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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

As I recall. Im sure every heal thats able to heal teammates also heals shadows. Even the Sancti Magistar.

That weapon can heal almost anything.  It's hardly a good comparison in this case.

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3 hours ago, blacklusterseph said:

^ I don't see why he wouldn't. Harrow comes with his own quest while Oberon parts drop like leaves. I don't think that a frame that is so easy to get should necessarily be on par with a 'late game' warframe.

That's like making the argument that every prime frame should be weak since you can farm their parts. I got Loki prime at MR 3 (and he doesn't require mastery to aquire), and had I been more of a fan of cheese frame, I would've basically recieved what the community views as the strongest frame in the game very early in my warframe career. Not to mention that any player can fork over the cash to receive any "late game" frame from the market or prime release at any point, so the excuse that "he's easy to get so he shouldn't be strong" is wrong and that mentality is allowing reworks like this to be tolerated by the community. Hell, I still use base Excalibur on sorti level missions or higher and that was the first frame I ever received, the game GAVE it to me. Oberon deserves to be on par with his competition.

Edited by Oni_Spartan4
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2 hours ago, -Defeater- said:

if we are playing survival, there isnt a chokepoint

Are you sure? A chokepoint is a spot on the map where enemies can only advance on you from a limited number of angles (the fewer the better). Examples include narrow doorways, tunnels and small areas accessible by only narrow staircases and walkways. Every time I play Survival, my squad and I (without even talking about it) camp out next to the first available Life Support capsule and slay enemies that come through these narrow spaces, these chokepoints. Without chokepoints (standing in an open field, for example) means you can be attacked from all sides and Tenno may have more trouble staying alive.

2 hours ago, -Defeater- said:

if they go to you for healing, then youre taking off the buff from someone else who went away from you

I don't believe the Oberon is taking anything away if the ally is the one walking away from him. A squad shouldn't expect the Oberon to follow around individual players. That's unfair to the support. If they need healing, they should come to you.

2 hours ago, -Defeater- said:

You should be able to keep everyone healing no matter if they think they need it or not.

Why, though? If they don't need it, why does Oberon need to keep giving it? And if they actually do need healing but don't think they do, I say let 'em learn the hard way.

2 hours ago, -Defeater- said:

otherwise, ill just play trin, cause thats way easier to manage to keep a buff on everyone, playing oberon like trin is useless

You do you, Tenno. If you feel the need to keep everyone buffed at all times, Trin is better for that anyway. If playing Oberon like Trin is useless, don't play Oberon like Trin. They are two very different Warframes.

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1 hour ago, blacklusterseph said:

^ I don't see why he wouldn't. Harrow comes with his own quest while Oberon parts drop like leaves. I don't think that a frame that is so easy to get should necessarily be on par with a 'late game' warframe.

That's the worse argument to have honestly. There is no late game frame they're all made with the intention to go the long haul. There are easier to obtain frames sure but they're all supposed to hold their own. Excaliber and Volt throw your argument out the window when they're two of the best frames in the game and you can get them by starting the game... Every other frame is an incredibly easy farm of a boss fight this includes Loki, rhino, frost etc... all top tier.Its extremely easy to farm a boss star chart node. The only exceptions are the quest frames and dojo research frames. Having a quest doesn't mean it's better DE simply felt that introducing frames should have more of an impact then farm Boss (x) to get. So they started to add quests to the newer frames after a certain point. 

Edited by (PS4)destroyerchris1
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5 hours ago, Josel2696 said:

Whenever there is a Nekros in the lobby and he uses his shadows, Renewal counts them as allies and drains your full energy pool in seconds. I'm pretty sure this is nor a bug nor an intended feature, just missed.


Now i want another augment for renewal which allows me to use health drain instead of energy drain per target healed per second...

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14 hours ago, -Defeater- said:

todays update says 

"Fixed some issues with trying to add or remove a Renewal buff from multiple teammates over time rather than all at once" 

To me, this meant that youd be able to walk near a team mate after casting renewal away from them and theyd get the buff. Sadly, you have to corral your team and be like 

Ok everyone gather 'round the moldy carpet, uncle Obee's gonna give you some healing before i run out of energy 30 seconds from now.

Every. SIngle. Time. you run out of energy, you need to literally ask your team to come get healing all at once, and its the most annoying thing in the entire game at the moment. More annoying than 4 days of ayatan sculpture from sortie. So, DE PLEASE. fix this. just make it an aura. just make it not so clunky with normal warframe gameplay. Dont make me ask my team mates, some of which might not even be fluent in my language and not understand what im saying, to come sit on my carpet 2875902550673 times a mission. 

