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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Briginds said:

don't do anything

Double negative, that's a positive

1 hour ago, (PS4)Briginds said:

I can honestly say I do not want Oberon's rework on PS4.

Well you'll still get it...

And the rework isn't that bad, he didn't lose anything but got many good tweak so it's a win-win

1 hour ago, Myscho said:

Rework is still subject to change, what you see on PC dont have to be final

Yeah... Believe it :D

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1 hour ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

It's threads like this that should prove to DE that they've gotten something wrong along the way. I'm looking at you, renewal nerf. I'm looking at you...

It's threads like this that makes DE not take the community seriously and ignore the forums

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So, you haven't even used the new Oberon and you've decided it's bad and shouldn't come to console?

EVERY update to this game people scream about the changes for a couple weeks before they even try it out. Then, a vast majority of the time, they slowly fall in silence as they realize they had no idea what they were talking about and that the change wasn't so bad after all, or that it didn't actually cast that frame/weapon into an eternal abyss where no one would ever look at them again. Many of these updates are either fixing aspects of the game that were under-performing based on the original expectation or they were greatly over-performing and are exploited. It may change the way you personally play it, but that doesn't mean it's wrong, or worse. It means you need to adapt, or stop playing.

Try it out for yourself, then critique it. That's what adults do. 

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21 minutes ago, Oni_Spartan4 said:

After first posting this I have since come to the opinion that 50% is a bit too generous. I really really really want the "less effective" orbs to be implemented, but that may mess up an equilibrium build since it's so minimal. 

Lowering the chance on hit its the best bet, Since it gives u the orb but u cant cheese farm orbs.

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1 minute ago, An8rchy said:

Lowering the chance on hit its the best bet, Since it gives u the orb but u cant cheese farm orbs.

I think youre right, but I believe it should be a higher percentage than what you suggested. Perhaps 30% for health and 20% for energy on hit. I just don't want it to be "a nice add on" like it currently is, I want it to be a part of his kit that he and teammates can frequently utilize.

I think it would take some play testing to really get the percentage chance right, but by whom I dunno

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

So, you haven't even used the new Oberon and you've decided it's bad and shouldn't come to console?

EVERY update to this game people scream about the changes for a couple weeks before they even try it out. Then, a vast majority of the time, they slowly fall in silence as they realize they had no idea what they were talking about and that the change wasn't so bad after all, or that it didn't actually cast that frame/weapon into an eternal abyss where no one would ever look at them again. Many of these updates are either fixing aspects of the game that were under-performing based on the original expectation or they were greatly over-performing and are exploited. It may change the way you personally play it, but that doesn't mean it's wrong, or worse. It means you need to adapt, or stop playing.

Try it out for yourself, then critique it. That's what adults do. 

I don't think its terribly fair to label someone a child due to not sharing the same opinion. What might be better, is to show how someone might benefit from the change even as they lose something in return.

On topic, Briginds, you might want to consider some of the builds players have been putting up for some useful methods of using Oberon or check on reddit that has had a big back and forth about benefits to losses as we here have had in the main Oberon rework threads. We do as Oberon players lose out on renewal's range; smite is still somewhat unreliable as a scaling tool; and Hallowed Ground lost natural armor boosts; players have gained a toggle heal/armor boost for allies that decide to stand on your Hallowed Ground when both abilities are cast, Reckoning didn't get worse and in fact gained a benefit against irradiated foes which it still can cause - while also reducing armor if the foes are nice enough to step on your Hallowed Ground during the cast. Oberon's passive now also boosts Pets like Kavat and Kubrow; though honestly for many that is an empty bonus. I am not saying Oberon is in an 'ideal' spot yet, but I feel that with enough players working on getting the most out of him and putting input into what would make the warframe better, Oberon can grow as a useful option to teams. Since by the time you get to try the update, any chances for improvements might be over, I would pester players on PC in the Oberon threads or online about what they feel might make Oberon all he can be and add to that conversation.

