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Vote to have a dedicated augment slot like now


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Just now, aligatorno said:

That's quite a stretch, a lot are just a stretch and some don't even benefit you at all, but your allies. 

how is that not powerful?.. nezha giving extra 2.5 k health to all allies and sentinal.. that isnt powerful?

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21 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

I'd just make the Exilus slot an Augment/Exilus slot. You have to pay / farm to unlock it, you have to choose Augment or Exilus, so there's a tradeoff...

I mean, I'm fine with the way things are. You have to make decisions about what you value in a build. But if they were to change anything, that's how I would suggest it was done. 

Agreed.  Having the full mod slots, plus the Exilus, plus a nAugment slot, plus the aura slot, that's pretty OP. 

If I had a dedicated Augment slot, I'd be able to always run Shield Transference or Fracturing Crush but with the added bonus of not having to sacrifice Duration, Strength, Range or Efficiency.  There would be no downside.

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1 hour ago, Keiiken said:

So would you support making all augments gimmicky and then having dedicate augment slots with no drain or buffing augments that are considered gimmicky and giving them reason to compete with other mods for slots in your build?


2 hours ago, Dante130666 said:

actually id like having 2 augment slots. Frame should have augment for all 4 abilities, so ability to equip half 2 out of 4 augments should be fair in my opinion ;p 


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29 minutes ago, Dante130666 said:

actually id like having 2 augment slots. Frame should have augment for all 4 abilities, so ability to equip half 2 out of 4 augments should be fair in my opinion ;p 


do you know that DE already gave to us 2 slots before?

on the start of warframe, we had 10 slots, but warframe abilities were mods, so, we used 4 slots to have all 4 abilities

after they recognize that some optimized builds was throwing away 2-3 ability mods for more power, so they removed 2 slots of those and make them built-in based on warframe's level

and as i said before, using your way to speech:

2 hours ago, Zeyez said:

if we have an augment slot, the actual good augments should be weakened, after all, the concept itself is "sacrificing something from what could be used to give more functions for this specific ability", like what mods are supposed to be

but some weak augments could use the exilus slot, like  Hysterical Assault (allow Valyr, on Hysteria, to pounce into enemies at 30m with alt-fire) and Escape Velocity (using Nova's Portal increase your movement speed by 50%) already can do right now.

2 hours ago, Zeyez said:

if the augment slot needs to exist because the effect needs to be part of the ability itself, why not just throw away this mod and give this to the ability already?

after all, mandatory mods aren't mods

they are just less space for customization, like what's happen with Serration, Hornet Strike, Hell Chamber... if you look at our mod system, some weapons already only have 2-3 mods for customization (critical focused ones), how we could make any changes if they are competing with elemental mods?



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2 hours ago, Dante130666 said:

actually id like having 2 augment slots. Frame should have augment for all 4 abilities, so ability to equip half 2 out of 4 augments should be fair in my opinion ;p 

Thats exactly what DE wants to avoid with the current system, they don't want you to be just throwing augments on for multiple abilities willy nilly making multiple abilities OP.

Just like with min-maxing it has to come at a cost or everybody will just put everything on, might be nice and easy from the player perspective but kinda kill the variety in builds as well as player choice.
Why would a player ever NOT throw Narrow-Minded on every frame if it had no downside? Why would you not stick every augment possible if you didn't have to sacrifice another mod?

I would rather they focus efforts on the lesser used augments to at the very least figure out why the aren't used, with a view to tweaking/buffing them.

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man your offending me ;p  ofc i know that. Problem was that abilities were forced, and people were using mostly 1-2 abilities instead of all 4.  My point is , we need to make options for different variations of abilities, without sacrficing existing builds.

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20 minutes ago, Keiiken said:

Thats exactly what DE wants to avoid with the current system, they don't want you to be just throwing augments on for multiple abilities willy nilly making multiple abilities OP.

Just like with min-maxing it has to come at a cost or everybody will just put everything on, might be nice and easy from the player perspective but kinda kill the variety in builds as well as player choice.
Why would a player ever NOT throw Narrow-Minded on every frame if it had no downside? Why would you not stick every augment possible if you didn't have to sacrifice another mod?