Been wondering... why didn't DE change renewal to map-wide. And to only heals players & pets, but not abilities like shadows.

It's not like Trinity' #4 which gives 100% damage reduction + 100% heal.

Edited by low1991
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14 hours ago, Doomerang said:

Seems we all agree that HEALTH ORB DROP from reckoning needs some tweaks.

It took me a day to finish my post, so it wasn't there when it first popped up, but i actually discussed this in depth. It's on the previous page if you want to take a look. Might give better voice to your concerns.

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I posted my thoughts on how to make Oberon easier to understand, more consistent, and more desirable in a squad in this thread:

I'm not an Oberon main but I really, really like him and want to play him more often, I just can't get to terms about where his kit is right now.

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6 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Why did renewal's cost get upped if it still is a per-team-member cost? Doc/Image is unclear on that change.

Drain per ally is removed. Base channeling cost increased, but when used with HG it reduces the cost by 25% (and vise versa if HG is in 'aura' mode). Prior to the energy cap increase 2 channeled effects would've been impossible, so I didn't suggest it, with his current power maximum its more feasible. With both powers active, and HG in 'aura' mode the drain is only 7.5 p/s which is quite maintainable with Rage. I had suggested energy return via kills on HG but that was because, like Nidus, he had such a lower power base. Now that isn't an issue.

Having a set power cost, with the benefit of being able to place HG down (defense missions), I believe I've solved the issue of his kit being too static. The power strength investment cost is higher than blessing because it grants DR and is maintainable, whereas blessing is more of a burst short-duration DR (which is why I've kept the DR granted by HG at 60% max). Renewal's toggle-off mechanic which retains Iron Renewal's effect means you dont (and shouldn't) need to be maintaining the channel effect at all times, but rather as-needed.

Can someone please explain to me why hallowed ground isn't a circle by default? If someone can give me a legitimate argument for why HG only has 180° coverage at base I will stop "complaining" as much as I am.

Yeah it doesn't make much sense.

Edited by Nox_Terminus
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2 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

I'd sent Rebecca a PM through reddit. I doubt she'll read it, but I figure attempting to contact them directly would Help.

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First off I want to thank the entire team (Scott being the only one I know of by name and that's due to him risking his neck by being a public face) that handled Oberon's Rework. Currently while i am not happy that from where i sit it appears all that came of a seventy five plus whatever page thread, several videos by Reddit User /u/The_Grimmrock compiling a list of things Oberon mains had noted, and so forth, all amounting to simply changing what is probably a singular database value; I have to say that Oberon does feel better.

I reiterate that i do not wish for Scott or anyone else feeling that my commentary is personally aimed at them as people even though I feel the single value change feels somewhat low effort. I understand that as a company DE must keep moving forward, and  given the business model Warframe is under, reworks and revisits tend to sell less than new content. I genuinely don't want any of you to feel personally offended. I come at these things from a place of emotion, especially when I'm seeing negitivity from other players and warframe partners (no names shall be named) at those of us that had complained at the state Oeron had been put in over the weekend.

As Oberon Prime is likely the next prime and probably due out before Tennocon I have a list of suggestions to roll out when that prime hits.. .as a way to have those of us that main Oberon to spread word and go '*dude go buy this it's super awesome. Just do it*' without unbalancing Oberon and making him basically the default everyone reaches for.


For your consideration: The changes I would make at this stage in preparation for Oberon Prime.

Stats: NOTHING. Any stat buffs are reserved for Oberon Prime and for him I'd imagine an armor buff.

In General: Bump everything's base range to 18 meters. The equalizing of everything range wise helps make things simpler to deal with.

Smite: Change it from splitting 35% initial target's health among the secondary orbs have each secondary orb do 5% initial target's health + gfixed as damage. This rewards power strength rather than punish (given Renewal rewards power strength having one that punishes and one that rewards is nonsensical.)

Hallowed Ground: DECOUPLE. THE. FORCED. DEPENDENCE. RENEWAL. AND RECKONING. HAVE. Instead give everyone a +25% power strength (not moddable by anything) plus a base 25% damage reduction (going all the way up to 50%.) Also give it a five meter area of effect over the hallowed ground spot. That way enemies ca't just step up and not be affected or allies not having any bonuses if they have to dodge/jump.

