs 2 to 8.
  4. Various Relics, MR 0 (Warframes), MRs 2 to 14 (currently). Most Prime weapons are below MR 8.

So that puts MR 8 as kind of a first goal for gated content. Needing 160,000 cumulative Mastery. Keeping in mind Warframes/Archwings/Companions are worth 6,000 each. Weapons are 3,000.

The most efficient way to gain Mastery is to try and cycle out everything together, while playing with a group. A new Warframe, all 3 weapons, and a Sentinel (not Kubrow/Kavat). For a total package of 24,000 Mastery each time. Or roughly 6 full sets of equipment. If you can't do full sets of unleveled equipment, doing as much unleveled stuff together as you can is ideal.

Another thing people overlook is that while grinding Nodes like Akkad (historic: Draco, Kappa, Xini) can help boost by group play, it all comes down to kill quick. Enemy level is not as big a factor as fast enemy killing. Which is what all the listed had in common, fast killing. An example, killing two level 3 Napalms (623 affinity) is worth more than killing one level 100 (1213)

I generally use a crude formula of Mod Energy (filled with damage mods) = Enemy Level. That is what you should be killing in FAST ways if you aren't being carried by affinity share. Which means going back to earlier content. Endless missions, staying within Affinity Share range of teammates, NOT STANDING ON SPAWN POINTS (try to stay in the center of a big tile and away from connecting doorways). For many people they really should be looking at using Mars or Venus, if they are below MR 12 or 14. Remember killing faster > killing higher level, and low Mod Energy (due to low MR) weapons aren't going to be fast at killing higher level (20+) enemies.

The exception is rushing high level Spy missions (without tripping the vault alarms), but not many people are good at that.

Edited by Brasten
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it's a pretty good system that encourages players to try new things

Guess not gonna burts your bubble but just gotta say this - the absolute majority of people don't actually use weapons they level as they level them even if they run normal missions, they mostly level them passively.

Considering it takes at the very least a catalyst and normally 2+ formas to even fit all the mods in the weapon (with the exceptiosn of melee) it's safe to say it doesn't encourage anything.


You can enjoy basically (baaaaasically) everything the game has to offer at MR 5. 

You also have to remember that many things will be severely limited to you, starting from trades per day, synd standing and how people view you - often that means being unable to participate in end-game activity like raids.

Heck even an access to relay is mr-based (or at least was, not so sure now).

Edited by Nomen_Nescio
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I'm a fan of progressive achievements with large payloads of Mastery.

E.g  50/100/250/500/750 Headshots in a single misison. Or Cephelon fragments found, Targets synthesized, finishers in a single mission.


A lot of possibilities for continuous mastery gain without relying solely on reinforcements or content recycles.   




Rivens kinda killed that though  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I think it should be farmable tbh. not easily farmable, just farmable.

I play the game a lot, depending on the week I might put it 4-5 hours a day, but i have 0 interest in just mr farming by building and deleting 100 weapons so 90% of the time im just using my favorite weapons and frames. Why should I be punished for just trying to enjoy the game? instead DE wants me to build everything and level it even though I dont want to, but since I haven't been doing that I lose out on bonus that other people have even though Iv probably put more time into the game that a lot of MR20 players.

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I agree


I've come to the point when if a want Mastery points i need to


1.- Farm and build forma (24h)

2.- Play 3 times the same mision for invasion rewards

3.- Wait for the invasion to end so i can get them rewards

4.- Wait 24h for the clan weapon

5.- Repeat another 102837 times

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5 hours ago, (PS4)leonidasx666 said:


I wish there was another way than just: "build, upgrade, discart, repeat." :/

There is, "build, rank, buy, build...repeat". Why would you Discard anything? I have kept every weapon and frame. Its nice to know all my time was not just spent selling back weapons i leveled.


Also MR is way too easy to get. I started this game Oct 25. And i believe it only took two months to get to mr 22.

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10 hours ago, Krhymez said:

There is, "build, rank, buy, build...repeat". Why would you Discard anything? I have kept every weapon and frame. Its nice to know all my time was not just spent selling back weapons i leveled.

Oh, I sh*tcan weapons all the time. I've kept all my frames (except where I replaced the regular version with the Prime version), but weapons come and go; I have a couple approaches to it.

1. If it's just a weapon I happen to get the blueprint for, I'll build it and rank it up and then, depending on whether I liked it, I'll either keep it or discard it. If it wasn't much fun to use (like the Glaive, for instance), it's trashed as soon as I've gotten all the mastery out of it I can. 

