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Are Certain Deluxe Skins Canon?


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2 hours ago, Reconsile said:

I was having a discussion with a bud about the legitimacy of deluxe skins, and when searching up concrete answers, I couldn't seem to find much of anything. As most of us should know already, deluxe skins Nemesis Nyx and Proto Excalibur are not canon. DE has made it clear Dark Sector is not canon to current Warframe and in turn, these are simply just a nod at their origins. But what about the other deluxe skins? Gersemi Valkyr? Soprana Banshee? Knave Loki? At what length is the line drawn differentiating which skins are canon to lore and what isn't? I can't seem to find it as well, but i could have sworn that from a stream or old forum the Devs confirmed that all deluxe skins should be considered non-canon, or if anything at least, an alternate reality. Do we have any confirmed word on such a thing?

When did they say that Nemesis Nyx and Proto Excalibur are not canon? 
because i remenber Steve saying that Dark Sector was canon (dont remenber on what devstream he say it)
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25 minutes ago, DRACO_VANWOLF said:

When did they say that Nemesis Nyx and Proto Excalibur are not canon? 
because i remenber Steve saying that Dark Sector was canon (dont remenber on what devstream he say it)

They have said many times over the years Dark Sector isn't related to Warframe at all and anything linking the two is just a nod to their previous game.

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1 hour ago, Mak_Gohae said:

all deluxe skins are canon. 

the problem is really the Warframe lore that's messy. 

They aren't. Proto Excalibur and Nemesis Nyx as i have stated in my opening statement, while being Deluxe, are not canon

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All information we have inside the gameworld has to be treated as fact.

It is irrellevant that there was a game from wich DE has borrowed material for Warframe. They have reinvented a tonne of stuff like Nemesis, Stalker, Glaive and so on.

What we know is that there were Tenno who worked as Temple-guards for the Orokin. They used the Palatine-model. Looking at the lore for weapons and syandanas we can form a much broader scope of life in the Orokin Empire.

Proto Excalibur was discovered and some think that it predates the Orokin Empire. That is vague enough to leave it a mystery. Maby the Technocyte existed on old Earth. We don´t have that information, not even where the TC came from originally.


There exist plenty of lore-conflicts, but there ARE lore-facts in this game, and if we question that WOG (word of god) then Warframes Lore falls like a house of cards.


Tennogen is fan-made though. 

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I always viewed skins and helms as simple cosmetic to the characters in game. That in game they amount to nothing more than a way for tenno of distinction to stand out. I personally think it makes sense that warframes would have different chassis as well as helm. We have armor that does nothing but add weight and syandanas are a safety hazard in most cases and threaten balance. But there is a possible explanation to that i guess; every syandana and armor piece connects to the warframe with a metal support. it wouldn't really shock me if they had supplemental programming to compensate for he added weight and possible hazards. Stuff like these and the ability to color them makes it so the tenno can retain some form of individuality rather than all being carbon copies of each other physically.

Far as lore goes, you can't really look too far into it due to it being an online multiplayer game. General game play everything is fine and consistent. But when you get to things like bosses and quests the game treats the player as the hero rather than one of many. The only exceptions to this is Captain Vor and his void key that keeps resurrecting him, the Phorid that manifests as a small leader for infestation breakouts, and corpus robots due to their data being able to be stored and re-uploaded to a new unit. in those instances them being a continued threat makes sense, but in cases of other organic bosses it becomes more video game than immersive world.

A gameplay aspect that never made sense to me lore wise was the consummation of blueprints. If they are what the name suggests then they are just data; instructions on the construction of a weapon or warframe. In real life you can duplicate blueprints with a few clicks of the mouse, in warframe the data disappears. why would the data just vanish after making something with it? I get that it's better for trading purposes and helps generate money and from that view it makes more then sense, but from a realistic and lore wise viewpoint it makes no sense at all. 

As a game it's fine, but looking at the game as a real world is going to put forward the problems it suffers as a result of being an online multiplayer game. These problems aren't too numerous and can be ignored for the most part though. 

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9 minutes ago, Sorenxoras said:

 A gameplay aspect that never made sense to me lore wise was the consummation of blueprints. If they are what the name suggests then they are just data; instructions on the construction of a weapon or warframe. In real life you can duplicate blueprints with a few clicks of the mouse, in warframe the data disappears. why would the data just vanish after making something with it? I get that it's better for trading purposes and helps generate money and from that view it makes more then sense, but from a realistic and lore wise viewpoint it makes no sense at all. 

As a game it's fine, but looking at the game as a real world is going to put forward the problems it suffers as a result of being an online multiplayer game. These problems aren't too numerous and can be ignored for the most part though. 

Well there are programs now days and have existed since at least the 90s that will self delete themselves if you open them more than X times and will automatically delete itself if copied.

So what is to say in the future they wouldn't protect their closely guarded blueprints in such a way?

Edited by SilvaDreams
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1 minute ago, SilvaDreams said:

Well there are programs now days and have existed since at least the 90s that will self delete themselves if you open them more than X times and will automatically delete itself if copied.

So what is to say in the future they wouldn't protect their closely guarded blueprints in such a way?

Huh, i hadn't thought of that. from that viewpoint it does make a lot of sense. If i were one of the Orokin i'd probably use such a methed to prevent my enemies from gaining too many of something.

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probably just my headcanon, but I feel that all skins are canon, to different degrees. (with the exception of Proto-Excalibur and Nemesis Nyx, due to their Dark Sector origins)

- Orchid Saryn, Knave Loki and Feyarch Oberon were made by Silvana, as a nature-themed twist on Saryn, Loki and Oberon respectively. after the Warframes themselves disappeared, she replaced them with Specters. either that or those Warframes have no Operator and are controlled by Silvana herself as the Silver Grove.