Also please for the love of FSM Fix the visuals so they're not fugly. I'd prefer the old flame carpet over this, but I like AGGP's suggestion of bringing in Reworked Earth type grasses in.

Renewal: Have energy drain either be a flat cost per tic regardless of number of targets, or have it cost less per target and stop taking energy from that target if it's at full health. Otherwise 

Reckoning: Make the armor strip work on anything that's suffering radiation and make each armor strip look at the enemy's total armor instead of current (So that one slam strips, say, 30% armor, next slam strips another 30%. If you are spamming his ult you are going to get punished, but it is his ultimate, and the enemies will still be there as the damage value is low for higher end content.) IF POSSIBLE make anything that is hit by reckoning have a twenty five percent chance to drop a health orb if killed within x seconds (modified by duration.) 


If these proposed changes are unworkable or that Scott feels that would somehow be difficult to add without possibly breaking something in the lighting engine, or how enemies spawn, or some other segment of the game where you're left wondering why this value in that database entry affects something in an entirely different chunk of the engine. I would at the least like some sort of word on why Scott specifically feels Oberon is in a good place.

The fact you guys run weekly PrimeTime and Console Streams, as well as a bi-weekly dev-stream does mean a lot to me. It shows you care even if the community at large can seem like a disorganized mess. I don't want you, scott, or anyone to feel like anything i say about how a rework of this, or handling of a new that are in any way personal. I'm sure you're all wonderful people and I regret that I will not be able to go to Tennocon.

I wanna see the look on your face when Brozime gives you the five second stop watch.


IGN: MarrikBroom





You're not special, dude. Contacting her directly isn't going to do anything when you've already made tons of TL;DR posts in this thread. They get it. They don't have to agree with what you want.

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23 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:


Anyway I've been haing fun with Obie on animo beacon hunts.

Yeesss dude.  Thats what it's about.  I don't have to require "a nidus" at every turn, lets just get in there.   equinox/ rhino, excal and me as Oberon crerated an impenetrable fort atop that corpus defense platform with the stairs.  They buffed me so in turn they all got 120 hp/sec w 740 armor and any enemy up there suffers from the hallowed g.  Oh also drop ship turrets.  Rode that till wave 30.  Fun times

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Well, I'm happy.

Renewal's team cost scales with efficiency/duration.
Oberon got more energy (225 at R30, 25 more than the absolute minimum that I proposed in my initial rework of the rework)

Basically the two things I most wanted before they finished reworking him, I got. The two things I wanted BEFORE they reworked him, I also got (bigger hallowed ground, channeled renewal), plus some extra (one of the strongest / most useful damage-based 1's in the game, so much extra armour that I significantly improve both my and my team's survivability, reckoning getting an armour stripping mechanic / bonus damage). I really am happy with Oberon now.

Fun fact, I was actually under the impression for some reason, during all my arguing in this thread, that the armour stripping from Reckoning did not scale with power strength. Dunno why. Apparently it has since day 1 of the rework, and between Growing Power, Energy Conversion, and Intensify, I can strip 61% of armour in a single shot. More if there's an Equinox around.

For anyone curious, here is my build as it stands right now:


Aura: Growing Power
Mods: Vitality, Rage, Streamline, Continuity, Constitution (May swap back to R8 Narrow Minded later, will see, but currently I think I wanna play with actually having a decent range for the moment), Intensify, Energy Conversion, and Stretch.
Exilus: Locked, currently.

Currently: Carrier Prime, but I think in general it's a pretty bad idea to bring any sentinel, really, with this particular Warframe - picking up all the Energy Orbs as they're dropped forever due to having Renewal running means that when the Energy Leeches / Parasites show up, you won't have any energy laying around on the ground for quick boosts when you really need them.
Ideally: Sahasa Kubrow. Because Oberon is never at full energy, it would keep digging up energy orbs worth 75e every 10-15 seconds, and will probably never die, to boot.

Weapons: (Chosen more for utility than outright damage, but not too shabby aside)


Primary: Ferrox
Built for attack speed and status chance (currently Blast+Corrosive), not damage - the idea is to trap enemies on the Hallowed Ground to keep them perpetually confused and/or knocked down, and in a good spot for Reckoning. Significantly improves Oberon's crowd control. It also happens to KEEP GROWING POWER PERMANENTLY ENGAGED WHEN ENEMIES ARE CAUGHT, making the aura far more reliable, and the additional power strength afforded, far more reliable as a result.

Secondary: Undefined.