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5 hours ago, October0Night said:

I don't get this compare Oberon to other tank frames thing that's going on.  People are talking as if the health regen from his 3 only applies to him but it in fact applies to the hole squad.  Think Nidus and his passive health gain makes him a good tank.  Well take him on a mission with a Oberon build to keep his 3 up all the time good luck killing that Nidus now with some armor damage reduction and all that health being gained back he is get pretty damn unkillable same goes for inaros and other tank frames.  Oberons power comes from his ability to make his team even more unstoppable his role is not to be a discount tank him self don't even know why people are even discussing him as such.  Sure you could argue trinity is a better healthier but you won't see a trinity controlling the battle field and playing with the level of offensive  capability that Oberon has either.  A different way to look at it to is Oberon brings healing plus utility while trinity enables others to bring utility.  Oberon is a support frame that makes his team stronger while being able to bring the fight him self as well. it's a matter of wether or not you want the support frame to proved the utility or enable others to bring utility.

We're not comparing Oberon himself to tank frames we're comparing how the very popular build in the vid posted that focuses all on iron renewal+rage turns him into a knockoff Chroma/wukong with way more energy drain. All the newish ppl are acting like that build is the greatest thing ever. It's fine and if you want to run that you can but it is NOT an answer to his issues like the man in the video is implying. Even saying it's OP... It's not OP at all lol. Seeing as Chroma is much better at that kind of tanking and his elemental ward also applies an armor buff+damage reflection to his teammates with ice alignment the build makes him literally a worse Chroma. Or you can run fire and semi heal with elemental ward either way this is why that build draws a lot of comparisons to chroma. Xenoxide seems to think that build is revolutionary and amazing when it's just a toned down chroma and to be that toned down chroma your sacrificing all the things that set Oberon apart.

Edited by (PS4)destroyerchris1
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Oberon needs a completly rework. Based on his theme.

Basicly, imo, throw out every skill he got now. And implement the "real" Oberon.

Lets summ up what oberon should have:

Radiation dmg, buffs, healing over time (HoT), Pets/companion supporter and CC.

A lot for just 4 skills available. Lets try it...


Oberons new 1:


Beast Mastery;

Allows Oberon to hold and summon several creatures (Kavats/Kubrow/...). Up to 4 at the same time. All his creatures gain "Wild Claw" Radiation Dmg. Which stack and dmg increase as long "Wild Claw" is ticking on a mob. All Oberons Creatures gain "Cleaving Atacks", which means within a cone and a range of 8meters each hit/bite can dmg several targets.

Any mob atacked by "Wild Claw" goes "Frenzy". This "Frenzy status" lets the mob ignore Oberons Creatures, and starts atacking the next mob close to him with 2,5 increased dmg. But recieve double the dmg incoming. Frenzy status lasts 8sec after a creature proc radiation on it. (Small AoE CC & high DD).


Oberons new 2:


Beast Link;

Allows Oberon, to link all of his Frame Mods to his creatures. Additionaly, every 100% additional stats at a attribut lets his creatures grow. Max 3 grow stages.

Each grow stage, increases the atack speed, crit rate and health/armor by 25%. Each grow stage increases the energy regain for Oberon by 0,4. 4 Creatures x 3 stages =  4,8 energy regain max.

Beast link provide also a dmg link. All dmg that hits Oberon, is 100% splited ÷ 4 or the amount of creatures he summond.

All allied creatures within the same squad recieve "grow stage 2 max". Oberon will not gain energy from allied creatures.


Oberons new 3:


Beasty Leech;

Every atack of his creatures, gain a 2/3/4/5% max target hp leech.

This hp leech is splashing in a circle arround each creature in a default 12m radius. All creatures hp leech splashing stacks, egg 20% max target hp.

This hp regaining is shares with any allied Frame or allied creatures within range.

All Allied frames/creatured gain "frenzy status" while within "Beasty Leech", gaining x 3,5 Dmg, but x 1,5 more dmg.



