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Ignis wraith blueprint is able to trade DE fix pls


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9 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

Yea, this one seems to be getting out of control on forums lately.

Isn't it the famous quote "Stand as one or none shall stand at all"?


DE should try 1% winner in the next event, satisfaction guaranteed.

Edited by Volinus7
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LOL, DE didn't think this one through at all, you basically just said "Screw all you guys that put hard work into the event", If I had the choice too either do the event or pay 10p for the BP guess which one I would have taken?  Nice DE you rant about bringing clan events and you do the one thing that absolutely destroys all motivation to do anything clan related.  In all honesty I think DE should drop these clan events altogether, if they aren't going to reward the player with something unique and tangible....a trophy doesn't cut it in my opinion.....ooooo ahhhh....look at this trophy we have, you don't get to have one yourself but you can come to the dojo and look at it whenever you like, oh and don't worry about that weapon, its just something you can pick up thats kicking around in trade market for 10p, not like its any kind of status symbol to tell people....."Hey, I worked my &#! off at this event and look at the shiny weapon I got as a reward....isn't it cool?  .....Oh you bought one off someone else for 5p....and you didn't even participate in the event? Wow...".

Edited by Knight_Ex
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As someone in the shadow clan that worked their butts off to get to the top 10% and victory tier, I have no problem with having the BP tradable. It's so much better too because now I don't have to invite someone just to get the BP and then kick then out for it. There have been talks about greedy people and how they will charge.

Our clan won't be and will hand them out to those who need it. I'm on a slight break at the current moment to recover from said grind haha but by the time I come back the prices should fluctuate to normal because I also don't want some to take advantage of it either.

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Imo the Ignis Wraith BP shouldn't be tradable.  Instead, DE should do something like the invasion but for clan to be able to get it as research later.  DE are suppose to release a Clan Quest System eventually.  Maybe DE could reintroduce Clan Event rewards through that new system.


Keep the Ignis Wraith exclusive for sometime 2-3 month, then release it back throuht the future clan quest system with time gating.  Problem solve.

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2 hours ago, skinotik said:

Imo the Ignis Wraith BP shouldn't be tradable.  Instead, DE should do something like the invasion but for clan to be able to get it as research later.  DE are suppose to release a Clan Quest System eventually.  Maybe DE could reintroduce Clan Event rewards through that new system.


Keep the Ignis Wraith exclusive for sometime 2-3 month, then release it back throuht the future clan quest system with time gating.  Problem solve.

A way to obtain the research after the event would be pretty nice. That way people dont exploit it and buy the blueprint and sell it for 20 plat each or such.

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44 minutes ago, GalaXYZ321 said:

That way people dont exploit it and buy the blueprint and sell it for 20 plat each or such.

The price may be 20 plat or higher now, because supply is limited, but in 24 hours when everyone's research is complete, the price of an Ignis Wraith BP will crash.

Coincidentally, this will also be a good demonstration of what an auction house would do to the wider Warframe economy, as people will be able to see first hand what happens to prices when supply far outstrips demand.

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16 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

LOL, DE didn't think this one through at all, you basically just said "Screw all you guys that put hard work into the event", If I had the choice too either do the event or pay 10p for the BP guess which one I would have taken?  Nice DE you rant about bringing clan events and you do the one thing that absolutely destroys all motivation to do anything clan related.  In all honesty I think DE should drop these clan events altogether, if they aren't going to reward the player with something unique and tangible....a trophy doesn't cut it in my opinion.....ooooo ahhhh....look at this trophy we have, you don't get to have one yourself but you can come to the dojo and look at it whenever you like, oh and don't worry about that weapon, its just something you can pick up thats kicking around in trade market for 10p, not like its any kind of status symbol to tell people....."Hey, I worked my &#! off at this event and look at the shiny weapon I got as a reward....isn't it cool?  .....Oh you bought one off someone else for 5p....and you didn't even participate in the event? Wow...".

Hard work? Playing a video game?

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2 hours ago, GalaXYZ321 said:

A way to obtain the research after the event would be pretty nice. That way people dont exploit it and buy the blueprint and sell it for 20 plat each or such.

Why do people care so much about players selling BPs?

Do you not have one of your own?