Melee: Vaykor Sydon
Blood Rush, Berserker, Pressure Point, Finishing Touch, Drifting Contact, Primed Reach, Rending Strike and Sundering Strike. Built primarily for LOADS of puncture damage. Chosen because as a polearm, it blocks 85% of incoming damage when blocking, and the Radial Blind radius increases with reach, opening enemies up to finishers. Significantly improves Oberon's crowd control as well as his ability to damage high level Heavy Grineer. I may swap Rending Strike for Guardian Derision at some point or another, will see as time goes on. Maybe if I get a Primed Pressure Point.

Abilities: (Calculated with both Energy Conversion and Growing Power since I tend to use my 4, 2 and 1 somewhat sparingly meaning both are typically active.)


Hallowed Ground:
Length: 16.64 metres
Angle: 240.75 degrees around
Duration: 31.6 seconds
Status Chance: 30% per tick, two ticks per second, Confusion lasts 12 seconds - if they're locked in with Ferrox, they'll be confused forever, and will always target the nearest enemies - each other.

Iron Renewal Armor Bonus: 411, bumping Oberon up to 561 - for comparison's sake, my Valkyr Prime with Blind Rage, Energy Conversion, and Intensify, with R8 Steel Fiber and Armored Agility, using Warcry, only takes half as much damage as Oberon does when not using Hysteria.
Health Regeneration: 82.2 HP/s
Bleedout Slow: 71.1 (each teammate takes well over a minute to actually bleed out)
Buff Duration: 31.6 seconds for Iron Renewal if Renewal gets turned off
Energy/Second: 0.89 (it was 0.66 when I had R8 Narrow Minded instead of Constitution)
Energy/Target: 1.33 (1 with R8 Narrow Minded)
Notes: Generally speaking I'm pretty fine with this energy drain. The health regeneration is so high that the amount of time it's going to spend increasing your e/s is typically pretty low. It's worth noting that the increased energy pool from that last hotfix made me feel more comfortable swapping out Narrow Minded for Constitution for the sake of increasing my range even if it did mean increased energy cost.

Armour Reduction: 61% (basically two Corrosive Projections right there)
Damage: 2568.75
Extra Damage: 1284
Range: 21.75
Blind Range: 5.8 metres
Blind Duration: 6.32 seconds

As it stands, I am quite happy with these stats.




Edited by Ardhanarishvara
clarity / additional clarity
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20 hours ago, -Defeater- said:

todays update says 

"Fixed some issues with trying to add or remove a Renewal buff from multiple teammates over time rather than all at once" 

To me, this meant that youd be able to walk near a team mate after casting renewal away from them and theyd get the buff. Sadly, you have to corral your team and be like 

Ok everyone gather 'round the moldy carpet, uncle Obee's gonna give you some healing before i run out of energy 30 seconds from now.

Every. SIngle. Time. you run out of energy, you need to literally ask your team to come get healing all at once, and its the most annoying thing in the entire game at the moment. More annoying than 4 days of ayatan sculpture from sortie. So, DE PLEASE. fix this. just make it an aura. just make it not so clunky with normal warframe gameplay. Dont make me ask my team mates, some of which might not even be fluent in my language and not understand what im saying, to come sit on my carpet 2875902550673 times a mission. 

EDIT: also, if it didnt mean they fixed it like this, what did they do to it?

Well if it's an aura wouldn't you continue to suffer from a nekros with shadows?

The way it works now allows you to choose self heals or party wide heal.  Of course they could not care. But the option is open for them to approach you without adding to your drain.  The aura is fine but assumes that you would always want all targets within the aura adding to the heal drain at all times.

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49 minutes ago, Ardhanarishvara said:

Well, I'm happy.

Renewal's team cost scales with efficiency/duration.
Oberon got more energy (225 at R30, 25 more than the absolute minimum that I proposed in my initial rework of the rework)

Basically the two things I most wanted before they finished reworking him, I got. The two things I wanted BEFORE they reworked him, I also got (bigger hallowed ground, channeled renewal), plus some extra (one of the strongest / most useful damage-based 1's in the game, so much extra armour that I significantly improve both my and my team's survivability, reckoning getting an armour stripping mechanic / bonus damage). I really am happy with Oberon now.

Fun fact, I was actually under the impression for some reason, during all my arguing in this thread, that the armour stripping from Reckoning did not scale with power strength. Dunno why. Apparently it has since day 1 of the rework, and between Growing Power, Energy Conversion, and Intensify, I can strip 61% of armour in a single shot. More if there's an Equinox around.