Beasty Harmony:


Allows Oberon, to cast "Harmony" which lets the sky rain. The rain is procing radiation, 25% chance to proc radiation on mobs, while healing all allies within ticks (each 2/1,5/1/0,5 sec) in a wide range 20m. While casting it Oberons Armor grows by the total amount of armor and health of all his current summond creatures x1,25.

Healing ticks are calculated by all his creatures Health combined ÷ creatures summond x2 (examble 12000 hp ÷ 8 = 1,5k á 0.5 sec) Chanelling cast. Can not move. To hold the healing up, his energy is consumed with each tick of "Beasty Harmony".

While chanelling, "Beast Link" damage transfer is not 100% but 20/40/60/80%.



Oberons new Passive: 


Oberon learned to control creatures, With alt + tab, he can brows targets fast. The last target tabed, will be the primary target of his creatures and they will direct atack it. Pressing alt + tab once, recalls the last order and they engage by Ai mobs.

All neural creatures help Oberon if in view range.


As OP said...any thoughts/ideas can lead to creative success. 

Thanks for your post OP +1.

Edited by P0Pz
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3 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Actually that'd be OP as balls. Having it behave as if Oberon gets either a direct +50% power strength, enemies dying giving anyone on hallowed ground +5 energy and Oberon an additional +5 energy regardless of where he is (giving him a potential ten per kill,) or something that would cause enemies to gather on the carpet (Not a Nidus spaghetti monster like sucking enemies in, just 'oh hey that's an interesting thing we must go there to fight' sort of effect) 

I just now came up with hte charm/fascinate component and while i love the idea.... Hallowed ground is already 'bsy' effectwise without really DOING anything that feels worthwhile. That said having the carpet be a priority for the enemies that are near it seems like an interesting gimmick that would make it useful even in missions where you're on the move constantly. plop the carpet down and you can dictate where the crowd is. Sure you wouldn't want it ON the defense target anymore, you would however want it sorta nearby so enemies will pass close enough to get drawn in (and thus get damaged and irradiated and hopefuly die to fuel oberon's continued keeping the team alive while murdering everything else.

I just don't see that happening. I do see Scott and the rest of the rework team going 'see there's AGGP, Xenocide, and all these youtubers going 'We like Oberon. Oberon is good. Everyone complaining must want some OP Monster why should we listen to the forums and the reddit?'

I think AGGP is mistaken in thinking we all want Oberon to be OP, we just want him to be P. like on the level of the upper late tiers. We want a B+ Frame, not a C.

Xenocides "Oberon's now OP" hinges on stacking Oberon's Renewal, which I can almost guarantee is going away, as well as specing SUPER hard into Inefficient power builds that break all of his other skills so that he can use ONE skill out of his entire kit, which should be seen as a net negative anyways, because with four skills he shouldn't have to ignore the other 75% of his kit to be functional/good.

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I will keep this short...

I have been playing Oberon nearly non-stop and the focus I have been going for is a buffing frame without Naramon.
The ways that I have been forced to try and fix Oberon in game was with Rage, Guardian Derision and Arcane Energize.
If Oberon had an innate Rage and Guardian Derision effect that would help his kit a lot. I would like to see Renewal's cost be realistic (take away the extra energy cost for each ally being healed) and to increase Oberon's base armor. It is far to low. Ash has more health and the same base armor as Oberon.
Having Hollowed Ground follow him would also be amazing but it is not required. It might be hard to program this in, so I can understand if this idea is given a pass. If that is the case please increase the base armor that Renewal gives to allies (maybe half of Iron Renewal).
Also, make it to where allies don't have to actually be standing on the damn thing to get Iron Renewal. It is annoying that jumpy allies don't get my buff. Either that or take away Iron Renewal entirely and just give people the armor buff for simply using Renewal.
It is hard to help allies when they don't understand Oberon.

