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Is valkyr good currently?



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I've been playing Valkyr for a long time, and she's gone through various phases, once being overpowered. She received a bit of a nerf to her Hysteria which made it difficult to mod for such a build where you would be able to stay in "angry kitten mode" for a whole mission. Efficiency is not something she really needs, as with low shields and high armor, you will be able to make good use of Rage. Right now, this is my build:


Of course, it's not the best around, but it's the one I use. The playstyle I have is that I start a fight with Warcry, which would boost my armor, and then start killing. If my health drops under 30%, I enter Hysteria, use Paralysis on the nearest unfortunate enemy and finisher him. Because of the health leeching properties of Hysteria, that one finisher will restore all your health. Afterwards, I exit Hysteria and save energy for more Paralysis stuns and another Warcry. Of course, this is Valkyr Prime, but I used the same build on Valkyr before I sold her and it was still very effective. Eternal War works great too, I advice you swap out Cunning Drift if you have it. (I don't) Another thing you could swap out Cunning Drift for it Narrow Minded if you have it.

Edit: The reason I even have Cunning Drift is because the best way I have found to use Hysteria is to keep spamming the slide attack. With less friction, it makes killing people easier. Try it. Seriously. It speaks for itself.

And to get back to your question: Yes, Valkyr is viable and worth playing.




Although...if you want to know what real invincibility looks like....

You're going to need a Hirudo with a crit and speed build

And this guy:


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She used to be able to go forever with Hysteria but these days it requires Arcane Energize to keep it going. Which is rather expensive for most players.

I guess if you had ideal circumstances and good mob density you could very uncomfortably keep it going in multiplayer games but I never play her in groups.

Far as, Is she good? With Perma Hysteria build yea. Without it, she's mediocre I guess. Even then her Hysteria build is held up by Drifting Contact working with Hysteria and that's been deemed a bug and will likely unwisely be fixed making all Exalted weapons inferior to normal weapons. But it's all a matter of perspective in the end. An endless war build is fine if you don't go past lvl 100 enemies. After that however you'll start to see the differences in survival between her and say a frame like Chroma, Nekros or Nidus.

Oh and you should really pick one build or the other. They never bothered to allow her combo multipliers to stay when she transitions between normal mode and Hysteria, meaning if you stay in one mode for more than 10 or so seconds you lose your combo multiplier for the other which tanks your damage output.

She really needs some touch up work.

Edited by Xzorn
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Perma Hysteria definitely isn't as viable as it once was, thanks to the increasing Energy drain.
Which (I think) is okay, really, now you can only use it sparingly, as was probably intended.

Builds focused on Warcry (Eternal War FTW) do more than fine, though,
allowing you to use your (sped up) Melee of choice while protected by stupid high Armor.

Or, you could go for something (IMO) a little more interesting and use a high-Range build
focused on (spamming) Prolonged Paralysis (and a Warcry now and then) for mass CC :D

TBH, I still think Valkyr could be better in terms of teamplay but she's fun / effective enough for what she does.

If you want to simply be immortal, there's always Wukong.
Though e.g. Inaros, Nidus, Trinity or Rhino (with Augment'd 1 & 2)
come close enough while also being able to support the Squad in multiple ways,
and of course there's Chroma who (is more selfish but) gets a huge damage buff from tanking the world.

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She can't run missions with a single hysteria cast. But if you want to be in there the longest, then max your duration and efficiency. Primed flow is a must as you want as much energy as possible. Put some power strength in there and your usual vitality / steel fiber / rage and you're good to go. 

This is the best build I could get for hysteria and I absolutely love it. 


Another build people use is for warcry. In that case, you'd need both power strength and duration as PS affects your melee speed and armor buff. And eternal war is a must, too. 

If you're looking to put arcanes on her helmet or a syandana, I found arcane avenger is the best choice with the increase in crit chance. Arcane fury is good too if you want more melee damage but I'd favorise avenger over fury. Oh and energize if you can afford it. 

