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Mastery Rank 19 Test is way too hard


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OK, I've been stuck on the Mastery Rank 19 test for a while now. There seems to be no way to do it. The main problem seems to be the fact that the guards can see me from so far away, the solid arrow is off the mini-map. Yep, if these guards get an unobstructed line of sight on me, even from the other side of the map, I'm done. Wouldn't be so bad if I could use invisibility or a silenced sniper rifle to take them out from extreme range, but I'm limited to a melee weapon and nothing else. No guns, no abilities. Best I can do is throwing melee or Redeemer(the latter of which I don't have, but could probably build if I absolutely had to) The map is way too wide open for total stealth with unlimited enemy sight range. On occasion I get detected while still on the starting platform. What's up with that?


DE, could you guys please reduce the guards' sight distance so they don't have telescopic vision? Maybe modify it to reduce the difficulty a bit? Let us use a primary weapon or make abilities usable? Or instead make it so the guards are stationary instead of roaming all over the place with overlapping sight lines? Maybe add a bunch of walls so I'm not trying to stay undetected in a brightly lit ballroom?

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)JumperPrime said:

DE, could you guys please reduce the guards' sight distance so they don't have telescopic vision? Maybe modify it to reduce the difficulty a bit? Let us use a primary weapon or make abilities usable? Or instead make it so the guards are stationary instead of roaming all over the place with overlapping sight lines? Maybe add a bunch of walls so I'm not trying to stay undetected in a brightly lit ballroom?

Its not supposed to be simple

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)JumperPrime said:

OK, I've been stuck on the Mastery Rank 19 test for a while now. There seems to be no way to do it. The main problem seems to be the fact that the guards can see me from so far away, the solid arrow is off the mini-map. Yep, if these guards get an unobstructed line of sight on me, even from the other side of the map, I'm done. Wouldn't be so bad if I could use invisibility or a silenced sniper rifle to take them out from extreme range, but I'm limited to a melee weapon and nothing else. No guns, no abilities. Best I can do is throwing melee or Redeemer(the latter of which I don't have, but could probably build if I absolutely had to) The map is way too wide open for total stealth with unlimited enemy sight range. On occasion I get detected while still on the starting platform. What's up with that?


DE, could you guys please reduce the guards' sight distance so they don't have telescopic vision? Maybe modify it to reduce the difficulty a bit? Let us use a primary weapon or make abilities usable? Or instead make it so the guards are stationary instead of roaming all over the place with overlapping sight lines? Maybe add a bunch of walls so I'm not trying to stay undetected in a brightly lit ballroom?

Use enemy radar, it allows you to see their position from far away

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i recommend crouching as you have a smaller detection Range when you do so.

but there may be something broken with the Test as well, saw another mention of Enemies upwards of like 50 Meters away in that Test detecting the Player, which shouldn't happen if it is.

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But it's not hard... I think you just need to work on your actual skills instead of just power leveling everything to rush your mastery levels because apparently you fail this test. I did it with Rhino because I can...

Use a high range melee or redeemer as people were suggesting. A whip or Orthos with Primed Reach is your best friend.

P.S it's not difficult to rank up on that test...

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Considering the limitations, the space for thought is considerably more narrow, however there are still effective measures.

I used a max range Halikar and watched them from a distance, I'd pick them off one by one and rush back to the spawn point. I didn't think of Enemy Sense but I'd imagine it helps.

I'd say if you have a glaive, throw on some basic damage and then max out range and flight speed, -bounce, pick them off patiently.

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Well, even I who have little to none stealth skills succeeded in this challenge when it didn't bug by instant-detection.

Just run the Simulacrum 2.000 times like I did, all the guards are following the same path at the same speed and on the same time. You will find a path for you to go unnoticed and killing each guard one by one.

What I did was to kill everyone first, then melee the orbs to avoid failures.

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If this is the rescue one then I had a lot of trouble with it but I just either a throwing melee or a weapon with a syndicate augment like the dual Prisma cleavers, when the proc from the syndicate goes off it murders the surrounding enemies instantly, other than that just practice and learn their movement patterns. 

Pst arcane trickery grants invisibility on melee finishers ;p

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Orthos Prime or Atterax + Primed Reach so you can kill some of them literally through walls. 

And yeah, Enemy Radar, because you want to see where exactly they are and what are they looking at. You should be fine with some practice (Simulacrum ftw!)


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Due to stealth nerfs you now need to channel your blade in order to make the bodies disappear, it seems to me that is way too easy to reach high MR without knowing base mechanics of the game. If you can't do the test then you don't deserve it, just don't complain on being too hard when there are a lot of players above that MR

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  • 1 month later...