-  skins like Palatine Rhino, Soprana Banshee and Visage Nova were uniquely styled Warframes made either during the Orokin Empire, or more recently by Tenno artisans, via rediscovered Orokin Imprints.

4 hours ago, (Xbox One)DShinShoryuken said:

I am really looking forward to seeing what Rhino Pal skin has in store for us.

*walks in and sees Palatine Specter* " THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!!!!!"

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3 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

They have said many times over the years Dark Sector isn't related to Warframe at all and anything linking the two is just a nod to their previous game.

but they also said many times that Dark Sector was related to WF.

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I'm of the opinion that there are multiple copies of each warframe type running about, and that they are referred to as "him" and "her" as ships would be in the sense that they are vessels and not actual individuals. With that frame of mind it is indeed possible for deluxe skins to be possible. 

Maybe some tenno like really decked out ships. 

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Imo ALL lore is equal.

Is it ok for me to go, "That lore about using Ether-swords to excecute infected allies, that can't be taken seriously.  It's just a decorative little line."

Stalker is not a Tenno. Or ... he is because Lotus told us he went crazy from going to Lua. But he said he was a Guardian and never slept. But surely that is allso just decorative? Stalker was an enemy in Dark Sector. Does that make our Stalker an ester egg too?

And so on and and so on and s


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11 hours ago, arch111 said:

All information we have inside the gameworld has to be treated as fact. 

Except, we already know this is not true as one example with Devs stating that, in-game you do not actually kill the bosses at each planet, they just run away. If we considered all information given to be treated as fact, surely we must then consider all visual information to be treated as fact, no? Not trying to making an argument about who is in the right, and i am also not saying you are wrong, however in my opinion, it just makes bad practice to have to treat some aspects as the game as well... a game and then certain others as canon parts of the universe. It is weird that, what is simple game play and what is lore needs to be dissected out to be distinguishable. On the other hand, i could just be overthinking this whole ordeal. We could just be in part of the gameplay where DE is half way between converted what was old lore when game was alpha into what we know now as the 4th year. I have seen similar retcon of weapons over their lifespan as new things have been added. For reasons i do not know why, and the wiki certainly doesn't mention this anymore, Braton used to be a corpus constructed, and shipped weapon. Rubico and Lacera were weapons made of sentient bones. And there is some other small things i have probably forgotten that DE is gradually changing, most likely for a new updated.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

-  skins like Palatine Rhino, Soprana Banshee and Visage Nova were uniquely styled Warframes made either during the Orokin Empire, or more recently by Tenno artisans, via rediscovered Orokin Imprints.

Nova Asuri*. Visage is a Tennogen

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On 14/03/2017 at 11:48 AM, SilvaDreams said:

People keep saying that but I can never find a single instance of it nor any sources are given.

u need to see the older devstream i dnt remenber in wat devstream he say that. mayby its the same devstream that he says " warframe is a PVE game and we will not have PVP" try one of the first 20\30 devstreams

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On 3/14/2017 at 0:22 AM, (PS4)auwsomestgamer said:

If the prime skins look better then ppl wont buy the deluxe. Deluxe are designed with the intent of looking better than the prime.

But thats mainly opinionated. If I want my Valkyr to have gold bits, then I'll keep her prime skin. If I want her to look different, I'll switch to Gersemi or buy the graxx skin that console will be getting shortly. Deluxe skin's intent is to make the frame look completely different from it's base model. If it's intent were to make prime skins look worse, what would be the point of making prime skins?

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The way I always thought of it is that tennogen and deluxe skins are simply overlay designs for warframe armor that are put together by other Tenno in universe. Tenno have to do something when they are not battling right? It is said we trained in the various focus schools, I'll bet some of us had time for designing frame skins as well. 

After all, Tenno love fashion. 

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If they are used in game as part of a story they are pretty much canon. The others exist in a state of maybe but likely.

However there is no official explanation ingame yet on why the Deluxe skins versions of Warframes exist (except for Gersemi).

Though if you think about it, neither is there an official explanation yet on what Prime Warframes are meant to be. The only info on them is that they date back to the Orokin age and were made to have a higher performance in some way. But their relation to the regular versions are unexplained. Same for deluxe skin versions.

Seeing how Warframe parts are seperated into Chassis, System and Head (Neuroptics), you might think of Deluxe skins as simply a whole different chassis put on an existing system, while primes have an improved systems with a few slight modification to the chassis.

Still it leaves the question who made these custom chassis and on who's order?

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Had an epiphany the other night- 

What if the Deluxe Skins are the canon ones that will be fleshed out while the Tennogen are the ones made by Tenno/Freed Warframes that did NOT follow the Lotus after the Orokin fall?

We know that the Grinny queens have been using Tenno to stay alive over the years. We also know that Alad V and Vor have been rounding up Tenno and Frames for some time as well. With this knowledge and the info from Stalker & the Acolytes, it is fair game to consider that the Tennogen are out in the universe doing their own thing. Some followed the Queens and help the Grinny. Others do their own thing seperate from the Lotus mind hive. Meanwhile others may have come through the ages on their own after being alone for such a long time. This could explain 

This is the reason we NEED a timeline. Without knowing how much time has passed, we have no idea how long it was from the beginning if the Orokin Era to when we woke up. Is it a few weeks or a few centuries or thousands of years? If we can get info as to how long we were in sleep mode from when Lotus stole the moon til we wake, that time could be used to explain all the Tennogen.


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