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Yes. Valkyr is good.

she can no longer go a whole mission in hysteria (the longer you're in it, the more energy it will drain) but all you need to do to reset that is to exit and re-enter hysteria, so she's really good at going balls-to-the-wall in charging enemies. Plus hysteria heals a percentage of damage dealt, which gives her amazing survivability.

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57 minutes ago, Daniely3016 said:

I have heard some people say that valkyr is able to go a whole mission while invincible if modded right. if this is true i am wondering if maxing valkyr is actually worth it, and can anybody suggest a good build?

She is unable.

Even with 175% energy efficiency and arcane energize at least solo you will constantly run out of energy every ~5-10 minutes you can't just set it and forget it. On those levels/missions where you do need that invincibility trying to replenish energy with rage leads to death and on lower levels you can get by without hysteria. Or Valkyr.

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17 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

She can't run missions with a single hysteria cast. But if you want to be in there the longest, then max your duration and efficiency. Primed flow is a must as you want as much energy as possible. Put some power strength in there and your usual vitality / steel fiber / rage and you're good to go. 

This is the best build I could get for hysteria and I absolutely love it. 


Another build people use is for warcry. In that case, you'd need both power strength and duration as PS affects your melee speed and armor buff. And eternal war is a must, too. 

If you're looking to put arcanes on her helmet or a syandana, I found arcane avenger is the best choice with the increase in crit chance. Arcane fury is good too if you want more melee damage but I'd favorise avenger over fury. Oh and energize if you can afford it. 

This is a pretty darn good build. Too bad I don't have Narrow Minded :/

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1 hour ago, -Temp0- said:

She is unable.

Even with 175% energy efficiency and arcane energize at least solo you will constantly run out of energy every ~5-10 minutes you can't just set it and forget it. On those levels/missions where you do need that invincibility trying to replenish energy with rage leads to death and on lower levels you can get by without hysteria. Or Valkyr.


Might have been the map you were playing on or changing the spawns too much.

I did a 2h Solo MoT with her just two weeks ago using a single Energize set. I had to duck behind a corner and reset the drain twice during that 2 hours but I never actually ran out of energy.  More comfortable with two sets of course but outside trying to overcome Valkyr's deficiencies there's really no need to keep a 2nd set around.

Edited by Xzorn
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1 hour ago, Daniely3016 said:

I have heard some people say that valkyr is able to go a whole mission while invincible if modded right.

Yes, Valkyr is good. No, Valkyr can't really go through entire missions in Hysteria (barring massive late-game investments). But I mean, why would you want to? She has the highest Armor value in the game, can buff it even further, and her ult has innate Lifesteal. With all of this, there's no point in staying invulnerable all the time.

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Why tho. Go for a middle ground. Max damage and power management. You can stay in hysteria for the whole mission but you can't keep it up the whole mission. May as well use the reset phase for status gunning (Ignis wraith) and power management (rage) to fill a Primed Flow buffed pool.




i use something like this. Feel free to replace Armored Agility with steel fiber for higher levels. Using Narrow mindet is a option too, you'll gonna loose paralysis tho.


The duration and eternal war make Warcry useable as potent armor buff while outside hysteria and hysteria rather efficient, considering the negative efficiency. Just switch around when the situation asks for it.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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1 hour ago, Stoner74 said:

Thanks! You should probably get a narrow minded,  its really worth it. 

I guess my build that i shared was a budget one :P I haven't had any luck with the Derelict, nor do I have any plat.

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2 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

Yes, Valkyr is good. No, Valkyr can't really go through entire missions in Hysteria (barring massive late-game investments). But I mean, why would you want to? She has the highest Armor value in the game, can buff it even further, and her ult has innate Lifesteal. With all of this, there's no point in staying invulnerable all the time.

Because that armor means jack.... even in Mot.

The highest 'armor' value would have an ice chroma and not valkyr. There's lots of frames with that kind of mechanics, Valkyr previously was the one you would take to places where it's so hot that you can't really afford staying outside hysteria because you'll get shredded. If you don't get shredded well again. Why do you even need Valkyr in the first place.