For anyone curious, here is my build as it stands right now:

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Aura: Growing Power
Mods: Vitality, Rage, Streamline, Continuity, Constitution (May swap back to R8 Narrow Minded later, will see, but currently I think I wanna play with actually having a decent range for the moment), Intensify, Energy Conversion, and Stretch.
Exilus: Locked, currently.

Currently: Carrier Prime, but I think in general it's a pretty bad idea to bring any sentinel, really, with this particular Warframe - picking up all the Energy Orbs as they're dropped forever due to having Renewal running means that when the Energy Leeches / Parasites show up, you won't have any energy laying around on the ground for quick boosts when you really need them.
Ideally: Sahasa Kubrow. Because Oberon is never at full energy, it would keep digging up energy orbs worth 75e every 10-15 seconds, and will probably never die, to boot.

Weapons: (Chosen more for utility than outright damage, but not too shabby aside)

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Primary: Ferrox
Built for attack speed and status chance (currently Blast+Corrosive), not damage - the idea is to trap enemies on the Hallowed Ground to keep them perpetually confused and/or knocked down, and in a good spot for Reckoning. Significantly improves Oberon's crowd control. It also happens to KEEP GROWING POWER PERMANENTLY ENGAGED WHEN ENEMIES ARE CAUGHT, making the aura far more reliable, and the additional power strength afforded, far more reliable as a result.

Secondary: Undefined.

Melee: Vaykor Sydon
Blood Rush, Berserker, Pressure Point, Finishing Touch, Drifting Contact, Primed Reach, Rending Strike and Sundering Strike. Built primarily for LOADS of puncture damage. Chosen because as a polearm, it blocks 85% of incoming damage when blocking, and the Radial Blind radius increases with reach, opening enemies up to finishers. Significantly improves Oberon's crowd control as well as his ability to damage high level Heavy Grineer. I may swap Rending Strike for Guardian Derision at some point or another, will see as time goes on. Maybe if I get a Primed Pressure Point.

Abilities: (Calculated with both Energy Conversion and Growing Power since I tend to use my 4, 2 and 1 somewhat sparingly meaning both are typically active.)

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Hallowed Ground:
Length: 16.64 metres
Angle: 240.75 degrees around
Duration: 31.6 seconds
Status Chance: 30% per tick, two ticks per second, Confusion lasts 12 seconds - if they're locked in with Ferrox, they'll be confused forever, and will always target the nearest enemies - each other.

Iron Renewal Armor Bonus: 411, bumping Oberon up to 561 - for comparison's sake, my Valkyr Prime with Blind Rage, Energy Conversion, and Intensify, with R8 Steel Fiber and Armored Agility, using Warcry, only takes half as much damage as Oberon does when not using Hysteria.
Health Regeneration: 82.2 HP/s
Bleedout Slow: 71.1 (each teammate takes well over a minute to actually bleed out)
Buff Duration: 31.6 seconds for Iron Renewal if Renewal gets turned off
Energy/Second: 0.89 (it was 0.66 when I had R8 Narrow Minded instead of Constitution)
Energy/Target: 1.33 (1 with R8 Narrow Minded)
Notes: Generally speaking I'm pretty fine with this energy drain. The health regeneration is so high that the amount of time it's going to spend increasing your e/s is typically pretty low. It's worth noting that the increased energy pool from that last hotfix made me feel more comfortable swapping out Narrow Minded for Constitution for the sake of increasing my range even if it did mean increased energy cost.

Armour Reduction: 61% (basically two Corrosive Projections right there)
Damage: 2568.75
Extra Damage: 1284
Range: 21.75
Blind Range: 5.8 metres
Blind Duration: 6.32 seconds

As it stands, I am quite happy with these stats.




Perhaps it's because no youtubers mentioned it or mentioned it.

I'm sure if there had been an hour long video of testing reckoning on a lvl 1 gunner more people would have considered it.  

But really 60 % cherry on top is alright by me. 

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27 minutes ago, robbybe01234 said:

Perhaps it's because no youtubers mentioned it or mentioned it.

I'm sure if there had been an hour long video of testing reckoning on a lvl 1 gunner more people would have considered it.  

But really 60 % cherry on top is alright by me. 

Having tested it with R8 Blind Rage, R7 Transient Fortitude, and every other power strength mod under the sun, it does have the potential to reach 100%. If you've got a Nidus or Equinox on the team you're gonna get a lot closer to that on top of making the team even more difficult to kill.