Don't listen to these guys saying "get good" I the test is bugged to the point that it is impossible... being detected at the start, Detected when you are behind the enemy, being detected through walls, detected while by enemy your executing, and also not dealing any damage when meleeing the enemy. These guys that say get good are trolls. High mastery rank isn't that important now... it does not show that you are good at the game. just shows that how effectively you can cheese these bullS#&$ tests that involve an incomplete mechanic like stealth, just keep practicing and pray to the RNG gods you pass it.

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On 29/05/2017 at 4:35 AM, (PS4)alwaysredlined said:

Don't listen to these guys saying "get good" I the test is bugged to the point that it is impossible... being detected at the start, Detected when you are behind the enemy, being detected through walls, detected while by enemy your executing, and also not dealing any damage when meleeing the enemy. These guys that say get good are trolls. High mastery rank isn't that important now... it does not show that you are good at the game. just shows that how effectively you can cheese these bullS#&$ tests that involve an incomplete mechanic like stealth, just keep practicing and pray to the RNG gods you pass it.

Rubbish. You are just trying to sound dramatic. I just did multiple runs with a Trinity (it was what I had last on) and I took in an un-modded Kestrel, which is cheap to build and throw-able, also because I wanted to see if ragdolled enemies were really visible to other units. A weapon like a Kestrel is perfect if "you are not great at walking right behind them" and VERY easy to make.

Even with no mods it kill on impact AND with explosions, which mean you can kill enemies from UNDER the platform with a blast as long as you know where they are, by tracking them for a bit first.

On that missions there are factors such as:

* You get 3 full attempts. You can even just accidentally jump off platforms into the void and it does not count as a failure.

* At the start of the area, if you kill the first enemy under the column, you can stand over the dead body, and later an enemy walks directly towards you, stares in your exact direction (was crouching) then walks off !

* Ragdolling an enemy DIRECTLY IN THE PATH OF ANOTHER did NOT set off detection. I have a screenshot of one looking at his dead mate 3 meters away, and he keeps walking.

* 2 Enemies never move OR turn around, one always just does a circle around one column. The only "tricky part" is downstairs, to the left, as if you just sit and wait, up to 4 enemies criss-cross there.

* If you crouch and change you view angle you can see UNDER columns, meaning you don't have to peek around columns to see enemies. Also, crouching at the top of ramps without going all the way up gives you line of sight to enemies up top and stops line of sight to you.

* I jumped slammed units and they did NOT DIE, and was still able to hit them again without them setting off detection.

* Doing a fast slide-attack either kills them directly OR gets the "stealth kill" animation, so you can just charge at them and swing, no need to crouch to them all the way.

* I did 2 final runs with close range kills only and I just had to be patient so that at the bottom right I was not letting them bunch up.


The AI is not "psychic" and is in fact quite stupid. Not once in 15+ (full) runs was I detected unless I landed right in front of them - did that a couple times being a smart aleck trying to jump off my perch on top of columns directly on top of them, and being detected though walls is RUBBISH, as I was standing behind one column and had 2 enemies criss-cross and just go into other directions less then 5 meters away from me.


I just killed ALL enemies on the level WITHOUT LEAVING THE STARTING PLATFORM with an UN-modded Redeemer. I had to shoot one >10 TIMES to get the hits (lots of zero damage misses from no pellets. No one went "where are these pellets hitting me coming from".

... maybe DE should patch this, actually.


Edited by DSpite
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On 28/05/2017 at 8:35 PM, (PS4)alwaysredlined said:

Don't listen to these guys saying "get good" I the test is bugged to the point that it is impossible... being detected at the start, Detected when you are behind the enemy, being detected through walls, detected while by enemy your executing, and also not dealing any damage when meleeing the enemy. These guys that say get good are trolls. High mastery rank isn't that important now... it does not show that you are good at the game. just shows that how effectively you can cheese these bullS#&$ tests that involve an incomplete mechanic like stealth, just keep practicing and pray to the RNG gods you pass it.


This MR test is so bugged, I never had 3 attempt at it. I often had 2 attempt, sometime 1.

The only consistent way to succeed it is standing on the starting platform with a redemeer, ivara and enemy radar, and shot, shot and shot until everything is dead. Even using this method, sometime you lose for no reason.


2 hours ago, DSpite said:

I just killed ALL enemies on the level WITHOUT LEAVING THE STARTING PLATFORM with an UN-modded Redeemer. I had to shoot one >10 TIMES to get the hits (lots of zero damage misses from no pellets. No one went "where are these pellets hitting me coming from".

... maybe DE should patch this, actually.

... Or maybe not.

Maybe they should patch the bugs, before they patch the only consistent way to succeed it. They won't patch the bugs, so maybe we shouldn't suggest any patch? Maybe we shouldn't sh*t in new player's boots, and let them pass the test the same way we did pass it?

Anyway this test is stupid. If I don't want to be seen, I use invisibility because I'm not a moron. In the context of warframe (an action game with some very poor and ill-designed stealth options), the idea of "you lose if you're seen, but you can't use invisibility" is stupid; There are many better game around if I want an infiltration game without special power nor weapon; far better games. The very first patch to apply would be to allow players to use their powers and their weapons.