Without hysteria you can enter at will and sustain without shooting yourself in the foot she's just a poor man's Chroma.

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27 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

Because that armor means jack.... even in Mot.

The highest 'armor' value would have an ice chroma and not valkyr. There's lots of frames with that kind of mechanics, Valkyr previously was the one you would take to places where it's so hot that you can't really afford staying outside hysteria because you'll get shredded. If you don't get shredded well again. Why do you even need Valkyr in the first place.

Without hysteria you can enter at will and sustain without shooting yourself in the foot she's just a poor man's Chroma.

Cause invulnerability, strong melee, free choice of weapon and direct damage plus naramon multipliers in hysteria while not locking you out of power management as you're not staying in hysteria permanently.

Her armor buff doesn't fall off eather and can in contrary to chroma be maintained indefinitly. The combination of her armor, warcry and hysteria provides you with one the most effective tanking and energy management strategys in the game while beein perfectly able to dbuff an entire field with the right choice of weapon.

I like chroma too but valkyr definitly isn't poor mans chroma but a awesome frame all by herself.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Cause invulnerability, strong melee, free choice of weapon and direct damage plus naramon multipliers in hysteria while not locking you out of power management as you're not staying in hysteria permanently.

Nothing from this list is really that strong anymore.

Current state is literally poor man's Chroma, after the nerf she lost her usefulnes almost entirely outside of boss fights and even that will slowly go away if more bosses will get reworked.


Her armor buff doesn't fall off eather in contrary to chroma and can be maintained indefinitly.

It doesn't fall off and it's easy to maintain as his 3 and 2 are one hand actions and even with blind rage I literally never ran out of energy even without energize for example. And never got downed jsut because his buffs ran out in the wrong time because he's way harder to kill and animation takes less time to finish.


I like chroma too but valkyr definitly isn't poor mans chroma but a awesome frame all by herself.

Was. As she always was nothing but her 4. Granted it was a solid ability just like nova's mp and single handedly was making her a good enough frame to stand out in the crowd of 'tanks' + beautiful visual effects and animation while in her 4. Playing around with the mobs in warcry is far less effective or entertaining.

Actually always liked Valkyr better but now she's just unplayable as even with a level 3 energize you can't maintain hysteria as long as you like and have to eat energy restores which is a bs way of playing for me personally outside of sweaty missions and just unlucky moments. Since hysteria's animation and her skins look awesome + the fact that 'stealth' messes up with bot's behavior at the very least a little playing her with naramon is also not worth it as you can replace her with many frames and not much will change.

Chroma isn't that great either actually in terms of convenience. Just objectively in a better spot right now.

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8 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

Nothing from this list is really that strong anymore.

Current state is literally poor man's Chroma, after the nerf she lost her usefulnes almost entirely outside of boss fights and even that will slowly go away if more bosses will get reworked.

It doesn't fall off and it's easy to maintain as his 3 and 2 are one hand actions and even with blind rage I literally never ran out of energy even without energize for example. And never got downed jsut because his buffs ran out in the wrong time because he's way harder to kill and animation takes less time to finish.

Was. As she always was nothing but her 4. Granted it was a solid ability just like nova's mp and single handedly was making her a good enough frame to stand out in the crowd of 'tanks' + beautiful visual effects and animation while in her 4. Playing around with the mobs in warcry is far less effective or entertaining.

Actually always liked Valkyr better but now she's just unplayable as even with a level 3 energize you can't maintain hysteria as long as you like and have to eat energy restores which is a bs way of playing for me personally outside of sweaty missions and just unlucky moments. Since hysteria's animation and her skins look awesome + the fact that 'stealth' messes up with bot's behavior at the very least a little playing her with naramon is also not worth it as you can replace her with many frames and not much will change.

Chroma isn't that great either actually in terms of convenience. Just objectively in a better spot right now.

Wasn't touched except for the power drain for all i know and a solid 1000 basedamage, plus crits, plus modding on a 8x multiplier and INSANE attack speed while you're free to set corrusion over the whole field whenever you wish to is pretty convinient to me.

