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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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35 minutes ago, DaTThunderbuddy said:

I dont understand why everybody who wanted limbo to get nerfed, is happy about the change. Now it will get even worse in teams, because all limbos will play permanent stasis, so now every mission will take twice as long aaand everybody has to melee, great change!

stasis doesnt bother me since i like when its used in sortie defense typ situations..

the cataclysm bomb got so annoying to me that i just aborted any mission that had a limbo in the line up in public groups..... i dont like doing that... but i couldnt help it i just couldnt stand to deal with it........ 

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I particularly like the idea of only freezing bullets and projectiles after 1~2 seconds in flight, similar to Dio's dagger throwing during Za Warudo. That way players can just go close range and deal damage with guns, or choose to go all out melee.

Enemies that enter the rift and simultaneously fired off a shot or two get a very very tiny chance to hit players, which would be fair considering they aren't moving anytime soon after that.

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17 minutes ago, xPhantomStranga said:

As a mag lover, deal with it. They give us insane power, then take it away. Happens.

The thing is that this is absolutely NOT okay. I would expect from devs that have been working on the same game for years to finally be able to make balanced stuff. But nope, DE keeps on showing they don't know much about proper balance and design and instead just come up with stuff that they think would be awesome to implement without thinking about the consequences of the gameplay. It's as if they don't test for balance at all, they just see what is doing too much damage (nearly never too little damage because apparently killing stuff too easily is the only worry to them) and throw a random number nerf into the ability and be done with it which more often than not results in an overnerf .

I'm pretty damn certain that for example with stasis they came up with the idea due to captura. Captura is great on it's own, but it gave them the ability to use the mechanics involved in it to be used by other stuff. As such it was easy to implement stasis for them once Captura was completed. But the ability is horrible for co-op play, which they obviously haven't tested and it's crap like this constantly over and over with DE. I'm honestly getting sick of it and might just quit Warframe all together due to stupid stuff like this.

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32 minutes ago, CTanGod said:

Do keep in mind that Stasis trivializes certain Riven mod challenges and helps a lot in fighting bosses with phases aswell. I don't think Limbo needs to be nerfed back into his old self just because people can't be bothered to use melee despite melee being broken op right now.

The OP never said to nerf limbo to the ground. He asked that enemies in stasis can be killed by friendly fire. 

I don't use stasis when I'm playing Limbo in pub cause I know people will get severely annoyed by it. Sadly Limbo is a solo frame...

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8 minutes ago, Kierlak said:

Hope everyone is looking forward to permanent stasis globes and 20 minute defense rounds. The rift is a gun free zone.

To me Limbo is a CC frame, I'm glad they removed the ridiculous nuke. It was clearly OP and anyone with a brain could see the nerf incoming.

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35 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

Enemies that enter the rift and simultaneously fired off a shot or two get a very very tiny chance to hit players, which would be fair considering they aren't moving anytime soon after that.

Mesa's peacemaker ignores stasis, enough said.

Also, I wouldn't like bombards to be able to have their extremely OP missiles getting into the rift freely for 1-2 seconds. Stasis is a very good skill for both the user and the rest of the cell as it provides excelent protection, increases the damage you make and allows everyone to cast skills with long animations without the fear of getting shot mid-animation.

People who get annoyed by it shouldn't, but I guess you can't just reason with people about what triggers them or not. If anything, just get a very fast gun to reach the 300 projectile cap faster to end stasis.

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Limbo was not cool then limbo became fun to use now limbo is worthless again. I am sorry i spent so much forma souping em up. The Cataclsym damage reduction is lame now and makes limbo a limp noodle was fun having a warframe that could nuke... To the people that liked the nerf they never liked Limbo cause Limbo griefed with rift walk and for the majority of people that are ok with it i would imagen hardly play with limbo. I know i wont be playing with limbo anymore. I would have better luck with a Fly swatter now than to play with limbo.  Cataclsym should stay the way it was as a nuke make the energy drain from the use more or something like that. R.I.p Limbo




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Personally, Ive been using Limbo's powers as such:

1 - To banish ALLIES into the rift to protect them when they dont come into the rift by the rift crack-thing.

2 - After using Cataclysm,  for sheer joy of setting up Attacks and/or just getting in free hits with melee attacks.

3 - Admittedly still trying to get my head around the new Rift Surge.

4 - to mass-banish as many enemies as possible into the rift so Stasis can do its thing on them. 


Yes warframe is a VERY diverse game with many ways to play the same character.

And YES I will not deny using Clap-Happy Limbo to power-forma a few times, but I beleive it was a rather cheap way to do it.

Anyhow, thats my $1 on the discussion.

Thanks for reading.

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Just now, Gunstray said:

When they get the rework just about right. And immediately drop an anvil to it.


Ah DE. you really are incompetent...

They didn't get the rework "just about right", I've seen the problem with the rework for quite a while already due to not liking the spam 4 build and thus running into the problems with the rework early on. Now that the damage is nerfed and people look at other possibilities of the abilities more people tend to see the problems and as such we get to see this.

Cataclysm had to be nerfed.. it just had to it was too strong, but nerfing the damage wasn't the right way according to me, instead they could have made it so you don't get energy back for collapsing and thus you wouldn't be able to spam it as such. Now the skill is worse than the pre-rework cataclysm in the damage area and we got a confirmation that the shrinking won't be removed.

Banish is still as horrible as it has been since the rework.

Stasis is still as horrible of an ability in a co-op setting with randoms in the squad.

Rift Surge is still as useless as it has been apart from the augment.

