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Do you Think there's a Skill Gap in warframe ?

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I for one think no there isn't much of a skill gap, seeing how we're fighting brain dead enemies that only have 1 or 2 options of action, have horrible accuracy, and are super slow compared to us. That's what lead me to becoming burnt out the first time I started playing warframe . I lasted about a year and 8 months, I have now found new love in conclave.

But that's beside the point, do you think there is a genuine skill gap between players in PVE?

(not trying to insult anyone. I'm just looking for people's honest opinions)

Edited by (PS4)Akuma_Asura_
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PVE... not really.... I'd say it's more down to how much funds/endo/forma you've invested into the mods slots on frames/weapons etc along with getting the 'best mods' etc. 

You might have some who are a little better players who know the maps better, are more familiar with certain weapon types (I personally hate bows for example so don't use them) or have slightly stronger builds (ie new players who can't get all the mods or endo/credits needed to max them etc) but realistically when you can pretty much kill off the entire standard map by spamming meta gear or frame abilities you can't really say there is much of a skill needed once you've learnt how to do the puzzle rooms and spy missions etc.. 

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

I for one think no there isn't much of a skill gap, seeing how we're fighting brain dead enemies that only have 1 or 2 options of action, have horrible accuracy, and are super slow compared to us. That's what lead me to becoming burnt out the first time I started playing warframe . I lasted about a year and 8 months, I have now found new love in conclave.

But that's beside the point, do you think there is a genuine skill gap between players in PVE?

(not trying to insult anybody I'm just looking for people's honest opinions)

Of course there is a skill gap, as there is in every kind of game. There'll always be players that are better at killing, reacting, analizing, take advantage and so on. Maybe at lower levels, such things are not really obvious, but if you`ll put a high skill player that knows the in and outs of the game and his loadout with a mediocre player to fight at really high levels,  the difference will be obvious. 

Edited by aligatorno
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3 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

Of course there is a skill gap, as there is in every kind of game. There'll always be players that are better at killing, reacting, analizing, take advantage and so on. Maybe at lower levels, such things are not really obvious, but if you`ll put a high skill player that knows the in and outs of the game and his loadout with a mediocre player to fight at really high levels,  the difference will be obvious. 


3 minutes ago, Jeoxz said:

The skill gap in PvE shows later, in high level missions where some people don't know what to do, or separate from the group and die. It's not bad tho, just a very few cases until they get it.


2 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

I think there is but it's less noticeable because the people with lower skill can still use high level gear or meta weapons to be just as effective. 

When you guys mean later or higher level do you mean sorties ? Or like deep in endless mission types . But I definitely see what you guys are saying , you would wanna throw someone who's been playing the game for 2 weeks into sorties even if they had high level gear 

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There is some degree of skill required(in some cases), but it is small and often easy to trivialize with the right setup.

Sad to say, but players exclusive to PVE don't normally get to develop a truly advanced set of skills because of the existence of several things.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:



When you guys mean later or higher level do you mean sorties ? Or like deep in endless mission types . But I definitely see what you guys are saying , you would wanna throw someone who's been playing the game for 2 weeks into sorties even if they had high level gear 

Sortie 3 and long Endless, where enemies easily hit lvl 150-200+.

I was not talking about throwing newbies with veterans, but people with experience at different skill levels.  Once you get to a certain level where you just can't facetank damage, the difference between the two in being able to react to the situation and get out of it alive will be obvious

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:



When you guys mean later or higher level do you mean sorties ? Or like deep in endless mission types . But I definitely see what you guys are saying , you would wanna throw someone who's been playing the game for 2 weeks into sorties even if they had high level gear 

High level means things like Pluto, sedna, eris, Lua, kuva Fort, and of course sorties. 

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3 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

Sortie 3 and long Endless, where enemies easily hit lvl 150-200+.

I was not talking about throwing newbies with veterans, but people with experience but different skill levels.  Once you get to a certain level where you just can't facetank damage, the difference between the two in being able to react to the situation and get out of it alive will be obvious

 I see , I guess you could say the different between an ice chroma and a banshee lol . 

