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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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My feedback so far - i ve played many missions with limbo and i like him now more. I know u want to have a look at his Cataclysm damage for insta nuke. I was surprised as i saw a def with new limbo. Well limbo wins if its a def and all players stay in place. If its a survial mission situation is different and other players score way more with weapons or just by using ember or saryn for example (even if they stay close cz limbo has not mutch enemys in range to deal full damage). I like the way dealing % damage of hp / shield for xx enemys. Thats a good way for endgame Warframe.

Cataclysm change could be: Enemys in rift will load up with void energy in some sec maybe 3 - 4 sec to load up full energy then Cataclysm can collapse and deal full damage other players has chance to deal also damage and so all win

down side for that is if limbo fights enemys with nullifiers in near enemys cant loadup void energy cz Cataclysm will end to fast and limbo will not deal mutch damage 

this could be a way to change limbos Cataclysm for me.

Keep his other abilitys as they are. They work fine. Except i dont understand why other limbos or my Cataclysm can pull me out of rift.

Dont trash limbo he needs some love.

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1 hour ago, PsiWarp said:

Would be nice, all those red dots with no way to distinguish them at a glance...

Also, the new banish effect very easily blends into the background, maybe being able to affect it with Limbo's energy color can help?


I'd also like it if his energy color affected that banished FX.

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9 hours ago, SasoDuck said:

He already has massive energy regen anyway, he doesn't need MORE.
Before he had energy regen AND faster reloading AND faster movement speed. Now he just energy regen. Which is pretty crap.

ya and you do realize he needs that more now that before right? before you rifted your self and you STAYED in the rift. you just pressed one to kill something. mabey press 3 or 4 everyonce in a while. with him going in and out of the rift and turning his 3 on and off all the time. you are using more energy and not having the constant regen all the time. my limbo almost never stayed at half energy if you actually play him. having the boost to his energy is pretty nice.

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... how was his previous passive one of the best in the game? It was damn near worthless unless you used weapons with 3 second reloads...

His new passive is epic in every form.  Infinite Rift walking and instant rift transitioning.  Plus you get 10 energy regen per enemy kill inside of the Rift.  Now it is one of the best passives in the game.

He might be "Chroma-titus" with a passive that makes his kit work but at least he doesn't have "Oberon-titus" anymore with a passive that is worthless in 90% of situations.

Your title should read "I just realized that Limbo just GAINED an actually useful passive"

Edited by Insizer
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Worst would be nerfing damage and making it have cooldown for dealing damage. 

Limbo should remain a nuke and shine well!

Also his first ability needs to work on both planes.

And finally i would return his 3 buffing the damag in rift(most possibly combining old 3 and new 3 effects to let augment for 3 shine as well).

Limbo needs a buff to have both new and old playstyles combined, he deserves to be good after looooong time of being one of least popular frames. 

P.S. I'm not a Limbo main... In fact i don't have main farme at all, i play every frame ;p

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let's think it's simple!

Limbo "Nerf":

Rift Walk: forget it; Limb-less will cost 25 energy to enter rift plane and eat 1 energy/ second to move and jump (not stand, so player can still take selfie  :crylaugh:).

Stasis: 5 second duration.

_ Cataclysm: can't do Clap mighty dance anymore, Lim-bless now deal very little damge



"Limbo creates a dimensional nexus bridging the Material and Rift planes, forming a sphere of swirling void energy with an initial radius of 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 meters centered around the HUD's target reticle. The sphere continuously shrinks over a duration of 3 / 5 / 10  / 15 seconds to a final radius of 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 meters before collapsing on itself."
Cooldown: 5 seconds, remember Telos Boltace?

The sphere’s final collapse deals damage to enemies both in and out of the sphere, and scales based on the health and shields of ALL enemies in the Rift.




Edited by nguyenquan1
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Now, I like post rework Limbo. It's hilarious clapping your hands and wiping rooms, and as much as I like it I am beginning to see how annoying it can be in public matches and how it might be seen as easily exploitable.

I don't think scaling makes it OP. We have always asked for abilities to scale with enemies, and it's a step in the right direction to let abilities remain effective. Ultimates should always feel powerful to use and see in action. The mass destruction fits right in with the concept of the ability, bringing in a literal cataclysmic event by fusing dimensions.

What does make the ability broken is how easily it can be spammed.

Going back to Nidus, he has a huge amount of power but has to build it up, which makes it fair. You can't destroy mobs at max power from the first second in the mission. Another good example is Equinox's Maim, which can reach ridiculous damage. But it's something that has to be earned.

Power that scales is what we need, but it must always be earned.

Therefore, I think letting Limbo build up his ultimate instead of having it be a one button spam is the best way to proceed.

So how can this be done?

One way is to go the Maim route, and let it store damage done in the rift that is applied on the next rift closure.

Another way I have heard tossed around is to have the rift be forced to 'absorb' the enemy's health to use as damage.

What this means, is that the rift takes some time to charge itself with the enemy's health, say like each enemy takes 5 seconds, moddable, to charge the rift. The more enemies you want in, the more damage you want, the more time you have to wait. So a decision must be made and options weighed on how long you can afford to wait and how must damage you want out of it.