If he had these changes Oberon would be viable.

Edited by Suira
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6 minutes ago, P0Pz said:

Oberon needs a completly rework. Based on his theme.

Basicly, imo, throw out every skill he got now. And implement the "real" Oberon.

Lets summ up what oberon should have:

Radiation dmg, buffs, healing over time (HoT), Pets/companion supporter and CC.

A lot for just 4 skills available. Lets try it...


Oberons new 1:


Beast Mastery;

Allows Oberon to hold and summon several creatures (Kavats/Kubrow/...). Up to 4 at the same time. All his creatures gain "Wild Claw" Radiation Dmg. Which stack and dmg increase as long "Wild Claw" is ticking on a mob. All Oberons Creatures gain "Cleaving Atacks", which means within a cone and a range of 8meters each hit/bite can dmg several targets.

Any mob atacked by "Wild Claw" goes "Frenzy". This "Frenzy status" lets the mob ignore Oberons Creatures, and starts atacking the next mob close to him with 2,5 increased dmg. But recieve double the dmg incoming. Frenzy status lasts 8sec after a creature proc radiation on it. (Small AoE CC & high DD).


Oberons new 2:


Beast Link;

Allows Oberon, to link all of his Frame Mods to his creatures. Additionaly, every 100% additional stats at a attribut lets his creatures grow. Max 3 grow stages.

Each grow stage, increases the atack speed, crit rate and health/armor by 25%. Each grow stage increases the energy regain for Oberon by 0,4. 4 Creatures x 3 stages =  4,8 energy regain max.

Beast link provide also a dmg link. All dmg that hits Oberon, is 100% splited ÷ 4 or the amount of creatures he summond.

All allied creatures within the same squad recieve "grow stage 2 max". Oberon will not gain energy from allied creatures.


Oberons new 3:


Beasty Leech;

Every atack of his creatures, gain a 2/3/4/5% max target hp leech.

This hp leech is splashing in a circle arround each creature in a default 12m radius. All creatures hp leech splashing stacks, egg 20% max target hp.

This hp regaining is shares with any allied Frame or allied creatures within range.

All Allied frames/creatured gain "frenzy status" while within "Beasty Leech", gaining x 3,5 Dmg, but x 1,5 more dmg.



Beasty Harmony:


Allows Oberon, to cast "Harmony" which lets the sky rain. The rain is procing radiation, 25% chance to proc radiation on mobs, while healing all allies within ticks (each 2/1,5/1/0,5 sec) in a wide range 20m. While casting it Oberons Armor grows by the total amount of armor and health of all his current summond creatures x1,25.

Healing ticks are calculated by all his creatures Health combined ÷ creatures summond x2 (examble 12000 hp ÷ 8 = 2k á 0.5 sec) Chanelling cast. Can not move. To hold the healing up, his energy is consumed with each tick of "Beasty Harmony".

While chanelling, "Beast Link" damage transfer is not 100% but 20/40/60/80%.



Oberons new Passive: 


Oberon learned to control creatures, With alt + tab, he can brows targets fast. The last target tabed, will be the primary target of his creatures and they will direct atack it. Pressing alt + tab once, recalls the last order and they engage by Ai mobs.

All neural creatures help Oberon if in view range.


As OP said...any thoughts/ideas can lead to creative success. 

Thanks for your post OP +1.

You man this is wicked creativity, I gotta complment you on that. Unfortunately I don't think DE is in a position to completely rework the frame, nor do they want to, so unfortunately ideas like this sadly go down the drain. That's why I want to focus on making the current Oberon the best he can possibly be with the kit he's given, which is what I aim to figure out how to do.


However, I recommend posting what you did here on the community created content page of the forums. I remember someone posted something about a beastmaster frame there, this would provide a big boost for their post I'm sure. Thanks again for the support!