There ARE still some issues with teammates suddenly losing the buff for no discernible reason though.

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On 5/4/2017 at 2:32 PM, LokiTheCondom said:

Why yes, some of the changes are nice (namely Smite now scales), but personally for me it's offset by other issues that arose from this rework

1. Renewal gives flat armor buff increase. Yes that's nice, but they removed Hallowed Ground's percentage armor buff in the process. And you have to cast Renewal and HG in tandem just to get that armor buff. If they kept Hallowed Ground's fixed 0.2 armor buff I'd be less salty, but the forced synergy they implemented ticked me off.

2. Renewal also has its range nerfed, and now it increases in energy consumption for each target affected by Renewal and that includes Shadows of the Dead as well. Your energy pool will drain faster than what an energy leech eximus can do to you. Not to mention making Renewal a toggle was long requested by most of us.

Scott's comment did nothing but added more salt to the wound. After nearly a week of skimming through feedbacks, all they did was increasing his base energy pool. Won't complain about the energy buff, but the rest of his abilities (except Smite) still needs to be addressed and tweaked.

couldnt have said it better myself. it feels like i went from wrecking as obe to not doing that. honestly people need to stop asking for these crazy reworks and band together to get DE to balance scaling. players need not only to be on top of HG when you use renewal to get armor buff but even if you are on top of HG with renewal active and they walk into the effective area they do not recieve the armor buff. i have to constantly toggle it on and off its more work that what its worth.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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Just now, MarrikBroom said:

Dude right now i"m focusing on 'if one or two things can be changed what are they' sort of changes. Passive is 'eh.' Not great but not horrible and unlike forced dependance for two powers to have full effect to be standing on a third you had to use energy on, it doesn't get in the way.

and I'm saying hey I want this stuff too, but while we are at making minor changes and improvements to oberon why not give him a better passive, doesn't have to be anything super extravagant just something that is is better and can help his kit over all, maybe a small passive rage kinda like how equinox has passive equilibrium

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8 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

Are you sure? A chokepoint is a spot on the map where enemies can only advance on you from a limited number of angles (the fewer the better). Examples include narrow doorways, tunnels and small areas accessible by only narrow staircases and walkways. Every time I play Survival, my squad and I (without even talking about it) camp out next to the first available Life Support capsule and slay enemies that come through these narrow spaces, these chokepoints. Without chokepoints (standing in an open field, for example) means you can be attacked from all sides and Tenno may have more trouble staying alive.

I don't believe the Oberon is taking anything away if the ally is the one walking away from him. A squad shouldn't expect the Oberon to follow around individual players. That's unfair to the support. If they need healing, they should come to you.

Why, though? If they don't need it, why does Oberon need to keep giving it? And if they actually do need healing but don't think they do, I say let 'em learn the hard way.

You do you, Tenno. If you feel the need to keep everyone buffed at all times, Trin is better for that anyway. If playing Oberon like Trin is useless, don't play Oberon like Trin. They are two very different Warframes.

ok, we are talking about PUB MATCHES. not groups where youre trying to farm or get high rounds or anything, just going into a survival and killing stuff, no one stays together, so yes, there may be hallways, but chances are no one is worried about everyone staying together.

You shouldnt expect players to follow YOU around. 

Then why play oberon if youre not going to be healing everyone anyways. thats like playing mesa and not shooting anything, its your JOB to keep a heal on everyone, not cause they need it, but because thats all oberon is good for. your ONE THING is keeping a heal on everyone from across the map, and if youre not doing that, whether or not the team realizes your doing it, youd better your team by playing anything else. saying "oh let them learn the hard way" is incredibly selfish, and, again, like playing mesa and going "well im not going to kill things till my team mates tell me to". youre a healer, its your JOB, along with some maybe ok CC. if its not your objective to heal everyone, then just play a tank. healing team mates shouldnt be an afterthought.

my point is, youre saying to play oberon like trin by only healing those around you. Oberons ONLY, and i mean ONLY advantage is that you dont have to hit the button over and over. Literally, that is the one thing he does better than trin, is being able to heal across the map if the team mates get the buff, which, problematically, requires everyone to be in one spot at the same time. this is why making it so if i just run past people when i run out of energy, which depending on the mission, might be a lot, would make oberons play WAY less clunky and forced. run out of energy? get more, hit 3 and kill stuff on the way to your team mates, then go do your own thing. 


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