This way, you have to let them soak in the rift for a duration, making you trade time for more damage. The charge time being reduced by duration would be interesting, which would further reduce spam by discouraging you to use fleeting expertise.

I ask you, what would you do in this case. Do you want to keep his scaling and balance the gain in power, or do you want it removed completely? Regardless, I think Limbo will still be great thanks to the rest of his kit. 

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17 hours ago, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

It would be more cost efficient to move forward instead of going back. Maybe in the future there would be a second round of reworks.

I can just quit playing and uninstall. I just quit an Invasion mission because of a Limbo spamming Cataclysm. I'm sick of having to quit missions to escape Limbo trolls. I do not buy the "it's too expensive to fix" excuse. I know that if DE does not fix this, I will leave the game. It's too annoying, otherwise.


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Since most of Limbo's abilities point towards CC and "divide and conquer", having a nuke AoE makes little sense. I hope they just nerf the dmg output of cata to the ground. If anything, let it deal a 100% blast proc on enemies and leave it at that.

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3 hours ago, AzoreanEve said:


Since most of Limbo's abilities point towards CC and "divide and conquer"


Actually you wish only divide abilities work and having no damage abilities at all?

I don't think it is good decision to strip all damage from a frame, even from support one. 

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Just now, Death_Master_ said:

Actually you wish only divide abilities work and having no damage abilities at all?

I don't think it is good decision to strip all damage from a frame, even from support one. 

Look at Loki. None of his abilities do damage directly (the dmg from his ult is laughable at best). 

I mean sure, by all means, give cata the old damage it had. It's not like it will be doing anything other than tell you if an enemy crossed its edge. Personally as long as they keep the ability as what it is and only change the dmg numbers I'm not worried.

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10% aoe is currently one of the only reasons anyone plays limbo.

Stasis may have some uses - but you do get quite a bit of qq because they cant use their OP weapons to shoot and kill.

The aoe banish is useless and having to be on the same plane to even banish makes it even more useless.

The third skill, is the worst. never use it. Just leaves random banished enemies everywhere that party cant kill.

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4 hours ago, DEATHLOK said:

I can just quit playing and uninstall. I just quit an Invasion mission because of a Limbo spamming Cataclysm. I'm sick of having to quit missions to escape Limbo trolls. I do not buy the "it's too expensive to fix" excuse. I know that if DE does not fix this, I will leave the game. It's too annoying, otherwise.


They said they were going to adjust it in the last stream. Chill. Seriously. No one cares if you leave...youll just come back anyway.

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Okay. That's a few weeks now.

I kinda liked Limbo and its niche before the rework. Was perfect for rescue and sortie defense, and it was a good choice if you wanted to play at your own pace without rushing. Sure, he was not the best. But he had some utility.

The Limbo we have to deal with today is an abomination. HOW could you not foresee this ?

- Cataclysm spam map clearing

- Stasis preventing you to shoot at anything inside (hopefully I love dual weapons with insane fire rate so I don't have any problems screwing all Limbos Stasis without any remorse)

- Some enemies are wandering around banished, impossible to be killed, I guess that's the marvelous 3.

Limbo could be a troll on a very low amount of enemies before his rework. Now, Limbo can be a troll on the full tile by just randomly using all his skillset.

Lots of Limbos trolls are not even trolling on purpose. They don't know the frame and are discovering it right now. That may have been fun the first 5 minutes, now it's time for you to stop "thinking about fixing it", it's time for an EMERGENCY HOTFIX that will maybe disable Limbo until you figure out how to fix it. Limbo is now a major annoyance. More annoying than Mirage Synoid. More annoying than low Strength Resonating Quake Banshee that will stunlock everything 20km around. More annoying than any Bursa or nullifier spam in previous Eximus 15-minute Sorties.

Literally nobody enjoys playing as or with Limbo right now.

Step 1 : Remove the damage from Cataclysm extinguishing, or make it to deal damage only when the Cataclysm fades by itself, with damage based on duration (to avoid negative duration builds)

Step 2 : Remove this Stasis or make it affect only enemies. I think that may be too broken so just remove it, we'll be fine without anyway.

Step 3 : Remove the 3, it's a complete nonsense and does more pain than it can be useful (how could it even be useful ?)

Edited by Chewarette
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Just played corpus def. U guys talk about Cataclysm damage but u dont play longer then 20 wave of def in corpus. I just did 40 wave of fissure corpus def. I was marking 60 wave. We had to exit at 40 wave cz nullifier are way to strong they just kill Cataclysm before limbo can activate rift torrent. Damage or not we nearly lost cz real gaming with nullifier is way harder then just press 4. 

Other problem is if u fight infested and there are ancient disruptor limbo will nearly deal 0 dmg. Even if there are many enemys. You guys talk about no problem missions like low level def till wave 20 or low level  extermination mission without nullifier. 