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They should take it a step further! :crazyeyes:

Split up every single blueprint in the game amongst every single clan in the game. You will never reach mastery 23-30 unless you have the full cooperation of every player in the game! I can only imagine the anar-err harmony it will create. :3

I mean the current system in place for getting blueprints in the market is confusing and unnecessarily convoluted. Not much different.

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It's a clan plat generator. Nothing wrong with that. If they made it so only clan members could take it then people would join a clan, snag a bp and bail out. People have already been doing this when it comes to Hema. 

Ar least this way the clan has an effective means of making plat, thus allowing their dojo to grow faster. This will be crucial when the new dojo system hits.

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My clan did not get the research in the dojo but i don't really see the subject of this topic as an issue.

Where it stands currently the Ignis Wraith BP is worth about 15-20p (I find it laughable and disgusting that i'm still sometimes seeing people in trade chat who are trying to sell it for ridiculous prices of 100+ plat)..  and the price will continue dropping until it hits the point where it is no longer worth the effort of trying to sell it. Because as others have said before me, supply will outgrow the demand. It already is doing just that.

Edited by Serbian2G
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21 hours ago, KamishirasawaKeine said:

I think that depends on the BP's replication cost.

Honestly, I would like to see these things cost like tons of credits to replicate one, which should, in theory, creates a balance between supply and demand, plus a justified credit sink.

So, it turns out that the replication cost for the Ignis Wraith BP is 15k credits, the same as every other clan BP.

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6 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

So, it turns out that the replication cost for the Ignis Wraith BP is 15k credits, the same as every other clan BP.

When my week of hell is over, I'm getting a credit booster, grinding up a million spare, buying hundreds of bps, and will flood trade chat with free blueprints.


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On 3/11/2017 at 4:17 AM, UmbraDestroyer said:

As title says Ignis W blueprint can be traded. I think it is bad because after researching there will be no motivation to clan finders, no prestige and no motivation to tryhard future clan events. And I think DE should change it

Nah, no one wants try hards, and clan finders ruin clans. If you look for specific clans now cause of the invisible wraith, they leave they're current clans and those old clans will die off. Also,  eventually, invisible wraith might come back in the future, and as we know, all event weapons are tradable so making the ignis wraith untradable then tradable later down the line is a waste of time. 

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2 hours ago, MagPrime said:

When my week of hell is over, I'm getting a credit booster, grinding up a million spare, buying hundreds of bps, and will flood trade chat with free blueprints.


I shall join you in this endeavour! We shall achieve market saturation!

How many blueprints do you think I can get for 9 million credits?

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(related to both things, BP being tradeable and those giveaways)

«The road to hell Void is paved with good intentions»

As much as people want to help each other, we seem to ignore the bigger picture -- it will be worse next time, and after "next" and so on from this point. But not in the terms of rewards -- it's in the terms of an outcome, because by mindlessly giving away an event weapon we're spoiling the whole thing. And it's not about «be kind/be greedy milk» angel & devil's fight, it's about seeing further than the end of nose. It's shown now that you can basically get a reward for free, a reward you don't have to work for, no matter what circumstances were (or will be) presented -- nobody will most likely not ask about that. So far, among those giveaways I saw just one person that actually had the rules:



To set a few ground rules:

  • These blueprints are free. I will not be accepting payment for them. (Give me your Ammo Drums)
  • I only have a finite number of trades. I will be handing five blueprints per trade. Share the love, but make sure to get yourself checked out for space-herpes afterwards.
  • These blueprints are free. Please don't re-sell them for a profit...
  • Each blueprint has a trade tax of 2,000 Credits. Make sure you have at least 10,000 Credits.
  • First come, first served. No reservations.
  • The Ignis Wraith is Mastery Rank 6 locked


What's the catch? Oh, you see, there's no rule regarding «deserved» (nope, I'm not envious) or be MR#, because: one thing is helping out someone who had issues with participating TPD in time (or at all) and completely another one is giving away tons of reward to a stranger. But hey, he won't sell it, right? He told me so. Well, how they say, «profit numbs the feeling» -- welp, good thing that Ignis Wraith BP is cheap as heck due to so many clans having it after all (...now if only we get a TOP 5% with a really good and powerful weapons). Though, this is just a basic example of good intentions being abused. Nothing THAT serious to worry about, we all can be used w/o realizing or accepting that.

