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How to fight Macro Spamming


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The reason why I bring this up is not for my sake, but for the sake of those who actually play the game and not press a single button, sliding into a wall for 10 hours straight. Telos Boltace may have been nerfed a while back, but mainly because macro spammers abused the system and DE didn't know how to stop them. Being on console, i can say for certain that this nerf would not help that much, because there are plenty other weapons to macro spam, like atterax, orthos p, kesheg, secura lecta, etc. Macros are not used often on consoles, but i have seen them. The problem is the use of macros.

The best way to fix this is to introduce an extremely short wait period between slide attacks. Realistically, unless you intentionally build for slide attacks, you slide maybe once or twice every combo, so introducing a .5 second period between slides would certainly not affect players in the slightest, and without a macro, .5 second per slide is a reasonable speed at which players slide attack anyways. Melee speed mods do not affect how fast you wait between slide attacks anyways; all it does is make the sliding animation faster, so this doesn't affect builds. All this would really do is prevent people from macroing or overloading the slide mechanics.

I am going to make this as clear as possible. You CAN still use macros, and you can spam slide melee all you want, but it will have to be at a reasonable speed. You won't be able to manipulate it to get such ridiculous speeds, that these people make a mission boring for his team. 2 slides per second is a reasonable speed. If you want to know yourself, grab a watch, and count 2 slides per tick.

Edit: Going into a mission recently, i believe 1 second may be a bit excessive, so I'm thinking .5 seconds would be much better. 

Anyways, those are my thoughts. Hope you like them. 

Edited by (PS4)Crixus044
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5 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

Are you seriously claiming that everyone who can press a sequence of buttons repeatedly is using macros?

exactly - pressing buttons more than once per 5 minutes doesn't mean you must be using a Macro.

Edited by taiiat
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As console player I find it extremely easy to slide attack using controller. On the other hand I'm not aware of macros on console. If your build features Maiming Strike then slide attack is the whole point, right? Not sure how it implies macro spamming (especially on consoles).

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Or just put an input-speed detection routine in, and if the commands are received faster than "living human" threshold, slow them down. Or drop a banhammer on the player for a day. Add "Using Macros is a violation of the TOS and may result in a temporary or permanent ban" to the EULA. 

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

mainly because macro spammers abused the system and DE didn't know how to stop them

Wait what...?

I don't need a macro to spam ctrl+E like a moron, and there is a limit to how fast that can be spammed.


They don't need to fight against macro users because they allowed macro to be used, as long as the macro doesn't play for you

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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

Or just put an input-speed detection routine in, and if the commands are received faster than "living human" threshold, slow them down. Or drop a banhammer on the player for a day. Add "Using Macros is a violation of the TOS and may result in a temporary or permanent ban" to the EULA. 

The problem is, DE are allowing to use macros in some cases and they probably won't make using them bannable so its not that simple.

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My point was to suggest that the simple solution is either macros are allowed, or they are not. I get that some macros aren't there for omnispinning your way to freedom, but the approach I'd take is either "macros are okay" or "macros are not okay," rather than try to say "well it's okay if you want to do a macro for Trinity, but it's not okay for the Telos" (or whatever the next macro poster child is). 

Personally, it matters not to me - I'm on console, and I have no idea if I even can use a macro. But I can understand questioning whether they're "legit," for lack of a better word.

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Telos Boltace may have been nerfed a while back, but mainly because macro spammers abused the system and DE didn't know how to stop them

It was nerfed because it was popular. That's literally the only point.

The macro/cheaters abuse is bs just like it is in many games currently for example Overwatch.

Because someone doing what it was, a slide attack? manually is no different than someone doing it with a macros beside less effort put into it.

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34 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

Or just put an input-speed detection routine in, and if the commands are received faster than "living human" threshold, slow them down. Or drop a banhammer on the player for a day. Add "Using Macros is a violation of the TOS and may result in a temporary or permanent ban" to the EULA. 

That's not really possible to do, especially when talking about slide attacks. Any command that consists of more than one button pushed in a series (like slide, quick melee) can be done by a human stupid fast. The long form macros in stuff like MMOs don't really work/exist in games like WF. In general, it just makes far more sense to change/add a redundant key binding for contextual use. 


I personally have a mouse with big fat side buttons, and a slide attack is just using one thumb to hit two of the buttons basically at the same time. 


Contrary to what many seem to think, there is already a limit to the number of spin attacks per second. It's limited by the animations, which appear to have a hard limit regardless of attack speed. I've never timed it, but it's probably between 1/4 to 1/3 of a second.




The bottom line is that you guys have a serious case of barking up the wrong tree. You should be asking for spin attacks to be nerfed, as you seem to think they are too powerful. There is no can or could be too strong, it either is too strong or its not. Macros have nothing to do with it, anyone can rebind their keys and make it stupid easy to perform the max spins per second if they want. 

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3 hours ago, Heckzu said:

Are you seriously claiming that everyone who can press a sequence of buttons repeatedly is using macros?