Limbo was designed to be a endgame frame with % per hp or shield dmage so he will be a usefull frame. This is a good way for new warframe. Some people play long others not and damage is scaling with enemy level thsta realy good. Dont tell me u can play endless. Sooner or later enemys just scratch u and team is down. Therefore  is that % per hp or shield damage a realy good thing.

Cataclysm just needs a tweak like: enemys needs to loadup voidenergy then they will get full damage. This loadup could also be done with rifttorrent.

Cataclysm needs a tweak with the nullifiers. As it is for now nullifiers just enter Cataclysm and the area will collapse. For me this is to op power for nullifier. Better way would be nullifier will not collapse Cataclysm. Nullifier will only bring other world within there bubble with them. 

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50 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Okay. That's a few weeks now.

I kinda liked Limbo and its niche before the rework. Was perfect for rescue and sortie defense, and it was a good choice if you wanted to play at your own pace without rushing. Sure, he was not the best. But he had some utility.

The Limbo we have to deal with today is an abomination. HOW could you not foresee this ?

- Cataclysm spam map clearing

- Stasis preventing you to shoot at anything inside (hopefully I love dual weapons with insane fire rate so I don't have any problems screwing all Limbos Stasis without any remorse)

- Some enemies are wandering around banished, impossible to be killed, I guess that's the marvelous 3.

Limbo could be a troll on a very low amount of enemies before his rework. Now, Limbo can be a troll on the full tile by just randomly using all his skillset.

Lots of Limbos trolls are not even trolling on purpose. They don't know the frame and are discovering it right now. That may have been fun the first 5 minutes, now it's time for you to stop "thinking about fixing it", it's time for an EMERGENCY HOTFIX that will maybe disable Limbo until you figure out how to fix it. Limbo is now a major annoyance. More annoying than Mirage Synoid. More annoying than low Strength Resonating Quake Banshee that will stunlock everything 20km around. More annoying than any Bursa or nullifier spam in previous Eximus 15-minute Sorties.

Literally nobody enjoys playing as or with Limbo right now.

Step 1 : Remove the damage from Cataclysm extinguishing, or make it to deal damage only when the Cataclysm fades by itself, with damage based on duration (to avoid negative duration builds)

Step 2 : Remove this Stasis or make it affect only enemies. I think that may be too broken so just remove it, we'll be fine without anyway.

Step 3 : Remove the 3, it's a complete nonsense and does more pain than it can be useful (how could it even be useful ?)

"I'm annoyed, remove the frame completely and all his kit permanently, so I can play, otherwise I will leave the game, boo-hoo". That's not how you fix anything. your "changes" would not only remove all usefulness from limbo and leave him worse than he was before the rework. No. You just wait, act like a grown up instead of yelling death to limbo, and wait for a rework. If you still don't like how he works, too bad, it's a frame as valid as any other. Damage on cataclysm needs a change to avoid spammers, and stasis can be intrusive, but I would prefer "it nullifies friendly bullets and gives x2 damage on melee in the cataclysm" (a change that, wow, makes it useful for everyone!) before it not existing. It's the greatest CC on the game, for a frame that was anounced as "the god of CC". If I have to choose over eliminating stasis or making it be melee only and having a x2 multiplier on damage dealt, I know where my vote is.

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12 hours ago, Death_Master_ said:

Worst would be nerfing damage and making it have cooldown for dealing damage. 

Limbo should remain a nuke and shine well!

Also his first ability needs to work on both planes.

And finally i would return his 3 buffing the damag in rift(most possibly combining old 3 and new 3 effects to let augment for 3 shine as well).

Limbo needs a buff to have both new and old playstyles combined, he deserves to be good after looooong time of being one of least popular frames. 

P.S. I'm not a Limbo main... In fact i don't have main farme at all, i play every frame ;p

his one DOES work in both planes. it pushes targets OUT of current plane...its to prevent perma-rift limbo..which is one of the reason old limbo got shafted so many times


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7 minutes ago, -CM-Limbo said:

"I'm annoyed, remove the frame completely and all his kit permanently, so I can play, otherwise I will leave the game, boo-hoo". That's not how you fix anything. your "changes" would not only remove all usefulness from limbo and leave him worse than he was before the rework. No. You just wait, act like a grown up instead of yelling death to limbo, and wait for a rework. If you still don't like how he works, too bad, it's a frame as valid as any other. Damage on cataclysm needs a change to avoid spammers, and stasis can be intrusive, but I would prefer "it nullifies friendly bullets and gives x2 damage on melee in the cataclysm" (a change that, wow, makes it useful for everyone!) before it not existing. It's the greatest CC on the game, for a frame that was anounced as "the god of CC". If I have to choose over eliminating stasis or making it be melee only and having a x2 multiplier on damage dealt, I know where my vote is.

Current stasis prevents everyone else in your team to play. That's a coop game, it has nothing to do here.

Plus, it completely stops everything for a very, very long duration on a very, very big radius. That's insane and completely broken. That's nonsense destroying Tonkor, Mirage/Simulor and TBoltace under the "balance" justification the same day they introduce this bullS#&$.

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