Only thing that makes chroma be in a better spot is the fact that DE addet the hema that offers pretty great damage while you're able to stay alive on vex'es peak but that's pretty much where it ends. (switching to furis on recast is allmost a mandatory)

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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6 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

Because that armor means jack.... even in Mot.

The highest 'armor' value would have an ice chroma and not valkyr. There's lots of frames with that kind of mechanics, Valkyr previously was the one you would take to places where it's so hot that you can't really afford staying outside hysteria because you'll get shredded. If you don't get shredded well again. Why do you even need Valkyr in the first place.

Without hysteria you can enter at will and sustain without shooting yourself in the foot she's just a poor man's Chroma.

I'm just going on what I've experienced in my own personal play. Yes, Chroma is tankier, but Valkyr's just fine. (She's also faster and can buff her team's damage, and has some minor CC up on the Dragonframe.) I'll take her into Sorties and long endless missions and I find she rarely ever goes down, and deals acceptable damage. There a few things that help me keep her alive: Rage, one of Life Strike or Healing Return, the occasional Health Orb drop, healing from squadmates, you know.

You never really need any Warframe. It's about how you want to play your missions. You might not want to play Valkyr, you may not like her, but that doesn't mean she can't kick butt.

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On PC, My Valkyr is built around Hysteria. She gets hit just a couple of times to build up her energy, then pops hysteria and goes nuckin' futz. All I have to do then is keep picking up energy and I could go forever. I have her built with maximum efficiency and duration in mind. Rage helps. Sorry i don't have a screen shot, but everyone builds different. Some people build around warcry. She is very versatile. Plus, with a powerful, FAST weapon, hysteria can hit hard AND fast. And Hysteria scales very well. 


So I say Valkyr is one of the BEST warframes out there.


As an Edit: Hysteria makes Valkyr INVCINCIBLE. I don't think Chroma has that on her.

Edited by dragnhuntr666
add in missing piece.
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I am building valkyr prime now, but the other day, I took just regular valkyr out for a couple endgamish runs.  Other than hysteria and high armor, she is really good because she can take more advantage of endgame melee weapons. Take that prime fury of your fragor prime, slap on whatever mod you would be missing (organ shatter, true steel, or maybe an elemental) and use warcry.  You can even remove lifestrike because of hysteria lifesteal (I keep it on, just do u don't have to use hysteria, so I can keep my melee counter up).  Overall, her abilities can really combine so that you are getting more endgame out of you melee weapons.  

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9 hours ago, Desperado14 said:

I am building valkyr prime now, but the other day, I took just regular valkyr out for a couple endgamish runs.  Other than hysteria and high armor, she is really good because she can take more advantage of endgame melee weapons. Take that prime fury of your fragor prime, slap on whatever mod you would be missing (organ shatter, true steel, or maybe an elemental) and use warcry.  You can even remove lifestrike because of hysteria lifesteal (I keep it on, just do u don't have to use hysteria, so I can keep my melee counter up).  Overall, her abilities can really combine so that you are getting more endgame out of you melee weapons.  

Try jat kittag with vulkan blitz, range, maiming strike and blood rush. Gotta have cut downs on the build like no crit chance, maybe no speed at all but that's the best thing ever.

Requires you to build up combo as somewhat of an utility measure and to go crazy on valks strength but the result is crazy slide damage and scaling aoe on death.

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On 4/15/2017 at 10:31 AM, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Only thing that makes chroma be in a better spot is the fact that DE addet the hema that offers pretty great damage while you're able to stay alive on vex'es peak but that's pretty much where it ends. (switching to furis on recast is allmost a mandatory)

I never do anything to heal my Chroma and I've taken him to lvl 320 Solo. I can't say the same for Valkyr outside perma Hysteria.

The best part of course is, Chroma's buffs aren't limited to melee.

Valkyr isn't very good and maybe one day the community will actually put her to the test and fight things above lvl 100 without hiding behind Naramon. Then maybe she'll get the much needed buffs a strictly melee frame should have. Cuz right now Chroma just puts her to shame. His concept of a rage brawler even works better.

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