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I Feel Scared About The Changes Give Me Your Thoughts and Opinions


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After The Whole Nerf/Buff Wave Many Threads have been Coming Up saying Nerf This Too and Nerf That To I loved The Tonkor But Fair Enough But People saying that if DE Wants to balance the game they cant just Do it with Few weapons its Either Do or Die LoL (I Want no more nerfs) Please Leave your genuine thoughts and opioins about these changes and not cause you Hate/Love Said Weapon.Thanks And also regarding the Future Of Tigris Prime Naramon Zenurik Etc

Edited by FormulaXP
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Why Are You Putting An Uppercase Letter At The Beginning Of Every Word?

All jokes aside, the nerf isn't that bad.

DE basically said "People can't stop using Simulor, Tonkor, and Telos Boltace? Hold my beer" and nerfed weapons. I like that.

There is no reason to complain. It was bound to happen, and I'm glad it did. People don't get to cheese the game with Tonkor anymore.

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Ideally this is just the 1st phase with a Weapon Pass. And eventually abilities, enemies and other systems will get their turn getting re-tuned too.

I'm not worried about possible changes of the weapons I use most.

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Stand United detected +25.5% armor for thread.

Good choice.


In all seriousness my opinions on the matter are that the forums have always been like this as far as I can tell and while I would like DE to take a complete look at all the weapons, MR, damage system, stats, mechanics like charge attacks, enemy stat scaling as whole and make major changes I realise that they're a small team and would risk losing a lot of money on focussing on that.

Edited by Madway7
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It's the nature of this type of game. It is constantly evolving and change is inevitable: be it a change to weapons' stats or warframe abilities or augments. C'est la vie.



"I will not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

I will face my fear.

I will let it pass through me.

When the fear has gone,

there shall be nothing.

Only I will remain."



Edited by (PS4)abbacephas
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Just now, (Xbox One)Ginger Bruhv said:

Why Are You Putting An Uppercase Letter At The Beginning Of Every Word?

All jokes aside, the nerf isn't that bad.

DE basically said "People can't stop using Simulor, Tonkor, and Telos Boltace? Hold my beer" and nerfed weapons. I like that.

There is no reason to complain. It was bound to happen, and I'm glad it did. People don't get to cheese the game with Tonkor anymore.

Ik its not grammatically correct to do that but xD makes the paragraph look cool xD

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The weapons that were nerfed were the ones that devolved the game into one person holding left mouse (or holding their slide attack macro key) and three other people not getting any opportunity to play the game.


If you absolutely, 100% could not play Warframe without the Tonkor, Synoid/Simulor or Telos Boltace, you have a lot of skill development to do.


The Tigris Prime, for instance, is still going to do stupid-high damage to a single target and strip off all of its armor in one or two shots. But it won't be wiping out entire rooms with one or two shots such that nobody else gets a chance to play. The Atterax is still going to be a blender of epic proportions, but it's not going to be completely brainless shockwave spam like the Telos Boltace was.

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Honestly, I welcome it. I don't play a ton of public games, but I've had the experience of running into people using the Telos Boltace, Mirage+Simulor, etc. the past few days and I have to say it doesn't feel good. I ended up doing a lot of standing around because everything I tried to aim at died to a radial blast before I could draw a bead. I don't begrudge people that (it's probably good fun for them after all), but it is a bit counter-intuitive to a co-op experience.

Besides that...it seems like they're shifting the Simulor's damage from orb stacking to the alt fire explosion, which could be fun. And I'm definitely looking forward to busting out my Attica and Glaxion again. All in all I think it's pretty good.

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remove the "megathread" Tag. that is reserved for DE staff and Forum mods. 


Personally, I am ok with the nerfs. those 3 weapons kinda needed it. they disrupted the flow of gameplay and created a system that allowed players to use them a crutch.


Also remember they buffed some weapons too. and those look really nice

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Just now, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

remove the "megathread" Tag. that is reserved for DE staff and Forum mods. 


Personally, I am ok with the nerfs. those 3 weapons kinda needed it. they disrupted the flow of gameplay and created a system that allowed players to use them a crutch.


Also remember they buffed some weapons too. and those look really nice

ok removed the tag thanks for the info

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Just now, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Tonkor was untouched for years and they decided to nerf it now lol did they just try playing with it for the first time a few days ago? XD

My 7 forma tonkor is crying in the corner of my arsenal now QQ

i feel you :( my 9 forma tonkor rip but hopefully ice choma will not take as much self damage from it we can only pray 

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Tonkor is still a valid crit launcher with good damage.

Simulors will become great AoE proc guns with a reason to finally teach A******s to bloody detonate it (if they want damage).

Boltace is questionable but honestly, any weapon which makes 3/4 people in the squad unable to engage with the enemy had it coming.


I've forma'd all of the above and I'm more than happy to see the changes since they didn't make the weapons useless but instead made them not make me quit lobbies...