Don't worry, maybe next time there will be something much better than Ignis, so people will start to demand it or complain about other players not sharing or even setting the rules to give an item awayWhoa, ridiculous. And then we'll start to complain about DE for making this mess while it was (yes, it was, 'cause it's already happened) completely our fault.

So, what's the moral of the story besides «The road to hell Void is paved with good intentions»? Sometimes it's better be brains before heart, folks. Doing such things is great and all, but don't forget about consequences. Our actions sure do have them.


[Slighty offtopic]

Also... I've seen various reasons that tried to justify the give aways or throw sheits at DE for making a Clan-related event being... a clan-related event. I think Quasars is a good example of how we stop complaining about smth and simply do the thing.




  • Solo clans

Just because you can run a Solo Clan (which is already sounds stupid given the word "Clan") doesn't mean things should be (or were) built up around you. It's pretty ironical that a regular gameplay by trying to ease the game for solo players basically punishes them with a low spawn rate. WF is a coop-game after all. Note: the set limits for tiers in TPD is a different thing that was addressed anyway.

  • Real life excuse

I had a job/family/bad day/reason#84375 which basically leads to «I could get X if only Y didn't happen» statements. Well, no sheit, I could get a Primed Chamber if I wasn't in the hospital (by the way, who will believe that I'm not lyingI don't tho on this one? Yep, another example of being abused/lied to for a profit). We don't always get what we want -- that's the life, folks. Besides, those our personal priorities and circumstances and the game has its own life with other people, not only with us (it's like the time of alerts/Baro among the world and different time zone all over again). A bit cruel but that's, again, the life.

  • This thing shouldn't be put behind the ...-wall

Excuse me, but what is the purpose of events and its rewards then? Why bother then? Why making events then? Warframe and DE already made it clear, that our exclusive rewards are time exclusive rewards. Didn't get in time? Well, look for your opportunity in future. Things happen, but there's still a chance tho. There's even a chance you can buy it for plat which isn't hard to gain in WF at all, unless we're going to complain that WF is a P2W.

  • Victory Tier doesn't make any sense

No, it does. In terms of F2P (didn't forget what game WF is?) it does. You get a BP after TPD is over for participating in, you also get a Lab Research for making it in Top 10% when it's over which is also wasn't that hard for low- and mid-tier clans. BPs require time, they require a slot and a potato while a pre-built Ignis has it all, so shouldn't it be a more difficult task to get a pre-built one in a F2P game?




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1 minute ago, Thicondrius said:

no sense make it tradable,  why ppl must play event and reach some score to have it when all can have access after event? Remove from trade DE pls this is not fair.

So your little "prestige" is more important than people having a way  to obtain this weapon? How does that affect you? 


People would have just joined for the research anyway, just like with Hema, this just makes it easier for them. Or not being able to rip people off with high prices is that is bad here?

Edited by aligatorno
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7 hours ago, Corvid said:

I shall join you in this endeavour! We shall achieve market saturation!

How many blueprints do you think I can get for 9 million credits?

I mathed; 600.  I'll be able to pick up 66.  

We will destroy trade tab with 666 blueprints!

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4 hours ago, Thundervision said:

(related to both things, BP being tradeable and those giveaways)

«The road to hell Void is paved with good intentions»

As much as people want to help each other, we seem to ignore the bigger picture -- it will be worse next time, and after "next" and so on from this point. But not in the terms of rewards -- it's in the terms of an outcome, because by mindlessly giving away an event weapon we're spoiling the whole thing. And it's not about «be kind/be greedy milk» angel & devil's fight, it's about seeing further than the end of nose. It's shown now that you can basically get a reward for free, a reward you don't have to work for, no matter what circumstances were (or will be) presented -- nobody will most likely not ask about that. So far, among those giveaways I saw just one person that actually had the rules:

What's the catch? Oh, you see, there's no rule regarding «deserved» (nope, I'm not envious) or be MR#, because: one thing is helping out someone who had issues with participating TPD in time (or at all) and completely another one is giving away tons of reward to a stranger. But hey, he won't sell it, right? He told me so. Well, how they say, «profit numbs the feeling» -- welp, good thing that Ignis Wraith BP is cheap as heck due to so many clans having it after all (...now if only we get a TOP 5% with a really good and powerful weapons). Though, this is just a basic example of good intentions being abused. Nothing THAT serious to worry about, we all can be used w/o realizing or accepting that.