I would rather they focus efforts on the lesser used augments to at the very least figure out why the aren't used, with a view to tweaking/buffing them.


DE Cares about abilities being OP you say? *cough* -glances at Limbo-

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Just now, Keiiken said:

Watch the dev stream from yesterday, Limbo is getting "fixed".

DE knows exactly what they're doing. Redesigning a character in a game isn't some willy nilly task. They probably did that to stir some drama to keep Warframe relevant. Creating messes then slowly but gradually changing them around, at the same time putting out new Warframes with their own set of problems. This is the nature of Warframe.

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16 minutes ago, Dante130666 said:

man your offending me ;p  ofc i know that. Problem was that abilities were forced, and people were using mostly 1-2 abilities instead of all 4.  My point is , we need to make options for different variations of abilities, without sacrficing existing builds.

there's some differences between change the ability itself and create an slot for the augment

if you create the augment slot and this slot will be always filled with one specific, so exist an problem on the slot creation itself, because the mod system rely on choices, possibilities, fine turning, instead of commodity... before you keep asking the same thing, over and over again:

- All warframes has augments on all 4 abilities already? well, OctaviaNidus, Nezha, Inaros, Ivara... doesn't, plus the development of the game, until now, deny such possibility

- We started to have augment variants to the same ability in PvE or PvP? besides Atlas has it, they are restricted to their only game modes (Rumbled to PvP, Titanic Rumbler to PvE), so nope

- We have an slot that can be used for this case? maybe, Exilus slot [it could fit Hysterical Assault and Escape Velocity, maybe can be used with other augments, like the Elemental Enchant ones (Volt's Shock Trooper or Oberon's Smite Infusion) since they are focused on allies], but this slot isn't made for powerful augments like Peaceful Provocation for Equinox or Icy Avalanche for Frost

- We can play with these warframes without augments? yes


- Now @Dante130666, Why DE should create an augment slot, instead of using Exilus slot for some of them or change the ability itself?


as Councilor Vay Hek said to me many times:


 I knew this day would come. I prepared, changed myself. I made sacrifices! Tenno... are you ready for a SACRIFICE!?

i did make sacrifices to create many builds, like Banshee with Resonance, instead of Resonating Quake, Magnetic bombs or area denial with Mag by adjusting duration, speed them up (Overextended), slow them down (Transient Fortitude r8) or allow choose in-mission with Nova by using Energy Conversion, more survivability with Regenerative Molt  and positive power strenght on Saryn or focus on spread viral with low power strenght...

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3 hours ago, shyguyk said:

In which case, those are bad augments. If something feels as though it belongs on the base ability, it should get a new augment. Prime example: Regen molt

I don't see those augments becoming part of the base ability any time soon. 

It would help with customisation since some mods I consider almost mandatory like weapon modding


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52 minutes ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

I don't see augments as a trade off. 

Then that's the problem. A Warframe build is not somehow supposed to be a full build with all mandatory mods plus an Exilus mod plus an Aura plus Augments. 


The point of all build-creation in Warframe and other games which make modding or skill trees or Talents or item load out or whatever is to make choices and fine tune your capabilities for the challenge at hand. What you are asking for instead is for everything to just be available, which defeats the point.

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51 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Then that's the problem. A Warframe build is not somehow supposed to be a full build with all mandatory mods plus an Exilus mod plus an Aura plus Augments. 


The point of all build-creation in Warframe and other games which make modding or skill trees or Talents or item load out or whatever is to make choices and fine tune your capabilities for the challenge at hand. What you are asking for instead is for everything to just be available, which defeats the point.

Looks like majority of the people voted disagree with you . But sadly it seems de doesn't . Which is a shame,

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53 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

Looks like majority of the people voted disagree with you . But sadly it seems de doesn't . Which is a shame,

Players will always vote for power creep and then later complain that the game is unbalanced and that the modding system is shallow and full of mandatory mods rather than meaningful choices.