They missed a whole lot with the rework and what needed to be done, but they would only need some minor tweaking to make it work properly and right I think.. buuuut they already moved on to Oberon so good luck getting those tweaks between now and a few years.

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Can someone, anyone, please explain to me how a Warframe that can set a large area or defense point into a different plane of existence, build up their damage output in it, AND stop Time in this alternate plane is somehow the "MOsT UsELesS FrAMe EvAh"?


After his (obvious) Cataclysm anti-nuke Nerf all I've been seeing is "Well, time to shelf him again. Thanks, DE" and "Limbo: Worse than pre-rework!" comments left and right.


How? How is he worse? How is he a "Useless" Frame when he's literally untouchable 95% of the time, and the Master of the Rift plane, being able to literally stop Time and freeze enemies in what I can only call the best CC in Warframe in terms of "Um, your opponent is literally unable to move now......have at it".

I love to play Defense Support for my Team, and after the Limbo Rework, I more or less completely shelved Frost and started playing exclusively Limbo for the Sorties/Alerts/Fissures.

- Teammate low on health and about to get rekt? Send em to the Rift, and get them patched up.

- Teammate downed? Literally walk right up to them and pick them up while in the Rift as enemies fire uselessly in your direction.

- Defense objective taking damage? Set up Stasis and throw a Cataclysm on that sh*t.

- Excavator touching down to dig point? See above.

- Wardens closing in on the alarms/teammates on a Rescue? Set up Stasis, Pop a Cataclysm, Rift Surge all nearby enemies, and drop the Cataclysm. (Then apologize for accidentally kicking teammate off control panels)

- Rescue missions in general. Laugh, and do your Limbo thing.

- Spy Mission?..........Use Loki, or Ivara, but if you wanna walk right in there IN plain view like a boss, use Limbo and strut right past Lasers and Sensors (as the Guards/Cameras set off the alarms)


He's an AMAZING Frame. Sure, to be fair he should have a little sign hanging off him saying "Does Not Play Well With Others", and those bringing him to a Public session should acquire a certain respectful attitude towards their fellow players, and maybe communicate a little, but he's not by any means a "Useless" Frame.


But hey, I Love Limbo, so maybe I'm seeing all this through Rift Glasses. Is there something I'm missing about him that makes him "Useless" to what seems to be Everyone else on these Forums?


Edited by Tangent-Valley
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2 hours ago, DaTThunderbuddy said:

I dont understand why everybody who wanted limbo to get nerfed, is happy about the change. Now it will get even worse in teams, because all limbos will play permanent stasis, so now every mission will take twice as long aaand everybody has to melee, great change!

If the people who use limbo know how use it, it will make the mission very easy and this is the problem, the most of the people don't know how use it, i take a lot of time learning how use it better, and i can say than limbo is very usefull without do damage with abilities. limbo no needs damage in his abilities

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1 hour ago, CTanGod said:

Do keep in mind that Stasis trivializes certain Riven mod challenges and helps a lot in fighting bosses with phases aswell. I don't think Limbo needs to be nerfed back into his old self just because people can't be bothered to use melee despite melee being broken op right now.

And I am sure that Blessing and Energy Vampire don't make several missions or Trials more 'trivial' while Vauban's Bastille and Vortex have nothing to do with the infested pinata I have seen in my many adventures through derelicts and dark sectors. And Nyx's absorb really needed to gain back immunity to friendly fire since players couldn't cope with allies shooting into it and burning their energy off - perhaps if someone needs complete invulnerability to get through a mission, either they or the game's balance need work - for all that some like to say certain things are imbalanced, its possible that the priorities are not in order.

Unrelated, I like the handle; The Ctan in the Necron's background helped hold the 40k universe together before giving most of the other factions more depth before Matt Ward turned the Ctan into Pokemon and the Necrons into space mummies versus space terminators. Sometimes change doesn't always work out for the best on settings, the players, or the games - but at least Blood Ravens have got to Brofist Necrons before the Eye of Terror eats us all. :satisfied:

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59 minutes ago, GDSK-NXS said:

People who get annoyed by it shouldn't, but I guess you can't just reason with people about what triggers them or not. If anything, just get a very fast gun to reach the 300 projectile cap faster to end stasis.

Or don't have it, just stasis the 'victim' allow bullets to hit them, like meatsicles. Easy.

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1 minute ago, Urlan said:

Unrelated, I like the handle; The Ctan in the Necron's background helped hold the 40k universe together before giving most of the other factions more depth before Matt Ward turned the Ctan into Pokemon and the Necrons into space mummies versus space terminators. Sometimes change doesn't always work out for the best on settings, the players, or the games - but at least Blood Ravens have got to Brofist Necrons before the Eye of Terror eats us all. :satisfied:

We are weapons. There is the Emperor, and there is war. Nothing more.

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3 hours ago, Gaaaaak said:

Limbo was not cool then limbo became fun to use now limbo is worthless again. I am sorry i spent so much forma souping em up. The Cataclsym damage reduction is lame now and makes limbo a limp noodle was fun having a warframe that could nuke... To the people that liked the nerf they never liked Limbo cause Limbo griefed with rift walk and for the majority of people that are ok with it i would imagen hardly play with limbo. I know i wont be playing with limbo anymore. I would have better luck with a Fly swatter now than to play with limbo.  Cataclsym should stay the way it was as a nuke make the energy drain from the use more or something like that. R.I.p Limbo





Limbo never was a dps, is for cc and for reduce the energy drain, un bassic things, if you study how use limbo you can still beeng usefull, it's totally useles than limbo have damage in his abilities, so , this only is bad for the people who do not know how use it,

Edited by D20
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