Absolutely not. I don't know where you got this notion, but let me correct it. Pressing slide attack repetitively is not the issue, the speed of it going to an inhuman rate is what i have an issue with 

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3 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

wellp from what i know macros run trough a programm right?

why not just add a "cheat detector" that would detect macros and these people who use em get couple days of ban and if they keep doing it. do a month

Because macros themselves are allowed as long as it's not an autopilot. But for slide attack melee, people have complained vehemently that macro users ruin the game due to such ridiculous damage and speeds. 

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

My point was to suggest that the simple solution is either macros are allowed, or they are not. I get that some macros aren't there for omnispinning your way to freedom, but the approach I'd take is either "macros are okay" or "macros are not okay," rather than try to say "well it's okay if you want to do a macro for Trinity, but it's not okay for the Telos" (or whatever the next macro poster child is). 

Personally, it matters not to me - I'm on console, and I have no idea if I even can use a macro. But I can understand questioning whether they're "legit," for lack of a better word.

Console players can use them, but it's a whole lot more complicated. A popular destiny YouTuber used it to solo a raid. 

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

Or just put an input-speed detection routine in, and if the commands are received faster than "living human" threshold, slow them down. Or drop a banhammer on the player for a day. Add "Using Macros is a violation of the TOS and may result in a temporary or permanent ban" to the EULA. 

 Isn't that basically what my idea is, have a speed limit? .5 seconds is pretty fast, but if it's not fast enough, it can be lowers, just have a limit. 

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4 hours ago, taiiat said:

exactly - pressing buttons more than once per 5 minutes doesn't mean you must be using a Macro.

 This is an extreme tangent of my post. Repetition is not the problem, repetitions at peak human speeds for an inhuman amount of time is the problem.

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3 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

The reason it was nerfed was because it was spammed and maps were cleared in seconds. Macros are not the problem as a human can spam a little slower but got the mission done faster.

But like i said, whips and polearms have extreme ranges and can be spammed just as easily, if not easier and more effectively. 


4 hours ago, (PS4)joshw1400 said:

Or it could be the fact that Maiming Strike + Shadow Step = OP

Nerfs to melee stealth lowered the effectiveness of this combo significantly, and even though it's still a powerful combo, as i said, for example atterax can just as easily get enormous ranges with even more damage with just as much slash procs. The nerf to telos Boltace is fine, but it didn't change anything to T. Boltace- like playing.

Edited by (PS4)Crixus044
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Why fight it though? Macros are the consequence, if to cheese Naramon you need to continously press E, then what's the problem of using a macros to do the job? I mean it's no rocket science and nobody doubts your ability to press a single button for 2 hours anyway.

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1. Slide attack exists.

2. Some weapons have a powerful slide attack.

But you want to ban macros?  Treat the symptom, but not the cause?  I don't get it.

Why does this always seem to be the mentality behind bringing out the nerf/banhammer?

But back to slide attacks.  Are they broken to the point of abuse?  In the case of a certain weapon or two, perhaps.  And adjustments have been made.  It makes no difference to me either way.  I neither rely on slide attack spam (or any spam for that matter), nor do I get bent out of shape because another player is getting spammy and "stealing" all my kills - as if such a thing exists in a game with shared experience points.  It isn't "ruining my fun" either - missions in Warframe are short, I just move on to the next one.  And macro or no, playing on a controller, I can spam slide attacks nearly as fast and with relative ease for an extended duration because of the convenient button layout.

As for introducing a cooldown?  Go ahead.  At half a second, it will do nothing to slow down the use of the slide attack - again, macros are not the "problem" here.  Any longer and you might as well remove slide attacks altogether - tracking cooldowns is a traditional MMO thing, not a Warframe thing.  But traditional MMOs...have macros for that sort of thing.

But maybe DE should ban macros anyway.  Maybe DE should change ammo drops as well - only one ammo drop every 90 seconds or so, and eliminate ammo mutation mods, and Ammo Case, and reduce clip size on all bullet hoses, and get rid of ammo restores (only one per mission perhaps), and get rid of the unlimited ammo fissure buff, because the Ignis and Soma spam is real.  I mean seriously, it is downright abusive.  Clears whole rooms of trash mobs in seconds.

Disclaimer: That last bit was tongue-in-cheek.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:


The reason why I bring this up is not for my sake, but for the sake of PC players


Thank you for your concern but can you please be more worried about the platform you play on instead of suggestions for another. 

The Telos boltace is already nerfed. What you are suggesting is a nerf for every single melee weapon. This goes beyond the usual can you nerf this frame or weapon thread. 

Congrats you win the Nerf this thread of the month.



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10 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

wellp from what i know macros run trough a programm right?

why not just add a "cheat detector" that would detect macros


a) the software does not invade the game's code and is perfectly legal.

b) this would lead to bans of people who uses device's software to have their reloads, dodgerolls and focuses on their mouse's extra buttons, like me.

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