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There is no skill gap.  There is a knowledge gap that sometimes pops up when playing with low MR players or an equipment gap where a player in the MR 20s can fill more roles than a lower ranked player.

If you mean skill as in twitch reflexes, aiming or platforming ability, that stuff doesn't really matter in game and can be overcome by having a good loadout.  Warframe isn't skill based.

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It depends on what aspects. Speed Running raids for example has a skill gap especially for Nova players with perfectly placing portals. Banshee requires some movement "skill" (more like muscle memory). But most content in the game is just reliant on your gear and your ability to cheese the objective fast.

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

Take 3 MR 8 in Hieracon and try to keep them there for 1200 cryo, then get back to me. 

But is that down to lack of mods or lack of skill... I know at mr8 I had nowhere near the funds and endo available, let alone some of the 'meta mods', to make my frames/weapons as strong as they are now, actually I still haven't maxed out all my high end mods like primed or corrupted etc and I'm mr18/19 (at the test but too lazy to do it)...

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

Take 3 MR 8 in Hieracon and try to keep them there for 1200 cryo, then get back to me. 

I think that mission and Kuva Flood are where the PVE skill gap come screaming at me. 

However, I dont mind carrying folks. I was carried until I got good to walk on my own (thank you 5 Forma Sonicor). 

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with the right loadout the game basically becomes cookie clicker. for a self proclaimed action game / 3rd person shooter it quite literally has the lamest meta i've ever seen in any such game. i mean just look at frames like trinity, in pretty much any other game somthing like that would be iddqd... in this game however she isn't even needed 90% of the time because mana is even more overabundant than ammo anyway.

but don't you dare discussing balance / *gasp* nerfs... fun killer meanie!

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

There is no skill gap.  There is a knowledge gap that sometimes pops up when playing with low MR players or an equipment gap where a player in the MR 20s can fill more roles than a lower ranked player.

If you mean skill as in twitch reflexes, aiming or platforming ability, that stuff doesn't really matter in game and can be overcome by having a good loadout.  Warframe isn't skill based.

Keeping an eye on health-bars of defense targets (as-well as allies), paying attention to enemy spawn locations, situational awareness to see which enemy are spawning and being able to prioritize quickly, knowing where your team mates are and placing your self in position close enough to support, but far enough not to impede. These are all skills that are not easily mastered in the game and quickly shows once you're getting hit by level 100 bombards and heavy gunners. I see MR 23 players getting their rear end handed to them in Sorties all the times, which is kind of sad. 

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5 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

But is that down to lack of mods or lack of skill... I know at mr8 I had nowhere near the funds and endo available, let alone some of the 'meta mods', to make my frames/weapons as strong as they are now, actually I still haven't maxed out all my high end mods like primed or corrupted etc and I'm mr18/19 (at the test but too lazy to do it)...

Well. I can solo that mission up to 2000 cryo, but I can't reach 1200 if I bring MR 8-10s with me. The things in the game that are important to do, are just as crucial as the things that you're not suppose to do. 

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There are some skill gaps as a result of experience, the "skilled players" are generally more efficient in traversing the map in the quickest way and not getting hit as much due to always moving quickly. I can't tell u how often i facepalm at noobs being downed all the time and crying, because all they have to do is use the parkour instead of walking around/standing still.

Edited by Kutsus
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5 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:


with the right loadout the game basically becomes cookie clicker. for a self proclaimed action game / 3rd person shooter it quite literally has the lamest meta i've ever seen in any such game. i mean just look at frames like trinity, in pretty much any other game somthing like that would be iddqd... in this game however she isn't even needed 90% of the time because mana is even more overabundant than ammo anyway.

but don't you dare discussing balance / *gasp* nerfs... fun killer meanie!

That's definitely true in low levels, but with the addition of nullys, saps, bombards and gunners at level 100+ that all goes away quick. 

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