Don't worry, maybe next time there will be something much better than Ignis, so people will start to demand it or complain about other players not sharing or even setting the rules to give an item awayWhoa, ridiculous. And then we'll start to complain about DE for making this mess while it was (yes, it was, 'cause it's already happened) completely our fault.

So, what's the moral of the story besides «The road to hell Void is paved with good intentions»? Sometimes it's better be brains before heart, folks. Doing such things is great and all, but don't forget about consequences. Our actions sure do have them.


[Slighty offtopic]

Also... I've seen various reasons that tried to justify the give aways or throw sheits at DE for making a Clan-related event being... a clan-related event. I think Quasars is a good example of how we stop complaining about smth and simply do the thing.


  Reveal hidden contents


  • Solo clans

Just because you can run a Solo Clan (which is already sounds stupid given the word "Clan") doesn't mean things should be (or were) built up around you. It's pretty ironical that a regular gameplay by trying to ease the game for solo players basically punishes them with a low spawn rate. WF is a coop-game after all. Note: the set limits for tiers in TPD is a different thing that was addressed anyway.

  • Real life excuse

I had a job/family/bad day/reason#84375 which basically leads to «I could get X if only Y didn't happen» statements. Well, no sheit, I could get a Primed Chamber if I wasn't in the hospital (by the way, who will believe that I'm not lyingI don't tho on this one? Yep, another example of being abused/lied to for a profit). We don't always get what we want -- that's the life, folks. Besides, those our personal priorities and circumstances and the game has its own life with other people, not only with us (it's like the time of alerts/Baro among the world and different time zone all over again). A bit cruel but that's, again, the life.

  • This thing shouldn't be put behind the ...-wall

Excuse me, but what is the purpose of events and its rewards then? Why bother then? Why making events then? Warframe and DE already made it clear, that our exclusive rewards are time exclusive rewards. Didn't get in time? Well, look for your opportunity in future. Things happen, but there's still a chance tho. There's even a chance you can buy it for plat which isn't hard to gain in WF at all, unless we're going to complain that WF is a P2W.

  • Victory Tier doesn't make any sense

No, it does. In terms of F2P (didn't forget what game WF is?) it does. You get a BP after TPD is over for participating in, you also get a Lab Research for making it in Top 10% when it's over which is also wasn't that hard for low- and mid-tier clans. BPs require time, they require a slot and a potato while a pre-built Ignis has it all, so shouldn't it be a more difficult task to get a pre-built one in a F2P game?




Is everyone forgetting this is a game? Like, we are all expending our own allotment of entertainment time to play this? This should not be simply tedious until you "deserve" a reward. That is how DE designed the game to get some quick cash from the market, but for an event weapon, it makes no sense. You cannot simply drop 300 plat on it from the market, so from a design perspective, there is no reason for them not to allow players to have the item. They have already repeated Shadow debt how many times because it rewards absolutely necessary mods for the viability of top-tier weapons. New players not having a chance at these besides blowing an entire PA worth of plat because they started after the event aired causes people to quit. This game is already needlessly grindy to stretch it's (lack of) content for people who have been playing for 4 years. Now, for what actually amounts to being locked in to a certain color scheme on a weapon, you think that there is anybody MR6+ that doesn't deserve it? Entitlement. 

This event blew. Bad. At least I played it, since it didn't require PvP. DE managed to take one of the most hated tropes in gaming-escort missions-and have the audacity to expect players to spend hours in a single mission. Not sure what led to the decision, but I want some for my own pleasures. The semi-redeemable part is they actually managed to get people to do it and pissed those very same people off enough that they don't want other players to miss out on the "reward" of a re-skin. The mission sucked. The scoring sucked. The margin of difference between original ignis and it's wraith sucks. The fact that they have no idea what numbers they should have players aim for before being rewarded sucks. The fact that this game has been tending towards extraordinary effort for minimal rewards sucks.

Events are supposed to rekindle dwindling interest in the game during development droughts. Supposedly why they can't just be kept in the game which would increase content and lore tremendously. This, and the last few events did not hit that bar, even with frantic clan leaders trying everything they can to get their inactive clan mates to play. They cannot design solely around the expectation that people will play the game simply to get a single gun re-skin for hours of tedium. They need substance to the game, before new releases arrive and blow this game out of the water. 

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