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Honestly, I think DE should go one of these 2 routes (rather than sort of mixing and matching like now, because it's just tedious that way)

1) Augments are powerful, but take up a regular slot.

This is almost how they work right now. The problem is, a whole bunch of augments are rather meager or sidegradey, and would need buffing (rather than becoming Exilus mods). Mods that currently fit in thie category, is imo (just a few examples):

Irradiating Disarm - Huge benefit with only very little downsides (it has its downsides, like, the inability to "funnel" enemies as well etc)
Iron Shrapnel - Amazing QoL which can make Rhino clutchplay way better on tough content, along with added nuking power
Firequake - So good it's basicly a must-have for higher level play with Ember
Chilling Globe - Very powerful defensive augment.

2) Augments are tiny upgrades or sidegrades, but then have a dedicated free-of-mod-capacity slot for each ability.

This path would mean that the augments could either give VERY tiny buffs, but they are safe with no downsides, or you get variously powerful upgrades but along with variously big downsides too.

I think this would be the more interesting route, because it wouldn't be brainless to mod for. And honestly, this is what a bunch of mods do already. Examples:

Despoil - (Sidegrade) Your Desecrate costs health instead of energy. While generally beneficial, it can also kill you if used wrong.
Funnel Clouds - (Sidegrade) Add more tornadoes, but lose the CC.
Assimilate - (Sidegrade) Slow mobility allowed, but range reduced.
Pool of Life - (Tiny buff) Kill the WoL target for orbs. Hard to do, but it DOES give a tiny benefit.
Swingline - (Tiny buff) Even cheaper riplining if used for mobility. Not superpowerful, but not NOTHING either!


Before going either route, DE needs to make sure that EVERY ability in the game is useful for more than just tiny niches.

Edited by Azamagon
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2 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Then that's the problem. A Warframe build is not somehow supposed to be a full build with all mandatory mods plus an Exilus mod plus an Aura plus Augments. 


The point of all build-creation in Warframe and other games which make modding or skill trees or Talents or item load out or whatever is to make choices and fine tune your capabilities for the challenge at hand. What you are asking for instead is for everything to just be available, which defeats the point.

What I am asking for is not limited customisation (which you probably don't see it as) but a bit more diversity we can bring. Though I suppose you could debate this the other way round. 

If there are 4 augments than having for example 1 or 2, there is still that element of "sacrifice" but there is still that level of choice. 

Edited by (PS4)CaptainIMalik
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22 hours ago, Zeyez said:

there's some differences between change the ability itself and create an slot for the augment

if you create the augment slot and this slot will be always filled with one specific, so exist an problem on the slot creation itself, because the mod system rely on choices, possibilities, fine turning, instead of commodity... before you keep asking the same thing, over and over again:

- All warframes has augments on all 4 abilities already? well, OctaviaNidus, Nezha, Inaros, Ivara... doesn't, plus the development of the game, until now, deny such possibility

- We started to have augment variants to the same ability in PvE or PvP? besides Atlas has it, they are restricted to their only game modes (Rumbled to PvP, Titanic Rumbler to PvE), so nope

- We have an slot that can be used for this case? maybe, Exilus slot [it could fit Hysterical Assault and Escape Velocity, maybe can be used with other augments, like the Elemental Enchant ones (Volt's Shock Trooper or Oberon's Smite Infusion) since they are focused on allies], but this slot isn't made for powerful augments like Peaceful Provocation for Equinox or Icy Avalanche for Frost

- We can play with these warframes without augments? yes


- Now @Dante130666, Why DE should create an augment slot, instead of using Exilus slot for some of them or change the ability itself?


as Councilor Vay Hek said to me many times:

i did make sacrifices to create many builds, like Banshee with Resonance, instead of Resonating Quake, Magnetic bombs or area denial with Mag by adjusting duration, speed them up (Overextended), slow them down (Transient Fortitude r8) or allow choose in-mission with Nova by using Energy Conversion, more survivability with Regenerative Molt  and positive power strenght on Saryn or focus on spread viral with low power strenght...

Exilus slots are for utility.   We need augment slots so we dont ruin our builds. And id like to have riven slots separate as well ;p


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