Edited by mplokijuhygtfrdeszqa
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3 hours ago, mplokijuhygtfrdeszqa said:


This MR test is so bugged, I never had 3 attempt at it. I often had 2 attempt, sometime 1.

The only consistent way to succeed it is standing on the starting platform with a redemeer, ivara and enemy radar, and shot, shot and shot until everything is dead. Even using this method, sometime you lose for no reason.


... Or maybe not.

Maybe they should patch the bugs, before they patch the only consistent way to succeed it. They won't patch the bugs, so maybe we shouldn't suggest any patch? Maybe we shouldn't sh*t in new player's boots, and let them pass the test the same way we did pass it?

Anyway this test is stupid. If I don't want to be seen, I use invisibility because I'm not a moron. In the context of warframe (an action game with some very poor and ill-designed stealth options), the idea of "you lose if you're seen, but you can't use invisibility" is stupid; There are many better game around if I want an infiltration game without special power nor weapon; far better games. The very first patch to apply would be to allow players to use their powers and their weapons.


This would completely defeat the purpose of the test, and if all the tests. The goal is to prove what you have learned, how good you are, and how you deal with problems and limitations. The test is challenging, but easily passable. And having practiced it a dozen or so times, i can tell you that every time I failed, it was my fault. I didn't see any glitches or bugs that made me lose. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)KinslayersDawn said:

This would completely defeat the purpose of the test, and if all the tests. The goal is to prove what you have learned, how good you are, and how you deal with problems and limitations.

I already learned something: Warframe isn't an infiltration game. When I started the game I tried infiltration, but now I know: warframe isn't an infiltration game. I mean, compare stealth mechanics in warframe and in any infiltration game: warframe is awful as an infiltration game.

Apart from abilities, what are my options to succeed at infiltration again? I can move around, I can attack. Full stop. What a great gameplay! Oh wait, it's sh*t. If you remove the abilities, warframe is the worst infiltration game ever. This is not a subjective opinion, this is an objective fact: every existing infiltration game allow some other actions, like making noise, throwing rocks, sticking on walls etc. And when you fail, they allow you to retry without throwing at you endless loading screens and endless Lotus speeches. Endless loading and speeches is 90's gameplay, it was outdated 10 years ago, how comes Warframe still uses it?

This is why no one uses the stealth mechanics. This is why the game itself prevents you from using the stealth mechanics: alarms are automatically activated in rescue sorties, because even the game designers know stealth is dumb in Warframe. And this is why everyone uses invisibility when they don't want to be seen.

And now I've learned the lesson, the game is throwing at me some sh*tty infiltration? Moreover, without powers and weapons?... And to make thing even more sh*tty, if I jump in front of a grineer and kill him before he has any time to react, I lose. Because infiltration isn't about preventing people from raising the alarm, it's about not being seen by people agonizing on the ground. Why? What am I supposed to learn in this awful infiltration game? That MR tests can always be even worse than the ones I've already seen? That if you remove my abilities and weapons, the whole gameplay resumes to moving around? That a redeemer is able to kill everything 200m apart?

No, I can't see what i'm supposed to learn. I have no idea what lesson I'm supposed to transpose to other parts of the game. This MR test is just an afwul piece of gameplay with no connection to the actual game whatsoever.

Note: the redeemer is the natural exploit for this MR test. In order to make this infiltration test even more sh*ty, the tile is a brightly illuminated open space. Because it makes a lot sense to infiltrate a large illuminated open space without any cover (or maybe the Lotus is as stupid as the grineer and she think people can't see 5 meters away?). If you ever have to do such an infiltration, and you're not a moron, you'll grab a sniper riffle and try to kill everyone from the distance, because a stealthy approach isn't possible in a bright open space. If you can't get a sniper riffle, you'll take the most resembling thing you can get - hence a redeemer.


1 hour ago, TaleTeller said:

You can go from being behind cover to killing an enemy

I could do that, except I'm not a masochist. If I want to run from cover to cover and stealthily kill people, I play a good infiltration game.

Hence the redeemer.

Anyway the problem isn't to succeed. I succeeded it, it wasn't fun anyway and there wasn't any sense of accomplishment. I even succeeded it without the redeemer (when I was training and searching for a 100% success rate method) (hint: there is no 100% success rate method, thanks to bugs), it wasn't fun and there wasn't any sense of accomplishment.

I though games where the main difficulties are the poor design and the bugs were dead in the 2000's. I though no one wanted those kind of difficulties anymore: people want hard-but-fair-and-perfectly-designed games, or meh-designed-but-easy-and-enjoyable games. I guess Warframe proves me wrong: Nintendo hard is still a thing people want.


Edited by mplokijuhygtfrdeszqa
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