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Briginds said:

When looking at the videos and new builds for him, I feel disappointed. Oberon has alot of potential, but with the feedback I've read about him, I can honestly say I do not want Oberon's rework on PS4. And his abilities don't do anything to heavily armored enemies from what I've seen. I'd personally take Oberon as he currently is over his rework. 

There are countless abilities that do damage to armored targets.

Now here comes the cold hard truth, the warframe depends on the player, opinions, gameplays and even odd comparisions made by some youtubers are irrelevant to you because it is you who will be playing the game, you make the builds and you decide on what you want to use him on.

If an opinion of another player determined anything in this game for me, then i would be trying to do efficient killing with smite and i would be complaining at the "effective health" warframes have compared to oberon (which is uncomparable on the grand scale of things), oberon is important for me, maybe he will be important for you aswell, but 1st you must try the warframe, trust me on this, seeing other players play will not help you at all and may give the impression that a warframe has no potential.

All warframes have potential, in the right hands, sorry to say but a warframe will not make things instantly easier, gameplay and decisions ingame matter far more.

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7 minutes ago, Grimmboski said:

I think AGGP is mistaken in thinking we all want Oberon to be OP, we just want him to be P. like on the level of the upper late tiers. We want a B+ Frame, not a C.

Xenocides "Oberon's now OP" hinges on stacking Oberon's Renewal, which I can almost guarantee is going away, as well as specing SUPER hard into Inefficient power builds that break all of his other skills so that he can use ONE skill out of his entire kit, which should be seen as a net negative anyways, because with four skills he shouldn't have to ignore the other 75% of his kit to be functional/good.

Yep. Xeno basically focused everything into turning his Oberon into a weak Chroma. "look at me with my 800 armor, so OP", meanwhile he didn't make use of the other parts of his kit during the video because he had like 45% efficiency and 100% range (and Oberon's base ranges aren't very high to boot) which led to Mogamu dying like 4 times in the first 10 minutes even though they had that "OP" armor buff x2.


Everything his Oberon did, a Chroma with Lifestrike could have done about 50x better. By not utilizing his full kit he effectively gimped himself. Oberon is very strong when he is able to make use of all of his kit, otherwise he is just gimped versions of other frames. The guy clearly has never played Chroma, Valkyr, nor any other true tank frame before.

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Smite scalling works surpisingly well in Sorties. We had today our dreadful Raptor. Oberon kills it with just 2 casts of Smite.

In normal cases, Smite is quite bad, due to orbs targetting. Sometimes orbs just float and circle around or above target instead of hitting.

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Oberon's Renewal will also heal Nekros' Shadows of the Dead. Because there are usually a ton of shadows and they all lose health constantly Oberon's energy pool gets drained in seconds. It'd be nice if the Shadows were left unaffected

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19 minutes ago, Suira said:

I will keep this short...

I have been playing Oberon nearly non-stop and the focus I have been going for is a buffing frame without Naramon.
The ways that I have been forced to try and fix Oberon in game was with Rage, Guardian Derision and Arcane Energize.
If Oberon had an innate Rage and Guardian Derision effect that would help his kit a lot. I would like to see Renewal's cost be realistic (take away the extra energy cost for each ally being healed) and to increase Oberon's base armor. It is far to low. Ash has more health and the same base armor as Oberon.
Having Hollowed Ground follow him would also be amazing but it is not required. It might be hard to program this in, so I can understand if this idea is given a pass. If that is the case please increase the base armor that Renewal gives to allies (maybe half of Iron Renewal).
Also, make it to where allies don't have to actually be standing on the damn thing to get Iron Renewal. It is annoying that jumpy allies don't get my buff.

If he had these changes Oberon would be viable.

I find Narmon unreliable for testing frames, personally I'm enjoying madurai as it adds slash procs to smite 😎 

I've been wanting to add two arcane guardian sets to Oberon since his rework just to see if that helps out any because I completely agree that his armor value is too low at base. I think iron renewal is a great supplement to this, but could be utilized far better with a higher armor value. 