2. If I get the Prime version of a weapon, the regular version gets replaced by the prime. 

I'm only attached to a few of the weapons I have; I could probably ditch a bunch more and not miss them. I'm not doing that, but there are weapons I have where the plan is, from the start, "rank and discard."

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I tore through the MR's by always having at least two items to rank up at all times. 

Since I had the Soma/Prime to lean on, I usually had a secondary and a melee passively ranking.  Once I ran out of readily available secondary and melee, I had the Azima and started running that while ranking up companions and primaries.

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19 hours ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

The Mastery Rank tests perfectly test the true measure of "skill" in Warframe:  selecting a loadout that makes difficult content easier or trivial.

"Perfectly" wouldn't be the word I used. Depending on what frame you take some trials are easier of harder. If the trials were frame 'locked' then I would say that... But I really hope they don't do that. :P

19 hours ago, Azlen said:

never discard a weapon, everrrrrrrrr

I am not made of plat, nor am I a hoader... What do I need a MK-1 paris for?

14 hours ago, Krhymez said:

Also MR is way too easy to get. I started this game Oct 25. And i believe it only took two months to get to mr 22.

With boosters, sure. Without boosters, I take my time... But the thing is: is MR the endgame now on Warframe?...

3 hours ago, DxAdder said:

The Problem with progression in Warframe is that there is no defined End Game.


3 hours ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

I sh*tcan weapons all the time. I've kept all my frames

No. I discart frames too, even primes... It comes down to use really. If I have a pretty good frame but another is better at a specific task/mission I just remove it. (I have NOT removed Hydroid do, just cuz I have so much fun blasting enemies with tentacles... Oh when Hydroid Prime? Oh when?)

16 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

Why should I be punished for just trying to enjoy the game? instead DE wants me to build everything and level it even though I dont want to, but since I haven't been doing that I lose out on bonus that other people have even though Iv probably put more time into the game that a lot of MR20 playe

True. MR is only important for lore really. I didn't get any Gorgon bp drops until mr 15 (or 18 I think). I have seem many MR 8 or 12 players doing fine in my squads because they mastered that (of those) frames. And yes, most weapons are just 'placeholders' any decent players just keeps the good weapons, and to figure that out there's a ton on information out there.

17 hours ago, _DapperDanMan_ said:

I'm a fan of progressive achievements with large payloads of Mastery.

E.g  50/100/250/500/750 Headshots in a single misison. Or Cephelon fragments found, Targets synthesized, finishers in a single mission.

A lot of possibilities for continuous mastery gain without relying solely on reinforcements or content recycles.   

Rivens kinda killed that though  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

THIS! Yes, this is what I was talking about. "Destiny" (blasphemy, I know) has something similar which are 'books' with a bunch of diferent trials that give you lore and whatnot... It would be nice to have a similar system in Warframe together with the existing MR ranking system. It could also be a way for new players to progress faster in the game to the level of those who have been playing for years now... like a 'exercise' book one could say. Something like "Rivens for frames" e.g. Take excalibur and complete 100 exiled blade kills in a row on Mars (something like that) to get 10000(?) affinity.

In conclusion: I have been playing for over a year now and have (finally) caught up with all the missions, quest, planets, junctions, prime weapons and prime frames (Banshee's next do) and MAX MR has become my "goal" (not endgame). And only done it NOW because I never saw the point of it OR found it "fun" to do, because of all the reasons you all stated... Now that the game has 4 years (Wow!), it would be nice that DE took this under consideration and maybe make some changes/improvement.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)leonidasx666 said:

I am not made of plat, nor am I a hoader... What do I need a MK-1 paris for?

Who doesn't need their MK1 Paris still?

Lol in all seriousess, no I wouldn't expect every player to keep lowgrade versions of weapons. I do, because I can, and I will get the the point where I have every weapon available eventually. Now, I go far past what i'd imagine most normal players do (make 2 extras of an akimbo variant just to keep my regular, even if its not potato'd). 

Though getting rid of primes and things you just don't "use" at the moment seems terribly silly. Just because mag is dumpster feed right now doesn't mean shes worth trashing. Heaven forbid they rework her (in a beta? Never!) And all of a sudden her kit becomes everything you love. Now you'd have to go through the effort of wasting all that plat to get her prime again (that you trashed, theorhetically) instead of just taking the time to earn a little plat to pay for an extra slot. And no offense but if you like Hydroid so much, you must not have a problem with using inefficient frames xD

In the end it's none of my business, you play how you want. But plat is incredibly easy to make in the game for free. If you can't be bothered to have the slightest bit of forward thinking, then I only hope you never regret it later :)

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