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I only hope that after curing the symptoms they'll grab hold on the disease itself (which is scaling and numbers), and then make new better AI.

I'm looking forward towards tonkor changes, but I'm a bit concerned about it's explosion range increase (getting ready for lots of self-kills), and I also like how ogris changes look on paper. All in all, I kind of like the expected changes, but will we be able still to cope with the challenges presented to us?

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I've noticed while luring a while back that when you talk about nerfing something, there's the perception that you hate it. Look, I think immortality is the biggest issue the game has - it's not scaling, it's not weapon damage, none of that. It's the fact that with good builds, good squads, in order for enemies to hurt you *at all*, they have to oneshot you.

I love Trinity, she's one of my favorite frames, but a frame that can heal instantly, reduce the damage everyone in the squad takes by 90% and keep their energy up all the time, giving friendly players overshields - all those at once - is broken. How can DE make anything challenging, when they have to take *that* into consideration? They need to do something.

Rebalancing the weapons will add some variety to the game, it'll force minmaxers ot try out new things, and those who have settled in a niche will be forced out of it, but it won't fix the issues of the game. 

I think the *main* issue is that with trinity and all the other energy options, energy is trivial in a squad. Trin's blessing isn't the problem, the fact that she can cast it endlessly is. Every skill might as well cost 0 energy with her around.

Here's what I think should happen - Trin's health pinata gets changed to energy pinata. Works the same, players have to shoot it to regain energy instead of life. Overshielding remains She gets a new second ability, that will give everyone in the squad armor equal to something like:
50(flat number)+% from power strength(100 extra armor from max power strength) +25% of the frame's basic armor.
So Valkyr would get 50+100+175=325, while a Volt would get 254 armor buff.
Trinity's 3 and 4 remain unchanged. This will *force* everyone to take their energy and survivability seriously, while giving everyone a level of scaleability of their armor, depending on squad formation. Designing content around players having to care about their energy, removing the ability to cast blessing all the time... this is what is desperately needed. And I love trinity, I think she's great. But she breaks the game.

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thing is. people need to realize the difference between cheese and a weapon that is just realy strong. cheese means being able to kill thousands of enemies without breaking a sweat. tigris prime just happens to oneshot one enemy at the time, same with soma prime. you still have to be carefull with your shots.

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I'm excited. I think this is just the start of a long list of buffs and nerfs that are long overdue. As apprehensive I am about DE nerfing a few weapons I use (especially the hidden OP's), I'm hopeful that they'll also address enemies accordingly.

I'm also glad that I never invested much into the weapons that are going to be nerfed. I saw their inevitable nerfs coming from a mile away and decided not to get too attached.


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Just now, QuietBiro said:

I've noticed while luring a while back that when you talk about nerfing something, there's the perception that you hate it. Look, I think immortality is the biggest issue the game has - it's not scaling, it's not weapon damage, none of that. It's the fact that with good builds, good squads, in order for enemies to hurt you *at all*, they have to oneshot you.

I love Trinity, she's one of my favorite frames, but a frame that can heal instantly, reduce the damage everyone in the squad takes by 90% and keep their energy up all the time, giving friendly players overshields - all those at once - is broken. How can DE make anything challenging, when they have to take *that* into consideration? They need to do something.

Rebalancing the weapons will add some variety to the game, it'll force minmaxers ot try out new things, and those who have settled in a niche will be forced out of it, but it won't fix the issues of the game. 

I think the *main* issue is that with trinity and all the other energy options, energy is trivial in a squad. Trin's blessing isn't the problem, the fact that she can cast it endlessly is. Every skill might as well cost 0 energy with her around.

Here's what I think should happen - Trin's health pinata gets changed to energy pinata. Works the same, players have to shoot it to regain energy instead of life. Overshielding remains She gets a new second ability, that will give everyone in the squad armor equal to something like:
50(flat number)+% from power strength(100 extra armor from max power strength) +25% of the frame's basic armor.
So Valkyr would get 50+100+175=325, while a Volt would get 254 armor buff.
Trinity's 3 and 4 remain unchanged. This will *force* everyone to take their energy and survivability seriously, while giving everyone a level of scaleability of their armor, depending on squad formation. Designing content around players having to care about their energy, removing the ability to cast blessing all the time... this is what is desperately needed. And I love trinity, I think she's great. But she breaks the game.

How about all enimies have stalkers stats and AI :p JK but i like this type of idea but you have to remeber were part of the 26 million lo...user squad so making the game more complex will hurt it

Edited by FormulaXP
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My tonkor has 7 formas, a catalyst, 18k+ kills and my simulor has 6 formas a catalyst and god knows how many kills. I am 100% glad these changes are being made and I would not back off from nerfing these weapons. I will still use these weapons after the nerf happens too. Players become to dependent on meta when in reality you can take just about anything to sorties or raids or whatever mission. Some of you are sick and tired of nerfs and I am sick and tired of hearing that every new weapon is mastery fodder because it doesn't compare to the stupid tonkor.

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