Though I believe you're absolutely correct about DE not wanting to program a moveable Hallowed Ground, it would solve many of the problems being complained about. Including the one you stated about iron renewal (sort of, it at least helps the fact that allies currently need to be standing on it).  Though I agree that it would be nice for allies to recieve an armor buff regardless of were they are, it defeats the purpose of hallowed ground being used as frequently as it seems it's intended to be (such is the curse of HG). 

I love what you said about iron renewal giving half the buff for those who aren't on hallowed ground though as it allows tanker frames to do their own thing and still receive a buff while squishier frames naturally gravitate towards Oberon for a stronger buff. I will include this in my edit thank you for the idea! 

Edited by Oni_Spartan4
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after seeing videos of Oberon's rework I'm glad for the most part when it comes to 1,2 and 4 they look great but I have been worried about the renewal part. I like that it's no longer got a duration timer on it so it will allow me to use phoenix renewal and the armor buff that it can give your allies is a nice touch, however I preferred the infinite range mostly because it allowed me to heal allies that were out of trinity's range of her 4th (including the healing projectiles) the only thing I would do besides the infinite range would be to increase the speed of the healing projectiles since the first version was before parkro 2.0 so now they feel like they take forever to get to their target. Unfortunately I have to wait untile it comes to PS4 before it can really talk about renewal I feel.

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20 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

Yep. Xeno basically focused everything into turning his Oberon into a weak Chroma. "look at me with my 800 armor, so OP", meanwhile he didn't make use of the other parts of his kit during the video because he had like 45% efficiency and 100% range (and Oberon's base ranges aren't very high to boot) which led to Mogamu dying like 4 times in the first 10 minutes even though they had that "OP" armor buff x2.


Everything his Oberon did, a Chroma with Lifestrike could have done about 50x better. By not utilizing his full kit he effectively gimped himself. Oberon is very strong when he is able to make use of all of his kit, otherwise he is just gimped versions of other frames. The guy clearly has never played Chroma, Valkyr, nor any other true tank frame before.

Not to mention if you're running a squad friendly Chroma. His elemental ward also gives an armor buff+damage reflection with ice alignment to allies and that is on range within his vicinity no static hallowed ground or teammates needing to be on hallowed ground needed. With the augment it lasts 100% of the duration when allies get close and leave. It's also duration based so it has no drain on you or when buffing allies. So even that armor buffing role chroma can do better lol. This is why that iron renewal only build is a waste.

Edited by (PS4)destroyerchris1
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32 minutes ago, Urlan said:

I don't think its terribly fair to label someone a child due to not sharing the same opinion. What might be better, is to show how someone might benefit from the change even as they lose something in return.

I didn't label him as a child. I suggested that him even having an argument at this point was childish since he doesn't have first hand knowledge of the subject.

I also did not mention at all that I had an issue with him having an opinion I disagree with. I said he doesn't have enough information to even have an opinion because he, like myself, is on a console that the update doesn't even exist on yet. He hasn't even tried the change, only listened to other players' rants. Based purely on other players comments on this subject though, I've actually heard more positive feedback than negative. Having no access to the update I am reserving judgement until I've actually tried it for myself to see if I enjoy it or foresee problems with the changes.

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10 minutes ago, Oni_Spartan4 said:

I find Narmon unreliable for testing frames, personally I'm enjoying madurai as it adds slash procs to smite 😎 

I've been wanting to add two arcane guardian sets to Oberon since his rework just to see if that helps out any because I completely agree that his armor value is too low at base. I think iron renewal is a great supplement to this, but could be utilized far better with a higher armor value. 

Though I believe you're absolutely correct about DE not wanting to program it, it would solve many of the problems being complained about. Including the one you stated about iron renewal (sort of, it at least helps the fact that allies currently need to be standing on it).  Though I agree that it would be nice for allies to recieve an armor buff regardless of were they are, it defeats the purpose of hallowed ground being used as frequently as it seems it's intended to be (such is the curse of HG). 

I love what you said about iron renewal giving half the buff for those who aren't on hallowed ground though as it allows tanker frames to do their own thing and still receive a buff while squishier frames naturally gravitate towards Oberon for a stronger buff. I will include this in my edit thank you for the idea! 

After a lot of testing I actually really like Hollowed Ground as a CC. The reason being is that it is a CC I can leave in an area and then leave. It offers protection to the Cryo Pod while I am off rezzing an ally or gathering reactant ect ect ect.

A perfect example of this is when I ran a 40 wave void defense as a Phoenix Renewal buffing Oberon. I saw an instance where a Heavy Gunner ran onto the HG and then turned around and tanked an entire of wave by himself. That is strong.
Also, if they fix his energy consumption I could spam HG more and that could end up being quite a hilarious CC.

Also, in case you were wondering, Phoenix Renewal procced 34 times that run (I kept count). We had a suicidal random Mesa who didn't notice that they kept dying. Good stress test though.

Edited by Suira
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I'm aware there are many posts on this people putting in their two cents, consoles don't even want the rework. If Devs do read these please know I don't pretend to know how to do your job, you've got a lot of stress to deal with and anytime you make a solid decision you have 1000's of people ready to bash you guys on the choices you've made. So please know I'm not mad at you nor does anything i say meant to be an insult to you. I am how ever mad.

I've been playing oberon now for over a year as a oberon "main", i out survived most of my team mates in raids and in ridiculously hard sorties without naramon. I even take all of my warframe builds to MOT just to test just how long i can survive before being one shot. I got my oberon to 30 mins without going down pre patch. When I was told there was a rework, i was hoping for maybe some kind of change of skills maybe a different play style. The longer I thought that the less i wanted it, i was SO revealed when we were told you were just going to tweak his skills to have by synergy. In all honestly i was really looking forward to it, I know people want oberon to be bad &#! map kill yada yada. I liked him the way he was, where i used all of his skills and didn't feel obligated to build for just one skill.

When his rework went live, i was hesitant. I personally hate the new passive, but that was really the only negative. I loved the old passive, even though it was only useful 1/4th of the enemy types. I feel the new passive doesn't do anything for oberon, and it buffs my companion who didn't need a buff anyway. That aside i could've just sucked it up and gone on with life, i loved the new synergy added. i was aware my 1 was bugged but i knew it would've been fixed. The moment you guys lost me, instead of just fixing the FX, fixing the "base damage" of 1, or the bleed out timer you guys took in a completely different direction. You made 3 a toggle, which completely screws over all the work you did with synergy.

Now i know some people LOVE the new toggle 3, and on paper sure sounds great but now you've locked most players who would even consider oberon into a renewal build. Meaning most people aren't even going to use the other skills, even if someone is like "well i'll build for my other skills" if your heal isn't 90+ a sec its pretty much useless because the energy cost is too great for such little heals. my heal is at 130 hp and 689 armor solo buff, which is great however my energy drain means i'm running a decaying key/rage just to keep up with the energy cost. Even then I don't want to cast anything else because lord forbid a team mate lose health and i lose a S#&$ ton of energy healing them. These problems don't even cover the actual bugs/problems with renewal as a skill.

If 3 wasn't a toggle pretty much none of these would a problem but... here we are. Playing with any frame with a summons breaks renewal, right now it heals EVERYTHING except defense pods. Meaning atlas, nidus, Titania, and worst of all nekros means i can't heal at all or i almost instantly lose all my energy. The range of renewal seems completely random, sometimes I only heal people within range sometimes i heal people 2 rooms away and don't heal anyone next to me, but almost always any nekros shadows no matter how far from me still seem to get healed. With no efficiency mods that's 3 energy per shadow who constantly are losing heal which with my build is 4 energy a sec x12(shadows) is 48 energy a sec+ everyone's pets/sentinels 60 EPS, then people is 78 EPS which means with primed flow (425 energy) i'm out of energy in 5 secs, which means now i only play solo because alone toggle renewal is great because i know only i/kavat needs to be healed. Also to tack it on, the bleed out timer doesn't work most of the time i've had 2 party member both with the renewal buff go down to flamethrowers at the same time and one had the bleed out timer and the other one didn't. Not sure if you changed to to be a % chance of effecting party members because that would make sense to cause this.

TO BE CLEAR i'm perfectly fine if renewal heals all the things it currently does heal, ESPECIALLY sortie defense targets/rescue targets. That needs too to stay for the love of god keep that what ever you do, The toggle cost is just too extreme per heal target. Really the only thing that needs to change is the toggle renewal, I don't know why that was passed. With that in you've pretty much thrown all the work out you did synergizing all the other skills so well.

I know a lot of people are with me in this, and of course some people want more damage(he doesn't need damage). Literally almost all of us are asking for is to remove the toggle on heal or make it so healing others costs us nothing.

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7 minutes ago, Suira said:

After a lot of testing I actually really like Hollowed Ground as a CC. The reason being is that it is a CC I can leave in an area and then leave. It offers protection to the Cryo Pod while I am off rezzing an ally or gathering reactant ect ect ect.

A perfect example of this is when I ran a 40 wave void defense as a Phoenix Renewal buffing Oberon. I saw an instance where a Heavy Gunner ran onto the HG and then turned around and tanked an entire of wave by himself. That is strong, that is really strong and it scales indefinitely.

Also, in case you were wondering, Phoenix Renewal procced 34 times that run (I kept count). We had a suicidal random Mesa who didn't notice that they kept dying. Good stress test though.

I absolutely agree! But wouldn't it be useful to maintain that use of CC without abandoning it? Like I mentioned in the original thread, I don't want the feature you were talking about to go away (Quite the contrary actually since I want HG to cover more range by making it a circle), but i want Oberon to always benefit from HG, and being able to plant HG mines while carryinging around a weaker one yourself seems ideal for CC to me. Hallpwed ground is actually a super utility ability for the team, but I feel that it's not quite useful enough to have his entire kit based around it in its current state.

Haha, gotta love that Phoenix renewal! 

Edited by Oni_Spartan4
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I'm conflicted here. I see your opinion and i kinda agree.

But also, i've found that Oberon works great with this toggle renewal, rage, and phoenix renewal.... but now thinking about it, i'm a pseudo Wukong with it.

Yeah, take the toggle out. I'd rather charge up energy with Zenurik focus (which is my fav) than having to rely on damage to have energy to cast a synergy of skills that demands a ton of energy. (that makes you a pseudo Mag now that i think about it)

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Just now, (PS4)destroyerchris1 said:

Not to mention if you're running a squad friendly Chroma. His elemental ward also gives an armor buff+damage reflection with ice alignment and that is on range within his vicinity no static hallowed ground or teammates needing to be on hallowed ground needed. With the augment it lasts 100% of the duration when allies get close and leave. It's also duration based so it has no drain. So even that chroma can do better lol. This is why that iron renewal only build is a waste.

And because of that stupid video and the fact Xeno can talk directly to Scott, don't be surprised if that gets nerfed.

Its makes zero sense. "omg if I sacrifice the rest of my kit I can tank sorties" <-- wtf? Clearly his Iron Renewal buff wasn't all that great because Mogamu died several times in the video. Because he turned himself in Chroma Lite, he didn't have the CC or utility to prevent Mogamu from dying. Clearly stacking Iron Renewal is neither OP nor intelligent, again why not just play Chroma at that point?

I will quit the game if he gets nerfed because some guy found a party trick, because its literally all it is. Mirage is a better tank than Oberon, she gets 95% DR from Eclipse and a decoy mechanic. Mesa is a better tank via Scatter Shield. Rhino. Chroma. Wukong. Inaros.

Its a joke.

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